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  • 1、 重要
      • 1.1 官网:
      • 1.2 提交网址:
      • 1.3 模板 (latex & word)
  • 2、 Call for Papers
    • 2.1 Important Dates
    • 2.2 Details
  • 3、 注意事项
  • 4 New in 2024
  • 5 Simplified procedure for resubmission information
  • 6、 Submission Process 提交流程
    • 6.1 Formatting guidelines:
    • 6.2 Submission site:
    • 6.3 Mandatory abstract submission
    • 6.4 Author Information
  • 7、 Supplementary material
  • 8、 Preprints (arXiv)
  • 9、 Conference Committee
  • 10、 Program Committee

1、 重要

1.1 官网:

https://ijcai24/ 链接

1.2 提交网址: 链接

1.3 模板 (latex & word)

https://www.ijcai/authors_kit 链接

2、 Call for Papers

2.1 Important Dates

(all times are Anywhere On Earth, UTC-12)

  • Abstract submission deadline: **January 10, 2024 **
  • Author information deadline: January 16, 2024
  • Full paper submission deadline: January 17, 2024
  • Appendix and resubmission information deadline: January 24, 2024
  • Summary reject notification: February 22, 2024
  • Author response period: March 18-21, 2024
  • Paper notification: April 16, 2024
  • Conference: Saturday, August 3rd to Friday, August 9th, 2024.


  • 摘要提交 截止日期**2024年1月10日 **
  • 作者信息提交截止日期:2024年1月16日
  • 全文提交截止日期2024年1月17日
  • 附录和重新提交信息截止日期:2024年1月24日
  • 摘要拒绝通知:2024年2月22日
  • 作者回复期2024年3月18日至21日
  • 论文通知2024年4月16日
  • 会议时间:2024年8月3日(星期六)至8月9日(星期五)

2.2 Details

Submissions are invited for the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, which is planned to be held in Jeju Island, South Korea, from August 3rd to August 9th, 2024. Since 1969, IJCAI has remained the premier conference bringing together the international AI community to communicate the advances and achievements of artificial intelligence research.

In addition to the main track, the authors will be able to submit papers to the three special tracks (AI for Good , AI the Arts and Creativity, and Human-Centred AI), as well as the survey track; these tracks will post their calls for papers later this year, and their deadlines, procedures and policies may differ from what is described below.

Submissions to IJCAI 2024 should report significant, original, and previously unpublished results on any aspect of artificial intelligence. Papers on novel AI research problems, AI techniques for novel application domains, and papers that cross discipline boundaries within AI are especially encouraged.

A selection of the best papers submitted to IJCAI 2024 will be invited for a fast track in the Artificial Intelligence Journal and/or the Journal of AI Research.

诚邀提交文章参加第33届国际人工智能联合会议(International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,IJCAI),该会议计划于2024年8月3日至8月9日在韩国济州岛举行。自1969年以来,IJCAI一直是首屈一指的会议,汇聚国际人工智能社区,交流人工智能研究的进展和成就。

除了主要论坛之外,作者们还可以向三个特别论坛(AI for Good,AI the Arts and Creativity,以及 Human-Centred AI)和调研论坛提交论文;这些论坛将于今年晚些时候发布论文征集通知,其截止日期、程序和政策可能与以下描述的不同。

提交给IJCAI 2024的文章应报道人工智能任何方面的重要、原创和未曾发表的成果。特别鼓励提交关于新颖人工智能研究问题、新应用领域的人工智能技术以及跨越人工智能学科边界的论文。

3、 注意事项

  • Papers must be no longer than 9 pages in total: 7 pages for the body of the paper and 2 pages for references.

  • All authors must provide author information. All authors are expected to be available to review.

  • Two-phase reviewing:

    • Every paper will receive two reviews in Phase 1.
    • Papers not rejected in Phase 1 will receive additional reviews in Phase 2 and will be able to provide an author’s response.
  • Supplementary material (e.g. appendices, data, source code, resubmission information) is due one week after the paper deadline.

  • Paper resubmissions from other conferences are welcome but authors are required to provide resubmission information, as described below.

