

chrome ssl证书

SSL certificates are the most important part of web security. SSL is used to encrypt the web traffic between the server and the client. HTTPS protocol simply implements the SSL to make HTTP protocol secure.

SSL证书是Web安全性中最重要的部分。 SSL用于加密服务器和客户端之间的Web通信。 HTTPS协议仅实现SSL以使HTTP协议安全。

SSL证书 (SSL Certificate)

SSL certificates are issued to the specific domain or hostname to distinguish given domain or hostname secure and well known. SSL certificate will both encrypt and authenticate the site.

SSL证书颁发给特定的域或主机名,以区分给定的域或主机名安全且众所周知。 SSL证书将对站点进行加密和身份验证。

在Google Chrome浏览器的地址栏中打开SSL证书 (Open SSL Certificate From Address Bar in Google Chrome)

SSL certificates can be opened in different ways in a Google Chrome browser. The first and most practical way is using the address bar. Open the web page you want to view SSL certificate. In most of the cases, the web pages will redirect you to the HTTPS version of the site even you enter an HTTP version URL. We will see a lock icon in the right of the URL bar if the web site is secured with an SSL certificate. We will just lick to this lock sign like below.

可以在Google Chrome浏览器中以不同方式打开SSL证书。 第一种也是最实用的方法是使用地址栏。 打开您要查看SSL证书的网页。 在大多数情况下,即使您输入HTTP版本URL,网页也会将您重定向到网站的HTTPS版本。 如果网站已通过SSL证书保护,我们将在URL栏的右侧看到一个锁定图标。 我们将如下所示舔到此锁定标志。

We will list a menu list that contains Certiface,Cookies and Site settings. If the SSL certificate is values we will see a (Valid) text after the certificate. We cill click to the Certificate like below.

我们将列出一个菜单列表,其中包含CertifaceCookiesSite settings 。 如果SSL证书是值,我们将在证书后面看到(Valid)文本。 我们点击下面的Certificate

Google Chrome Certificate
Google Chrome证书

Then we will see the following screen which provides the certificate information and details.


在Google Chrome浏览器中通过开发者工具打开SSL证书 (Open SSL Certificate From Developer Tools in Google Chrome)

The SSL certificate can be also viewed from the Developer Tools menu in Google Chrome. First, we will open the Developer Tools menu with the following keyboard shortcuts.

您也可以从Google Chrome浏览器的“开发工具”菜单中查看SSL证书。 首先,我们将使用以下键盘快捷键打开“开发人员工具”菜单。

  • For Windows and Linux `F12` or `CTRL + SHIFT + i`

    对于Windows和Linux,“ F12”或“ CTRL + SHIFT + i”
  • For Mac `⌘ + Option + i`

    对于Mac`⌘+ Option + i`
LEARN MORE  What Is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)? 了解更多什么是HTTP(超文本传输​​协议)?

Then we will navigate to the Security tab of the given Developer Tools menu like below. We will see some basic information about the HTTPS connection of an SSL certificate. For more detailed information we can click to the View certificate button.

然后,我们将导航到给定的“开发人员工具”菜单的“ Security选项卡,如下所示。 我们将看到有关SSL证书的HTTPS连接的一些基本信息。 有关更多详细信息,我们可以单击“ View certificate按钮。

Open SSL Certificate From Developer Tools in Google Chrome
在Google Chrome浏览器中通过开发者工具打开SSL证书

Google Chrome浏览器中的SSL证书详细信息(SSL Certificate Details in Google Chrome)

Now we have opened the SSL certificate window of Google Chrome for given web site. We can list or view the details by navigating General, Details and Certification Path tabs.

现在,我们已打开给定网站的Google Chrome浏览器的SSL证书窗口。 我们可以通过导航“ General ,“ Details和“ Certification Path选项卡来列出或查看详细信息。

SSL证书常规选项卡 (SSL Certificate General Tab)

SSL Certificate General tab provides general and short information about the SSL certificate like the purpose of the certificate, issued to issued by and valid data range.

“ SSL证书的常规”选项卡提供有关SSL证书的常规和简短信息,例如证书的用途,颁发者和有效数据范围。

  • `This certificate is intended for the following purposes`


    • `Ensured the identity of a remote computer`

    • `Proves your identity to a remote computer`

  • `Issued to` will provide the certificate owner web address or domain name which is poftut in this case.

  • `Issued by` will provide which certificate authority is issued this certificate.

  • `Valid from` will provide the start and end dates of this certificate validity.

SSL Certificate General Tab

SSL证书详细信息选项卡(SSL Certificate Details Tab)

SSL Certificate Details Tab

SSL Certificate Details tab will provide technical details about this SSL certificate.


  • `Version` is the SSL certificate version which is 3 in this case.

  • `Serial Number` is a unique serial number that identifies this SSL certificate.

  • `Signature algorithm` is this certificate signature algorithm.

  • `Issuer` is the certificate authority that issued this certificate.

  • `Valid From` is the start date of this certificate validity.

  • `Valid to` is the end date of the certificate validity.

  • `Subject` is the main aim or web address of the certificate which will be used.

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SSL认证路径选项卡 (SSL Certification Path Tab)

SSL Certificate Path tab will show the path of the issuers this certificate. A certificate can be issued by a single of multiple certificate authorities.

SSL证书路径选项卡将显示该证书的颁发者的路径。 证书可以由多个证书颁发机构中的一个颁发。

SSL Certification Path Tab

翻译自: https://www.poftut/how-to-view-and-list-ssl-certificate-and-details-in-google-chrome/

chrome ssl证书

本文标签: 证书详细信息器中如何在SSL