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DATE : Nov.17 , 2009SAMSUNG TFT-LCDSAMSUNG TFT-LCDMODEL NO. : LTN121AT06-G01MODEL NO. : LTN121AT06-G01NOTE : Extension code [ -G01 ]→LTN121AT06-G01Surface type [ Glare]Any Modification of Spec is not allowed without SEC’ation engineering part, Mobile DivisionSamsung Electronics Co., g 00-P01-G-091117Page1/ 31CONTENTSRevision HistoryGeneral Description1. Absolute Maximum Ratings1.1 Absolute Ratings of environment1.2 Electrical Absolute Ratings

2. Optical Characteristics3. Electrical Characteristics3.1 TFT LCD Module3.2 Backlight Unitpreliminary-------------------( 3 )-------------------( 4 )-------------------( 5 )-------------------( 7 )-------------------( 10 )4. Block Diagram4.1 TFT LCD Module-------------------( 13 )-------------------( 14 )5. Input Terminal Pin Assignment5.1 Input Signal & Power

5.2 LVDS Interface5.3 Timing Diagrams of LVDS For Transmitting5.4 Input Signals, Basic Display Colors and Gray Scale of Each Color.5.5 Pixel format

6. Interface Timing6.1 Timing Parameters

6.2 Timing Diagrams of interface Signal

6.3 Power ON/OFF Sequence7. Outline Dimension

-------------------( 20 )-------------------( 22 )8. Packing9. Marking & Others10. General Precautions11. EDID--------------------( 24 )--------------------( 25 )--------------------( 27 )-------------------( 29 )Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page2/ 31REVISION HISTORYREVISION HISTORYDateNov. 17, 2008Revision No.P00PageAllSummarypreliminaryThe preliminary specification of LTN121AT06-G01 model was

issued g 00-P01-G-091117Page3/ 31GENERAL DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONpreliminaryLTN121AT06 is a color active matrix TFT (Thin Film Transistor) liquid crystal display

(LCD) that uses amorphous silicon TFT as switching devices. This model is composed of a

TFT LCD panel, a driver circuit and a backlight unit. The resolution of a 12.1" contains1280 x 800 pixels and can display up to 262,144 colors. 6 O'clock direction is the optimum

viewing ES•High contrast ratio•WXGA (1280 x 800 pixels ) resolution•Low power consumption•Fast Response•LED Back Light with embedded LED Driver•DE (Data enable) only mode•3.3V LVDS Interface

•Onboard EEDID chip•Green product (RoHScompliant)APPLICATIONS•Notebook PC

•If the usage of this product is not for PC application, but forothers, please contact SECGENERAL INFORMATIONItemDisplay areaDriver elementDisplay colorsNumber of pixelPixel arrangementPixel pitchDisplay ModeSurface treatmentSpecification261.12(H) x 163.2(V) ( 12.1”wide diagonal )a-Si TFT active matrix262,1441280 x 800RGB vertical stripe0.204(H) x 0.204(V) (TYP.)Normally whiteHaze 0, Hard-Coating 3HmmpixelUnitmmNoteSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page4/ 31preliminaryMechanical InformationItemHorizontal (H)ModulesizeVertical (V)Depth (D)WeightMin.275.3177.6--Typ.275.8178.15.2278Max.276.3178.65.5295Unitmmmmmmg(1)NoteNote (1) Measurement condition of outline dimension

. Equipment : Bernier Calipers. Push Force : 500g ⋅f (minimum)1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ABSOLUTE RATINGSItemStorage temperateOperating temperate(Temperature of glass surface)Shock ( non-operating )Vibration (non-operating)SymbolTSTGTOPRSnopVnopMin.-20

0--Max.60502402.41Unit°C°CGGNote(1)(1)(2),(4)(3),(4)Note (1) Temperature and relative humidity range are shown inthe figure below.95 % RH Max. (40 °C≥Ta)Maximum wet -bulb temperature at 39

OC or less. (Ta >40 °C) No condensationRelative Humidity ( %RH)( 40,90 )Operating Range( 50,50.4 )( 60,27.7 )200-40-205Storage Range020406080Temperature (OC)(2) 2ms, half sine wave, one time for ±X, ±Y, ±Z.

