

本文整理了IOP出版商截至2020年3月10号的会议出版计划,供大家参考。IOP近年来比较火爆,主要原因是其会议系列提交EI compendex数据审核收录。本文罗列了这些会议列表,希望对大家有帮助。郑重声明:信息来源IOP官网,会议也是不定时更新的,本文2020年3月10日更新发过,之后可能有更新新的会议,请大家以IOP官网的为准。


Forthcoming volumes

This page provides a list of proceedings which are due to be published in IOP Conference Series:

Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
1st Quarter 2020

● XXX IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2018), USA

● International Conference on Mathematical Models & Computational Techniques in Science and Engineering (MMCTSE), UK

● Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference (ANNIC 2018), Germany

● 3rd International Conference Machine Vision and Information Technology (CMVIT 2019), China

● XVIII Brazillian Colloquium on Orbital Mechanics, Brazil

● 6th International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO2017), China

● International Conference on Health, Technology and Life Sciences, Indonesia

● XVII Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DSPIN 2017), Russian Federation

● Seminar on Advances in Mathematics and Science for Elementary School (SAMSES 2018), Indonesia

● Newton Researcher Links Workshop: 2018 Bio-Photonics for Medical Technologies (Biophotonics 2018), Malaysia

● 1st Sharjah International Conference on Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (FISICPAC), United Arab Emirates

● International Annual Meeting on STEM Education (I AM STEM) 2018, Thailand

● 2017 Int Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology, Hong Kong

● International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 2017, Indonesia

● International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, Indonesia

● PPLA2017: Plasma Physics by Laser and Applications, Italy

● 26th International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT 26), China

● 1st Vietnamese Geant4 Tutorial and International Multidisciplinary User Workshop in Vietnam, Ho Chih Minh City

● 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference ICRC2017, Busan, Korea

● International Conference on Nanoenergy and Nanosystems 2017, China

● Regional Conference on Acoustics and Vibration, Indonesia

● 4th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education, Indonesia

● XVI Meeting of Physics, Peru

● XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Ontario, Canada

● ACTINIDES 2017, Japan

● Basic and Applied Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference, Indonesia

● 26th AIRAPT Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology, Beijing, China

● TAUP2017, Canada

● Congreso Nacional De Fisica, Colombia

● XI School of the Mexican Division of Gravity and Mathematical Physics: “Quantum Gravity:schemes, models and phenomenology.” (DGFM), Mexico

● International Conference on Science Education (ICoSEd), Indonesia

● International Conference on Global Colloquium in Recent Advancements and Effect, India

● High Energy Particle Physics Workshop (HEPPW), South Africa

● 18AOCMP-16SEACOMP, Malaysia

● N@NO 2018, South Africa

● 5th International Seminar on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS 2018), Indonesia

● The 8th International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation on Natural Science and Its Application (ISNPINSA2018), Indonesia

● Scientific Technical Conference on Low Temperature Plasma during the Deposition of Functional Coatings (LTP Coatings 2018), Russian Federation

● 1st UPY International Conference on Applied Science and Education 2018 (1st UP-INCASE), Indonesia

● The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Sciences, Education, and Technology (ICOMSET2018), Indonesia

● The 1st International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology (IConVET 2018), Indonesia

● The 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME 2018), Indonesia

● The International Seminar on Bioscience and Biogical Education (ISBBE 2018), Indonesia

● International Science Week: Challenges of Science in the 21st Century (Science Week), Colombia

● 1st International Conference of SNIKOM (ICoSNIKOM), Indonesia

● The 3rd Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference (3rd SULE-IC 2018), Indonesia

● Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology 2018 (HIAT), China

● International Conference on Vocational Education of Mechanical and Automotive Technology (ICoVEMAT 2018), Indonesia

● International Conference on Space Weather and Satelite Application (ICeSSAT 2018), Malaysia

● The 5th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI 2018), Indonesia

● VIII Regional Meeting of Physical Sciences, Barranquilla, Colombia

● 5th International Week of Science, Technology & Innovation, San Jose de Cucuta Colombia

● 5th International Conference of Technological Innovation, Ocana, Colombia

● 2018 International Conference on Computer Information Science and Application Technology (CISAT 2018), China

● Wind Europe Conference and Exhibition 2019, Spain

● EERA DeepWind’2019 - 16th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D conference (Deep Wind 2019), Norway

● The Third International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICoCSIM), Indonesia

● 2nd International Science Conference (2ISC), Iraq


● 5th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2018 (5th ICMSE2018), India

● Universitas Riau International Conference on Science and Environment (URICSE-2019), Indonesia

● The 2019 Conference on Fundamental and Applied Science for Advanced Technology (ConFAST 2019), Indonesia

● The Second International Conference on Physics, Mathematics and Statistics (ICPMS 2019), China

● 31st International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2018), Japan

● 3rd International Conference on Data Mining, Communications and Information Technology (DMCIT 2019), China

● 5th International Meeting for Researchers in Materials and Plasma Technology (5th IMRMPT), San Jose de Cucuta, Colombia

● The 3rd International Conference On Science (ICOS), Indonesia

● Universitas Riau International Conference on Science and Environment (URICSE-2019), Indonesia

● V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Virtual Simulation, Prototyping and Industrial Design 2018 (VSPID-2018), Russian Federation


● 2nd International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2019 (ICoAIMS 2019), Malaysia

● International Conference on Education, Science and Technology 2019 (ICETECH 2019), Indonesia

● 2019 8th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE), France

● 32nd International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2019), Japan

● First International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing Technologies 2019 (ICE4CT 2019), Malaysia

● The 7th South East Asia Design Research International Conference (SEA-DR IC 2019), Indonesia

● International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019 (ISAMME 2019), Indonesia

● XI Biennial National Conference of Physics Academy of North East (PANE) 2018, India

● International Meeting “Fundamental and applied problems of mechanics - 2018”, Russian Federation

● International Conference “Complex equipment of quality control laboratories” (CEQCL 2019), Russian Federation

● International Conference Computer Science and Engineering (IC2SE 2019),Indonesia

● 20th International conference on physics of light-matter coupling in nanostructures (PLMCN-20), Russian Federation


