

Smartphone app stores are well established at this point, and as much as we love to see new apps become available, that also means the inevitable: sometimes apps go away. Here’s what you can do if your favorites disappear.

在这一点上,智能手机应用程序商店已经建立了良好的基础,并且正如我们希望看到新应用程序可用一样,这也意味着不可避免:有时应用程序会消失。 如果您的收藏夹消失了,这是您可以做的。

为什么应用消失? (Why Do Apps Disappear?)

Before we talk about how you can get apps that are no longer available to download from your phone’s respective app store, let’s first talk about why apps get removed in the first place.


Generally, this is a call by the developer; the app gets pulled because they no longer support it. Case in point: Epic Games recently pulled all versions of Infinity Blade from the iOS App Store for that exact reason. The company claimed lack of resources to support the games “at a level that meets [their] current standards.” Makes sense—if you’re going to do something, might as well do it right, after all.

通常,这是开发人员的电话。 该应用被拉出,因为他们不再支持该应用。 恰当的例子:Epic Games正是出于这个确切的原因,最近从iOS App Store中删除了所有版本的Infinity Blade 。 该公司声称缺乏足够的资源来支持游戏,“达到的水平符合其当前标准”。 很有道理-毕竟,如果您要做某事,最好还是做对。

More often than not, this is how it goes. The app becomes more trouble than it’s worth to continue supporting, its features get moved into another app from the same developer (and there’s no need for redundancy), or the developer is dissolved completely.

通常是这样的。 该应用程序变得更加麻烦,其价值不值得继续支持,其功能已从同一开发人员转移到另一个应用程序中(并且无需冗余),或者开发人员被完全解散。

The good news is that if the app you’re looking for isn’t available for any of those reasons, you should still be able to re-download it if you’ve previously had it downloaded (this is especially true for paid apps).

好消息是,如果您由于某种原因无法找到所需的应用程序,那么如果您以前已经下载过该应用程序,则仍然应该能够重新下载它(对于付费应用程序尤其如此) 。

That said, it’s worth noting that if the app has is removed by the app store company itself—Apple in the case of the iOS App Store or Google for the Play Store—then it’s most likely gone forever. If they pulled it, there’s a good reason for that so you can’t expect to get it back easily.

就是说,值得注意的是,如果应用程序商店公司本身删除了该应用程序(iOS应用程序商店是Apple或Play商店的Google是),那么它很可能永远消失了。 如果他们拉了它,那是有充分的理由的,因此您不能指望轻松地将其取回。

If the app is no longer in the app store, however, here’s the easiest way to get it back for both Android or iOS devices.


如何在iOS App Store中下载不再使用的应用程序 (How to Download Apps That Are No Longer in the iOS App Store)

If you’re an iOS user, your options are pretty limited—you have to get your apps from the App Store. Fortunately, if you bought or downloaded an app that is no longer available, you can probably still grab it.

如果您是iOS用户,那么您的选择将非常有限-您必须从App Store获取应用程序。 幸运的是,如果您购买或下载了不再可用的应用程序,则可能仍可以抓住它。

First, fire up the App Store, then tap on the account icon in the top right corner.

首先,启动App Store,然后点击右上角的帐户图标。

From there, tap on “Purchased.”


To see all the apps that aren’t already on your phone or iPad (which is the likely scenario if you’re trying to pull something that’s no longer in the App Store), tap on “Not on this iPhone/iPad.”

要查看手机或iPad上还没有的所有应用程序(如果您尝试拉出App Store中不再存在的应用程序,则可能出现这种情况),请点按“不在此iPhone / iPad上。”

From there, you can scroll through the list to find the app you want to install, then tap the little cloud icon on the right to download it. Easy peasy.

从那里,您可以滚动列表以找到要安装的应用,然后点击右侧的小云图标进行下载。 十分简单。

如何下载Google Play中不再存在的应用程序 (How to Download Apps That Are No Longer in Google Play)

While you only have one option to download deprecated apps on iOS, there are a couple of ways to do this on Android: get it from the Google Play Store or download the APK and sideload the app. While the former is the most straightforward way, the latter offers a way to install apps that have been removed from Google Play completely.

虽然只有一个选项可以在iOS上下载不赞成使用的应用程序,但是有两种方法可以在Android上执行此操作:从Google Play商店获取它,下载APK并横向加载该应用程序。 前者是最直接的方法,而后者提供了一种方法来安装已从Google Play完全删除的应用程序。

如何从Google Play安装已删除的应用 (How to Install Removed Apps from Google Play)

First, open the Play Store, then open the menu by tapping the three lines in the top left (inside the search box).


From there, choose “My Apps & Games.”


Once this menu opens, choose “Library.” This will list every app you’ve ever downloaded from Google Play.

打开此菜单后,选择“库”。 这将列出您曾经从Google Play下载的每个应用。

Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy way to search this list, so if you’re looking for an older app, it could take quite a while to find it by scrolling through.


The good news is that you have another option: sideload the APK.


如何旁载Google Play中不再存在的应用程序 (How to Sideload Apps That Are No Longer in Google Play)

Sorting through an insane list of apps can be a huge pain, so in that case, it can be easier to sideload the app.


If you’ve never sideloaded an app before you’ll probably want to take a look at our full tutorial. It’s not a complicated process, but how you do it will depend on which version of Android your phone is running.

如果您从未下载过应用程序,则可能需要阅读我们的完整教程。 这不是一个复杂的过程,但是如何执行将取决于您的手机运行的是哪个版本的Android。

If you have sideloaded apps before and just need a good place to find something that is no longer in the Play Store, APK Mirror is your answer. It’s the best place on the net to grab Android apps to sideload. It’s a trustworthy source that only features free apps (there are no pirated apps on APK Mirror), and every app is legitimate. It’s also worth mentioning that there are several versions of some apps depending on the model of your phone and the hardware details. If you’re not sure which APK you should install, check out this primer.

如果您以前曾侧重加载应用程序,而只是需要一个好地方来找到Play商店中不再存在的内容,则APK Mirror是您的答案。 这是网上抓取Android应用程序进行负载的最佳场所。 这是一个值得信赖的来源,仅包含免费应用程序(APK镜像上没有盗版应用程序),并且每个应用程序都是合法的。 还值得一提的是,某些应用程序有多个版本,具体取决于手机的型号和硬件详细信息。 如果您不确定应该安装哪个APK,请查看此入门手册。

So, for example, if let’s say you want to install Skitch (a now-defunct Evernote app). You’d simply grab the APK from APK Mirror and install it on your device using the above instructions. Nothing to it!

因此,例如,假设您要安装Skitch(现已停产的Evernote应用)。 您只需按照以上说明从APK Mirror抓取APK,然后将其安装在设备上即可。 没事!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/398923/how-to-download-apps-that-are-no-longer-in-your-phones-app-store/

本文标签: 应用程序如何下载手机appStore