(3) 5 -500 Hz, random vibration, 30min for X, Y, Z.(4) At testing Vibration and Shock, the fixture in holding the Module to be tested have to behard and rigid enough so that the Module would not be twisted or bent by the g 00-P01-G-091117Page5/ 31preliminary1.2 ELECTRICAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS(1) TFT LCD MODULEVDD=3.3V, VSS

= GND = 0VItemPower Supply VoltageLogic Input VoltageNote (1) Within Ta (25 ±2 °C)+ 0.3VDD+ 0.3UnitVVNote(1)(1)Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page6/ 31preliminary2. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe following items are measured under stable conditions. The optical characteristics

should be measured in a dark room or equivalent state with the methods shown in Note (5).Measuring equipment : TOPCON SR-3* Ta = 25 ±2 °C, VDD=3.3V, fv= 60Hz, fDCLK= 69.3MHz, IF = 19.0 mAItemContrast Ratio(5 Points)Response Time at Ta( Rising + Falling )tNoteCR400500--(1), (2), (5)TRT-2535msec(1), (3)Average Luminanceof White (5 Points)YL,AVENormalViewingAngleφ= 0θ= 0170200-cd/m2IF=19.0mA(1), (4)RXRedRYGXGreenColorChromaticity( CIE )GYBXBlueBYWXWhiteWYθgAngleVer.θRφHφL13 PointsWhite VariationδL0.5550.3300.3450.5350.1250.0700.2830.299300.5850.3600.3750.5650.1550.1000.30301.40.6150.3900.4050.5950.1850.1300.3430.359-(1), (5)SR-3CR ≥10At center301020-Degrees(1), (5)SR-31.6-(6)Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page7/ 31Note 1) Definition of Viewing Angle : Viewing angle range(10


Normal Lineφ= 0o,

θ= 0oθLθRθL

=90oφLφHpreliminaryxy12 O’clockdirectionφH= 90o6 O’clockdirectionφL= 90oy'x'θR=90oNote 2) Definition of Contrast Ratio (CR) : Ratio of gray max (Gmax) ,gray min (Gmin)

at 5 points(4, 5, 7, 9, 10)

CR =

CR(4) + CR(5) + CR(7) + CR(9) + CR(10)5at the figure of Note (6).

510479Points : , , , ,

Note 3) Definition of Response time :Display data White(TFT OFF)TRBlack(TFT ON)White(TFT OFF)TFOpticalResponse100%90%10%0%TimeNote 4) Definition of Average Luminance of White : measure the luminance of white at 5 points.320Average Luminance of White ( YL,AVE


YL4+ YL5+ YL7+ YL9+ YL10YL,AVE


54640960VIEW AREA00(lines)Samsung Secret: test 00-P01-G-091117Page8/ 31preliminaryNote 5) After stabilizing and leaving the panel alone at a given temperature for 30 min , the measurement

should be executed. Measurement should be executed in a stable, windless,and dark room.30 min after lighting the backlight. This should be measured in the center of screen.

IF current : 19.0mAEnvironment condition : Ta = 25 ±2 °CPhoto-detector( TOPCON SR-3 )Field

= 2°50 cm

TFT-LCD module

LCD panel

Center of the screen[ Optical characteristics measurement setup ]Note 6) Definition of 13 points white variation (δL), CR variation( CVER) [ ~ ]113δL=Maximum luminance of 13 pointsMinimum luminance of 13 points10mm10mm9601120010mm13876400: test point5310mm241600(lines)Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page9/ 313. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS3.1 TFT LCD MODULEpreliminaryTa= 25 ±2°CItemVoltage of Power SupplyDifferential InputVoltage for LVDSReceiver ThresholdVsync FrequencyHsync FrequencyMain FrequencyRush CurrentWhiteCurrent of Power

SupplyMosaicV. stripeHighLowSymbolVDDVIHVILfvfHfDCLKIRUSHMin.3.0--100--67.2--Typ.3.3--6051.269.3-220240280Max.3.6+100---70.61.5--320UnitVmVmVHzKHzMHzAmAmAmANoteVCM

= +1.2V(4)(2),(3)*a(2),(3)*b(2),(3)*cIDD--Note (1) Display data pins and timing signal pins should be connected.( GND = 0V )(2) fV= 60Hz, fDCLK= 69.3MHZ, VDD= 3.3V , DC Current.(3) Power dissipation pattern*a) White PatternVIEW AREADisplay Brightest Gray Level*b) Mosaic PatternDisplay Darkest Gray LevelSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page10/ 31preliminary*c) 1dot Vertical stripe patternRGBRGBRGBRGRGBRGBRGBRGRGBRGBRGBRGRGBRGBRGBRG4) Rush current measurement condition3.3VM12SK1059FUSEVDD (

