


    • 英文问题
        • 一、自我介绍
          • 30s英文自我介绍:
          • 1min:
          • 2min:
          • 3min:
        • 二、关于介绍自己
          • 1..讲讲你的优点、缺点
          • 2.What has been your greatest accomplishment?/ Describe the most unforgettable/recent success in your life.(你取得的最大成就是什么?)
          • 3.What kind of character do you have?(你的性格?)
        • 三、关于业余爱好
          • 1. What are your spare time interests?/ What do you intend to do after you finish studying?/ Do you have any hobbies?(你的业余爱好是什么?)
        • 四、关于家乡
          • 1.介绍您的家乡
          • 2.Please introduce some special food in your hometown.
        • 五、关于家庭
          • 1.介绍一下家庭 Coule you tell us something about your family
        • 六、关于本科
          • 1.说说你的本科学校
          • 2.你最喜欢的大学老师
          • 3.英文介绍一下项目(东南网安)
          • 4.What‘s your favourate course in university?
        • 七、关于研究生
          • 1. What’s your plan after graduation? 你毕业后的规划?
          • 2. The reason for further studying 读研原因
          • 3.What's your plan for the after 3(or5) years?
          • 4.Why do you choose to study at our school?
          • 5.你为什么选择(xxx专业)Why did you choose as your major?
        • 八、其他
          • 1. 在抗击疫情过程中你做过哪些事情?(西工大2022夏令营)
          • 2.What's your favourite computer language,and why?
          • 3.What the benefit and harm of the Internet ?
        • 九、对应学校与专业
          • 1.为什么选择的东南大学?
          • 2.[用英文讲对网安的理解]([https://blog.csdn/weixin_45664161/article/details/101210920?ops_request_misc=%257B%2522request%255Fid%2522%253A%2522166123702416781647549748%2522%252C%2522scm%2522%253A%252220140713.130102334..%2522%257D&request_id=166123702416781647549748&biz_id=0&utm_medium=distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-blog-2~blog~sobaiduend~default-1-101210920-null-null.nonecase&utm_term=%E5%AF%B9%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C%E5%AE%89%E5%85%A8%E7%9A%84%E8%AE%A4%E7%9F%A5&spm=1018.2226.3001.4450](https://blog.csdn/weixin_45664161/article/details/101210920?ops_request_misc=%7B%22request%5Fid%22%3A%22166123702416781647549748%22%2C%22scm%22%3A%2220140713.130102334..%22%7D&request_id=166123702416781647549748&biz_id=0&utm_medium=distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-blog-2~blog~sobaiduend~default-1-101210920-null-null.nonecase&utm_term=对网络安全的认知&spm=1018.2226.3001.4450))
          • 3.为什么选择我们学校




Good morning(afternoon) professors. I’m greatly honored to be here for this interview.

My name is ZhangHao and I am twenty-two years old. I come from the China University of Mine and Technology, majoring in Electronic information science and technology. My hometown is Luoyang, a beautiful city of Henan Province.

I’m a diligent and responsible student . If I got a chance to study here, I would spare no effort to do research of my major.

This is my short introduction. Thanks for your listening.


Good morning(afternoon) professors. I’m greatly honored to be here for this interview.

My name is ZhangHao and I am twenty-two years old. I come from the China University of Mine and Technology, majoring in Electronic information science and technology. My hometown is Luoyang, a beautiful city of Henan Province.

In the past three years, my grade point average(GPA) is 87, ranking 4th out of 106. More over, I have passed CET band 4 and band 6 with decent scores.

Apart from that, I also participated in some scientific research training projects 、competations and social activities.

I’m a diligent and responsible student . If I got a chance to study here, I would spare no effort to do research of my major.

This is my introduction. Thanks for your listening.


Good morning(afternoon) professors. I’m greatly honored to be here for this interview.

My name is ZhangHao and I am twenty-two years old. I come from the China University of Mine and Technology, majoring in Electronic information science and technology. My hometown is Luoyang, a beautiful city of Henan Province.

In the past three years, my grade point average(GPA) is 87, ranking 4th out of 106. More over, I have passed CET band 4 and band 6 with decent scores.

Apart from that, I also participated in some scientific research training projects 、competations and social activities. Among them, the most impressive competition is the computer design competation.

