

2024-07-28 作者:


专利名称:Touch-up kit发明人:Barry R. Crites申请号:US08/935606申请日:19970923公开号:US05810024A公开日:19980922

摘要:A kit comprised of a series of strips of impervious, thin plastic materialinterleaved with strips of the same size and shape made of tissue paper, a container ofprotein gel conditioner, and an optional perm board. The interleaved strips areassembled into a pack. The traditional tissue end papers used when perming hair hasbeen replaced in the present invention with "end papers" made of a thin plastic film. Theplastic end papers are used to cover hair that has been previously permed. In doing so,only the "new growth", i.e., the hair growth which is virgin hair, gets permed withoutreperming and damaging previously permed hair. The previously permed hair which isplaced under the plastic wrap is coated with a liquid protein to further ensure protectionagainst the perming solution.


代理人:John P. McGonagle


本文标签: Touchup kit