LCD INPUT)C11uFR147KCONTROL SIGNALR21KM22SK1399(HIGH to LOW)12VR3C31uF47KC210000pFVDDrising time is 470us0.9VDD3.3V0.1VDDGND470usSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page11/ 31preliminary3.2 BACK-LIGHT UNITItemLED Forward CurrentLED Forward VoltageLED Array VoltagePower ConsumptionOperating Life TimeInput VoltageExternal PWM

Dimming Control

Frequency (BLIM)Input PowerOperating FrequencyEN, Turn-On LevelThresholdEN, Turn-Off LevelThresholdSymbolIFVFVPPHrVinFBLIMPinFoBL_EnableBL_EnableMin.----12,00060.2-0.2-0.8Typ.,BLIM=PWM0V~3.3VTa= 25 ±2 °CNoteVF X 6 LEDsIF X VF X 36LEDs(1)Note -Test Equipment : Fluke 45Note (1)Life time (Hr) of LEDscan be defined as the time in which it continues to operate under thecondition Ta= 25 ±2 °C and IF = 19.0 mArmsuntil one of the followingevent occurs.-When the brightness becomes 50% or lower than the original.(2) Enable Input. When low, the device is turned off. The pin goes low when a fault condition is defect.1) LED Time Sequence. The proper startup sequence is DIM→VIN→EN, or VIN→DIM → the dimming signal is applied after the EN pin, the device will not perform the soft start again,

in fact it will start switching with the maximum current limit in order to recover the output Time SequenceDIM→VIN→EN, or VIN→DIM →g 00-P01-G-091117Page12/ 314. BLOCK DIAGRAM4.1 TFT LCD ModuleI2

C busLVDSpreliminaryEDIDEEPROMRSDSInput-ConnectorFI-NXB40SL-HF10or CompatibleLVDS Input/RSDS OutputTiming ControllerSourceDriverIC12.1”WXGATFT-LCD PanelDC-DCConverterLED PowerControlGammaGeneratorVCOMGeneratorLED B/LSOURCE PCBVideo SignalControl SignalVCOMLED Power&signalDVDDAVDDVon/VoffGammaFeedbackGate Driver ICSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page13/ 315. INPUT TERMINAL PIN ASSIGNMENTpreliminary5.1. Input Signal & Power (LVDS, Connector : FI-NXB40SL-HF10 by JAE or equivalent )No.7282930SymbolNCAVDDAVDDDVDDNCSCLSDARIN0-RIN0+GNDRIN1-RIN1+GNDRIN2-RIN2+GNDCLK-CLK+GNDNCNCGNDNCNCGNDNCNCGNDNCNCNo ConnectionPower Supply 3.3V (typical)Power Supply 3.3V (typical)DDC 3.3V powerNo ConnectionDDC ClockDDC dataLVDS differential data input (R0-R5, G0)LVDS differential data input (R0-R5, G0)GroundLVDS differential data input (G1-G5, B0-B1)LVDS differential data input (G1-G5, B0-B1)GroundLVDS differential data input (B2-B5, HS, VS, DE)LVDS differential data input (B2-B5, HS, VS, DE)GroundLVDS differential clock inputLVDS differential clock inputGroundNo ConnectionNo ConnectionGroundNo ConnectionNo ConnectionGroundNo ConnectionNo ConnectionGroundNo ConnectionNo ConnectionNegativePositiveNegativePositiveNegativePositiveNegativePositiveFunctionPolarityRemarksSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page14/ 31preliminaryNo.637383940SymbolVBL-VBL-VBL-NCVBL+VBL+VBL+BLIMBL_EnableNCLED Power returnLED Power returnLED Power returnNo Connection6V –20V LED power6V –20V LED power6V –20V LED powerPWM for luminance control (200~1KHz, 3.3V)BL On/Off (On: 2.0~3.3V, Off: 0~0.5V)No ConnectionFunctionPolarityRemarksSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page15/ 31preliminary5.2 LVDS Interface : Transmitter DS90CF363 or Compatible

