

Phones get all the fun toys. Thanks to built-in GPS, network triangulation, and other goodies, it’s possible for them to use a more-or-less exact location for apps and website tools.

手机会得到所有有趣的玩具。 借助内置的GPS,网络三角测量和其他优点,他们可以为应用程序和网站工具使用或多或少的精确位置。

That’s usually not true with laptop and desktop PCs, where location access is usually determined based on your IP address. That’s generally “close enough” if you’re in a major city, but outside any metro area things get off pretty quickly—thanks to my ISP’s weird re-routing, most websites think I’m about 150 miles east of where I actually am.

对于笔记本电脑和台式电脑,通常情况并非如此,因为位置访问通常取决于您的IP地址。 如果您在大城市里,那通常就足够“接近”了,但是在任何大都市区之外,事情都会很快消失-由于我的ISP奇怪的重新路由,大多数网站都认为我在我实际所在的东边约150英里处。

If you need accurate and specific location data to sent to web tools, advanced browsers lets you manually set your location to a specific longitude and latitude. If the website asking for your location calls on the new HTML 5 Geolocation API instead of trying to determine it based on your IP address, you’ll get a much more relevant result.

如果您需要将准确且特定的位置数据发送到Web工具,可以使用高级浏览器将位置手动设置为特定的经度和纬度。 如果要求您定位的网站使用新的HTML 5 Geolocation API而不是尝试根据您的IP地址来确定它,您将获得更相关的结果。

Open the page that wants your location. (Here’s a nice demo if you need a practice page.) Press Ctrl+Shift+I on Windows or Chrome OS, or Cmd+Option+I on macOS. The developer console will open on the right side of the screen.

打开需要您的位置的页面。 (如果需要练习页面, 这是一个不错的演示 。)在Windows或Chrome操作系统上按Ctrl + Shift + I,在macOS上按Cmd + Option + I。 开发人员控制台将在屏幕右侧打开。

At the bottom of the panel, press the three-dot button on the left, and then click the “Sensors” option. Under Geolocation, select “Custom location.”

在面板底部,按左侧的三点按钮,然后单击“传感器”选项。 在地理位置下,选择“自定义位置”。

Now put in your location based on latitude and longitude. (If you don’t know it by heart because you are not Bear Grylls, you can manually locate your location on Google Maps, right-click it, and select “What’s Here?” to find it.). Reload the page, allow location data in the pop-up window, and you’ll see that the map zeroes into the location you selected.

现在,根据纬度和经度将您的位置放进去。 (如果您不是Bear Grylls而不是内心深处知道它,可以在Google Maps上手动找到您的位置,右键单击它,然后选择“ What's Here?”来找到它 。)。 重新加载页面,在弹出窗口中允许位置数据,您会看到地图归零到您选择的位置。

Naturally you can set a fake location with this tool, and that might indeed be preferable, depending on your level of trust with the site in question. Generally, setting something “close enough” to your city or postal code will achieve the results you want.

当然,您可以使用此工具设置一个伪造的位置,这实际上可能是更可取的,具体取决于您对相关站点的信任程度。 通常,在城市或邮政编码附近设置足够“接近”的位置即可实现所需的结果。

Note that, unfortunately, there’s no way to set a permanent location in Chrome (or apparently any other major desktop browser). That means you’ll have to go through the above process whenever you want an exact location on a web tool.

请注意,不幸的是,无法在Chrome(或其他任何主流桌面浏览器)中设置永久位置。 这意味着每当您想要在Web工具上的确切位置时,都必须经过上述过程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/337775/how-to-manually-set-your-location-in-google-chrome/

本文标签: 您的器中位置如何在chrome