

2024-07-29 作者:

M6 Unit1 Word power-Task 预习清单


fitness n. 健壮,健康;适合→ fit vt. 安装;使…适应;使…合身vi. 符合;合身 adj. 健康的;合适的 n. 合身

strengthen vt﹠增强;巩固→ strength n. 力量;力气→ strong adj. 强壮的

participate vi. 参加,参与→participation n. 参加 参与→ participant n. 参加者,共享者

instruct vt. 教授;指示,命令;告知→ instruction n.命令,指导,说明书→ instructor n. 指导员,教练→ instructive adj. 有教育意义的,有启发性的

foolishness n. 愚蠢→foolish adj. 愚蠢的;傻的→ fool

attain vt. 获得;得到;达到→attainment n.获得;得到


charge 负责,主管

2. be supposed to 应该

3. be divided into 被分成

4. be made up of 由…组成

5. make a list of 列出…的单子

6. be expected to do sth. 被期盼做某事

7. be dressed in 穿着

to 涉及;参考;查阅;指的是

out 解决;算出;实现;制定出;弄懂;锻炼

10.a sense of happiness幸福感


fit to do 适合做

on 呈现;雇佣;承担;接纳

on to doing 继续做某事

regard to 关于;至于

next time 下次


1. laugh one’s head off: 大笑不止

2. smile on sb: 有利于,垂青,带来好运

3. have the last laugh / He who laughs last laughs best: 笑到最后,笑得最好

4. no laughing matter: 严肃的事,不是闹着玩的

5. laughing stock: 笑柄

6. laugh in one’s face: 当面嘲笑某人

7. be all smiles: 满脸堆笑


(1)guarantee (sb.) sth. 确保(某人)某事guarantee that… guarantee to do sth. 保证……

be guaranteed to do sth. 肯定会,必定会 give (sb.) a guarantee (向某人) 保证

under guarantee 在保修期内

(2)take up 拿起;接受;继续;占据;从事某项活动;开始

take off脱衣;飞机起飞;成功take over接管;接收

take to开始沉湎于,养成……的习惯;开始喜欢,对……产生好感;逃往……

take in留宿,收留;欺骗,蒙骗;改小,该瘦(衣服);吸入,吞入(体内)

take it easy别紧张,放松点 take……into account 考虑,体谅

(3)the first time… 第一次…… every/each time… 每次……

the last time… 最后一次,上次……

the moment/minute/instant/second… 一……就……

the day/week/month/year… ……的那天、周、月、年

take after(外貌或行为)像(父母);追赶,跟踪

M6 Unit1 Word power-Task 学案


【教材原句】Practising is the only way to guarantee successful performance.



The ticket will guarantee you free entry.

(2)Who can guarantee (that) China’s pork is safe?

(3)The watch is still under guarantee.


guarantee (sb.) sth. _____________________

guarantee that_____________________

guarantee to do sth. _____________________

be guaranteed to do sth. _____________________

give (sb.) a guarantee _____________________

under guarantee _____________________


You can send the computer back to the factory, for it is still under________.

A. guarantee B. construction C. control D. charge

词汇2: take on

【教材原句】In an interview, he told us

that he

is always

happy to

take on new foreign



(1)Is he willing to take on the responsibility?

(2)The college is taking on more staff.

(3)The bus took on more passengers.

(4)The small town takes on a new look.


take on (1) _________;(2) _________; (3) _________;(4) _________


take up ______________________________

take off ____________________________

take after_____________________________

take over_____________________________

take to_______________________________

take in_______________________________

take it easy____________________________

take……into account ___________________



①I won’t _______________________your time.

②At the age of sixty he________________ the study of Russian.

③After some time he began to _______________his new school.

④A helicopter is able to _________________ and land straight up and down.

⑤No more workers are being ________________ at present.

⑥This animal can _____________ the color of its surroundings.

⑦Don’t take anything ___________________from him.

⑧Nobody was willing to _____________________ the homeless beggar.


①.We all agreed that the cottage would a perfect holiday home for the family.

A.make B.turn C.take D.have

②.Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to ________ his courage.

A. hold up B. keep up C. set up

D. take up

③.You had better _____some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.

A. set aside

B. take up

C. put away

D. give out

词汇3: the next time

【教材原句】The next time you feel upset or disappointed, do not worry. (P9)你下次感到心烦意乱或失望时,不要担心。


(The) next time you are here, let’s have lunch together.

Please say hello to Mr. Li the next time you meet him. .


the next time ___________________________________________



the first time… ___________________________________

every/each time…_________________________________

the last time… ____________________________________

the moment/minute/instant/second…___________________

the day/week/month/year…__________________________



① I felt both excited and frightened __________________________ I went into the cave.


② I feel sick ___________________ I am on a bus.


③ We hadn’t met for 20 years but I recognized him _________________________ I met him.


④______________________you are deciding on what to wear or what color to decorate your

room, think about the color carefully.(2012 安徽卷)


本文标签: 江苏省新马高级中学20162017学年高二英语M6U1power 精品