Pin No.4671112NameTxIN0TxIN1TxIN2TxIN3TxIN4TxIN6TxIN7TxIN8TxIN9TxIN12TxIN13RGB SignalR0R1R2R3R4R5G0G1G2G3G4Pin No.NameTxIN14TxIN15TxIN18TxIN19TxIN20TxIN21TxIN22TxIN24TxIN25TxIN26TxCLKINRGB SignalG5B0B1B2B3B4B5HsyncVsyncDEClockLVDS INTERFACEGraphics controller18-bitRED0RED1RED2RED3RED4RED5GREEN0GREEN1GREEN2GREEN3GREEN4GREEN5BLUE0BLUE1BLUE2BLUE3BLUE4BLUE5HsyncVsyncEnableCLOCKDS90CF3835148TxOUT0-525447TxOUT0+5556346TxOUT1-4645TxOUT1+711124214TxOUT2-1541TxOUT2+1920224023TxCLKOUT-243927TxCLKOUT+283031FI-NXB40SL-HF1089Integrated ICRxIN0-RxIN0+100 Ω8100ΩRxIN1-RxIN1+RxIN2-RxIN2+RxCLKIN-RxCLKIN+100 Ω100 ΩNote : The LCD Module uses a 100ohm resistor between positive and negative lines of each

receiver g 00-P01-G-091117Page16/ 31preliminary5.3 Timing Diagrams of LVDS For TransmissionLVDS Receiver : Integrated T-CONTTxCLKOUTRxCLKINT/7Rx IN2RxOUT20RxOUT19RxOUT18RxOUT17RxOUT16RxOUT15RxOUT14DE

VsyncHsyncB5B4B3B2Rx IN1RxOUT13B1RxOUT12B0RxOUT11G5RxOUT10G4RxOUT9G3RxOUT8G2RxOUT7G1RxIN0RxOUT6G0RxOUT5R5RxOUT4R4RxOUT3R3RxOUT2R2RxOUT1R1RxOUT0R0Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page17/ 31preliminary5.4 Input Signals, Basic Display Colors and Gray Scale of Each ColorData SignalColorDisplayBlackBlueGreenBasicColorsCyanRedMagentaYellowWhiteBlackDarkGrayScaleOfRed↑::↓LightRedBlackDarkGrayScaleOfGreen↑::↓LightGreenBlackDarkGrayScaleOfBlue↑::↓LightBlue::101000::000000::001::011000::000000::000Red::111000::000000::000::111000::000000::000::111000::000000::000::111000::000000::000::000010::101000::000::000001::011000::000Green::000000::111000::000::000000::111000::000::000000::111000::000::000000::111000::000::000000::000010::000::000000::000001::011Blue::000000::000000::000::000000::000000::000::000000::000000::000::000000::000000::111R0R1R2R3R4R5G0G1G2G3G4G5B0B1B2B345B5GrayScaleLevel--------R0R1R2R3∼R60R61R62R63G0G1G2G3∼G60G61G62G63B0B1B2B3∼B60B61B62B63Note 1) Definition of gray :

Rn: Red gray, Gn: Green gray, Bn: Blue gray (n=gray level)Note 2)Input signal: 0 =Low level voltage, 1=High level voltage

Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page18/ 31preliminary5.5 Pixel Format in the display1Line 1RGBRGBRGB1280RGBLTN121AT06-G01 PanelLine 800RGBRGBRGBRGBSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page19/ 316. INTERFACE TIMING6.1 Timing Parameters

SignalFrame FrequencyVertical ActiveDisplay TermItemCycleDisplay

PeriodSymbolTVMin.804Typ.816Max.860preliminaryUnitLinesNoteTVD-800-LinesOne LineScanning Time

CycleTH0ClocksHorizontal ActiveDisplay TermDisplay

PeriodTHD-1280-Clocks6.2 Timing diagrams of interface signal


DEDATASIGNALSValid display data ( 1280 clocks)Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page20/ 316.3 Power ON/OFF Sequencepreliminary: To prevent a latch-up or DC operation of the LCD module, the power on/off sequence

should be as the diagram Supply0.9 VDDVDD0.1 VDD0V0.9 VDD0.1 VDD0.5

≤10 msec0

≤50 msec0

≤50 msec500 msec ≤T4Signals0 V

T1T2VALIDT3T4Power OnPower OffBack-light200 msec ≤T5200 msec ≤T6T550%50%T6Power ON/OFF SequenceT1 : Vdd rising time from 10% to 90%T2 : The time from Vdd to valid data at power ON.T3 : The time from valid data off to Vdd off at power Off.T4 : Vdd off time for Windows restartT5 : The time from valid data to B/L enable at power ON.T6 : The time from valid data off to B/L disable at power .