In this competition, our work is (一个基于数字孪生的对井下智能采煤的可视化监控系统) a visual monitering and control system for underground intelligent coal based on digital twin. In this project, I have used the GUI component based on Vue framwork and echarts library to complete the construction of the systen interface, and used thress.js library to complete the loading of FBX model. The system can be applied to teaching, and can also continue to improve and make contributions to enterprises.

I’m a diligent and responsible student . If I got a chance to study here, I would spare no effort to do research of my major.

This is my introduction. Thanks for your listening.


Good morning(afternoon) professors. I’m greatly honored to be here for this interview.

My name is ZhangHao and I am twenty-two years old. I come from the China University of Mine and Technology, majoring in Electronic information science and technology. My hometown is Luoyang, a beautiful city of Henan Province.

In the past three years, my grade point average(GPA) is 87, ranking 4th out of 106. More over, I have passed CET band 4 and band 6 with decent scores.I have won the first-class scholarship at the university level for two consecutive years with other honors. I pride myself in this rigorous and diligent learning attitude and it has brought me oustanding grades and shaped my modest and prudent personality.

Apart from that, I also participated in some scientific research training projects 、competations and social activities. Among them, the most impressive competition is the computer design competation.

In this competition, our work is (一个基于数字孪生的对井下智能采煤的可视化监控系统) a visual monitering and control system for underground intelligent coal based on digital twin. In this project, I have used the GUI component based on Vue framwork and echarts library to complete the construction of the systen interface, and used three.js library to complete the loading of FBX model. The system can be applied to teaching, and can also continue to improve and make contributions to enterprises.

I am not only keen on academic activities and competitions,but also often do social volunteer services, such as Summer Social Practice(暑期社会实践), Epidemic([ˌepɪˈdemɪk]) voluntary activities(疫情) and so on. Participating in these social practices has allowed me to accumulate a wealth of experience and lessons. My abilities in all aspects have been greatly improved.

My research interests include but not limit to machine learning, data mining and data visualization. I hope that through my unremitting efforts at the graduate level, I can have my own humble contributions.

All in all, I deem myself a diligent, responsible, and open-minded student… If I got a chance to study here, I would spare no effort to do research of my major. This concludes my introduction. Thanks for your attention. (I will be happy to answer more questions.)


I think my strongest advantage is my ability to persevere in everything no matter how difficult they are. Moreover, I often adopt positive attitude in the face of challenges and setbacks in life, and actively seek out scientific methods to deal with them.

My shortcoming is that I don’t do well in speaking in public unless the topic is familiar. It’s hard for me to organize languages when faced with too many people. Hence I’m trying hard to overcome it by making positive mental construction and practicing a lot.

2.What has been your greatest accomplishment?/ Describe the most unforgettable/recent success in your life.(你取得的最大成就是什么?)



In the three years of college, I have been studying and improving myself, and I have not wasted my time. At the same time, I have also been strict with myself, participated in scientific research and competitions, and constantly improved my ability in all aspects. Therefore, my greatest achievement is to have a satisfactory experience in college. More importantly, I successfully changed my major to a field I like, and thus I found my life pursuit.

That’s all . Thanks for listening.

3.What kind of character do you have?(你的性格?)

I deem myself a diligent, responsible, and open-minded student. I have the ability to persevere in everything no matter how difficult they are. Moreover, I often adopt positive attitude in the face of challenges and setbacks in life, and actively seek out scientific methods to deal with them.

1. What are your spare time interests?/ What do you intend to do after you finish studying?/ Do you have any hobbies?(你的业余爱好是什么?)




I like running very much. I run around the campus of my university every day, especially when I am in a bad mood or anxious. Running can not only calm me down, but also make my brain active. At the same time, it can also recharge me and recharge my fighting spirit.

In my spare time, I really love taking photos. Once or twice a month, I go to different areas of the city and look for interesting pictures to take. I like it because it’s creative, and I can express myself through my pictures. Anyone can use a camera, but you need to use your imagination to find good pictures.


My hometown is LuoYang , a beautiful city in HeNan Province. it is famous as the "capital of nine dynasties " and enjoy the honer that luoyang peony is the best in the world.


Luoyang played a very important role in chinese history. so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritage sites ([ˈherɪtɪdʒ saɪt]) have been well reverved. such as longmen grotto([ˈɡrɑːtoʊ]), one of the three grottoes in china and white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chinese buddhism [ˈbʊdɪzəm].

