

2024-07-28 作者:





How to protect yourself against COVID in some occasions

Taking the elevator/stairs

* Wear a mask.

* Reduce direct contact with the lift buttons.

* Avoid crowded elevators.

* Maintain distance from others. No conversations.

* Take the stairs if your destination floor is not high. Avoid contact with the handrail.


* Co by walking, cycling or driving a private car, if possible.

* Wear a mask when taking public transportation.

* Disinfect the handlebar seat and other parts you may touch before using a shared bike.

In office

* Take your temperature as required upon arrival.

* Air the office three times a day, 20 -30 minutes each time.

* Cover your face with tissues when coughing or sneezing.


* Wash your hands and disinfect regularly.

* Communicate online to reduce face-to-face interactions.

* Organize smaller and shorter offline conferences.

Social occasion

* Wave to greet instead of doing handshakes.

* Avoid crowded or poorly ventilated areas.

* Keep a 1-meter distance from others while wailing in line.

* Cover nose and mouth with your elbow or tissues when coughing or sneezing.

* Avoid unnecessary dinner parties that gather many people.

* Avoid peak hours when dining out. Order food and pay the bill in a contactless way if


At home

* Ventilate the rooms well.

* Keep the rooms tidy and clean.

* Drink more water and increase fruits and vegetables in your diet.

* Exercise properly.

* Maintain a regular bedtime and get enough rest and sleep.

* Keep a healthy and positive mood.

1.Which column is this passage probably taken from?





2.What is advisable to protect you from COVID?

A.Take elevators as much as possible.

B.Arrange offline meetings frequently.

C.Exercise properly and rest enough.


D.Go to crowded areas at your will.

3.Who is the passage intended for?


Somebody gave me an award! In my entire life, I have only ever received one award: in

2000, I was named Most Helpful by my university drama society.

This time, however, I won an actual award! Admittedly, there was no big awards

ceremony. just an email and a social media post. But, nevertheless, it’s given me a glow of

pride. Somebody acknowledged my achievements!

The problem is that society seems to favor youth. There are a million ‘30 under 30’ lists

which I was never on, and yet it was only last year that the magazine Forbes launched its ‘50

over 50’ list. But while I don’t want to take those awards away from the kids, 1 know if

someone had declared me an ‘up-and-coming’ anything at 30, I’d have been as terrified as I

was delighted; so much to live up to. Now, however, I am grabbing that award and shouting:

“At last, the recognition I deserve!”, because I know how much work I’ve put in, and I’m not

about to let anyone lessen that.

If I was to list the advantages of getting older, then the ability to recognize my

accomplishments and to be proud of them would be at the very top. Heard too many times,

it’s boring to say that we women put ourselves down, but too often we push away praise,

rather than taking it up like the cat who got the cream. For most of us, praise is not a daily gift.

So, when it comes, we need to allow ourselves to receive it. And if no one else is giving it to

us, we need to give it to ourselves.

It works the other way, too. My new favourite hobby is writing emails to the head offices

of restaurants and shops, to tell them how lovely their staff are. It makes me feel good, and I

hope it does them, too.

A friend once told me about a self-development course she’d been on where participants

had to shout ‘I apprise of my decision!’, and then high-five themselves. I put this ritual into

my daily life. Now, I am done. And, then, I’m writing myself an email of praise. Because, like

that award, I deserve it.

4.What made the author feel proud of getting the award this time?

A.The big awards ceremony.

B.The social media post.




D.The public.

C.The second award after her graduation.

D.The recognition of her achievements.

5.What does the author want to tell in paragraph 3?

A.Society presents unfairness to youth.

B.Her years-long effort pays off eventually.

C.She is confident enough to be superior to kids.

D.She is too scared to live up to others’ expectations.

6.What does the underlined “ritual” in paragraph 6 probably mean?





7.What advice would the author like to give women?

A.Being content with their own life.

B.Being appreciative of themselves.

C.Being generous to their lovely staff.

D.Being modest about their achievements.

Your morning coffee could be used to make a pair of sneakers, a Finnish startup says.

Rens can make new shoes from old coffee, cutting back on waste in terms of space in

landfills and methane (甲烷) emissions.

5, 000 supporters promised to invest over $500, 000 to see the sneakers come to life. Up

to 21 cups of coffee and 6 recycled plastic bottles are used in each pair of shoes. The sneakers

come in 9 different colors and are waterproof and super comfortable. In addition, the sneakers

can absorb a peculiar smell, and they are designed to be taken off and put on easily.

