


CAPTCHA is the short form of the Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart . The log form explains the CAPTCHA very well. CAPTCHA is simply used on web sites, web applications or internet-connected mobile applications to detect and apart humans from the bots, computers or spammy humans.

CAPTCHACompletely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart的缩写, Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart 。 日志表格很好地说明了验证码。 CAPTCHA仅用于网站,Web应用程序或与Internet连接的移动应用程序上,以将人与机器人,计算机或垃圾邮件人区分开来。

为什么要使用CAPTCHA? (Why Use CAPTCHA?)

Internet is a very complex and low regulated environment where adults, children, bots, computers, the hacker simply all of them share the same environment with easy access. A resource or service which is shared on the internet can be used everyone who has access. But controlling the behavior of the users on the internet is not easy because they can be bad to consume or hack all the resources or services in an automated way by using botnets or a script.

互联网是一个非常复杂且监管不严的环境,成年人,儿童,机器人,计算机和黑客都可以轻松共享互联网。 互联网上共享的资源或服务可以被拥有访问权限的每个人使用。 但是控制用户在互联网上的行为并不容易,因为使用僵尸网络或脚本以自动化方式消耗或破坏所有资源或服务可能很麻烦。

Here comes the TURING Test. Alan Turing is the father of modern computing where he proposed a test to decide if the answers to the asked question are provided by a human or computer. This test is called as Turing Test.

这是TURING测试。 艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)是现代计算之父,他提出了一项测试,以确定问题的答案是由人还是由计算机提供的。 该测试称为图灵测试。

Turing tests can be used in or to prevent resource and service protection against a bot or automated scripts by eliminating non-human parts. The CAPTCHA is a problem or mechanism which can detect the remote side as human or not.

通过消除非人为因素,图灵测试可用于bot或自动化脚本,或用于防止针对bot或自动化脚本的资源和服务保护。 CAPTCHA是一种可以检测远程端是否为人类的问题或机制。

验证码的历史 (History Of CAPTCHA)

First CAPTCHA is invented in 1997 by two groups working in parallel and versioned as CAPTCHA 1.0 . This CAPTCHA was manual where the user should solve the given mathematical problem and provide the correct answer to prove he or she is a human.

第一个CAPTCHA是由两个并行工作的小组于1997年发明的,版本为CAPTCHA 1.0。 该验证码是手动的,用户应解决给定的数学问题并提供正确的答案以证明他或她是人类。

验证码如何运作? (How CAPTCHA Works?)

CAPTCHA may work in different ways according to its type. But in general, the following steps are taken.

根据其类型,CAPTCHA可能以不同的方式工作。 但通常,将采取以下步骤。

  • User lands to the applications or web site he wants to use.

  • Before starting to use the applications or web site the CAPTCHA mechanism starts.

  • If the CAPTCHA is action-based, a minimal part of the application or web site page is used for the CAPTCHA to ask something from the user. This can be solving a math problem, selecting pictures, solving a little puzzle, etc.

    如果验证码是基于操作的,则验证码会使用应用程序或网站页面的一小部分来向用户询问。 这可以是解决数学问题,选择图片,解决小难题等。
  • The asked thing can change according to the Type of the CAPTCHA which will be explained below.

  • The user should provide the asked thing in a human way

  • The provided answer will be evaluated or checked against and the CAPTCHA will decide if the user is a hıman or not.

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验证码的类型 (Types Of CAPTCHA)

During the history of the CAPTCHA, a lot of different types are created. There are two reasons to create a lot of different types of CAPTCHA. First is making the user experience better without annoying him with a faster and better CAPTCHA mechanism. The second reason is the Attackers generally hack some type of CAPTCHAs a bot or scripts can pass these easily.

在验证码的历史过程中,创建了许多不同的类型。 创建许多不同类型的验证码有两个原因。 首先是使用户体验更好,而又不会使用更快更好的验证码机制来烦扰用户。 第二个原因是,攻击者通常会攻击某种类型的CAPTCHA,而僵尸程序或脚本可以很容易地通过它们。

Word CAPTCHA is one of the most popular captcha types where some word is shown to the user and wanted from him typing this word into the given textbox. In the first years, the words were printed normally which can be solved by OCR technology but recently these words are distorted to make them hard to read. In some cases, even a human can not read these images. For disabled peoples, this type of captcha provides audio to listen and type but this is generally not good as expected.

