

2024-07-27 作者:

Test 18

I. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below.

Column A Column B
















Column A
















A. as if

B. if only

C. have no idea of

D . be inaccessible to sb.

E . imagine doing sth.

F . be independent of

G . be of great importance

H . individual sports

I . be impressed with/by

J . in one's forties

K . in no time

L. including postage

M. in all

N. be dressed in

0. hurt one's feelings

Column B

a . injure one’s pride

b . indoor sports

c . measure in inch

d . have an influence on

e . do the impossible

f'. under the influence of

g . for instance

h . inform sb. of sth.

i . inspire sb. to do sth.

j . provide information

k . insist on doing sth.

I . inquire about/of

m. be inferior to

n . inquire after sb.

o . inherit sth. from

Ⅱ.Put the following words into Chine.

1. hurl_______________ 2. hydrogen __________

3. ideal ______________ 4. illegal_____________

5. imagine____________ 6. imperial____________

7. implement.__________ 8. imposing ___________

9. inadequate___________ 10. incident____________

11. inevitable.___________ 12. infant_______________

13. inter_______________ 14. interior_____________ 15. inject_______________ 16. inn_________________

17. inner_______________ 18. innocent ____________

19. insect_______________ 20. insecticide___________

Ⅲ. Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blank of each sentence with correct


indicate, identify, ignore, legal, illustrate, improve, imagine, imagine,

imagine, immigrant, industry, inaccessible, patient, imply, practise

1. We couldn't drew the conclusion, because the____________of the accident victim took

some time.

2. His____________behaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment.

3. They were sentenced to ten years in prison for their____________transportation of drug.

4. ____________is often more useful than definition for showing what the words mean.

5. Her talk captured the____________of the whole class.

6. The product is popular in the world market because it is for____________use.

7. She was frightened all day long; she seemed to lived in____________fears.

8. Her father illegally_____________from Germany into America in the Second World War.

9. "We have waited for it for twenty minutes. " She said, taking another____________glance at

her watch.

10. The new report has far-reaching_____________for the future of broadcasting.

11. It was_____________to build the house in a month.

12. There is room for further_____________of your English.

13. The only_____________to the farmhouse is across the fields.

14. Each of the three prime colour has its own emotional____________.

15. In their rush to_____________, they ignore the environment protection.

V. Choices.

1. Mary________her sister and thought everything she did was right.

A. idea B. ideal C. idealized D. idealist

2. The police are trying to find out the________of the man killed in the accident.

A. identity B. identification C. identify D. identified

3. You are impatient to the customers so that your bad behaviour will spoil the________of the


A. image B. imagine C. imagination D. imaginary

4. He gave a good________of a lion's roar, which frightened all the children present.

A. imagination B. follow C. imitation D. imitation

5. They have passed some strict laws to prevent the foreigners from________into the country.

A. immigrant B. immigranting C. immigrate D. immigrating

6. Treating the patient________will surely delay his recovering from his illness.

A. impersonally B. personally C. incompletely D. impersonal

7. Your disguise (伪装) would________the trust of even your closest friends.

A. impose B. impose at C. impose upon D. impose about

8. As a police dog, it must be________ to command respect and strong to undertake demanding

physical work.

A. imposing B. graceful C. grant D. fascinate 9. Correct________can be drawn only from careful investigation and analysis.

A. infer B. indication C. implication D. inference

10. Half a century ago, the scientist made the predication that computer was bound to enter into every family.

A. undoubted B. unchangeably C. increasingly D. inevitably

11. After their________reserve (矜持或拘谨) , the two boys became open to one another.

A. first B. former C. origin D. initial

12. In England a person accused of crime must always be supposed________until he has been proved guilty.

A. criminal B. crime C. innocent D. innocence

13. History has________us abundant proof that tyranny (暴政) never last long.

A. afforded B. equipped C. provided D. supplied

14. If a person commits a capital crime in China, he will be sentenced to death; it is a common________

A. habit B. practice C. tradition D. custom 15. He had not,________, made up his mind what attitude to adopt towards her.

A. as if B. as well C, as usual D. as though 16. Children are easy to catch________in winter.

A. infections B. influence C. impact D. effect 17. Genius is ten percent________and ninety percent perspiration.

A. imagination B. decision C. movement D. inspiration 18. Our boss carries on frequent________.

A. asking B. investigation C. inspection D. examination 19. When she was twenty, she came into her________.

A. inherit B. inhabitant C. inheritance D. encouraging

20. He, who was the most________human right leader, was murdered soon after the election.

A. influential B. fluent C. affective D. effective

Ⅳ Put the following sentences into English.

1. 你的那些愤怒的话语会伤害他的感情。 (hurt)

2. 车辆可能到不了山顶上的大楼。 (inaccessible)

3. 尽管那时交通很困难,但是我们还是能通知所有的村民开会的时间。(inform)

4. 他不可能被传染,因为他打过针了。 (infect; inject)

5. 你们不得安装这种没有说明的设备。 (insult)

6. 我可以把服务费包括在总的花费中吗? (include)

7. 我们来模仿老师的动作好吗?(imitate)

8. 如果你花太多的时间在电脑上,你会受到虚幻世界的影响的。(shall; influence)

9.由于不知道会谈的结果,他不敢向记者说明这个计划。(ignorance; illustrate)

10. 有必要把惩罚强加于那些无罪的人身上吗?不,不行。(impose; innocent)

本文标签: test 18