

2024-07-28 作者:



Digital to Analog; Analog to Digital

divio introduces the NW701, the world’s first single-chip DV DV-SD “BlueBook” compliant and designed with divio’spatentedcompression technology, the NW701 delivers unrivaled video quality,performance and functionality. With a single-chip design and gluelessinterface to standard video components, divio’sDV codec will replacecurrent multi-chip solutions and enable a new generation of cost-effec-tive digital video products including camcorders, desktop PCs, VTRs,and stand-alone applications. In addition to the standard 25Mb/s datarate, the NW701 provides low bit-rate modes for video capture to avariety of low-cost storage has created NW701-DAAD™(D<—–>A; A<—–>D) manufacturing kitsFeatures and Benefits

High-Quality, Enhanced Blue Book Features•Fully “Blue Book” DV-SD compliant•Optional Low Data-Rate Modes: 3.0, 2.4, 1.8,

and 1.5MB/s•Integrated multi-tap video filter for 4:2:2 to 4:1:1,

or 4:2:2 to 4:2:0 conversionsLow System Cost•Integrated single-chip design including audio andvideo I/O processing and video compre s s i o n .•Glue-less interface to standard video

components, processors, and memory•Integrated shuffle memory logic•R e q u i res only one 256K x 32 EDO DRAMReal-Time Performance•High speed (33MB/s) thro u g h p u t•Double Clock Option: Capable of operation up

to 54MHz for dual stream applicationsComprehensive Video and Audio Support•NTSC (4:1:1) and PAL (4:2:0 and 4:1:1)

p ro c e s s i n g2•Popular IS audio interf a c e•48, 44.1, and 32 kHz (12- and 16-bit)

audio supportSimple Host Bus Connectivity•Single 16-bit Asynchronous Host Bus interf a c e•512 Byte DV FIFO for ease of integration•3 interrupt pins for enhanced system contro

lwith expanded functionality to simplify the implementation process andreduce time-to-market. divio supplies all of the hardware, software anddocumentation necessary to develop low-cost, high-perf o rm a n c ep roduct NW701 provides an unprecedented feature-set that delivers theessential digital video engine to empower real-time DV performanceand Block Diagram




Digital to Analog; Analog to Digital

Content Convertion : 8mm,


DV (Digital Video)

Analog Video to PC / MAC

Digital Video to TV / Projector

Board Components

•divio NW701LQ DV–SD Codec

•Video Decoder (SAA7112/14)•Video Encoder (SAA7121)•8 0 5 1 / F P G A•Audio Codec (UDA1340)•1394 Link (PDI1394L21)•1394 PHY (PDI1394P11A)Performance Summary•S u p p o rts NTSC & PA L•Input / Output: S Video, composite,audio L+R & 1394•Bus powered or external power sourc e•Compatible with DV editing card & SW•Small form factorManufacturing Kit Contents•divio NW701-DAAD Reference Design

•Application Software•Schematics / Gerber Files•Technical Manuals•FPGA + Firm w a reSales Information

d i v i o,

i n c .

997 East Arques Av e n u eSunnyvale, CA 94086 USAP h o n e :( 4 0 8)7 3 2 - 1 2 0 5F a x :( 4 0 8)7 3 2 - 4 0 2 2E - m a i l :s a l es@d i v i o . c o mh t t p : / / w w w. d i v i o . c o mWorldwide contacts:

visit www. d i v i o . c o m

Ordering InformationP a rt NumberD e s c r i p t i o n•N W 7 0 1 L QD V-SD Codec•N W 7 0 1 - D A A DManufacturing KitCopyright ©1999 divio, inc. All rights re s e rved. NW701-DAAD and the divio logo

a re trademarks of divio, inc. Other product names are re g i s t e red trademarks of theirrespective companies. Pro d u c tspecifications are subject to change without notice.

本文标签: NW701中文资料