

2024-07-28 作者:

Assignment Cover Sheet

ID Phone no.

Family name Given names


Monash email address – this is the only email

address the College will use to communicate with you.


1. Read and sign your cover sheet

2. Staple this sheet to the front of your assignment

3. Your assignment should be placed in the appropriate assignment box on your campus, unless other arrangements has been approved by the Unit Coordinator

4. For group assignments each student must attach their own signed cover sheet to the assignment.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF ELECTRONIC ASSIGNMENTS (electronic submission is only permitted if stated in the unit guide or with lecturer’s approval)

1. Make an electronic copy of the cover sheet and attach to electronic assignment.

2. Submit assignment (with attached cover sheet) electronically as per the MUSO instructions in Unit Outline.

3. The cover sheet does not need to be signed if you submit it via MUSO or from your official Monash email address.


Unit name

Assignment title

Lecturer’s name

Tutorial day Due date

Unit code

Tutor’s name

Tutorial time Date submitted

All work must be submitted by the due date. An application to extend the due date on the basis of special consideration must be lodged with the Unit Coordinator

on the form Application for Special Consideration. If granted, you must attach a copy of the confirmation.

Extension granted until (date)

Confirmation attached (tick)


Your marked assignment will be returned to you per the information given in the unit outline. If you do not want your assignment returned in this way, please contact the lecturer/tutor named below on or before the assignment due date and complete the following approval.

Alternative mode of assignment return has been arranged Details of arrangement

Student’s Signature Lecturer’s Signature

Date Lecturer’s name

Cheating and Assisting to Cheat are offences under the Monash College regulations as stated in Section 6 of the Assessment Policy.

Cheating involves any means by which a student seeks to obtain an unfair advantage in the work submitted for assessment. Assisting to cheat involves any means by

which a student helps another to gain an unfair advantage. Collaboration involves working with another person or persons, and in order to prevent any unfair advantage is only allowed where the relevant lecturer has specifically permitted it. Plagiarism is a form of cheating, and involves the presentation of some or all of another student’s work, or

material from any other source such as the Internet, published books, or periodicals, without due acknowledgment given in the text. If students present as their own ·work that is

the work of another person, is copied from another source, has been presented by a previous student, has been presented by a student at another institution, or has been

presented for assessment at another time in a course or at any time in another course, this may be interpreted as cheating. Plagiarism detection software may be used to checkyour assignment for plagiarism.

Where work submitted for assessment by two or more persons is the same or substantially the same, the work so submitted is prima facie evidence of cheating by those

persons. It may also be that one student has assisted another to cheat, which is also an offence. Where there are reasonable grounds for believing that cheating or assisting to

cheat has occurred, the teacher will refer the matter to the Unit Coordinator, who will follow the procedures as outlined in Section 6 of the Monash College Assessment Policy.

Privacy Statement

The information on this form is collected for the primary purpose of assessing your assignment. Other purposes of collection include recording your plagiarism and collusion

declaration, attending to administrative matters, and statistical analyses. If you choose not to complete all the questions on this form Monash College may disallow the

submission of your assignment. You have a right to access personal information that Monash College holds about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If

you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact the University Privacy Officer on 9905 6011.

Student’s Statement

I have read and understood the information provided on this assignment cover sheet and in the Monash College Assessment Policy Section 6 relating to cheating and assisting

to cheat, collusion, collaboration and plagiarism. I certify that: the attached work is entirely my own except where work quoted is duly acknowledged in the text; that I have not

worked with another person or persons except where specifically permitted by the lecturer; and that this work has not been submitted for assessment by myself or any other person at any other time. I have retained a copy of my work.



本文标签: cover sheet