

2024-07-29 作者:




Epoxy Adhesives

DP460 Off-White• DP460 NS

Product Description

3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesives DP460 Off-White and DP460 NS are highperformance, two-part epoxy adhesives offering outstanding shear and peeladhesion, and very high levels of durability.

Features• High shear strength• High peel strength

• Outstanding environmental performance• Easy mixing

• Controlled flow• 60 minute worklife

• Non sag (Scotch-Weld DP460 NS)

Typical UncuredPhysical Properties

Note:The following technical information and data should be considered representative

or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.

Scotch-WeldEpoxy AdhesiveDP460 Off-White





AcceleratorVolumeWeight20 g mixed10 g mixed5 g mixed

20,000-50,000 cps8,000-14,000 cps

epoxyaminewhiteamber9.3-9.78.8-9.22:12:0.9660 minutes75 minutes90 minutes

Scotch-WeldEpoxy AdhesiveDP460 NS150,000-275,000 cps8,000-14,000 cps

epoxyaminewhiteamber9.3-9.78.8-9.22:12:0.9660 minutes60 minutes60 minutes


Viscosity (approx.)@ 73°F (23°C)Base ResinColorNet WeightLbs./GallonMix Ratio (B:A)Worklife, 73°F (23°C)

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Epoxy Adhesives

DP460 Off-White • DP460 NS

Typical Cured

Thermal Properties

Note:The following technical information and data should be considered representative

or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.


3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy AdhesiveDP460 Off-WhiteOpaque, off-white


Below TgAbove Tg

59 x 10-6159 x 10-60.104

3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy AdhesiveDP460 NS

Off-white78-8474.44 x 10-6166 x 10-6



Shore D HardnessThermal

Coefficient of ThermalExpansion(in./in./°C)

Thermal Conductivity

(btu - ft./ft.2- hr. - °F) @ 45°CElectrical

Dielectric Strength (ASTM D 149)Volume Resistivity (ASTM D 257)

1100 volts/mil2.4 x 1014ohm-cm

727 volts/mil3.25 x 1015ohm-cm

Typical CuringCharacteristics

Note:The following technical information and data should be considered representative

or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.

Rate of Strength Build-Up

Aluminum, Overlap Shear (7 mil Bondline) (ASTM D 1002-72)Bonds Tested at 73°F (23°C)

Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive DP460 Off-White

Time in Oven

73°F (23°C)

30 min.60902 hr.356724


Cure Temperature120°F1(49°C)<5013004300/6024400/6024800/602




Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive DP460 NS

Time in Oven

73°F (23°C)

15 min.30602 hr.4624


Cure Temperature120°F1(49°C)





This represents the oven temperature to which the bonds were subjected for the prescribed time. The average bondlinetemperature during the cure time will be somewhat lower than the oven temperature.2

The value in the denominator is the expected minimum 73°F (23°C) T-peel strength (piw) measured after the indicatedcure cycle.

NOTE:The data in this Technical Data Sheet were generated using the 3M™EPX™Applicator System equipped with

an EPX static mixer, according to manufacturer’s directions. Thorough hand-mixing will afford comparable results.

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Epoxy Adhesives

DP460 Off-White • DP460 NS

Typical AdhesivePerformanceCharacteristics

Note:The following technical information and data should be considered representative or

typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.

Substrates and Testing

p Shear (ASTMD 1002-72)

Overlap shear (OLS) strengths were measured on 1 in. wide 1/2 in. overlap specimens. Thesebonds were made individually using 1 in. x 4 in. pieces of substrate except for aluminum. Twopanels 0.063 in. thick, 4 in. x 7 in. of 2024T-3 clad aluminum were bonded and cut into 1 samples after 24 hours. The thickness of the bondline was 0.005-0.008 in. All strengthswere measured at 73°F (23°C) except where noted.