(1) The supply voltage of the external system for the moduleinput should be the same

as the definition of VDD.(2) Apply the lamp voltage within the LCD operation range. When the back-light turns onbefore the LCD operation or the LCD turns off before the back-light turns off, the

display may momentarily become white.(3) In case of VDD= off level, please keep the level of input signals on the low or keep

a high impedance.

(4) T4 should be measured after the module has been fully discharged between power

off and on period.

(5) Interface signal shall not be kept at high impedance when the power is g 00-P01-G-091117Page21/ 317. Mechanical Outline DimensionRefer to the next pagepreliminarySamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page22/ 31preliminaryThis page will be replaced with the outline drawing after

producing PDF g 00-P01-G-091117Page23/ 318. PACKING1. CARTON(Internal Package)(1) Packing FormCorrugated Cardboard box and Corrupadform as shock absorberpreliminary(2) Packing MethodCUSHION CAPPANELCUSHION PADPACKING CASENote 1)Total Weight : Approximately 4.0 kg2) Acceptance number of piling : 10 sets3) Carton size : 295(W) ×280(D) ×364(H)4) MAX accumulation quantity : 5 cartonsSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page24/ 31(3)Packing MaterialNo1234Part nameStatic electric protective sackPacking case (Inner box)included shock absorberPictorial markingCartonQuantity101 set2 pcs1 setpreliminary9. MARKINGS & OTHERSA nameplate bearing followed by is affixed to a shipped product at thespecified location on each product.(1)Parts number : LTN121AT06

(2)Revision code : 3 letters(3)Lot number : X X X X XXX XX X G01SEC Revision CodePanel numberCell IDLot IDMonthYearProduct CodeLine(4) Nameplate IndicationLTN121AT060825XXXXXXXXXX

CT: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXMADE IN CHINAG0140 mm80 mmParts name : LTN121AT06Lot number : XXXXXXXXXX

Inspected work week : 0825 (2008 year 25th week)Product Revision Code : G01CT code : XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Released after HP’sapproval)Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page25/ 31preliminary(5) High voltage caution noticeHIGH VOLTAGECAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDISCONNECT THE ELECTRICPOWER BEFORE SERVICETHIS COVER CONTAINSFLUORESCENT FOLLOW LOCALORDINANCES ORREGULATIONS FOR ITS DISPOSAL10mm70mm(6) Packing small box attachDEVICE : LTN121AT06TYPE : G01QTY : 010PCSXXXXXXXXXXHP PN : XXXXXX -XXXMADE IN CHINA(7) Packing box Marking : Samsung TFT-LCD Brand NameSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page26/ 3110. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS1. Handlingpreliminary(a) When the module is assembled, It should be attached to the system firmly

using every mounting holes. Be careful not to twist and bend the modules.(b) Refrain from strong mechanical shock and / or any force to the module. In addition to

damage, this may cause improper operation or damage tothe module and CCFT back-light.(c) Note that polarizers are very fragile and could be easily damaged. Do not press or scratchthe surface harder than a HB pencil lead.(d) Wipe off water droplets or oil immediately. If you leave the droplets for a long time,Staining and discoloration may occur.(e) If the surface of the polarizer is dirty, clean it using some absorbent cotton or soft cloth.(f) The desirable cleaners are water, IPA (Isoprophyl Alcohol) or not use Ketone type materials(ex. Acetone), Ethyl alcohol, Toluene, Ethyl acid or Methyl

chloride. It might permanent damage to the polarizer due to chemical reaction.(g) If the liquid crystal material leaks from the panel, it should be kept away from the eyes or

mouth . In case of contact with hands, legs or clothes, it must be washed away thoroughlywith soap.(h) Protect the module from static , it may cause damage tothe C-MOS Gate Array IC.(i) Use fingerstalls with soft gloves in order to keep display clean during the incoming

inspection and assembly process.(j) Do not disassemble the module.(k) Do not pull or fold the lamp wire.(l) Do not adjust the variable resistor which is located on the back side.(m) Protection film for polarizer on the module shall be slowly peeled off just before use sothat the electrostatic charge can be minimized.(n) Pins of I/F connector shall not be touched directly with bare g 00-P01-G-091117Page27/ 312. STORAGEpreliminary(a) Do not leave the module in high temperature, and high humidity for a long is highly recommended to store the module with temperature from 0 to 35 °Cand

relative humidity of less than 70%.(b) Do not store the TFT-LCD module in direct sunlight.(c) The module shall be stored in a dark place. It is prohibited to apply sunlight or fluorescentlight during the store.3. OPERATION(a) Do not connect,disconnect the module in the “Power On”condition.(b) Power supply should always be turned on/off by following item 6.3

