

2024-07-28 作者:


专利名称:Soft touch top cover and method of


发明人:Leoncio C. Ang,Darlene B. Collins申请号:US08/826638申请日:19970404公开号:US05851624A公开日:19981222

摘要:A composite finishing cover for a component such as a vehicle instrument panelis provided by extruding a parison of inner and outer layers of different recyclableplastics having different characteristics but which are from the same family of parison is injected with low pressure gas when forming dies are being closedthereover so that the plastics will fully conform to the forming surfaces of the dietooling cavity. The closing force of the dies cause the heat softened inner layers of thefirst plastics material to join at their interface to form a relatively thick core or substrateproviding structural support for the relatively thin and flexible outer layer of the cover,also joined at their interface. The outer layer provides a finishing surface that exhibits asoft feel as when the human hand lightly contacts and moves across the surface antly, in this invention the finishing cover can be readily recycled as a unit withoutthe necessity of separating the different plastics layers from one another since they arefrom the same family.


代理人:Kenneth H. Maclean


本文标签: Soft touch top cover and method of manufacturing