






clib_error_t *vnet_feature_init
将把arc和feature初始化,并组织成最终的数据结构填充到vnet_feature_main_t feature_main中,代码比较简单。这里只对vnet_feature_main_t 描述即可。

typedef struct
  /** feature arc configuration list */
  vnet_feature_arc_registration_t *next_arc;
  uword **arc_index_by_name;

  /** feature path configuration lists */
  vnet_feature_registration_t *next_feature;
  vnet_feature_registration_t **next_feature_by_arc;
  对应hash表,node name来做hash表的key*/
  uword **next_feature_by_name;

  /** feature config main objects */
  vnet_feature_config_main_t *feature_config_mains;

  /** Save partial order results for show command */
  char ***feature_nodes;

  /** bitmap of interfaces which have driver rx features configured */
  uword **sw_if_index_has_features;

  /** feature reference counts by interface */
  i16 **feature_count_by_sw_if_index;

  /** Feature arc index for device-input */ 
  /*从收包开始就使用feature机制了,这个变量给收包驱动用。追踪了下代码,这个变量属于device_input_node这个node,但是这个node业务函数为空,而且状态是VLIB_NODE_STATE_DISABLED。那这是干什么用的呢?层层追踪,原来这个node纯粹是个dump node,但是它是一个arc起点。这个arc的index保存在了下面变量中。然后真正的网卡收包node中会借用这个index当成自己的,调用vnet_feature_start_device_input_x1这类函数,开始了feature之旅。真TMD恶心,代码还能写的更难懂点么。*/
  u8 device_input_feature_arc_index;

  /** convenience */
  vlib_main_t *vlib_main;
  vnet_main_t *vnet_main;
} vnet_feature_main_t;

vnet_feature_arc_init 把属于某arc的无序的feature排序成有序状态。feature注册时可以指定在某些node前面,和某些node后面。

clib_error_t *
vnet_feature_arc_init (vlib_main_t * vm,
               vnet_config_main_t * vcm,
               char **feature_start_nodes,
               int num_feature_start_nodes,
               vnet_feature_registration_t * first_reg,
               char ***in_feature_nodes)
  uword *index_by_name;
  uword *reg_by_index;
  u8 **node_names = 0;
  u8 *node_name;
  char **these_constraints;
  char *this_constraint_c;
  u8 **constraints = 0;
  u8 *constraint_tuple;
  u8 *this_constraint;
  u8 **orig, **closure;
  uword *p;
  int i, j, k;
  u8 *a_name, *b_name;
  int a_index, b_index;
  int n_features;
  u32 *result = 0;
  vnet_feature_registration_t *this_reg = 0;
  char **feature_nodes = 0;
  hash_pair_t *hp;
  u8 **keys_to_delete = 0;

  index_by_name = hash_create_string (0, sizeof (uword));
  reg_by_index = hash_create (0, sizeof (uword));

  this_reg = first_reg;

  /* pass 1, collect feature node names, construct a before b pairs */
  while (this_reg)
      node_name = format (0, "%s%c", this_reg->node_name, 0);
      //vec_len (node_names) 指的是当前node_names数组中元素个数
      hash_set (reg_by_index, vec_len (node_names), (uword) this_reg);

      hash_set_mem (index_by_name, node_name, vec_len (node_names));

      vec_add1 (node_names, node_name);

      these_constraints = this_reg->runs_before;
      while (these_constraints && these_constraints[0])
      this_constraint_c = these_constraints[0];

      constraint_tuple = format (0, "%s,%s%c", node_name,
                     this_constraint_c, 0);
      vec_add1 (constraints, constraint_tuple);

      these_constraints = this_reg->runs_after;
      while (these_constraints && these_constraints[0])
      this_constraint_c = these_constraints[0];

      constraint_tuple = format (0, "%s,%s%c",
                     this_constraint_c, node_name, 0);
      vec_add1 (constraints, constraint_tuple);

      this_reg = this_reg->next;

  n_features = vec_len (node_names);
  //可以看作生成一个(n_features X n_features)的二维数组
  orig = clib_ptclosure_alloc (n_features);

  for (i = 0; i < vec_len (constraints); i++)
      this_constraint = constraints[i];

      if (comma_split (this_constraint, &a_name, &b_name))
    return clib_error_return (0, "comma_split failed!");

      p = hash_get_mem (index_by_name, a_name);
       * Note: the next two errors mean that something is
       * b0rked. As in: if you code "A depends on B," and you forget
       * to define a FEATURE_INIT macro for B, you lose.
       * Nonexistent graph nodes are tolerated.
      if (p == 0)
    return clib_error_return (0, "feature node '%s' not found", a_name);
      a_index = p[0];

      p = hash_get_mem (index_by_name, b_name);
      if (p == 0)
    return clib_error_return (0, "feature node '%s' not found", b_name);
      b_index = p[0];

