

HTML Administration


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Microsoft's SharePoint™ Team Services and Microsoft® FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions include HTML Administration pages to help administer your Web sites and servers. You can use these forms on the local server computer or from a remote computer connected to the Internet. You must have Administrator rights to use HTML Administration pages.

Note   For FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions and Microsoft Office 2000 Server Extensions, you used the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to perform certain administrative tasks. With SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions, you now perform all administrative tasks from either HTML Administration pages or the command line.

The three types of administration pages are:

Server Administration pages

Virtual Server Administration pages

Site Administration pages

Note   You can also perform most administration tasks by using the command line. For more information, see Command-line Administration.

Server Administration pages

The Server Administration pages allow you to administer settings for your Web server. These pages, which are created during SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions Setup, replace the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) interface used for administering the Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions. You must be a member of the local administrators group for the server computer to view the Server Administration pages.

With the Server Administration pages, you can:

View the list of virtual servers on your server and find information about each one.

For example, you can upgrade your virtual servers to SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions.

Specify default settings for the virtual servers and Web sites on the server.

You can specify default database, Web document discussion, Web subscription, usage analysis, server health, e-mail, and security settings. For more information, see Setting Installation Defaults.

Specify which rights are available to be assigned to roles and users.

You can turn off specific user rights if you do not want them to be available for the Web sites on your server. For more information, see Managing Web Site Permissions.

Reset user passwords.

If a user forgets his or her password, you can reset it from the Server Administration pages. For more information, see Managing Users.

The Server Administration pages are stored on the nonstandard administration port that SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions created during Setup on the Microsoft Windows platform, or that you created on the UNIX platform by using the setadminport operation on the command line while running as the root account. To view the pages from a server computer running the Microsoft Windows NT® or Microsoft Windows® 2000 operating systems, on the Start menu click Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then click Microsoft SharePoint Administrator. Or, from the browser on a remote computer, type the URL to the pages on the administration port. For example: http://servername:port/fpadmdll.dll on Windows and http://servername:port/fpadmcgi.exe on UNIX.

Note   You can also open the administration pages locally by using localhost on the Run command. On the Start menu, click Run, type http://localhost:port/fpadmdll.dll, and then click OK.

There are links from the Server Administration pages to the Virtual Server and Site Administration pages for certain tasks. For example, if you set Web discussions to be turned on at the server level, you can link to the Site Administration pages to change discussion settings for just that Web site. Because of security considerations, however, there are no links from the Virtual Server or Site Administration pages to the Server Administration pages.

Virtual Server Administration pages

The Virtual Server Administration pages help control settings for any extended virtual server on your server computer. By default, a newly created virtual server inherits settings from defaults set on the Server Administration pages. You use the Virtual Server Administration pages to change these default settings and to specify what settings to use for subwebs of the virtual server. You must be a member of the local Administrators group for the server computer to view the Virtual Server Administration pages.

With the Virtual Server Administration pages, you can:

Upgrade the virtual server to SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions.

After you've installed SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions to your server, you can upgrade individual virtual servers to use SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions. For more information, see Upgrading from FrontPage Server Extensions and Office Server Extensions.

Uninstall SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions from that virtual server.

You can uninstall SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions either temporarily or permanently. For more information, see Installing SharePoint Team Services or Installing FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions.

Change configuration settings.

You can change e-mail settings, performance tuning settings, and other settings for your virtual server. For more information, see Configuring Properties for a Virtual Server.

Change database settings.

For SharePoint Team Services, you can back up and restore the database, schedule automatic backups, or change the database connection settings for a virtual server. For more information, see Managing the Database.

Set user account limits (Windows only).

You can set quotas for how many users can be added to a virtual server. For more information, see Limiting User Accounts.

You can only get to the Virtual Server Administration pages from the Server Administration pages. To open the Virtual Server Administration page for a particular virtual server, on the Server Administration page, next to the virtual server you want to administer, click Administration.

Site Administration pages

In addition to the Server and Virtual Server Administration pages, which control settings for each server and virtual server, there are Site Administration pages that control settings for each Web site. You must have Administrator rights to the Web site to view the Site Administration pages.

With the Site Administration pages, you can perform the following tasks:

Manage users and roles.

You can add or remove users, edit roles, and change which role a user is a member of. For more information, see Managing Users and Managing Roles.

Manage Web document discussion and Web subscription settings.

For SharePoint Team Services, you can turn Web document discussions and Web subscriptions on or off for a site, or change settings, such as when subscription notifications are sent by default. For more information, see Managing Web Document Discussions and Subscriptions.

Perform usage analysis tasks.

For example, you can turn usage analysis log processing on or off or specify usage analysis settings, such as log data expiration times or other scheduling details. For more information, see Analyzing Web Site Usage.

Manage server health features.

You can detect potential problems on your Web site and repair them with the server health tools. You can also schedule the server health check to be performed automatically. For more information, see Monitoring Server Health.

Create, merge, or delete subwebs and manage settings for subwebs.

If you want to add a subweb, or manage the existing subwebs to your Web site, you can manage settings for the subweb from the Site Administration pages. For more information, see the Site Administration Help for SharePoint Team Services or FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions.

Note that if you are administering a subweb, the administration tasks available on the Site Administration page for the subweb are a subset of those available for the root web of the virtual server.

The Site Administration pages are stored in the _vti_bin/_vti_adm virtual directory of the Web site. The portal page for each SharePoint team Web site includes a Site Settings link that takes you to these pages. Even if you do not have a SharePoint team Web site, you can get to these pages for SharePoint team Web sites or FrontPage-based Web site from the FrontPage 2002 client (on the Tools menu, click Server, and then click Administration Home) or by typing the URL to the pages directly in the browser. The path to the Site Administration pages looks like this on Windows: http://servername:port/_vti_bin/_vti_adm/fpadmdll.dll; and like this on UNIX: http://servername:port/_vti_bin/_vti_adm/fpadmcgi.exe. The DLL file for the administration pages is stored in the ..\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\isapi\_vti_adm folder. On UNIX, the site-level fpadmcgi.exe file is stored at /user/local/frontpage/version5.0/exes/_vti_bin/_vti_adm. If the user has run the setadminport command, then the server version of the fpadmcgi.exe file is stored at /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/admin-exes.

本文标签: 微软官网文档官方Administration