

2024-07-28 作者:


专利名称:Touch pad indicating arrival during swimming


发明人:Augusto Capecchi申请号:US06/165742申请日:19800703公开号:US04476358A公开日:19841009

摘要:A not-watertight touch pad for swimming competitions mounted partiallysubmersed on the finishing wall of a swimming pool. It includes two plates located infront of each other, the front one of which is somehow perforated and loosely inserted ina frame consisting of channel sections on the four sides and movable towards theinsulated back plate. Resting between the two plates, many turns of parallel conductivestrips are bonded onto the back plate, whereas some hundreds of conductive springsshaped as seagull wings are welded onto the central strips. These springs are mountedperpendicularly to the strips and are acting as spacers between the two plates and aselectrical contacts between the strips as soon as any pressure is applied on the frontplate.



本文标签: Touch pad indicating arrival during swimming conte