● International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics (METANANO 2019), Russian Federation

● International Conference "High-tech and Innovations in Research and Manufacturing (HIRM-2019), Russian Federation

● International Conference on Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Its Application in Science, Technology, Engineering, Education, and Mathematics, Indonesia

● The 2018 International Conference on Engineering, Technologies, and Applied Sciences (ICETsAS 2018), Indonesia

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering (ICEMCE 2019), China

● Quality Management and Reliability of Technical Systems (QMRTS), Russian Federation

● 5th International Meeting for Researchers in Materials and Plasma Technology (5th IMRMPT), Colombia

● Climate Resilient Cities - Energy Efficientcy & Renewables in the Digital Era (CISBAT 2019), Switzerland

● 2019 International Conference on Science and Technology Innovation in Education (ICSTIE 2019), Indonesia

● 2019 International Conference on Science and Technology Innovation in Education (ICSTIE 2019), Indonesia

● Second Workshop on Numerical Modeling in MHD and Plasma Physics: Methods, Tools, and Outcomes (MHD-PP 2019), Russian Federation

● International Conference PhysicsA.SPb/2019, Russia

● The 3rd International Conference on Science (ICOS), Indonesia

● International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2019), Malaysia

● The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology (ICCSET 2019), Indonesia

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Computer graphics and Digitial Image Processing (CGDIP2019), Italy

● Peruvian Workshop on Solar Energy (JOPES 2019), Peru

● The 4th International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Application (ICAPMA 2019), Indonesia

● Joint 2019 International Conference on Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things (UPIOT 2019) & 2019 3rd International Symposium on Green Energy and Smart Grid (SGESG 2019), China

● The 1st International Seminar on Smart Molecule of Natural Resources (ISSMART) 2019, Indonesia

● The 9th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics (ICTAP), Indonesia

● XXVI International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries (ISQS-26), Czech Republic

● The International Scientific and Practical Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Programming and Applied Mathematics (MMPAM’2019), Russian Federation

● 2019 6th International School and Conference “Saint Petersburg OPEn 2019”: Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures (SPbOPEN2019), Russian Federation

● 2019 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, Optimization and Algorithm (ICMSOA2019), China

● International Laser Technology and Optics Symposium 2019 (iLATOS2019), Malaysia

● Photonics Meeting 2019, The 2nd Annual Conference and Workshop, Malaysia

● The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (ICEAS), Indonesia

● International Maritime and Port Technology and Development Conference" and "International Conference on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MTEC/ICMASS 2019), Norway

● International Conference on New Trends in Mathematical Modelling with Applications (ICNTMMA-2019), India

● V International Conference on Innovations in Non-Destructive Testing SibTest-2019, Russian Federation

● International Scientific Conference “Conference on Applied Physics, Information Technologies and Engineering - APITECH-2019”, Russian Federation

● Siam Physics Congress 2019 (SPC2019): Physics beyond disruption society, Thailand

● International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Technology (ICoSeMT 2019), Malaysia

● 2019 5th International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering (AEECE 2019), China

● “Irreversible Processes in Nature and Technics”, Russian Federation

● Mathematics, Informatics, Science and Education International Conference (MISEIC) 2019, Indonesia

● 31st International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC XXXI), France

● The 1st International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETECH) 2019, Indonesia

● The 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science & The 4th Asian Joint Symposium on Aerospace Engineering (APCATS’2019 /AJSAE’2019), Taiwan

● 2nd International Conference on Fusion Energy and Plasma Technologies (ICFEPT2019), Russian Federation

● 10th ACASC/ 2nd Asian-ICMC/ CSSJ Joint Conference, Japan

● 18th Annual International Astrophysics Conference (ICNS 2019), USA

● Conference on Theoretical Physics and Nonlinear Phenomena (CTPNP) 2018, Indonesia

● The IV International scientific and technical conference “Metrology of physicochemical measurements”, Russian Federation

● 18th Annual International Astrophysics Conference (ICNS 2019), USA

● XV International Russian-Chinese Symposium’NEW MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIE’(AMP 2019), Russian Federation

● Imam Al-Kadhum International Conference for Modern Applications of Information and Communication Technology (MAICT), Iraq

● The 2nd International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology (IConVET 2019), Indonesia

● Third National Conference on Computational Intelligence (NCCI 2019), India

● 2019 High Performance Computing and Computational Intelligence Conference (HPCCI 2019), China


● National Conference on Progress in Mathematics towards Industrial Applications (PMTIA 2019), India

● International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2019), Indonesia

● VII Euro-Asian Symposium Trends in Magnetism (EASTMAG 2019), Russian Federation

● 2nd International Annual Meeting on STEM education (I AM STEM 2019), Vietnam

● National Seminar on Physics 2019 (SNF 2019), Indonesia

● XXXV Siberian Thermophysical Seminar (STS35 2019), Russia

● ?? International Conference on Advances in Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy-AAMS I? (AAMS II 2019), Ukraine

● International Conference for Young Scientists Issues of Physics and Technology in Science, Power Industry and Medicine (IPTSPIM 2019), Russia

● The 6th International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Science (ICRIEMS 6), Indonesia

● 18th International Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics (WSMPA 2019), Russia

● ?? International Conference on Advances in Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy-AAMS I? (AAMS II 2019), Ukraine

● Ahmad Dahlan International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (AD INTERCOMME 2019), Indonesia

● 14th International Conference on Quasicrystals (ICQ14), Slovenia

● 14th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2019), UK

● 16th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2019), Japan

● 2019 International Conference on Education and Technology (ICEdT), Indonesia

● 3rd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research 2019 (ICSMTR 2019), Indonesia

● Second International Conference on Applied Physics, Power and Material Science (ICAPPM 2019), India

● 12th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA), Indonesia

● Seminar Nasional Fisika (SNF) Unesa 2019, Indonesia

● Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IX (NPA-IX), Germany

● 2019 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Applied Science and Engineering (BIS-ASE) 2019, Indonesia

● International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education 2019 (ICMScE 2019), Indonesia

● National Conference on Mathematics Education (NaCoME), Indonesia

● The 3rd International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Network Topology (3rd ICCGANT), Indonesia

