



1. 如你怀疑收到诈骗/骚扰电话

1) 请勿向未知电话透露个人信息(包括姓名、地址、证件号码、银行账户等信息)

2) 无论对方声称是海关、物流公司或中国大使馆,都不会以电话方式要求提供个


3) 如发现070 或076的未接来电,请勿回电

4) 诈骗电话报案可访问页面:/home

你也可以登记TPS ,用户可选择不接收未经请求的电话销售,网上登记请前往

; 或致电0845 0700707 进行登记。免费注册,



2. 如你怀疑收到垃圾短信

1) 如你收到来自5位短号的垃圾短信,请直接回复“STOP”,如果发信人无法


2) 请将该垃圾短信或钓鱼短信直接转发至7726

3) 你可进行以下手机设置以分离垃圾短信:

a. Android 手机 (华为、三星):可按关键字及号码拦截短信:短信—》更



b. Android手机(LG):可按关键字及号码拦截短信:短信—》右上角点击更

多—》SPAM Manager—》Spam settings—》Spam words –》tap+ to

add spam words—》Save

信息 –》右上角更多—》垃圾信息管理器—》垃圾消息设置—》垃圾关键字


c. iPhone手机 (iOS 7 或以上):设置—》信息—》黑名单—》添加发信人—》



3. 投诉

TPS (Telephone Preference Service):

 致电0845 070 0707 ;

 网上投诉/Consumer/

 信件投递:Telephone Preference Service (TPS), DMA House, 70 Margaret Street,

London W1W 8SS.

ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office):

 致电***********

 网上投诉


 信件投递:Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,

Cheshire, SK9 5AF


 致电***********

 网上投诉:/tell-us/webflow/silent-calls/

 信件投递:Ofcom, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, London, SE1 9HA


1. Spam or marketing call

1) Don’t give out your personal details. Be careful about who you give your personal

details (name, passport info. credit card info. etc) to, including when you answer the

phone, particularly if the caller asks you to carry out an action which might have

financial consequences. Avoid answering the phone by saying your telephone

number and name as a greeting and avoid including these details on your

answerphone or voicemail.

2) No matter whether the other party claims to be a customs, logistics company or

Chinese embassy, no personal information will be requested by telephone.

3) If you find a missed call from 070 or 076, please do not call back.

4) Report spam call online: /home

2. Spam texts

1) If you receive a text message from a sender you are familiar with, or from a

shortcode (a shortcode is usually 5 digits long but can be up to 8), reply ‘STOP’ to the

telephone number or short code shown in the text message. However, if the text

message is from an unknown sender, or from a sender you are not familiar with, we

recommend you don’t reply.

2) To report a spam text, forward the text to 7726.

3) You can make the following phone settings to separate spam messages:

a. Android mobile phone (Huawei, Samsung): You can block SMS by keyword and

numbers: SMS – "More" – Block SMS- in upper right corner click "settings" –

"Keyword Blacklist" – click "add". You can add multiple keywords separated by

commas, click "OK" to save the settings.

b. Android phone (LG): can block text messages by keyword and number: SMS -

Click on "More" in the upper right corner - "SPAM Manager - "Spam settings -

"Spam words" - tap+ to add spam words – Save

c. iPhone (iOS 7 or above): Settings - "Message" - "Blacklist" - "Add Sender - OK; or

Settings - "Message -" Filter Unknown Sender - "Open" (close all non-contacts

iMessage information notification and split the texts separately)

3. Complain

TPS (Telephone Preference Service):

• Call 0845 070 0707 ;

• Online complaints: /Consumer/

• Letter delivery: Telephone Preference Service (TPS), DMA House, 70 Margaret Street,

London W1W 8SS.

ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office):

• Call 0303 123 1113

• Online complaints:


• Letter Delivery: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,

Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF


• Call 0300 123 3333

• Online complaints: /tell-us/webflow/silent-calls/

• Letter delivery: Ofcom, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, London, SE1 9HA

本文标签: 短信垃圾电话设置信息