      /* add a before b to the original set of constraints */
      orig[a_index][b_index] = 1;
      vec_free (this_constraint);

  /* Compute the positive transitive closure of the original constraints */
  closure = clib_ptclosure (orig);

  /* Compute a partial order across feature nodes, if one exists. */
  for (i = 0; i < n_features; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < n_features; j++)
      if (closure[i][j])
        goto item_constrained;
      /* Item i can be output */
      vec_add1 (result, i);
    for (k = 0; k < n_features; k++)
      closure[k][i] = 0;
     * Add a "Magic" a before a constraint.
     * This means we'll never output it again
    closure[i][i] = 1;
    goto again;

  /* see if we got a partial order... */
  if (vec_len (result) != n_features)
    return clib_error_return (0, "%d feature_init_cast no partial order!");
   * We win.
   * Bind the index variables, and output the feature node name vector
   * using the partial order we just computed. Result is in stack
   * order, because the entry with the fewest constraints (e.g. none)
   * is output first, etc.

  for (i = n_features - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      p = hash_get (reg_by_index, result[i]);
      ASSERT (p != 0);
      this_reg = (vnet_feature_registration_t *) p[0];
      if (this_reg->feature_index_ptr)
    *this_reg->feature_index_ptr = n_features - (i + 1);
      this_reg->feature_index = n_features - (i + 1);
      vec_add1 (feature_nodes, this_reg->node_name);

  /* Set up the config infrastructure */
  vnet_config_init (vm, vcm,
            feature_nodes, vec_len (feature_nodes));

  /* Save a copy for show command */
  *in_feature_nodes = feature_nodes;

  /* Finally, clean up all the shit we allocated */
  /* *INDENT-OFF* */
  hash_foreach_pair (hp, index_by_name,
    vec_add1 (keys_to_delete, (u8 *)hp->key);
  /* *INDENT-ON* */
  hash_free (index_by_name);
  for (i = 0; i < vec_len (keys_to_delete); i++)
    vec_free (keys_to_delete[i]);
  vec_free (keys_to_delete);
  hash_free (reg_by_index);
  vec_free (result);
  clib_ptclosure_free (orig);
  clib_ptclosure_free (closure);
  return 0;


vnet_config_add_feature (vlib_main_t * vm,
             vnet_config_main_t * cm,
             u32 config_string_heap_index,
             u32 feature_index,
             void *feature_config, u32 n_feature_config_bytes)
  vnet_config_t *old, *new;
  vnet_config_feature_t *new_features, *f;
  u32 n_feature_config_u32s;
  u32 node_index = vec_elt (cm->node_index_by_feature_index, feature_index);

  if (node_index == ~0)        // feature node does not exist
    return config_string_heap_index;    // return original config index

  if (config_string_heap_index == ~0)
      old = 0;
      new_features = 0;
      u32 *p = vnet_get_config_heap (cm, config_string_heap_index);
      old = pool_elt_at_index (cm->config_pool, p[-1]);
      new_features = old->features;
      if (new_features)
    new_features = duplicate_feature_vector (new_features);

  vec_add2 (new_features, f, 1);
  f->feature_index = feature_index;
  f->node_index = node_index;

  n_feature_config_u32s =
    round_pow2 (n_feature_config_bytes,
        sizeof (f->feature_config[0])) /
    sizeof (f->feature_config[0]);
  vec_add (f->feature_config, feature_config, n_feature_config_u32s);

  /* Sort (prioritize) features. */
  if (vec_len (new_features) > 1)
    vec_sort_with_function (new_features, feature_cmp);

  if (old)
    remove_reference (cm, old);

  new = find_config_with_features (vm, cm, new_features);
  new->reference_count += 1;

   * User gets pointer to config string first element
   * (which defines the pool index
   * this config string comes from).
  vec_validate (cm->config_pool_index_by_user_index,
        new->config_string_heap_index + 1);
  cm->config_pool_index_by_user_index[new->config_string_heap_index + 1]
    = new - cm->config_pool;
  return new->config_string_heap_index + 1;

vnet_config_del_feature (vlib_main_t * vm,
             vnet_config_main_t * cm,
             u32 config_string_heap_index,
             u32 feature_index,
             void *feature_config, u32 n_feature_config_bytes)
  vnet_config_t *old, *new;
  vnet_config_feature_t *new_features, *f;
  u32 n_feature_config_u32s;

    u32 *p = vnet_get_config_heap (cm, config_string_heap_index);
    old = pool_elt_at_index (cm->config_pool, p[-1]);

  n_feature_config_u32s =
    round_pow2 (n_feature_config_bytes,
        sizeof (f->feature_config[0])) /
    sizeof (f->feature_config[0]);