Luoyang peony is world-famous. every year, many tourists travel to luoyang to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world.


I was born and grew up here, believing that with the joint efforts of every person, a better future of LuoYang is around the corner.、

2.Please introduce some special food in your hometown.


There are many delicious foods in Luoyang. My favorite is a small bowl of soup. Its practice seems simple. It is composed of a variety of dishes and meat. But not everyone can simply make that unique taste. It is served with Shaobing. Whenever every family has a wedding, this kind of food is a must, and there are three or four kinds small bowls of soup with different tastes at the banquet([ˈbæŋkwɪt]宴会). Of course, there are also many other delicious foods, such as soybean milk noodle, tofu soup, chili soup, beef soup and so on.

1.介绍一下家庭 Coule you tell us something about your family

My family consists of six people, I have three sisters, all of whom have graduated from college and taken part in work. One is an accountant, one is a teacher, and the other is a researcher. My parents are farmers. They went out to work when I was very young. Our family is full of love. My sisters and I are very grateful to our parents. No matter how hard and difficult it is, our parents support us free of charge. And everyone is much happier nowadays ,because the hard time has passed. And I think I am the happiest in the world, because everyone in my family loves me very much.


在我的学校里有云龙湖,姑苏桥,映月台,黑天鹅,梅花鹿,景色非常的美丽,每当我空闲或者心情不好时,我都会去欣赏美丽的景色与可爱的小动物,每次都能给我带来惊喜。在这所学校里,我也遇到了许多优秀和负责的老师,也结交了许多志同道合的好朋友,他们陪伴着我成长。所以,我非常感谢我的学校。最后,如果我能就读贵校,我希望能够在 这所学校中更好的提升自己,能结交更多志同道合的朋友,能够更好的培养我的专业素养和学术能力。谢谢各位老师。

Thanks for your question.

Well. I am from the China University of Mine and Technology, which has strong strength and beautiful scenery. There are Yunlong Lake , Gusu Bridge, Yingyue platform and cute deer. The scenery is very beautiful. Whenever I am free or in a bad mood, I will go to enjoy the beautiful scenery and lovely animals, which can surprise me every time.

In this school, I also met many excellent and responsible teachers, and made many good friends with similar ideals. They help me to grow up. So, I am very grateful to my school.

However, Nankai University has been my dream school since I was in high school. If I got a chance to study here, I would spare no effort to do research of my major.

Thanks for your listening



My favorite college teacher is Han Lixia. She is a very energetic and excellent teacher. I took one of her courses, discrete([dɪˈskriːt] ) mathematics. Her classes are not limited to textbooks. She focuses on the key points of her lectures, and her classes are active and interesting. Moreover, after a period of contact, she can name every student, which is very surprising to me. In her, I saw the glory of being a teacher.


Well,Thanks for your question

In the past three years, I have participated in many scientific research and many competitions. In the computer design competition, our work is a visual monitoring and control system for underground intelligent coal based on digital twin. In this project, I have used the GUI component based on Vue framwork and echarts library to complete the construction of the system interface, and used thress.js library to complete the loading of FBX model. The system can be applied to teaching , and can also continue to improve and make contributions to enterprises.

That`s all . Thanks for listening .

4.What‘s your favourate course in university?

During the university, we have a lot of professional courses, specially data structure, algorithm and analysis and other professional core courses. The teachers in class are great. I like them very much.

Of course, the deepest impression is electronic information processing . This course is actually a course design. In this course, the teacher gave us a very wide range of topics to choose from. We choose our own topics to do our own things according to what we have learned. Because it is open, I can do what I want to do. At the same time, in the process of doing it, we also need to learn and find all kinds of knowledge, so in this course, we can not only learn a lot, but also gain achievements that we have never had before.

1. What’s your plan after graduation? 你毕业后的规划?

It is hard to say,I may choose for further study or work in a company . I’ll further my research on artificial intelligence and be a researcher in this field. But it’s more likely that I will choose further education that I’m interested in and might get the opportunity to make some progress or even a breakthrough in the related field. However, whether I choose employment or further education , I will try my best to promote the combination of production and learning, promote the implementation of artificial intelligence, and contribute to the dream of China.

2. The reason for further studying 读研原因

First of all,l think learning is the best way to make continuous progress. l hope l can get more knowledge and have a deeper understanding of this major through postgraduate.