● 16th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2019), Japan

● International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials (ICMM-2019), India

● International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2019), Romania

● 2nd International Conference on Recent Advancements in Science and Technology 2019 (ICoRAST2019), Malaysia

● IX Symposium of Applied Chemistry and I International Congress of Nanochemistry, Nanophysics and Nanomedicine, Colombia

● 2019 4th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP 2019), Thailand

● The International Conference on Physics and Mathematics for Biological Science 2019 (ICOPAMBS 2019), Indonesia

● 5th International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering (ICMAE2019), Malaysia

● The 2020 International Conference on Defence Technology (2020 ICDT), China

● 1st International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISETech) 2019, Malaysia

● The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Technology and Applied Sciences (ICaTAS 2019), Egypt

● The 5th International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT 2019), Indonesia

● The 6th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education (AISTSSE), Indonesia

● The International Conference on Sciences and Technology Applications (ICOSTA), Indonesia

● XV Russian Conference on Thermophysical Properties of Substances (RCTP-15), Russian Federation

● 1st International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISETech) 2019, Malaysia

● 1st Bukittinggi International Conference on Education (BICED) 2019, Indonesia

● Eleventh International Scientific Conference and Young Scientist School “Theory and Computational Methods for Inverse and Ill-posed Problems”, Russian Federation

● II International Scientific Conference “Advanced Technologies in Aerospace, Mechanical and Automation Engineering” - MIST: Aerospace - 2019, Russian Federation

● International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2019 (IConMNS 2019) Indonesia

● 21st Russian Youth Conference on Physics of Semiconductors and Nanostructures, Opto- and Nanoelectronics (RYCPS 2019), Russian Federation

● Soedirman’s International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Sciences (SICoMAS 2019), Indonesia

● International Conference on Thermo-fluids and Energy Systems (ICTES 2019), India

● The 4th International Seminar on Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology (ISSIMM 2019), Indonesia

● National Conference on Frontiers in Modern Physics (NCFMP 2020), India

● Detection Systems and Techniques in Nuclear and Particle Physics (DeSyT2019), Italy

● International Scientific Conference “Metrological Support of Innovative Technologies - ICMSIT-2020”, Russia


2nd Quarter 2020

● 21st International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies (VEIT 2019), Bulgaria

● 27th AIRAPT International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT27), Brazil

● 2020 10th International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM 2020), Japan


● VI International conference “Topical Problems of Continuum Mechanics”, Armenia

● International Conference on Advances in theoretical and mathematical physics, India

● 2020 4th International Conference on Machine Vision and Information Technology (CMVIT 2020), China

● International Conference on Lesson Study of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (1st ICOLSSTEM), Indonesia

● 6th Annual International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC 2020), China

● Konferensi Nasional Penelitian Matematika dan Pembelajarannya (KNPMP V 2020), Indonesia

● 2020 the 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics Research (ICMMR 2020), USA

● 2020 the 3rd International Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering (CEEPE 2020), China

● VIInternational Scientific and Practical Conference Virtual Simulation, Prototyping and Industrial Design 2019(VSPID-2019), Russia

● Computer-Aided Technologies in Applied Mathematics (ICAM 2020), Russia

● Applied Physics, Simulation and Computing (APSAC 2020), Italy

3rd Quarter 2020

● Symmetries in Science XVIII (SIS XVIII 2019), Austria

● 7th edition of the International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of High Temperature Superconductors (HTS 2020), France

● Universitas Riau International Conference on Science and Environment 2020 (URICSE-2020), Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

4th Quarter 2020

● EERA DeepWind’2020, Norway

● 8th European Thermal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm 2020), Portugal

● The 15th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (MuonSR 2020), Italy

1st Quarter 2021

● THE VIGIER CENTENARY Third Regime Natural Science and PHYSICS OF THE OBSERVER ‘12th International Symposium Honouring Noted Mathematical Physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier’, France

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
1st Quarter 2020

● The 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Structural Engineering (AMMSE 2018), South Korea

● 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Materials Synthesis and Processing (FMSP 2018), China

● International Conference on Design and Application of Engineering Materials (IC-DAEM) in conjunction with Seminar Nasional Metalurgi dan Material XI (SEANAMM), Indonesia

● 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Science (ICMEAS), China

● The 11th International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-11), China

● 2017 Cryogenic Engineering and International Cryogenic Materials Conferences (CEC/ICMC), USA

● International Scientific Technology Conference: Scientific and Technical Progress Ferrous Metallurgy, Russian Federation

● International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Design Engineering (CAMDE 2017), Vietnam

● 2nd International Symposium on Current Progress in Functional Materials, Indonesia

● 2017 International Conference on Electrical and Power Engneering (CEPE 2017), China

● International Conference on Innovations in Mechanical Engineering, India

● Kinematics, Indonesia

● International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME 2017), Cuba

● Annual International Conference on Advanced Material Research and Application, China

● Int Conf Modern Technologies and Materials of New Generations, Russian Federation

● European Materials Research Society, Warsaw, Poland

● International Conference on innovative Technology, Engineering and Sciences, Malaysia

● International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Control Engineering (ICMACE2018), China

● International Symposium on Convergence Research for Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, China

● International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials, Malaysia

● 2018 International Conference on Materials Science and Material Engineering (MSME 2018), China

● 5th International Conference on Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Indonesia

● 6th China International Automobile Powertrain Summit (AutoPT), China

● International Conference on Advancements of AeroMechanical Materials for Manufat, India

● International Conference on Aerospace Engineering and Control Technologies (CAECT 2018), Greece

● The International Fundamentum Sciences Symposium (iFunS 2018), Malaysia

● 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Design, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (ATDMAE 2018), China

● 39th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science ‘Fatigue of Composite Materials: Microstructure, Mechanics and Methods’, Denmark

● International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Industry Applications (ICAMIA), Malaysia

● The 3rd China-Romania Science and Technology Seminar (CRSTS 2018), Romania

● International Conference on Innovative Research - ICIR EUROINVENT 2018, Romania

● MRS-INA C&C The 1st Materials Research Society Indonesia Conference and Congress 2017, Indonesia

● The 8th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering (ACME 2018), Romania

