

2024-07-28 作者:


专利名称:Touch probe发明人:David R. McMurtry申请号:US08/669489申请日:19960711公开号:US05755038A公开日:19980526

摘要:A touch probe has a sensing module 10 and a stylus module 12 magneticallyretained and kinematically located thereon. A stylus holder 102 is biased into a kinematicrest location within the stylus module 12. The sensing module 12 has a fixed structureprovided by connector 14, cylindrical housing 16, and circuit supporting structure 18. Anintermediate load member 30 is connected to structure 18 at one end by means of arelatively resilient diaphragm 40 and at the other by three supporting struts 50,

extending at an angle of 45° to the axis A. The load member 30 carries a circular retainingplate 22 upon which the stylus module 12 is located. During a measurement operation, aforce applied to stylus tip 112 will cause bending of struts 50, and deformation ofdiaphragm 40 prior to movement of the stylus holder 102 out of its kinematic restposition. Strain gauges provided on the struts 50 detect this bending and generate anoutput signal accordingly.


代理机构:Oliff & Berridge


本文标签: Touch probe