“Power on/off sequence “.(c) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic

interference shall be done by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methodsmay be important to minimize the interference.(d) The cable between the back-light connector and its inverter power supply shall be aminimized length and be connected directly . The longer cable between the back-lightand the inverter may cause lower luminance of lamp(CCFT) and may require higherstartup voltage (Vs).(e) The standard limited warranty is only applicable when the moduleis used for general

notebook applications. If used for purposes other than as specified, SEC is not to be

held reliable for the defective operations. It is strongly recommended to contact SEC

to find out fitness for a particular purpose.4. OTHERS(a) Ultra-violet ray filter is necessary for outdoor operation.(b) Avoid condensation of water. It may result in improper operation or disconnection

of electrode.(c) Do not exceed the absolute maximum rating value. ( the supply voltage variation, input

voltage variation, variation in part contents and environmental temperature, so on)

Otherwise the module may be damaged.(d) If the module displays the same pattern continuously fora long period of time,it can bethe situation when the image “sticks”to the screen.(e) This module has its circuitry PCB’s on the rear side and should be handled carefully in

order not to be stressed.

Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page28/ 3111. EDIDAddressFUNCTION(HEX)5060708090A0B0C0D0E0F5161718191A1B1C1D1E1F5HEX00FFFFFFFFFFFF004CA3414A20103801A10780A87F594574F8C9398084000ValueBINDECASCIIorDatapreliminaryNotesHeaderEDID HeaderID Manufacturer NameID Product CodeSEC[A][J]3 character ID"SEC"32-bit serial of manufactureYear of manufactureEDID Structure revision #Video input definitionMax H image sizeMax V image sizeDisplay GammaFeature supportRed/green low bitsBlue/white low bitsRed x/ high bitsRed yGreen xGreen yBlue xBlue yWhite xWhite yEstablished timing 1Established timing 2Established timing 2.22008EDID Ver. 1.0EDID Rev. 326 cm(approx)16 cm(approx)Gamma 2.111110Red x 0.580=1001010010Red y 0.340=0101011100Green x 0.310=0100111101Green y 0.550=1000110011Blue x 0.155=001001111Blue y 0.155=001001111White x 0.313=0101000001White y 0.329=.5800.3400.3100.5500.1550.1550.3130.329Samsung 00-P01-G-091117Page29/ 31preliminary262728292A2B2C2D2E2F5363738393A3B3C3D3E3F40Standard timing #1Standard timing #2Standard timing #3Standard timing #4Standard timing #5Standard timing #6Standard timing #7Standard timing #121B81613not usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot usednot usedMain clock= 69.3 MHzHor active=640*2 pixelsHor blanking=135 pixels4bit : 4bitVertcal active=800 linesVertical blanking=16 lines4bit : 4bitHor sync. Offset=16 pixelsH sync. Width=48 pixelsV sync. Offset=1 linesV sync. Width=3 lines2bit : 2bit :2bit :2bit261163H image size= 261 mm(approx)V image size = 163 mm(approx)No Horizontal BorderNo Vertical BorderDetailed timing/monitordescriptor #464748494A4B4C4D4E4F05A00000F3513521000Manufacturer Specified (Timing)Detailed timing/monitordescriptor #2Value=HSPWmin / 2Value=HSPWmax / 2Value=Thbpmin /2Value=Thbpmax /2Value=VSPWmin /2Value=VSPWmax /2Value=Tvbpmin / 2Value=Tvbpmax / 2Thpmin=value*2 + HA pixelclksThpmax=value*2 + HA pixelclksTvpmin=value*2 + VA linesTvpmax=value*2 + VA linesModule revisionSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page30/ 31preliminary5A5B5C5D5E5F5666768696A6B6C6D6E6F5767778797A7B7C7D7E7F000000FE0053414D53554E470A00000FE430362D4730310A32037[1][2][1][A][T][0][6][-][G][0][1][^][]Monitor Name Tag (ASCII)[S][A][M][S][U][N][G][^][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]ASCII Data String TagDetailed timing/monitordescriptor #3Detailed timing/monitordescriptor #4Extension FlagChecksumSamsung 00-P01-G-091117Page31/ 31

本文标签: LTN121AT06G01091117(719)三星屏图文