Word CAPTCHA是最流行的Word CAPTCHA码类型之一,其中向用户显示一些单词,并希望用户将其键入到给定的文本框中。 在最初的几年中,这些单词被正常打印,可以通过OCR技术解决,但是最近这些单词失真了,使它们难以阅读。 在某些情况下,甚至人类也无法阅读这些图像。 对于残疾人来说,这种验证码可以提供音频来收听和键入,但是通常效果不佳。

Picture Identification Captcha is another popular type of captcha where a group of pictures are provided to the user and requested to select the images which contain some type or group of objects like an animal, traffic lights, stores, etc. Generally, 9 images are provided and clicking on them is used to select. In some implementations, the correct answer image is refreshed with a new image up to the captcha system that decides you are a human.

Picture Identification Captcha是另一种流行的验证码,其中向用户提供一组图片,并要求他们选择包含某种类型或一组对象(例如动物,交通信号灯,商店等)的图像。通常提供9张图像然后单击它们即可进行选择。 在一些实施方式中,用新图像刷新正确的答案图像,直到确定您是人的验证码系统为止。

Image/Picture Identification Captcha

Checkbox or reCaptcha or Click Captcha is a type of captcha where the user will just click a checkbox. This may seem very simple to pass but in the background, a script will run which is integrated with the browser like Chrome and check the user identity. Google uses this type of captcha with some extra behavioral analysis. This captcha is best for the user experience.

Checkbox or reCaptcha or Click Captcha是一种验证码,用户只需单击一个复选框即可。 这似乎很简单,但是在后台运行的脚本将与Chrome之类的浏览器集成在一起,并检查用户身份。 Google使用这种类型的验证码进行一些额外的行为分析。 此验证码最适合用户体验。

Checkbox or reCaptcha or Click Captcha

Math Problem Solving Captcha is an old type of captcha where some mathematical problem is provided to the user. The provided mathematical problem is generally summed operating with simple parameters and easy to solve for most of the people. In the first years of this captcha, the parameters and operation were provided as text but bots and scripts can capture these and solve the problem easily and pass the captcha. Recently the mathematical problem is provided as pictures where the picture is distorted like a word captcha.

Math Problem Solving Captcha码是一种旧的验证码,其中向用户提供了一些数学问题。 所提供的数学问题通常通过简单的参数进行汇总,并且对于大多数人来说很容易解决。 在此验证码的头几年中,以文本形式提供了参数和操作,但是漫游器和脚本可以捕获这些参数并轻松解决问题并通过验证码。 最近,数学问题被提供为图片,其中图片像单词验证码一样失真。

Mathematical Problem Solving Captcha

3D Captcha is similar to the word captcha where is provides some text but as a 3D form. Also, multiple text and shapes can be joined together in order to prevent OCR. This type of captcha also called Super Captcha because it is very hard to solve.

3D Captcha类似于captcha一词,后者提供一些文本,但以3D形式出现。 另外,可以将多个文本和形状结合在一起以防止OCR。 这种类型的验证码也称为Super Captcha码,因为很难解决。

3D or Super Captcha

Ad-Injected Captcha is similar to the word captcha was some type of ad is displayed as captcha and the user wanted to put the text of the ad as an answer. Even this type of captcha is less effective the ad income and improving brand recognition makes it attractive for the application and web site owners.

Ad-Injected Captcha码类似于验证码,只是某种类型的广告显示为验证码,用户希望将广告文字作为答案。 即使这种类型的验证码也不太有效,广告收入和品牌知名度的提高也使其对应用程序和网站所有者有吸引力。

Ad-Injected Captcha

Slider or Action Captcha is based on the user actions where generally a slider is provided to the user and wanted from the user that sliding it to the specified direction and level.

Slider or Action Captcha基于用户的动作,通常向用户提供滑块,并希望用户将其滑动到指定的方向和水平。

Slider or Action Captcha

Puzzle or Drag and Drop Captcha is similar to the slider captcha were some objects are provided to drag and drop into the specified are. This type of captcha is similar to the puzzle solutions to put parts into the right location.

Puzzle or Drag and Drop Captcha码类似于滑块验证码,其中提供了一些对象以拖放到指定的对象中。 这种验证码类似于将零件放置在正确位置的拼图解决方案。

Puzzle or Drag and Drop Captcha

Game or Tic Tac Toe Captcha is a captcha version where some simple games should be played and a win is required. Generally simple games like Tic Tac Toe is provide as captcha. Solving this type of captcha requires more time than other types of captchas and should be used for only required situations and cases.

