




This past summer, my family went on our annual vacation in a cottage on a

lake. There were various activities to keep everyone busy: swimming, fishing and

building sand castle on the beach. In the evenings, we gathered on the beach,

having great fun.

However, by the third day of our vacation, I noticed my sister, Jane, spent most

of her time watching videos and looking through online shops indoors. She was so

addicted to her cellphone! Over dinner, I told Jane we would hike to the top of the

mountain across the lake the following morning. I stared at her, “Put your phone

away and enjoy the scenery. It’s really amazing.”

“Well,” Jane shrugged her shoulders and answered unwillingly, “there are

some bargains tomorrow in several online shops, so I’ll not be available.”

“Come out to enjoy the fresh air and many views. Hiking is fun!”

“Sounds more like punishment than a vacation,” she didn’t look up from

her soup and mumbled (嘟囔), “I can’t walk that far.”

When I said it only took half an hour of steady walking to climb to the top, she

nodded, “OK, I’ll go.”

The next morning was perfect for a hike, with sunny clear skies and gentle

winds. I got up early and packed some sandwiches and bottles of water into my

backpack along with the camera. Jane came slowly downstairs, and announced in a

very unenthusiastic voice, “I’m ready to go, Jim.”

Anyway, we stepped out of our cottage and quite a different view unfolded

before our eyes. Against the blue skies, a rough path wound to the top of the

mountain across the lake with wild flowers and grass on both sides. The sunlight

brightened on the glassy surface of the lake. We began from the path. “I’m still

wondering if this is a good idea, but if you could do it, I could also do.” She

complained, frowning.

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She followed me, her mind wandering.





Reaching the top, Jane widened her eyes, shouting, “How wonderful!”

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