

2024-07-27 作者:




The term yoga es from a Sanskrit word which means yoke or union. Traditionally yoga is

a method joining the individual self with the Divine, Universal Spirit or Cosmic

Consciousness. Physical and mental exercises are designed to help achieve this goal, also

called self-transcendence or enlightenment. On the physical level, yoga postures , called

asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen, and align the body. These postures are

performed to make the spine supple and healthy and to promote blood flow to all the

organs, glands, and tissues, keeping all the body systems healthy. On the mental level,

yoga uses breathing techniques(pranayama) and meditation (dyana) to quiet, clarify, and

discipline the mind. However experts are quick to point out the yoga is not a religion, but

a way of living with health and peace of mind as its aims.

Yoga in America

Douglas Dupler

1. Yoga originated in ancient India and is one of the longest surviving philosophical

systems in the world. Some scholars have estimated that yoga is as old as 5,000 years;

artifacts detailing yoga postures have been found in India from over 3,000 B.C.

Yogis claim that it is a highly developed science of healthy living that has been tested

and perfected for all these years. Yoga was first brought to America in the late 1800s

when Swami Vivekananda. an Indian teacher and yogi, presented a lecture

on .meditation in Chicago. Yoga slowly began gaining followers, and flourished

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during the 1960s when there was a surge of interest in Eastern philosophy. There

has since been a vast exchange of yoga knowledge in America, with many students

going to India to study and many Indian experts ing here to teach, resulting in the

establishment of a wide variety of schools. Today, yoga is thriving, and it has bee

easy to find teachers and practitioners throughout America. A recent Roper poll,

missioned by Yoga Journal, found that 11 million Americans do yoga at least

occasionally and six million perform it regularly. Yoga stretches are used by physical

therapists and professional sports teams, and the benefits of yoga are being touted

by movie stars and Fortune 500 executives. Many prestigious schools of medicine

have studied and introduced yoga techniques as proven therapies for illness and

stress. Some medical schools, like UCLA, even offer yoga classes as part of their

physician training program.

2. There are several different schools of hatha yoga in America; the two most prevalent

ones are Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga. Iyengar yoga was founded by B.K.S. Iyengar,

who is widely considered as one of the great living innovators of yoga. Iyengar yoga

puts strict emphasis on form and alignment, and uses traditional hatha yoga

techniques in new manners and sequences. Iyengar yoga can be good for physical

therapy because it allows the use of props like straps and blocks to make it easier for

some people to get into the yoga postures. Ashtanga yoga can be a more vigorous

routine, using a flowing and dance-like sequence of hatha postures to generate body

heat, which purifies the body through sweating and deep breathing.

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3. Yoga routines can take anywhere from 20 minutes to two or more hours, with one

hour being a good time investment to perform a sequence of postures and a

meditation. Some yoga routines, depending on the teacher and school, can be as

strenuous as the most difficult workout, and some routines merely stretch and align

the body while the breath and heart rate are kept slow and steady. Yoga achieves its

best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can be a life-long

exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as a practitioner

bees more adept. The basic positions can increase a person's strength, flexibility and

sense of well being almost immediately, but it can take years to perfect and deepen

them, which is an appealing and stimulating aspect of yoga for many.

4. Yoga is usually best learned from a yoga teacher or physical therapist, but yoga is

simple enough that one can learn the basics from good books on the subject, which

are plentiful. Yoga classes are generally inexpensive, averaging around 10 dollars per

class, and students can learn basic postures in just a few classes. Many YMCAs,

colleges, and munity health organizations offer beginning yoga classes as well, often

for nominal fees. If yoga is part of a physical therapy program,' it can be .reimbursed

by insurance.

5. Yoga can also provide the same benefits as any well-designed exercise program,

increasing general health and stamina, reducing stress, and improving those

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conditions brought about by sedentary lifestyles. Yoga has the added advantage of

being a low- impact activity that uses only gravity as resistance, which makes it an

excellent physical therapy routine: certain yoga postures can be safely used to

strengthen and balance all parts of the body.

6. Meditation has been much studied and approved for its benefits in reducing stresses-

related conditions. The landmark book, The Relaxation Response, by Harvard

cardiologist Herbert Benson, showed that meditation and breathing techniques for

relaxation could have the opposite effect of stress, reducing blood pressure and

other indicators, Since then, much research has reiterated the benefits of meditation

for stress reduction and general health. Currently, the American Medical Association

remends meditation techniques as a first step before medication for borderline

hypertension cases.

7. Modern psychological Studies have shown that even slight facial expressions can

cause changes in the involuntary nervous system; yoga utilizes the mind/body

connection, that is, yoga practice contains the central ideas that physical posture and

alignment can influence a person's mood and self-esteem, and also that the mind can

be used to shape and heal the body. Yoga practitioners claim that the strengthening

of mind/body awareness can bring eventual improvements in all facets of a person's


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8. Yoga can be performed by those of any age and condition, although not all poses

should be attempted by everyone. Yoga is also a very accessible form of exercise; all

that is needed is a flat floor surface large enough to stretch out on, a mat or towel,

and enough overhead space to full raise the arms. It is a good activity for those who

can't go to gyms, who don' t like other forms of exercise, or have very busy

schedules. Yoga should be done on an empty stomach, and teachers remend waiting

three or more hours after meals. Loose and fortable clothing should he worn.

9. Beginners should exercise care and concentration when performing yoga postures,

and not try to stretch too much too quickly, as injury could result. Some advanced

yoga postures, like the headstand and full lotus position, can be difficult and require

strength, flexibility, and gradual preparation, so beginners should get the help of a

teacher before attempting them.

10. Yoga is not a petitive sport; it does not matter how a person does in parison with

others, but how aware and disciplined one bees with one's own body and limitations.

Proper form and alignment should always be maintained during a stretch or posture,

and the stretch or posture should be stopped when there is pain, dizziness, or fatigue.

The mental ponent of yoga is just as important as the physical postures.

Concentration and awareness breath should not be neglected. Yoga should be done

with an open, gentle, and non-critical mind: when one stretches into a position, it

can be thought of as accepting and working on one's limits. Impatience,

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self-criticism and paring oneself to others will not help in this process of

self-knowledge. While performing the yoga of breathing (pranayama) and meditation

(dyana), it is best to have an experienced teacher, as these powerful techniques can

cause dizziness and disfort when done improperly.

11. Although yoga originated in a culture very different from modern America, it has

been accepted and its practice has spread relatively quickly. Many yogis are amazed

at how rapidly yoga's popularity has spread in America, considering the legend that it

was passed down secretly by handfuls of adherents for many centuries.

12. There can still be found some resistance to yoga, for active and busy Americans

sometimes find it hard to believe that an exercise program that requires them to

slow down, concentrate, and breathe deeply can be more effective than lifting

weights or running, However, ongoing research in top medical schools is showing

yoga's effectiveness for overall health and for specific problems, making it an

increasingly acceptable health practice.


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10. 瑜伽不是竞技体育;练瑜伽不需要和别人比,练瑜伽的目的是提高自己的觉悟和身心自


11. 虽然瑜伽的发源地与现代美国文化迥异,但它却得到了认同,并很快地传播开来。许多


12. 也有一些人反对瑜伽,因为勤奋忙碌的美国人很难相信这项要他们放慢速度、集中精力


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