The separation rate of the testing jaws was 0.1 in. per minute for metals, 2 in. per minute forplastics and 20 in. per minute for rubbers. The thickness of the substrates were: steel, 0.060 in.;other metals, 0.05-0.064 in.; rubbers, 0.125 in.; plastics, 0.125 in.B.T-peel (ASTM D 1876-61T)

T-peel strengths were measured on 1 in. wide bonds at 73°F (23°C). The testing jaw separationrate was 20 inches per minute. The substrates were 0.032 in. Peel (ASTM D 3167)

Bell peel strengths were measured on 1/2 in. wide bonds at the temperatures noted. The testingjaw separation rate was 6 in. per minute. The bonds are made with 0.064 in. bonded to 0.025 Cycle

With the exception of Rate of Strength Build-Up Tests, all bonds, were cured 7 days at 73°F(23°C) at 50% RH before testing or subjected to further conditioning or environmental um, Overlap Shear, at Temperature (PSI)

3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy AdhesiveDP460 Off-White

-67°F (-55°C)73°F (23°C)

180°F (82°C) (15 min.)1(30 min.)1(60 min.)1(4 hr.)1

250°F (121°C) (15 min.)1

1Represents time in test chamber oven before test.

3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy AdhesiveDP460 NS



Metals, Overlap Shear, Tested @ 73°F (23°C) (PSI)

Scotch-WeldEpoxy AdhesiveDP460 Off-White



Oakite degreaseMEK/abrade/MEK


Scotch-WeldEpoxy AdhesiveDP460 NS


Cold Rolled SteelOakite degrease

MEK/abrade/MEKCopper-Brass-MEK/abrade/MEKMEK/abrade/MEKCDA 260CartridgeMEK/abrade/MEK

Stainless Steel

Galvanized Steel-Oakite degrease

Hot dipped


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Epoxy Adhesives

DP460 Off-White • DP460 NS

Typical AdhesivePerformanceCharacteristics(continued)

Note:The following technical information and data should be considered representative

or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.

Substrates and Testing (continued)

Aluminum, T-Peel (PIW), at TemperatureAluminum - etched (17-20 mil bondline)

3M™Scotch-Weld™3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy AdhesiveEpoxy AdhesiveDP460 Off-WhiteDP460 NS

-67°F (-55°C)

73°F (23°C)180°F (82°C)



Metals, T-Peel, Tested @ 73°F (23°C) (PIW)

Scotch-WeldEpoxy AdhesiveDP460 Off-White

Aluminum, etchedCold Rolled Steel

17-20 mil bondline5-8 mil bondline17-20 mil bondlineOakite degreasedMEK/abrade/MEK


Scotch-WeldEpoxy AdhesiveDP460 NS

not testednot tested

Aluminum Bell Peel (PIW), at Temperature (ASTM D 3167)

Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive DP460 NS

-67°F (-55°C)73°F (23°C)180°F (82°C)


Other Substrates, Overlap Shear Tested @ 73°F (23°C)

Surf. Prep. 1

Scotch-WeldScotch-WeldEpoxy AdhesiveEpoxy AdhesiveDP460 Off-WhiteDP460 NS300



Surf. Prep. 2

Scotch-WeldScotch-WeldEpoxy AdhesiveEpoxy AdhesiveDP460 Off-WhiteDP460 NS575







1Isopropyl Alcohol Wipe. See Surface Preparation Section D for additional information.2Isopropyl Alcohol/Abrade/Isopropyl Alcohol: See Surface Preparation Section E for

additional information.

3Substrate failure.

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Epoxy Adhesives

DP460 Off-White • DP460 NS

Typical AdhesivePerformanceCharacteristics(continued)

Note:The following technical information and data should be considered representative

or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.

Substrates and Testing (continued)Environmental ResistanceAluminum (Etched)

Measured by Overlap Shear Tested @ 73°F (23°C) (PSI)1(ASTM D 1002-72)

Environment73°F (23°C)/50% RHDistilled WaterWater VaporAntifreeze/H2O (50/50)Isopropyl AlcoholMethyl Ethyl KetoneSalt Spray (5%)Skydrol LD-4Condition30 d230 d, i3120°F (49°C)/100% RH, 30 d

200°F (93°C)/100% RH, 14 d180°F (82°C), 30 d, i73°F (23°C), 30 d, i73°F (23°C), 30 d, i95°F (35°C), 30 d150°F (66°C), 30 d, i3M™Scotch-Weld™3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy AdhesiveEpoxy AdhesiveDP-460 Off-WhiteDP-460 NS0052501Data reported are actual values from the lots tested and may be higher than values published

elsewhere in this Technical Data Sheet.

