

•Discuss both views and give your own opinion •    • •Agree or disagree •Discuss both views •Report •Advantage •The introduction •Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong so that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. • •Some people believe that in addition to teaching academic subjects, teachers should be responsible for students' moral education while others think teachers should not be responsible for this. • •尽量不要单独改写动词 •尽量不要改写形容词 •不要改写情态动词 •名词好改写 •Main body 1 •On the one hand, there are sound (合理的,站得住脚的) reasons why some people hold the first point of view. Firstly, students spend most of their day time at school. This means that they pick up more thoughts about what is right and wrong from their teachers instead of from parents. Additionally, teachers usually have more influence on students and therefore they should be responsible for students’ moral education. For example: in teaching the importance of respecting the elderly, teachers’ words are generally more effective than the lectures given by parents. This is mainly because teachers have a natural authority over their pupils who are used to learn from them. •Main body 2 •However, others may believe differently. While (虽然)  teachers are academically more authoritative, they sometimes hold different opinions in what is right and wrong from parents. A typical example is that many teachers emphasize the importance of rule obeying. However, some parents believe otherwise because they think rules restrict children from living up to their potentials or stifle creativity. As a result, it is

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