

2024-07-29 作者:


Vo1.43 No.2 染料与染色DYESTUFFS AND COLORATION 2●●●-口14 2●●●褂口W 第43卷第2期 2●●●-口W :  J -: 9 § _。、  ;f f 4 ■ - - l ■ l ■ 哥∞娶 - ● I ● f f ●■ 静 jl■ l f ● 2 f }‘I / 一 2●●●-口W f 2●●●-口.W 』 2●●l-口“ ● 还原荆浓度(g/t.) 图4脱色率与还原剂浓度的关系(活性嫩黄K一6G) , ,. 广 r -- f I i } j 』 ● / / - — / 时间 图5脱色率还还原时间的关系(活性嫩黄K-6G) 参考文献 [1]方开泰、马长兴.均匀设计与均匀设计表[M].北京:科学出版社, 2001 [2]陈希孺.概率论与数理统计[M].合肥:中国科学技术大学出版 社.2004 Analysis on Influencing Factors in Decolorizing Reactive Dyed Wastewater witll Reductant CHEN Xiu-fang (Department of Textile Engineering,Anhui Vocational and Technical College,Hefei,23005 1) Abstract:Reactive dyed wastewater WaS decolorized with sodium hydrosulphite as a reductant in l'c ̄m temperature.The expefitmentai data analysis illustrated that pH value and reductant dosage were the first and the second important factors affecting decoloration rate re— spectively,while time had less effects On decoloration rate.When temperature and pH value were held fixed,there Was no crDss effect be— tween reductant dos ̄e and time. Key words:reactive dyes;decoloration;uniform experimental design (收稿日期:2005年7月) 酸性荧光黄GDC和E一8G入市 酸性荧光黄GDC(C.I.Yellow 73)和E一8G(C. I.Yellow 184)分别为咕吨型和香豆素型结构,目前 呈带有荧光的黄色。E一8G的原粉强度与基准样比 可达900%。 该两品种基本是非纺用途,国外相同牌号为 BASF Basaid Yellow 226和Anthosin Yellow GK。 上述两酸性荧光染料作为特殊的标识性用途已 逐步应用于海上显示目标、地下勘探、医药行业。 杭州下沙恒升化工有限公司已将酸性荧光黄 GDC和E一8G产品投放国内外市场。 (严一) 酸性荧光黄GDC和E一8G溶解度均大于 300s/L,高浓度时溶液呈带有荧光的绿色,低浓度时 ・56. 

本文标签: 酸性荧光黄GDC和E8G入市