Jesse Tran, the co-founder of Rens, wanted to do something to help reduce people’s carbon “footprint”, while offering a pair of everyday shoes that is functional and

fashion-forward. “With the improvement of environmental awareness, the knowledge of the

circular economy is also increasing. Shoes made from recycled coffee pieces may seem novel

to some people, but we wholeheartedly believe that this is just the beginning of a revolution

in the clothing technology and manufacturing industry,” said Tran.

So far, 250, 000 water bottles and 750, 000 cups of coffee have been turned into these


shoes. The small coffee solid pieces are combined in a low-heat environment with recycled

plastic to create a coffee yarn in the upper section of the shoes, while recycled plastic is made

into the other parts, and the tree sap (液) that biodegrades (降解) creates the outer sole (鞋底).

While the price is as high as $119 on Amazon, they offer free delivery everywhere, a

l-year guarantee on the waterproofing technology, and a 30-day money-back guarantee as


8.What is the advantage of the sneakers made from coffee?

A.Easy to wash.

B.Able to afford.

C.Comfortable to wear.

D.Hard to damage.

9.What can we infer according to Jesse Tran?

A.Action must be taken for environmental protection.

B.Manufacturing industries are promising in recycling.

C.Shoes made from recycled coffee is out of date.

D.The circular economy is unfamiliar lo the public.

10.What can be made into the outer sole of the sneaker?

A.The small coffee pieces.

B.The combined coffee yarn.

C.The recycled water bottles.

D.The biodegraded tree sap.

11.What is the suitable title of the passage?

A.Shoes Made in a Green Way

B.Coffee Recycled in a Creative Way

C.The Revolution of Manufacturing Industry

D.The Improvement of Environmental Awareness

A small device no bigger than a toaster has generated oxygen on the surface of Mars,

bringing the chances of surviving on the red planet a step closer.

Research published in the journal Science Advances reported that The Mars Oxygen

In-Situ Resource Utilisation Experiment, better known as Moxie, produced breathable oxygen


in seven hour- long tests conducted in various weather and atmospheric conditions since

landing last year.

During each test, the device produced six grams of oxygen, about the same as a small

tree and enough to sustain an astronaut for 15 minutes. “This is the first demonstration of

actually using resources on the surface of another planet’s body and transforming them

chemically into something that would be useful for a human mission,” Jeffrey Hoffman, a

retired astronaut, said.

Hoffman, 77, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) aeronautics

department, said the results were “historic”. NASA and the MIT team are planning to build a

bigger version of Moxie. They hope advanced models will produce enough oxygen to support

a crewed mission to Mars and generate the gas needed to send a rocket back to Earth.

“To support a human mission to Mars we have to bring a lot of stuff from Earth.”

Hoffman said. The thin atmosphere on Mars is 96 per cent carbon dioxide and much more

variable than on Earth. “The density of the air can vary by a factor of two through the year,

and the temperature can vary by 100 degrees,” Hoffman said. “One objective is to show we

can run Moxie in all seasons.”

The device uses pumps that suck in carbon dioxide. The gas is healed to 800℃ and

compressed to separate the carbon and oxygen. Carbon monoxide (一氧化碳) is emitted as

waste while the pure oxygen is left behind.

Scaling up (按比例放大) the device to support a human mission to Mars presents


NASA and MIT say Moxie would need to run continuously for 400 days, a leap from the

one-hour tests. The machine would require insulation, a special material, to control its

internal temperature.

Moxie has proved durable (持久的) in the extreme conditions on Mars, however, and the

team plans to assess the machine’s limits in the coming months.

12.Which word best describes Hoffman’s attitude to Moxie?





13.What is the last step of Moxie’s working?


A.To take in carbon dioxide.

B.To separate the carbon and oxygen.

C.To press the carbon dioxide together.

D.To heat the carbon dioxide to 800℃.

14.Why are NASA and the MIT planning to scale up Moxie?

A.To bring stuff to Mars.

B.To send rockets to Mars.

C.To control its internal temperature.

D.To support a human mission to Mars.

15.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Oxygen production on Mars makes it possible to survive there.

B.Moxie produced enough oxygen to support a human mission.

C.A toaster on the Mars produced breathable oxygen in the tests.

D.The team plans to assess Moxie’s limits in the coming months.


Traditional Chinese medicine theories emphasize the importance of prevention over cure.

Thus, finding ways to strengthen the body during winter has proved an effective method for

urban citizens to keep themselves safe from the season’s illnesses, _16_

Gaofang, a concentrated half solid paste(糊), includes a dozen different herbal(草本的)

medicines and special ingredients. _17_ . Some varieties are availably ready-made while

other variations can be made directly by chemists according to a TCM prescription (处方).

Originating in the Han and Tang dynasties, Gaofang, particularly useful among those

with weak immune systems and chronic (慢性) diseases, has been praised as an important

part of Chinese medical theory and methods, with the key principle being a ”unity of man and

nature, and curing through a combination of nutrition and recovery to gain better health".