● The 1st Siliwangi International Conference on Innovation in Research 2018 (SICIR), Indonesia

● The 5th International Symposium on Material, Mechatronics and Energy (ISMME 2018), Indonesia

● The 1st Inter-university Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency (IFSAC), Indonesia

● 9th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM 2018), Japan

● 2018 1st Workshop on Engineering, Education, Applied Sciences, and Technology (WEAST 2018), Indonesia

● 1st International Symposium on Green Materials and Technology (1st ISGMT), Indonesia

● The International Conference on Aerospace and Aviation (ICASA 2018), Indonesia

● International Conference Baltic Polymer Symposium 2018, Latvia

● The International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications (ICITDA 2018), The Philippines

● International Conference on Smart Materials Applications (SMA 2019), Japan

● Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS), Indonesia

● The 2nd EPI International Conference on Science and Engineering (EICSE), Indonesia

● Energy Security and Chemical Engineering Congress (ESCHE 2019), Malaysia

● International Scientific Workshop within the framework of XXIV International Scientific and Research Open Conference “Modern Informatization Problems”, Russian Federation

● 21st Chemnitz Seminar on Materials Engineering - 21. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium (WTK 2019), Germany

● International Conference on Advances in Energy Technologies, Environment (AETEEMS 2018), Morocco

● 2019 International Conference on Manfuacturing, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (ICMMME2019), China

● 4th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2019), China

● International Conference on Food Science and Engineering (ICFSE 2018), Indonesia

● International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2018 (ICAMBF), Indonesia

● First International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology (ICMSMT 2019), India

● International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Machining (ICMMM 2019), India

● 2nd International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME), India

● 2019 4th International Conference on Energy Materials and Applications (ICEMA 2019), China

● 2nd International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME-2019), India

● Fourth interdisciplinary scientific forum with international participation “New materials and promising technologies” (NMPT-4), Russian Federation

● The 2nd Sriwijaya International Conference on Science, Engineering, and Technology (SICEST), Indonesia

● Advances in Composite Science and Technology (ACST), Russian Federation

● International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2018, Taiwan

● 7th International Conference on Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF), Germany

● The 2019 5th International Conference on Applied Materials and Manufacturing Technology (ICAMMT 2019), Singapore

● 8th International Scientific Conference “TechSys 2019” - Engineering, Technologies and Systems, Bulgaria

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Design, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (ATDMAE 2019), China

● 18th International Conference on Aerospace Sciences & Aviation Technology (ASAT18), Egypt

● The 2nd International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics (MSAM2019), Ukraine

● 11th International Scientific Conference of Civil and Environmental Engineering for PhD. Students and Young Scientists, Slovakia

● International Conference On Recent Developments in Mechanical & Civil Engineering (ICRDMCE2019), India

● The 2nd Global Congress on Construction, Material and Structural Engineering (GCoMSE 2019), Malaysia

● 2019 International Conference on Advanced Material Research and Processing Technology (AMRPT2019), China

● FIBRE CONCRETE 2019, Czech Republic

● 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science (ICCEMS 2019), Thailand

● 4th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium (WMCAUS), Czech Republic

● 2019 5th International Conference on Chemical Materials and Process (ICCMP 2019), Thailand

● 1st International Conference on Mechanical Power Transmission (ICMPT 2019), India

● 2019 the 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics Research (ICMMR 2019), China

● The Third Bioprocessing and Biomanufacturing Symposium 2019 (BBS 2019), Malaysia

● The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI2019), Indonesia

● 2019 the 2nd International Conference on Aeronautical, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AAME 2019), Czech Republic

● 7th International Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS7), Malaysia

● 1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development (ICSID), Nigeria

● 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICET4SD), Indonesia

● 2019 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ACMME 2019), China

● X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative technologies in engineering” (ITE2019), Russian Federation

● 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019), Indonesia

● The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology (ICEAT 2018), Indonesia

● Innovative Manufacturing Engineering and Energy (ImanEE 2019) “50 Years of Higher Technical Education at the University of Pitesti” The 23th edition of IManEE 2019 International Conference, Romania

● 40th Ris? International Symposium on Materials Science: Metal Microstructures in 2D, 3D and 4D, Denmark

● International Conference on Frontiers in Materials and Smart System Technologies (FMSST-19), India

● Conference of the South African Advanced Materials Initiative (CoSAAMI 2019), South Africa

● 3rd Nommensen International Conference on Technology and Engineering 2019 (3rd NICTE 2019), Indonesia

● International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering (InCITE 2019), Indonesia

● 4th International Conference on Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering (BCEE4), Turkey

● International Deep Drawing Research Group 38th Annual Conference (IDDRG 38), Netherlands

● 2019 World Symposium on Smart Materials and Applications (WSSMA), China

● International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety (ICCATS 2019), Russian Federation

● International Scientific Conference on Aeronautics, Automotive and Railway Engineering and Technologies (BulTrans-2019), Bulgaria

● The 2019 International Conference on Information Technology and Engineering Management (ITEM 2019), Indonesia

● 2019 International Symposium on Computational Intelligence & Applications (ISCIA2019), Malaysia

● 1st ProSES Symposium 2019, Malaysia

● 2019 The 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Control Engineering (ICIPCE 2019), Russian Federation

● 9th International Scientific Conference - Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems (IRMES 2019), Serbia

● International Conference on Mechanical and Energy Technologies (ICMET’2019), India

● III International Scientific-Practical Conference “GRAPHENE AND RELATED STRUCTURES: SYNTHESIS, PRODUCTION, AND APPLICATION” (GRS-2019) , Russia

● The 2nd International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental Engineering (GCEE 2019), Malaysia

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Robotics and Mechantronics (ICRoM 2019), Malaysia

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Technologies, China

● International Conference on Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment 2019 (ICMTME 2019), Russian Federation

● Computational Methods in Offshore Technology (COTech) & Oils & Gas Technologies in Cold Climate (OGTech), Norway

● International Conference on Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment 2019 (ICMTME 2019), Russian Federation

● 2019 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Science (ICMEAS 2019), China

● 1st International Conference in Physical Science and Advance Materials (PAM 2020), Turkey