Secondly,the postgraduate study is more elaborate and systematic , so we can learn the most cutting-edge knowledg in this field. It’s great for me who love this major. So l choose to go on to graduate school.

3.What’s your plan for the after 3(or5) years?


I have made a clear plan during my graduate study. First of all, I hope to further consolidate my professional basic knowledge, further learn professional English knowledge and improve my English communication ability. Secondly, I will read a wide range of literature and books to expand my vision in relevant fields. Publish high-quality papers. Finally, I hope to determine my academic specialization direction at the postgraduate stage and plan to study for a doctorate.

4.Why do you choose to study at our school?

There are two main reasons why I choose your university. First , I collected the ranking of my major when choosing a school. Your school has a very strong professional strength and many powerful teachers. It is a holy land for students of this major to continue their further study, and I am no exception . Second , people should have the courage to look up to the stars and the ability to be down-to-earth. I decided to apply for your university after considering many factors, such as my personal learning ability,self–control and so on. Fortunately, I stand here for an interview today.


5.你为什么选择(xxx专业)Why did you choose as your major?

First of all,l think interest is the best teacher. when we really love something,all external pressure will evolve into internal motivation. l like this major,and l hope l can make achievements in this professional field in the future . Second, l think this major has its social value. Although l will enter the society in the future, it may be just a tiny screw,but l hope l can realize the value of life through my professioal knowledge,and shine in this field.


1. 在抗击疫情过程中你做过哪些事情?(西工大2022夏令营)




Firstly, in such an important period , I did a good job in personal protection and follow the arrangements, and don’t make trouble to the collective.

secondly, I published positive passage on the Internet to encourage and praise the anti-epidemic work.

Last but not least, I actively participate in the epidemic prevention work of schools and communities, and actively participate in the voluntary services.

2.What’s your favourite computer language,and why?






My favourite computer language is python. Because this language has many advantages compared with other languages.

First, it is very simple. It has a small amount of code and is very easy to read and write. When encountering problems, programmers can pay more attention to the problem itself, without spending too much energy on the program language and grammar.

Secondly, Python is free and open source.

Finally, it has a wide range of uses. It can be applied to almost any development.

Whenever I encounter some problems that need to be solved by programs, Python is my first choice.

3.What the benefit and harm of the Internet ?






As we all know, the Internet brings us great convenience and efficiency. Firstly, we can send message to our friends span time and space . Secondly,the Internet also promotes knowledge sharing and life satisfaction. More and more people share their knowledge and life, and more and more universities share their courses for free.

However, its drawbacks should not be neglected. For one thing, it leads to psychological problems. An Internet-addicted person tends to be isolated, self-centered and unsociable. For another, there is a sharp rise in the number of cyber(['saɪbə]) crime. More and more financial crimes are committed via the Internet.

However, we should constantly improve our recognition of the network when it , so as to enjoy the benefits of the network as much as possible and don’t let the Internet harm our physical and mental health


Thanks for your question!

Southeast University is a famous school with profound academic accumulation and excellent cultural tradition. The school’s style of study is honest. There are many famous teachers in the school. It is my dream to study in this school.

In particular, our college has a strong academic background in the field of Network security , and I am also very interested in this direction. So I’m looking forward to pass the exam in this school, and gain the teacher’s guide.

Southeast University is located in Nanjing which has rich historical and cultural resources. It will be a very unforgettable experience to study in such a city.



Southeast University






Internet and network technology are developing at rapid speed. The application of network technology is becoming more and more popular. Network security has become an important issue faced by the Internet and network technology applications. According to the understanding of network security ,the hidden dangers of computer network mainly come from the following aspects : system internal, system external and management system.

For these hidden dangers, we should take appropriate measures to protect the network security of the computer system. First , regularly investigate and fill loopholes. Second, firewall technology. Third, virus detection and killing. Fourth, encrypt the data. Fifth, access control ,etc.


Shandong University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of education of the people’s Republic of China. It has a long history and strong culture. First, I know Shandong University has good reputation, and your university is well-known for its computer major, so I believe I will be able to get more professional knowledge and skills here. Second, it’s said that graduates of Shandong University have higher employment rate, because as far as I know, you attach great importance to (十分注重) the integration of theory with practice (理论与实践的结合). So,I believe that I will fulfill my dream here. Therefore, I believe Shandong University is best choice for me.

本文标签: 英文保研