

2024-07-27 作者:

你应该现在走,不然你就赶不上公交车。 He is old and sick,otherwise he would be working. 他年老有病,不然他会上班的。 f2)作副词用时,义项为:①用其他方式;不同 地;另外②在其它方面,除此以外,可以置句首。如: He thinks otherwise. 他的想法不同。 The rent is high,but otherwise the house is sat- isfactory. 房租高了,除此之外,房子是令人满意的。 3.once引导的从句 (1)once表示“一旦”,引导的从句兼有时间 和条件概念,相当于when and if。 (2)引导时间状语从旬的连词when和引导条 转,活动;vt.操作,经营;n.works工厂,作品 件状语从句的连词if一样,once引导的从句也可 hTe radio does not work. 以使用省略句,省略的情况是:①从句主语与主句 收音机坏了。 主语相同;②从句中含有“be”(连系动词或助动词) Can you work the machine? 的某种形式;( ̄)once带有条件意味。 你能操作这部机器吗? 4.have+宾语+过去分词 Formany yearsheworked alargefarm. f 1)叫别人干某事,即强调主观意志,主语使 多年来他经营着一个大农场。 (叫,让)别人做某事。如: It is said that a gas works will be built in this I’11 have my eyes examined. raea. f 2)完成或解决某事(自己可能参加)。如: 据说在这个地区将建立一个煤气厂。 I had my house repaired the other day. He has readtheComplete Works ofLuXun. f 3)以主语为重点,意味着对主语不利的事, 他已经看完了《鲁迅全集》。 像遭到什么意外。如: 4.allowfor顾及,为……做准备 He had his bike stolen yesterday. 相关短语:allow do sht.允许某人干某 相关词组:have(make/le0 sht.让某人做 事;allow doing sth.允许干某事;allow of no delay不 某事.have(keep/leav ̄sbJsth.doing sth.使某人(某物) 允许延误;allow that…允许……。 处于……状态:have do有要做的某事;have done sth.已经做了某事;have(get)sth.done让别人做 潦熟外孪司高考英语 5.break away打破(陈套),突破旧俗;自…… 挣脱,逃脱;脱离政党或关系;破裂,裂开。如: 某事;某事被做。 hTe state has broken awayfromtheUnion. 5.句式:“what主语从句+is/was+that表语 这个州已经脱离了联邦政府。 从句”作为强调句型 You should break awayfrom such bad habits. (1)一般语法书上提到以what引导的强调 你应该改掉这样的坏习惯。 句仅强调谓语动词。这时,作强调句表语的通常用 相关短语:bread down机器出故障,(精神、健 不定式短语,不定式符号to常可省略,当what从 康等)垮下去,(把化合物等)分解,把(机器等)拆 旬的谓语动词d0是现在分词和过去分词时,作表 散;break in非法闯入,打断、插嘴;break off打断、 语的动词短语也可用与do的形式相应的现在分 中断,突然停止;break out(战争、火灾等)突然发 词或过去分词形式。 生,爆发;break up分解、分裂、打碎,驱散(人群), f 2)what强调句型甚至可以与It is…that… (集会)结束。 l 蒋艘缈掌 高中瓒 静‘始宰 卫 至 29 糟数外喾司高考英语 A.came over B.came out D.eanle up C.came about 10.The color purple is a blue. A.combination C.unity B.collection of red and D.joint II.完成句子 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用 句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。 1.We didn’t arrive atthe airportintime.—— (要不然的话我就能到达这里) before lunchtime.(othewirse) 2.He (不知道)how dangerous (越努力)you work, (进步越大)you will make itwas.(aware) driving cars,he must be very care ̄1 when it is snow— ing. 3. A.before B.previous (themore…themore) 4. C.ahead D.forward (无论你到什么地方), f每一个人都想参 4.We can see the blue sky and the shining sun. Thereis no A.possibility it is lal the same.(anywhere) 5.That’s tIlat it will rain or snow today B.opportunity D.connection 观的著名地方1thatwe callfindit onthemap ofthe world.fsuch…as) C.background 5.We should forgive Miss Smih who made a tmistake gir1. 四、话题作文 I.Learn the following sentences. 1.It is dificult for US to consider how our lives she is still an eighteen-year-old A.First of all C.At all B.Above all D.After all would be like without television. 2.To US individuals.when we finish a whole 6.No Chinese people hope to see Taiwan our motherland. A.break awayfrom C.escapefrom B.get rid of D.partwith day’S work and feel exhausted both physically and mentally. 3.In a word.I think television is a great inven- tion which is of great signiicance tfo the evolution of 7.Because of her carelessness,she may that important experiment. human society. II.Learn the following essay. A.gettired of C.escape from B.get rid of D.part with Television Revolution Nowadays,it is diifqcult for US to consider how our lives would be like wihoutt television.Ahhough television addict some adolescents to situation come— 8.Whenwe offerthesejobs.wemust their abilitiesand skills SOthattheyare allfitforthese jobs. A.askfor C.allowfor dies;although televisions put glasses on milions of B.callfor D.sendfor studen ̄’noses;although television reduce communi- cations between families and friends.I stil tIlink the advantages television brings to us is far more than the harmitdoesto Us. 9.It’S already ten 0’clock.1 wonder how it that she was two hours late on such a short tip.r 30 黜 。。 