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing (ICMIM), South Korea

● The 5th Engineering Science & Technology International Conference (ESTIC5), Indonesia

● 2019 4th International Conference on Insulating Materials, Material Application and Electrical Engineering (IMMAEE 2019), Australia

● 2019 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Research and Manufacturing Technologies (AMRMT 2019), United Kingdom

● 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research 2019 (ICMER 2019), Malaysia

● SPM-2019-RCWDFM Joint International Conference, Russian Federation

● 2019 Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference, USA

● International Conference “Welding in Russia 2019: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives”, Russian Federation

● The 9th AIC 2019 on Sciences & Engineering (9thAIC-SE), Indonesia

● IV International Conference of Computational Methods in Engineering Science - CEMS’19, Poland

● International Conference on Tribology (ROTRIB’19), Romania

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Aerospace Technology, Communications and Energy Systems (ATCES 2019), China

● 2019 International Conference on Boilers and Heat Exchangers (ICBHE2019), China

● INNOVATIVE MINING TECHNOLOGIES (IMTech) Scientific and Technical Conference, Poland

● Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019), Indonesia

● 2019 The 4th International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Australia

● First International Conference of Construction, Infrastructure, and Materials, Indonesia

● International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety (ICCATS 2019), Russian Federation

● The 6th International Symposium ‘BULK NANOMATERIALS: from fundamentals to innovations. BNM-2019’, Russian Federation

● ICNME 2019: 2019 the 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Materials Engineering (ICNME 2019), China

● III International Conference of Young Scientists on Contemporary Problems of Materials and Constructions (ICCPMC), Russian Federation

● 5th International Conference on New Advances in Civil Engineering (ICNACE`19), Russian Federation

● 2019 4th International Conference on Insulating Materials, Material Application and Electrical Engineering (IMMAEE 2019), Australia.

● International Scientific and Practical Conference Engineering Systems 2019 (ISPCES 2019), Russian Federation

● 4th International Conference on Optics in Materials, Energy, and Technologies, 2019 (ICOMET-2019), Taiwan

● Reliability and Durability of Railway Transport Engineering Structures and buildings (TRANSBUD-2019), Ukraine

● The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering and Energy: Problems and Prospects for Development” (MSMEE2019), Russian Federation

● 5th International Conference on Man Machine Systems (ICoMMS2019), Malaysia

● VIII International Conference Nanomaterials and Technologies (NAT2019), Russian Federation

● International Scientific and Practical Conference Engineering Systems 2019 (ISPCES 2019), Russian Federation

● Southeast Asia Workshop on Aerospace Engineering (SAWAE 2019), Malaysia

● 6th International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME 2019), Malaysia

● 2019 10th International Conference on Mechatronics and Manufacturing (ICMM 2019), Thailand

● International Scientific Conference “Construction and Architecture: Theory and Practice of Innovative Development” (CATPID-2019), Russian Federation

● 4th International Conference on Ergonomics & 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICE & ICIE 2019), Malaysia

● 2019 International Conference on Engineering Materials (ICEM 2019), China

● 2019 the 8th International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics (ICEMP 2019), China

● “Development of eco-friendly composite materials based on geopolymer matrix and reinforced with waste fibers” (FIBER), Uruguay


● 3rd National Conference on Wind & Earthquake Engineering and International Seminar On Sustainable Construction Engineering (3rd NCWE and ISSCE 2019),Malaysia

● International science and technology conference for youth Advanced Materials for Engineering and Medicine (AMEM 2019),Russian Federation

● III International Scientific and Technical Conference MATERIALS, TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARCTIC AND SIBERIA (ARTIC 2019),Russian Federation

● 2019 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Information Science (CCCIS 2019),China

● 1st International Symposium on Advances and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering (ISAIME 2019),Indonesia

● 10th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (ICAMaT 2019),Romania

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Composite Materials (MEACM 2019),Singapore

● VIIIth International Conference for Young Scientists High Technology: Research and Applications (HTRA 2019),Russia

● II International Scientific Conference Advanced Technologies in Aerospace, Mechanical and Automation Engineering MIST: Aerospace 2019 (Aerospace 2019),Russia

● International science and technology conference “FarEast?on-2019”, Russian Federation

● EMAS 2019 Workshop - 16th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis (EMAS 2019), Norway

● Mineral Processing and Technology International Conference 2019 (mineprocet 19), Indonesia

● 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Materials Synthesis and Processing (FMSP 2019), China

● 2019 Asia Conference on Automation Engineering (ACAE 2019), Malaysia

● The 5th Engineering Science & Technology International Conference (ESTIC5), Indonesia

● International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing and Characterization (ICAMPC), India

● 6th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2019 (ICAME 2019), Malaysia

● The 7th International Conference on DV-Xa Method (ICDM2019), Indonesia

● 2019 5th International Conference on Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (ICMAE 2019), China

● MicroTherm 2019 - Microtechnology and Thermal Problems in Electronics, Poland

● 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2020), India

● The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference(PEC 2019), Iraq

● Expotecnolog?a 2019 “Research, Innovation and Development in Engineering”, Colombia

● International science and technology conference “FarEast?on-2019”, Russian Federation

● Thai Society of Mechanical Engineering, the 10th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICOME2019), Thailand

● The International conference on Materials Application and Engineering (ICMAE2019), China

● 2nd International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy (ICMTE 2019), Malaysia

● International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology (ISFT 2020), India

● The 5-th International Seminar on Operational Research (InteriOR) 2019, Indonesia

● International Symposium on Materials and Electrical Engineering 2019 (ISMEE 2019), Indonesia

● 1st International Scientific Meeting on Engineering and its Vocational Education (ISMEVD 2019), Indonesia

● 8th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE2019), China

● TALENTA - Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology II 2019 (TALENTA-CEST II 2019), Indonesia

● 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (2nd InCEAS), Indonesia

● 6th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICAET 2019), South Korea

● 2019 The 7th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering (CMAME 2019), Australia

● The Electronic Packaging Interconnect Technology Symposium 2019 (EPITS 2019), Malaysia.