2d = days3i = immersion

Environmental ResistanceGalvanized Steels1

Measured by Overlap Shear Tested @ 73°F (23°C) (PSI)2(ASTM D 1002-72)

Hot Dipped


Scotch-WeldScotch-WeldScotch-WeldScotch-WeldEpoxyEpoxyEpoxyEpoxyAdhesiveAdhesiveAdhesiveAdhesiveDP460DP460DP460DP460Off-WhiteNSOff-WhiteNSEnvironment73°F (23°C)/50% RHDistilled WaterWater Vapor

Condition30 d330 d, i4

120°F (49°C)/100% RH, 30 d

200°F (93°C)/100% RH, 14 d


not testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot tested500

not testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testednot testedAntifreeze/H2O (50/50)180°F (82°C), 30 d, iIsopropyl AlcoholMethyl Ethyl KetoneTrichloroethaneSalt Spray (5%)

73°F (23°C), 30 d, i73°F (23°C), 30 d, i73°F (23°C), 30 d, i95°F (35°C), 30d

1Hot dipped or electrodeposited. Galvanized steels may afford a wide spectrum of

performance due to the diversity of surfaces available. The user should test to determinespecific performance.

2Data reported are actual values from the lots tested and may be higher than values publishedelsewhere in this Technical Data Sheet.3d = days

4i = immersion

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Epoxy Adhesives

DP460 Off-White • DP460 NS


Pneumatic ApplicatorDelivery Rates

200 ml Applicator – Maximum Pressure 58 psi

Adhesive*3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive DP460 Off-White6mm Nozzlegms/minute31.110mm Nozzlegms/minute132.0*Tests were run at a temperature of 70°F ±2°F (21°C ±1°C) and at maximum applicator pressure.


Directions for Use

3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesives DP460 Off-White and DP460 NS aresupplied in dual syringe plastic duo-pak cartridges as part of the 3M™EPX™

Applicator System. The duo-pak cartridges are supplied in 37 ml, 200 ml and 400 mlconfigurations. To use the 37 ml cartridge simply insert the duo-pak cartridge into theEPX applicator and start the plunger into the cylinders using light pressure on thetrigger. Next, remove the duo-pak cartridge cap and expel a small amount of adhesiveto be sure both sides of the duo-pak cartridge are flowing evenly and freely. If

simultaneous mixing of Part A and Part B is desired, attach the EPX mixing nozzle tothe duo-pak cartridge and begin dispensing the adhesive.

With the 200 ml and 400 ml cartridges, the nozzle must be attached before dispensingany material to prevent unmixed adhesive from getting into the applicator cartridgeholder. A small quantity of material should be discarded until uniform color,consistency of product and even flow is evident.

When mixing Part A and Part B manually, the components must be mixed in theratio indicated in the typical uncured properties section. Complete mixing of the twocomponents is required to obtain optimum properties.

Two-part mixing/proportioning/dispensing equipment is available for intermittent orproduction line use. These systems are ideal for line uses because of their variableshot size and flow rate characteristics and are adaptable to most applications.

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Epoxy Adhesives

DP460 Off-White • DP460 NS

Surface Preparation

The following surface preparations were used for substrates described in this TechnicalData Sheet.

um Etch

Optimized FPL Etch - 3M(test method C-2803)

ne degrease – Oakite 164 solution (9-11 oz./gallon water) at 190°F ±

10°F (88°C ±5°C) for 10-20 minutes. Rinse immediately in large quantitiesof cold running water (3M test method C-2802).zed FPLEtch Solution (1 liter):

MaterialAmountDistilled Water700 ml plus balance of liter (see below)Sodium Dichromate28 to 67.3 gramsSulfuric Acid287.9 to 310.0 gramsAluminum Chips1.5 grams/liter of mixed solution

To prepare 1 liter of this solution, dissolve sodium dichromate in 700 ml ofdistilled water. Add sulfuric acid and mix well. Add additional distilled waterto fill to 1 liter. Heat mixed solution to 66 to 71°C (150 to 160°F). Dissolve1.5 grams of 2024 bare aluminum chips per liter of mixed solution. Gentleagitation will help aluminum dissolve in about 24 hours.

