




PET Sandblasting Film Process Flow.

1. Film Preparation.

Select a high-quality PET film with the desired

thickness and surface properties.

Clean the film thoroughly to remove any dust, grease,

or other contaminants.

2. Sandblasting.

Use a sandblaster to blast fine abrasive particles

onto the film surface.

The abrasive particles create a roughened texture that

enhances the film's light diffusion properties.

Control the abrasive pressure, angle, and duration to

achieve the desired level of sandblasting.

3. Pre-Treatment.

Apply a chemical pre-treatment solution to the

sandblasted film.

This solution helps to improve the adhesion of

subsequent coatings.

4. Primer Coating.

Apply a thin layer of primer to the pre-treated film.

The primer provides a smooth and uniform surface for

the topcoat.

5. Topcoat Application.

Apply a topcoat to the primed film using a spray,

本文标签: 磨砂工艺流程