舯蹰豫蝴 篁。, 下句334 ToworUSindividuealste.whenweifnishawholedaydre’Skandfernlexhateusdbothphysicallynsananmentally,wemanytuweOnlevisiodhaitonveagotporods,laxation;—whewanttogetinfotsrmaonsentertainmentorsanlargedgetevenintheaworld,oweturnontelevisionitfrttoomllkindsfTVprogra,ms;evenwohenwewanlearnweEnglishcanetiquettetheorcustomfforeigndgetwcountries,turnonaote.levisioneWlSe:anhatweneedfromvhtisorem,lwayshAstottusev.corporaateworld,teleisionclasofgreeaByeYrordvertisingtheirspordutsserviceontelemaision,coprneoration.cabimprovetheirslaandkemorebeiftInwaword,Ithinkatelevisionisnceagreeatinventionohichmanissocofgre.tsignificatohtevolutionfhuiety书面表达:随着人们生活水平的提高越来越多的人拥有,子私家车写一,你班同学就此展开了,一次讨论提出两,种不同的看法请你根据下表所提供的信息给报社封信客观评价这两种看法,。赞同者认为1.反对者认为1.它是方便快捷舒适、废气严重污染、2.的交通工具2.过多则影响交.1516.gethightextscores反映出国民生活条件.通导致更多事.山inksoouse/tsttidethaeboxm的提高国家富强3.故危及行人安全.171819.lveleoblepr3.带动其他行业发展停车问题日益.getostuckttesr突出,.ldthoughtpac201..a信的开头和结尾已为你写好不计入总词数词数ors,hangeinperception。三、达标强训1A.2Derae.:110左右。I8..2A.3B.4A.5D.6A.7.Cdit’C9.C..10o.AerwIrecenmwritingtotellyouaaboutohtdediscussionweⅡ12.htisewewouldhavebeenherelyhadtownabo.utwhetheritisgoorbadforfami—wasnotawareofgrealiestocarh3Theharder;t.eterprorgess45v.Anywhesucreyougo.hawelknownplaceaseveryonewantstoisit四话题作文、OnePnssibleVersion:涛擞舒学习》f高中版)2008牵12月母下旬剃《虑第334卿‘uQ1‘蚊零謇I -r ● , ● ●● ● 渗熟盼 司离考英语 The 一、课文导读 I.Read the text,and finish the following cloze. who was taking charge ofthe 斛。Shylock refused to take the money I suggested,insisting on getting Anto— My name is Bassanio.The story I am telling took place ten years ago.I fell in love with a clever and beautiful girl whose name is.————————~nio’s flesh.When the judgethat the c0urt allowed Shylock to cut off one pound of flesh accord— ing to theAsking her to of the agreement,the others all 一———marry me was more troublesome than I had thou【ght.1 ha(1 to turn thought Antonio was sure to die.Then the judge added,“However,if you let him drop one blood,you will bemy fiend Antronio,who was a of Venice.He was happy to help,but he did of trying toa citizen of Venice not have any money just then.He had to borrow money from agreed to and everything・you own shall be taken————————rom f,who envied and hated him.Shylock themoneyon you.”It was too late for Shylock to regret now.In the that Antonio end,the Duke ordered Shylock to igve————of his money and goods to the city of Venice. must the moneyat fhe end of months.Otherwise,he should allow him to IL Go over Unit 19,and translate the following phrases. cutone pound offrom any part of his body. When Portia and 1 were getting married,a letter arrived from Antonio saying that all his ships had been lost at sea andhe had no choice hut to 1.偿还,报答 2.据我所知 3.对……表示怜悯 4.四处走动,着手做 5.对某人进行宣判 6.因某事而指控某人 矛ve Shylock one pound of his flesh.He wished to see me before he died.1 went to him at once.In the Dear editors, and industries develop faster I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether it is good or had for fami— liesto own a car. With the development of people’s living condi— Others have diferent opinions.They think that cars give off waste gas and make the surroundings gready polluted.Too many cars will have bad effects on the traffic.1eading to more accidents and even en- danger people’s lives.Besides,parking is another big problem.Maybe people should think twice before they buy a car. tions,more and more people have their own cars. Some of us think it is good to own a car.First,it is a kind of convenient,fast and comfortable transporta— tion.You can go to many more places at any time. Yours truly, LiHon Second,it shows that people are becoming richer,and the eountt ̄stronger.It also makes other businesses [作者单位:武汉市第二十三中学] 32。搿 擎 一 豫“ 0 

本文标签: Unit 18 Inventions