Game or Tic Tac Toe Captcha码是一种验证码版本,其中应该玩一些简单的游戏,并且需要获胜。 通常,像井字游戏这样的简单游戏都作为验证码提供。 解决此类型的验证码所需的时间比其他类型的验证码所需的时间更多,并且仅应用于所需的情况和情况。

Game or Tic Tac Toe Captcha

验证码的优点(Advantages Of CAPTCHA)

CAPTCHA is used mainly for security but provides a lot of advantages to the web applications and site owners.


  • Prevent bot and scripts to use the web site.

  • Prevent unwanted registration and form submission.

  • Protect against humans for multiple or recurring actions

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验证码的缺点 (Disadvantages of CAPTCHA)

There are also some disadvantages of using captcha. So using captcha for a given situation should be precisely decided.

使用验证码也有一些缺点。 因此,应准确确定在特定情况下使用验证码。

  • Bad user experience because of wrong captcha type selection.

  • Increasing the load of the web application for extra captcha work.

  • Preventing disable people to use web applications or web site.

  • Slowness for the web site of web application usage.

  • Bad user impact.


CAPTCHA的应用和使用范围? (Applications and Usage Area Of CAPTCHA?)

As the threads, bots, script usage is increased the captcha usage and usage areas are increased too on the internet. Here are some of them.

随着线程,机器人,脚本使用量的增加,验证码的使用量也增加了,互联网上的使用区域也增加了。 这里是其中的一些。

User Registration is one of the most used cases to prevent bot and zombie accounts. Especially internet-wide open registrations can be misused and a single human or a bot script can create a lot of user registration form. Before starting or completing the registration captcha can be used to check the remote side is a human.

User Registration是防止僵尸程序帐户和僵尸帐户使用最多的情况之一。 特别是互联网范围内的开放式注册可能会被滥用,一个人或一个机器人脚本可以创建许多用户注册表格。 在开始或完成注册验证码之前,可以使用验证码来检查远端是否有人。

Support Messages is another use case where support messages can be only sent by humans. This will prevent spam messages. Especially on the internet site of the different services and products support page can be attacked by the bots. In order to send support messages and request support, captcha can be used which will also eliminate unnecessary work for the support personnel.

Support Messages是另一个用例,其中支持消息只能由人发送。 这样可以防止垃圾邮件。 尤其是在互联网上,不同的服务和产品支持页面可能会受到僵尸程序的攻击。 为了发送支持消息并请求支持,可以使用验证码,这还将消除支持人员不必要的工作。

Blog Comments is another popular case for captcha where spammy comments can be prevented. Blogs generally provide a comment part for the posts. Comments are helpful to get an answer to the reader’s request, questions, and comments. Scripts can spam the blog comments without a captcha or login protection. Captcha can be used without a login requirement simply check the remote part is a human.

Blog Comments是验证码的另一种流行案例,可以防止垃圾评论。 博客通常为帖子提供评论部分。 评论有助于获得读者的要求,问题和评论的答案。 脚本可以在没有验证码或登录保护的情况下向博客评论发送垃圾邮件。 无需登录即可使用验证码,只需检查远程部分是否为人类即可。

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Online Pools is another usage area of the captcha where multiple bots or scripts can be prevented for recurring voting.

Online Pools是验证码的另一个使用区域,在该区域中,可以防止多个机器人或脚本进行重复投票。

User Login is security related usage where dictionary attacks can occur. In this usage, captcha can prevent dictionary attacks after given failed login attempts.

User Login是与安全相关的用法,在这种情况下可能会发生字典攻击。 在这种用法中,验证码可以在给定的登录尝试失败后阻止字典攻击。

Google reCaptcha服务 (Google reCaptcha Service)

Captcha can be implemented in different ways. There are two main types of captcha implementation where the web site or application owner will install the captcha infrastructure or third party services will be used as a captcha provider. Using a captcha provider is more easy, reliable, efficient than installing the captcha infrastructure.

验证码可以以不同的方式实现。 验证码实现有两种主要类型,其中网站或应用程序所有者将安装验证码基础结构,或者将第三方服务用作验证码提供程序。 使用验证码提供程序比安装验证码基础结构更容易,更可靠,更高效。

Google reCaptcha is the most prominent captcha services which provide reliable, easy, fast to implement captcha. Currently, Google provides captcha as version 3.

Google reCaptcha是最著名的验证码服务,可提供可靠,轻松,快速的验证码实施。 目前,Google提供的验证码为版本3。

Google reCaptcha Service
Google reCaptcha服务

翻译自: https://www.poftut/what-is-captcha-completely-automated-public-turing-test-to-tell-computers-and-humans-apart/


本文标签: 测试人类计算机国内图灵