To FPL etch panels, place them in the above solution at 150 to 160°F (66 to71°C) for 12 to 15 minutes.

Note: Review and follow precautionary information provided by chemical

suppliers prior to preparation of this etch solution.

immediately in large quantities of clear running tap water.

– air dry approximately 15 minutes followed by force dry at 140°F

(60°C) maximum for 10 minutes (minimum).

surface structure and chemistry play a significant role in determining

the strength and permanence of bonded structures. It is therefore advisable tobond or prime freshly primed clean surfaces as soon as possible after surfacepreparation in order to avoid contamination and/or mechanical contact your 3M sales representative for primer Degrease

Oakite 164 solutions (9-11 oz./gallon of water) at 190°F ±10°F (88°C ±5°C) for2 minutes. Rinse immediately in large quantities of cold running /Abrade/MEK

Wipe surface with a methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) soaked swab, abrade and wipewith a MEK soaked swab.*Allow solvent to evaporate before applying pyl Alcohol Wipe

Wipe surface with an isopropyl alcohol soaked swab.* Allow solvent to evaporatebefore applying pyl Alcohol/Abrade/Isopropyl Alcohol

Wipe surface with an isopropyl alcohol soaked swab, abrade using clean fine gritabrasives, and wipe with an isopropyl alcohol soaked swab.* Then allow solventto evaporate before applying adhesive.

*Note: When using solvents, extinguish all ignition sources, including pilot lights,

and follow the manufacturer’s precautions and directions for use.

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Epoxy Adhesives

DP460 Off-White • DP460 NS


Store products at 60-80°F (15-27°C) or refrigerate for maximum shelf life.

Shelf LifeThese products have a shelf life of 15 months in original containers.


Refer to Product Label and Material Safety Data Sheet for health and safety information before using thisproduct. For additional health and safety information, call 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737-6501.

For AdditionalInformation

To request additional product information or to arrange for sales assistance, call toll free 1-800-362-3550

or visit /adhesives. Address correspondence to:

3M Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division,Building 21-1W-10, 900 Bush Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000. Our fax number is 651-778-4244. InCanada, phone: 1-800-364-3577. In Puerto Rico, phone: 1-787-750-3000. In Mexico, phone: 52-70-04-00.

Product Use

All statements, technical information and recommendations contained in this document are based upontests or experience that 3M believes are reliable. However, many factors beyond 3M’s control can affectthe use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application, including the conditions under

which the product is used and the time and environmental conditions in which the product is expected toperform. Since these factors are uniquely within the user’s knowledge and control, it is essential that theuser evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for theuser’s method of application.

Warranty andLimited Remedy

Unless stated otherwise in 3M’s product literature, packaging inserts or product packaging for individualproducts, 3M warrants that each 3Mproduct meets the applicable specifications at the time 3M ships theproduct. Individual products may have additional or different warranties as stated on product literature,package inserts or product packages. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OFDEALING, CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3Mproductis fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user’s application. If the 3M product is defective within thewarranty period, your exclusive remedy and 3M’s and seller’s sole obligation will be, at 3M’s option, toreplace the product or refund the purchase price.

Limitation of Liability

Except where prohibited by law, 3M and seller will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theoryasserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.

ISO 9001This Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division product was manufactured under a 3M quality system registered to ISO9001 standards.


Industrial Business

Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division

3M Center, Building 21-1W-10, 900 Bush AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55144-1000

Recycled Paper40% pre-consumer10% post-consumer

Printed in U.S.A.

©3M 200478-6900-9780-9


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本文标签: DP460 TDS 环氧树脂