● Nanotechnology Applications in Africa: Opportunities and Constraints (LAUTECH NANO 2019), Nigeria.

● The International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICChEAS) 2019, Indonesia

● 1st International Conference Functional and Engineering Materials - FEM 2019, Poland

● Building Defects 2019 (11th International Conference Building Defects), Czech Republic

● The 5th International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT 2019), Indonesia

● The 4th International Scientific and Technical Conference’Scientific and Technical Progress in Ferrous Metallurgy’ (SATPIFM), Russian Federation

● The 5th International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT 2019), Indonesia

● 2019 the 6th International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME 2019), China

● International Conference on Sustainable Innovations in Civil & Mechanical Engineering (ICSICME- 2020), India

● 2020 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Technologies (ICMT 2020), USA

● 2020 The 3rd International Conference on Composite Materials Science and Technology (ICCMST 2020), United Arab Emirates

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology (ICEAT 2020), Indonesia

● International Conference on Engineering and Industrial Technology (ICEIT 2020), Thailand

● International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICMEN 2019), Malaysia

● Hydraulics (Hydraulics 2019), Russian Federation

● The 5th International Conference on Advanced Applied Sciences (ICAS5 2019), Egypt

● 2020 4th International Conference on Material Science and Technology (ICMST 2020), China

● 2020 the 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Applications (ICMEA 2020), Vietnam

● 2020 the 3rd International Conference on Aeronautical, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering(AAME 2020), China

● International Conference on Design, Automation, and Control (ICDAC 2020), India

● 1st International Conference on Engineering and Advanced Technology (ICEAT), Egypt

● 26th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 2019), Malaysia

2nd Quarter 2020

● International Conference Florence Heri-tech: the Future of Heritage Science and Technologies (Heritech 2020), Italy

● International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education 2019 (ICIEVE 2019), Indonesia

● The Third International Workshop on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (IWMSME 2020), China

● The 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science (IC2MS), Indonesia

● 2020 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing, Modeling and Mechatronics (IC4M 2020) & 2020 5th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (ICDES 2020), China

● 18th International Conference “Aviation and Cosmonautics” (AviaSpace-2019), Russian Federation

● 2020 5th International Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology (ICPMMT 2020), New Zealand

● Second International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology 2020 (ICMSMT 2020), India

● International Conference on Engineering and Industrial Technology (ICEIT2020), Thailand

● 8th Annual International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2020), China

● Fifth interdisciplinary scientific forum with international participation New materials and promising technologies (NMPT 5 2019), Russia

● 15th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology (CONCET 2020), Malaysia

● 2020 The fifth International Conference on Building Materials and Construction (ICBMC 2020), Japan

● 12th Hungarian Conference on Materials Science (HMSC12 2019), Hungary

● II International Conference “MIP: Engineering-2020: Modernization, Innovations, Progress: Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineerin”, Russia

3rd Quarter 2020

● 7th EuroGeo Conference & Goeroad20 (EuroGeo), Poland

● 6th Annual International Workshop on Materials Science and Engineering (IWMSE 2020), China

● 2nd International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering Technologies (ICCEET 2020), Iraq

● 2020 4th International Conference on Information Processing and Control Engineering(ICIPCE 2020), USA

● 1st International Conference on Innovative Informational and Engineering Technologies (IIET-2020), Russia

4th Quarter 2020

● 5th International Conference of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (ICCEIB 2020), Malaysia

● 4th annual International Conference on Cloud Technology and Communication Engineering (CTCE 2020), China

1st Quarter 2021

● 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application (ICOMERA 2020), Indonesia

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
1st Quarter 2020

● The 12th International Civil Engineering Post Graduate Conference (SEPKA), The 3rd International Symposium on Expertise of Engineering Design (ISEED), Malaysia

● 18th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary-Layer Remote Sensing 2016, Bulgaria

● International Conference on Energy Systems and Developments, India

● International Conference and Young Scientists School on Computational Information, Russian Federation

● International Conference on Sustainability in Achitectural Design and Urbanism, Indonesia

● International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing, USA

● International Conference On Food Crops and Environment 2017 (ICFC2017), Indonesia

● 10th Symposium of the International Society for Digital Earth, Europe

● International Conference on Marine Sciences and Advance Technology 2017, Indonesia

● The 2nd International Conference Of Water Resources Development And Environmenta, Indonesia

● International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering, Spain

● International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2017), Indonesia

● SEAGA International Conference 2017, Indonesia

● International Conference on Environment Engineering and Energy Science, China

● First International Conference on Environment Engineering and Energy Science (EEES2018), China

● International Conference on Innovations and Prospects of Development of Mining Machinery and Electrical Engineering 2018 (IPDME2018), Russian Federation

● The International Conference Research Collaboration of Environmental Science (ICRC), Indonesia

● World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2018), Czech Republic

● 2018 International Conference on Environment and Ocean Engineering (ICEOE 2018), Taiwan

● National Colloquium on Wind and Earthquake Engineering (NCWE), Malaysia

● International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Disaster Prevention (ICCADP 2018), China

● Turbulence, Atmosphere and Climate Dynamics (TACD), Russian Federation

● International Conference of Green Buildings and Environmental Management (GBEM 2018), China

● 2018 International Conference on Construction, Aviation and Environmental Engineering (ICCAE), Taiwan

● 3rd International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development (CEESD 2018), Malaysia

● International Conference on Energy Technology Innovation (ETI 2018), Jordan

● 6th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE 2018), The Philippines

● The International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development (ICSARD 2018), Indonesia

● 2nd International Conference on Agriculture Postharvest Handling and Processing (ICAPHP-2), Indonesia

● 2018 International Conference on Food Science and Technology (FOSciTech)

● The 1st Workshop on Environmental Science, Society and Technology (WESTECH 2018), Indonesia

● The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine (InCOFIMS), Indonesia

● International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED), Indonesia

● International Conference on Ecology and Biodiversity across Time and Space (ICEBATS), Malaysia

● The First Maluku International Conference on Marine Science and Technology (MICMST), Indonesia

● International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security (AEFS 2018), Indonesia

● Conference of Sustainability Science 2018, Indonesia

● The 7th Annual Meeting - Challenges for Asia to Meet 1.5oC Target (LoCARNet), Indonesia