  /* Find feature with same index and opaque data. */
  vec_foreach (f, old->features)
    if (f->feature_index == feature_index
    && vec_len (f->feature_config) == n_feature_config_u32s
    && (n_feature_config_u32s == 0
        || !memcmp (f->feature_config, feature_config,

  /* Feature not found. */
  if (f >= vec_end (old->features))
    return config_string_heap_index;    // return original config index

  new_features = duplicate_feature_vector (old->features);
  f = new_features + (f - old->features);
  vnet_config_feature_free (f);
  vec_delete (new_features, 1, f - new_features);

  /* must remove old from config_pool now as it may be expanded and change
     memory location if the following function find_config_with_features()
     adds a new config because none of existing config's has matching features
     and so can be reused */
  remove_reference (cm, old);
  new = find_config_with_features (vm, cm, new_features);
  new->reference_count += 1;

  vec_validate (cm->config_pool_index_by_user_index,
        new->config_string_heap_index + 1);
  cm->config_pool_index_by_user_index[new->config_string_heap_index + 1]
    = new - cm->config_pool;
  return new->config_string_heap_index + 1;

static vnet_config_t *
find_config_with_features (vlib_main_t * vm,
               vnet_config_main_t * cm,
               vnet_config_feature_t * feature_vector)
  u32 last_node_index = ~0;
  vnet_config_feature_t *f;
  u32 *config_string;
  uword *p;
  vnet_config_t *c;

  config_string = cm->config_string_temp;
  cm->config_string_temp = 0;
  if (config_string)
    _vec_len (config_string) = 0;

  vec_foreach (f, feature_vector)
    /* Connect node graph. */
    f->next_index = add_next (vm, cm, last_node_index, f->node_index);
    last_node_index = f->node_index;

    /* Store next index in config string. */
    vec_add1 (config_string, f->next_index);

    /* Store feature config. */
    vec_add (config_string, f->feature_config, vec_len (f->feature_config));

  /* Terminate config string with next for end node. */
  //确保最终连接到end node
  if (last_node_index == ~0 || last_node_index != cm->end_node_index)
      u32 next_index = add_next (vm, cm, last_node_index, cm->end_node_index);
      vec_add1 (config_string, next_index);

  /* See if config string is unique. */
  p = hash_get_mem (cm->config_string_hash, config_string);
  if (p)
      /* Not unique.  Share existing config. */
      cm->config_string_temp = config_string;   /* we'll use it again later. */
      free_feature_vector (feature_vector);
      c = pool_elt_at_index (cm->config_pool, p[0]);
      u32 *d;

      pool_get (cm->config_pool, c);
      c->index = c - cm->config_pool;
      c->features = feature_vector;
      c->config_string_vector = config_string;

      /* Allocate copy of config string in heap.
         VLIB buffers will maintain pointers to heap as they read out
         configuration data. */
    = heap_alloc (cm->config_string_heap, vec_len (config_string) + 1,

      /* First element in heap points back to pool index. */
      d =
    vec_elt_at_index (cm->config_string_heap,
      //注意这里,config第一个4字节保存的是config索引号,之后才是slot号-私有config-slot号-私有config ......
      d[0] = c->index;
      clib_memcpy (d + 1, config_string, vec_bytes (config_string));
      hash_set_mem (cm->config_string_hash, config_string, c->index);

      c->reference_count = 0;   /* will be incremented by caller. */

  return c;

现在各个feature node已经连接好了,连接信息也保存到了config中,接下来就是在业务node中使用了。

static_always_inline void
vnet_feature_arc_start (u8 arc, u32 sw_if_index, u32 * next0,
            vlib_buffer_t * b0)
  vnet_feature_arc_start_with_data (arc, sw_if_index, next0, b0, 0);



always_inline void *
vnet_get_config_data (vnet_config_main_t * cm,
              u32 * config_index, u32 * next_index, u32 n_data_bytes)
  u32 i, n, *d;

  i = *config_index;

  d = heap_elt_at_index (cm->config_string_heap, i);

  n = round_pow2 (n_data_bytes, sizeof (d[0])) / sizeof (d[0]);

  /* Last 32 bits are next index. */
  *next_index = d[n];

  /* Advance config index to next config. */
  *config_index = (i + n + 1);

  /* Return config data to user for this feature. */
  return (void *) d;

本文标签: 思科源码机制VPPfeature