_18_ , including prescription writing, preparing and wetting the ingredients, brewing (酿造),

settling and concentrating and then the final packaging.

_19_ . In fact, as long as a doctor thinks it necessary and writes prescriptions in line with

the patient’s own physical and health condition, it is a therapy that has proved effective and

helpful throughout all the seasons.


Having prepared Gaofang for over 40 years, Yu, who’s in his 60s, says TCM knowledge

plus experience plays a vital role in making it, with each dose containing up to 50 herbal

materials. depending on the different prescriptions of the patients.

With the thousand-year-old tradition well-preserved, _20_, better catering to the

consumption and market needs of younger generations in China.

A.Gaofang is usually prepared over a variety of steps

B.especially taking into consideration their busy city lives

C.Many people think Gaofang can only be taken in winter

D.preserving the long-lasting tradition of making Gaofang by hand

E.The Chinese herbal prescription is used to strengthen energy in winter

F.TCM practitioners have developed new ways to promote and market these products online

G.In addition, foods like lotus seeds, red dates and crystal sugar are added to improve the



I once joined a group of elderly adventurers in climbing the Himalayas. Though I was

the youngest member of the expedition, I was the only one who ___21___. I eventually gave

up, while they ___22___ made it to the peak of the mountain. Focusing on the goal of

reaching the peak and___23___ by what still lay ahead, I was unable to enjoy the climb, so I

lost my desire and my ___24___ to carry on. They also focused on the peak but ___25___ to

make sure they were staying on ___26___, because they thought reaching the peak itself was

not the most important. ___27___ that they were headed in the right direction ___28___them

to focus their attention and enjoy each step at the same time.

Focusing on ___29___ is human nature, but without enjoying emotional ____30____ in

the process, it is rather difficult to ____31____ the long-term action. The greatest benefit that

goals ____32____ is direction, and ____33____ we have a clear direction, all our energy can

be focused on the ____34____. And focusing on processes leads to more ____35____ over

the long term.

If we want to be a great writer, then having a best-selling book is a goal. But the

____36____ only way to reach that result is to fall in love with the process of ____37____. If

we want to be in the best ____38____, then losing 20 pounds might be necessary. But the


only way to reach that result is to fall in love with the process of eating healthily and

____39____ consistently.

So, let’s ____40____ the process of doing anything. All the journey is a reward.










30.A.satisfaction for



















B.comfort out


















C.put off


















D.keep up










阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的词(1个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。

Videos of 77-year-old Xu Xiuzhen, who speaks different languages with foreigners

while working at a scenic spot selling water, postcards and headdress flowers, have brought

her instant fame.

Xu’s village is located at the base of Moon Hill, ___41___popular tourist destination

famous for a moon-shaped hole at the summit. She ___42___(work) as a tour guide and


vendor(小贩)in Yangshuo since 1998, ___43___the area became popular with foreign

backpackers and organized tours.

Xu said she would change words in any language into Chinese characters

___44___(base) on their pronunciations and then memorize them. She added that she would

repeat the words in her head ___45___going to bed and after waking up, because it has given

her ___46___(fluent) in basic conversations with foreigners.

Over the past two decades, Xu has taught ___47___(she) 11 foreign languages, including English, Spanish, Japanese and Korean. In addition to making her

___48___(incredible)popular, her great linguistic skill has made it easier for her

___49___(communicate) with foreign tourists.

Xu has also become one of the busiest tour guides in Yangshuo, ____50____(attract) a

large crowd of tourists every day, especially foreign visitors, who come to meet the

multilingual guide out of admiration.



请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ). 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用(\)划掉。




注意: 1.


2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Recently our class have had a debate. Its topic focuses on if it is necessary to use high

technology to beautify the Palace Museum. As for this, different students hold different


Some are in favor of the creative idea because of the use of high technology can add

beauty to the Palace Museum, thus make it more attractive to visitors. Therefore, those who

are against the idea thinks that this technology will destroy the original appearance of the

Palace Museum. More important, it is extremely essential to respect the history and tradition.

From me point of view, other measures can be taken attract more visitors. And it’s our

duty to provide the complete and genuine ancient palace for the world.



52.任何人生活或学习中都会遇到困难, 尤其在这个严重疫情期间。请你以“My

Meaningful Experience during the Pandemic”为题, 用英语写一篇短文投稿。

内容包括: 1.

你的经历; 2.


注意: 1.



My Meaningful Experience during the Pandemic

As we grow up, we are bound to meet with some obstacles in life.



本文标签: 2023届江西省九江市高三第一次高考模拟统一考试(一模)英语试题