  • 论文总页数不得超过**9页论文正文部分为7页**,参考文献部分为2页

  • 所有作者必须提供作者信息。期望所有作者都能进行审阅。

  • 两阶段审阅

    • 每篇论文在第一阶段将收到两份审阅
    • 在第一阶段未被拒绝的论文将在第二阶段接受额外审阅,并有机会提供作者回复。
  • 补充资料(例如附录、数据、源代码、重新提交信息)需在**论文截止日期后一周**提交。

  • 欢迎从其他会议重新提交论文,但作者需要提供重新提交的相关信息,如下所述。

4 New in 2024

Generative AI models, including Chat-GPT, BARD, LLaMA, or similar LLMs, do not satisfy the criteria for authorship of papers published in IJCAI 2024. If authors use an LLM in any part of the paper-writing process they assume full responsibility for all content, including checking for plagiarism and correctness of all text.

We encourage papers that describe research on or involving LLMs. Text generated by an LLM as part of the paper’s methodology or experimental analysis is allowed but needs to be properly documented and described in the paper.

生成式人工智能模型,包括Chat-GPT、BARD、LLaMA或类似的语言生成模型,不符合IJCAI 2024发表论文的作者资格标准。如果作者在论文撰写过程中使用了语言生成模型,包括但不限于LLM,他们需对所有内容负全部责任,包括检查抄袭和文本正确性


5 Simplified procedure for resubmission information

Authors must declare whether their paper has been rejected from another peer-reviewed conference in the last 12 months before the submission. They will be requested to upload the latest rejected version (anonymized if necessary) with the reviewer’s comments; a cover letter responding to the reviews is optional. To avoid bias, the resubmission information will only be made available to reviewers after they submit their reviews. The program committee reserves the right to reject papers that fail to report resubmission information. Further, reviewers will be encouraged to check whether the resubmission addresses factual issues pointed out in the reviews of the previous version (e.g., typos, incorrect attribution of results, etc.) and to reject submissions that fail to do so.


6、 Submission Process 提交流程

6.1 Formatting guidelines:

The updated LaTeX styles and Word template will be available at

  • https://www.ijcai/authors_kit 1
    in December 2023

6.2 Submission site: 2

6.3 Mandatory abstract submission

The paper title, author names, contact details, and a brief abstract must be submitted electronically through the IJCAI 2024 paper submission site (link above) by the abstract submission deadline. It will be possible to make minor edits to the title and abstract until the full paper submission deadline. However, submissions with “placeholder” abstracts may be removed without consideration.

论文标题、作者姓名、联系方式以及简要摘要必须在摘要提交截止日期前通过IJCAI 2024论文提交网站(上方链接)进行电子提交。可以在全文提交截止日期之前对标题和摘要进行轻微编辑。然而,带有“占位符”摘要的提交可能会被删除而不予考虑。

6.4 Author Information

Full papers must be submitted through the same site by the paper submission deadline. The list of author names provided at the Author Information Deadline is final. Authors may not be added to or removed from papers following submission. (The author’s ordering may still be changed during the camera-ready period.) All authors must fill out the author information form in the submission site by the Author Information deadline. The author’s information is important to control the COIs in the review process. A submission may be rejected without review if any co-author does not register and enter the necessary information.


7、 Supplementary material

Authors may submit up to 50MB of supplementary material, such as appendices, proofs, derivations, data, or source code; all supplementary material must be in PDF or ZIP format.
Supplementary material should be created by the authors that directly support the submission content. Like submissions, supplementary material must be anonymized.
There are two entries for supplementary files in the CMT system: one is “TechnicalAppendix”, and the other one is “ResubmissionFile”. The latter should be used for providing resubmission information only. Looking at the technical appendix is at the discretion of the reviewers.


8、 Preprints (arXiv)

The existence of non-anonymous preprints (on arXiv, social media, websites, etc.) and prior publication in non-archival venues will not result in rejection. Note that the submission to CMT must always be anonymized regardless of whether a preprint has been released. Reviewers will be instructed not to look for such preprints actively, but encountering them will not constitute a conflict of interest.


9、 Conference Committee

10、 Program Committee

本文标签: InternationalIJCAIJointintelligenceArtificial