● International Conference on Sustainable Insfrastructure (ICSI-2018), Indonesia

● 1st International Symposium in Agrarian and Environmental Sciences, San Jose de Cucuta, Colombia

● 6th Annual 2018 International Conference on Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence (GSKI2018), China

● 4th International Conference on Research Methodology for Built Environment and Engineering (ICRMBEE 2019), Malaysia

● The 8th International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere (The 8th ISSH 2018), Indonesia

● 7th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security in conjunction with 3rd International Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions “Sustainable Development: Global Challenges on Environmental Protection and Social Justice” (3rd ICGDTR 2018), Indonesia

● 4th International Conference on Research Methodology for Built Environment and Engineering 2019 (ICRMBEE2019), Malaysia

● International Symposium on Marine and Environmental Conservation (ISMEC), Indonesia

● International Scientific and Practical Conference on Agrarian Economy in the Era of Globalization and Integration (AGEGI 2018), Russian Federation

● 4th International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia / 4th NIES International Forum, Vietnam

● USN Kolaka-ADRI International Conference on Sustainable Coastal-Community Development(IC21ADRI-USN 2018), Indonesia

● 4th International Scientific Conference “Arctic History and Modernity”, Russian Federation

● 5th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS 2019), Macau

● 2019 The 2nd International Symposium on Water Pollution and Treatment (ISWPT 2019), Thailand

● International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Environment (ICESE 2019), Nigeria

● 2019 International Conference on Advances in Civil and Ecological Engineering Research (ACEER 2019), Taiwan

● International Conference on Sustainable Development of Cross-Border Regions (SDCBR 2019), Russian Federation

● The 6th Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2019), Thailand

● The Second International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience (IWEG 2019), China

● 2019 2nd International Conference of Green Buildings and Environmental Management (GBEM 2019), China

● The 2nd ICFAES 2019 International Conference on Fisheries, Aquatic and Environmental Sciences 2019 In Conjunctions with The 6th ASI 2019 Annual Conference of The Asian Society of Ichthyologist 2019, Indonesia

● IV scientific-technical conference "FORESTS OF RUSSIA: POLICY, INDUSTRY, SCIENCE AND EDUCATION, Russian Federation

● IV scientific-technical conference "The Second International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience (IWEG 2019), China

● International Conference on Forest Products (ICFP 2018), Indonesia

● 2019 5th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2019), Singapore

● 2019 International Conference on Environment Sciences and Renewable Energy (ESRE 2019), Indonesia

● 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and System, Switzerland

● International Conference on Green Energy and Environment 2019 (ICoGEE 2019), Indonesia

● The International Conference “Information Technologies in Business and Industry” 2019 (ITBI 2019), Russian Federation

● The 10th International Conference on Petroleum Geochemistry and Exploration in the Afro-Asian Region (AAAPG2019), China

● The 2nd Green Development International Conference (GDIC), Indonesia

● 2nd Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics (SEACG), Indonesia

● International Conference on Environment and Technology (ICE-Tech), Indonesia

● The 1st International Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (ICNREC): “Impact of Oil Palm Plantation on Physical and Chemical Environment, Biodiversity and Local Social Economic”, Indonesia

● 2nd Southeast Asian Conference on Geophysics (SEACG), Indonesia

● 2019 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2019), China

● Conference on Innovations in Agricultural and Rural development (AgroCon-2019), Russian Federation

● 2019 International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Energy Resources and Environment Engineering (ACCESE 2019), China

● 2019 9th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering (ICESE 2019), Belgium

● 2019 5th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Science (ICEEMS 2019), Singapore

● 2019 the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering (ICSEE 2019), China

● SBE 19 Malta: Sustainability & Resilience, Malta

● The 5th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2019), China

● 1st Nordic conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings (ZEB 2019), Norway

● 2019 International Conference on Civil Engineering, Environment Resources and Energy Materials (CCESEM 2019), China

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Energy Engineering (EI2E 2019), China

● The 2019 International Conference on Mining and Environmental Technology (ICMET 2019), Indonesia

● The 1st International Conference on Urban Design and Planning(ICUDeP.), Indonesia

● Geomatics International Conference 2019 (GEOICON 2019), Indonesia

● International Conference on Agricultural Technology, Engineering and Environmental Sciences (ICATES) 2019, Indonesia

● The 8th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production, Indonesia

● The 2nd International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries (ISMF2) - 2019, Indonesia

● Topical Issues of International Political Geography (TIPG2019), Russian Federation

● International Conference on Agricultural Sciences (4thICAS), Iraq

● The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Architectural Design and Urbanism (ICSADU 2019), Indonesia

● 2019 International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy System (NEFES 2019), China

● The 1st International Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Green Environmental Approach for Sustainable Development (ICROEST) 2019, Indonesia

● The 3rd International Conference on Natural and Environmental Science (ICONES) 2019, Indonesia

● International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World (ICESW 2019), Nigeria

● Simulation for Sustainable Built Environment (BSCairo2019), Egypt

● The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Architectural Design and Urbanism (ICSADU 2019), Indonesia

● The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (ISABE), Indonesia

● 2019 International Conference on Oil & Gas Engineering and Geological Sciences (OGEGS 2019), China

● International scientific and practical conference “Forest ecosystems as global resource of the biosphere: calls, threats, solutions” (FORESTRY-2019), Russian Federation

● The 5th Friendly City International Conference: “Enhancing Culture, Community and Environment” (FCIC 5), Indonesia

● 2nd International Scientific Conference ‘Sustainable and Efficient Use of Energy, Water and Natural Resource’ (SEWAN-2019), Russian Federation

● Towards SBE: from Polic to Practice (SBE- Wales), United Kingdom

● International Conference on Environment and Sustainability Issues (ICESI) 2019, Indonesia

● XII International Scientific Conference on Agricultural Machinery Industry(INTERAGROMASH 2019), Russian Federation

● 2019 International Conference on Resources and Environmental Research (ICRER 2019), China

● The 2nd International Conference on Smart City Innovation (ICSI 2019), Indonesia

● International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security (AEFS 2019), Indonesia

● The 1st Animal Science and Food Technology Conference (AnSTC 2019), Indonesia

● 2019 International Conference on Environment and Ocean Engineering (ICEOE 2019), China


● The 1st International Conference on Environment, Sustainability Issues and Community Development (INCRID 2019), Indonesia

● 2nd International Scientific Conference AGRITECH-II-2019: Agribusiness, Environmental Engineering and Biotechnologies (AGRITECH II 2019), Russia

● International Young Scientists School and Conference on Computational Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences (CITES 2019), Russian Federation

● 2019 3rd International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering (ICPEE 2019), China

● INAFOR EXPO 2019 - International Conference on Translating Science into Climate Policy and Action (TSCPA 2019), Indonesia

● 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE 2019), Thailand


● 2019 3rd International Conference on Water Conservancy, Hydropower and Building Engineering (WCHBE 2019), China

● 2nd International Conference on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics (IC FSSAT 2019), Indonesia

● The 3rd International Conference on Marine Science (ICMS) 2019 Towards Sustainable Marine Resources and Environment (ICMS 2019), Indonesia

● 2nd International Conference on Life and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Rural Development(ICLAS SURE 2019), Indonesia

● The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil and Ecological Engineering Research(ACEER 2020), China

● SBE19 Thessaloniki, Greece

● International Conference on Tropical Limnology 2019 (TROPLIMNO 2019), Indonesia

● The third International Conference on Applied Marine Science and Fisheries Technology (MSFT), Indonesia

● International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology 2019 (SEGT 2019), Thailand

● 2019 4th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development (CEESD 2019), China

● 5th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2019), Czech Republic

● The Fourth International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection (EEEP 2019), China

● The World Seafood Congress 2019. “Seafood Supply Chains of the Future: Innovation, Responsibility, Sustainability” (WSC 2019), Malaysia

● International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy (ICGAB 2019), Indonesia

● The 10th International Conference on Green Technology (ICGT) “Empowering the Fourth Industrial Revolution through Green Science and Technology”, Indonesia

● The Second International Conference on Environmental Geography and Geography Education (ICEGE), Indonesia

● 7th Annual International Conference on Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence (GSKI 2019), China

● The 4th International Conference on Climate Change 2019 (The 4th ICCC 2019), Indonesia

● The 3rd International Conference on Natural Products and Bioresource Sciences - 2019 (ICONPROBIOS 2019), Indonesia

● International Conference on Sustainable Aquatic Resources (ICoSAR), Indonesia

● The 4th Animal Production International Seminar (4th APIS), Indonesia

● International Conference on Innovation in Technology and Management for Sustainable Agroindustry (ITaMSA 2019), Indonesia

● The Fourth International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection (EEEP 2019), China

● 15th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality (ASAAQ15), Malaysia

● Spatial Economic Transport Interaction for Sustainable Development (CITIES-2019), Indonesia

● The 3rd Environmental Resources Management in Global Region (ICERM 2019), Indonesia

● 2nd International Conference on Tropical Silviculture: Forest research and innovation for sustainable development (ICTS 2019), Indonesia

● 2019 5th International Conference on Advances in Energy Resources and Environment Engineering (ICAESEE 2019), China

● International science and technology conference “EarthScience”, Russian Federation

● First China Digital Earth Conference, China

● The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Bioindustry 2019, Indonesia

● The 2nd International Conference on Earth Science, Mineral and Energy (ICEMINE) 2019, Indonesia

● 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development (ICEED 2019), Indonesia

● Second International Conference on Food and Agriculture 2019, Indonesia

● 2nd International Scientific Conference ‘AGRITECH-II-2019: Agribusiness, Environmental Engineering and Biotechnologies’, Russian Federation

● 2nd International Conference on Geography and Education (2nd ICGE), Indonesia

● 2020 International Conference on Environment Science and Advanced Energy Technologies(ESAET 2020), China

● The 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Civil Engineering(ESCE 2020), China

● 2020 International Conference on Energy, Material Science and Environment Engineering(ICMSEE 2020), China

● The 3rd International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture Production(AESAP 2020), Indonesia

● The 2nd Maritime Science and Advanced Technology; Marine Science and Technology in Framework of The Sustainable Development Goals(MSAT 2019), Indonesia

● 2020 10th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy (ICFEE 2020), Japan

● 2020 6th International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2020), Vietnam

● 2020 4th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES 2020), Australia

2nd Quarter 2020

● World Sustainable Built Environment - Beyond2020 (WSBE2020), Sweden

● SBE19 Temuco conference “Sustainable built: Urban planning, global problems, local policies” (SBE Temuco), Chile

● The 4th International Symposium of Sustainable Landscape Development (The 4th ISSLD), Indonesia

● The 4th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2019 (GreenVC 2019), Indonesia

● International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development 2019 (ICoSITeR 2019), Indonesia

● 4th International Conference on Environmental and Energy Engineering (IC3E 2020), China

● International Conference on Sustainable Cereals and Crops Production Systems in the Tropics(ICFST 2019), China

● 2020 International Conference on Energy, Material Science and Environment Engineering (ICEMSEE2020), China

● 2nd International Conference on Tropical Resources and Sustainable Sciences (CTRESS 2020), Malaysia

● 2020 International Conference on Green Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (GEESD 2020), China

● 2020 7th International Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2020), Singapore

● Joint International Conference on Civil, Environmental, and Geo Engineering 2019 (JIC CEGE 2019), Indonesia

● 4th International Symposium on Resource Exploration and Environmental Science (REES 2020), China

● 2020 2nd International Conference on Environment Sciences and Renewable Energy (ESRE 2020), Austria

● International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERiES2020), Malaysia

3rd Quarter 2020

● 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and System (IAHR 2020), Switzerland

● 2020 The Third International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience (IWEG 2020), China

● 6th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS 2020), Japan

● 2020 11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2020), China

● The 6th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2020), Japan

4th Quarter 2020

●● 18th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE 2020), Malaysia

1st Quarter 2021

● 8th Annual International Conference on Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence (GSKI 2020), China

Forthcoming volumes
For a list of forthcoming Conference Series volumes, please View all forthcoming volumes


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