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动物医学进展。2007,28(9):45—48 Progress in Veterinary Medicine hlL一1 8基因真核表达载体的构建及序列分析 纪丽丽 ,杨玉英 ,李士泽 (1.山东畜牧兽医职业学院,山东潍坊261061;2.黑龙江八一农垦大学,黑龙江大庆163319) 摘 要:在获得人白细胞介素18(hIL-18)基因重组质粒pGEM—T—hIL一18的基础上,用&0R I、Sal I 双酶切该质粒,回收小片段hIL-18基因;同时双酶切真核表达质粒pECFP—C1,回收大片段,二者连接转化 大肠埃希茵感受态细胞。对重组质粒pECFP—c1一hIL_18进行PCR扩增、酶切鉴定及序列测定,测序结果表 明,克隆至pGEM—T中的IL一18 cDNA包含成熟IL一18的全部编码序列。本研究获得了融合有报告基因 pECFP—C1的真核表达载体,为下一步进行hlL-18在真核细胞中的表达打下了良好的基础,亦为在基因水 平上探讨hIL’18的生物学功能提供了物质基础。 关键词:白细胞介素18;真核载体;序列测定 中图分类号:Q78 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007—5038(2007)09—0045—04 人白细胞介素18(hIL_18)是1996年由日本研 生理平衡具有重要意义。因此,其研究一直受到高 究者Ushio S等[1]从正常人肝细胞cDNA文库得到 度重视。 人IGIF基因克隆,而将其正式命名的。hIL.18基 真核表达载体选用报告基因pECFP—C1。 因编码193个氨基酸前体蛋白,与小鼠IL一18(mIL- pECFP—C1作为报告基因具有直观、及时、应用范围 18)有65%同源性,N端也有类似的信号序列,亦无 广的特点,因而在基因重组、蛋白定位及转基因动物 N端糖基化位点和亲水信号肽位点。其N端有36 研究中优于其他报告基因。靶蛋白与GFP融合后 个氨基酸前导序列,在IL一1B转换酶(ICE)酶切下, 可以发挥其跟踪、定位作用,对于新型靶蛋白的功能 成为含157个氨基酸残基的成熟有活性的蛋白,分 分析更为必要,在基因治疗和蛋白组学研究领域意 子质量为18 kuE引。hIL-18作为机体内细胞之间相 义重大 -4]。本研究将hIL-18基因插入报告基因 互作用的主要介质,在机体的免疫应答、炎症反应、 pECFP—C1的多克隆位点EcoR I和Sal I之间,为 造血功能、胚胎发育及机体的生长发育等各个方面 探讨hIL-18基因在真核系统中的表达及应用奠定 都起重要作用。同时细胞因子的分泌和释放以及它 基础。 们之间的相互作用,对机体抵御疾病和维持正常的 收稿日期:2007—03-30 基金项目:黑龙江省教育厅科研项目(10541157) 作者简介:纪丽丽(1978一).女.山东莱阳人.助教.硕士,主要从事动物生理学及分子生物学研究。*通讯作者 《杀料料料 带带*}诺*}诺豢谁 Study on Conditions of High Density Fermentation in Piglet Escherichia coli ZHANG Xi—fen .YANG Zeng—qi (1.College ofAnimal Science and Technology,NorthwestA&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi,712100,China; 2.Yangling LvJang Bio-engineering Co.LTD,Yangling,Shaanxi,712100,China) Abstract:Several batches Piglet E.coli(O2,O8,0135,O138,0139,0141 serotype)were cultivated in 5 liters Fermentor.The basic culture conditions such as temperature,pH,ventilation quantity and glucose content were analyzed by means of plating count and optimized.The results showed that Piglet E.coli grow best in routine power medium when the culture temperature was at 37℃±0.5℃,pH controlled in the range 7.0~7.2,ventilation volume progressively,add 40 concentration glucose solution according to the change of pH,the colony form unit(cfu)of E.coli can reach 150 hundred million per m1. Key words:Escherichia coli;fermentation;conditions 维普资讯

46 动物医学进展2007年第28卷第9期(总第168期) 1材料与方法 1.1 材料 1.2.2 重组质粒的PCR鉴定 PCR反应体系为 25.0 I ,其中2×PCR buffer 12.5 L,ddH2O 7.5 L,LA Taq(1 U/t ̄L)0.5 L,引物p1 (10 pmol/t ̄I )1.0 L,引物p2(10 pmol/ ̄L) 1.0 L,质粒0.5 L,dNTP Mixture(10 mmol/L) 1.1.1 菌株 大肠埃希菌JM109和大肠埃希菌 DH5a由本实验室保存。 1.1.2质粒hlL-18基因测序质粒pGEM—T—hI L_ 18由作者自行构建。pECFP—CI由本实验室保存。 1.1.3 主要试剂 EcoR I、Sal I等限制性内切 酶和T DNA连接酶等购自Promega公司华美生 2.0 L。反应条件为:94℃4 min;94℃30 S,55℃ 40 s,72℃60 s,30个循环;72℃延伸10 rain。反应 结束后用10 g/L的琼脂糖凝胶电泳对PCR产物进 物工程公司;DNA回收试剂盒(DNA gel extraction kit)购自杭州维特洁生化技术有限公司。 1.2 方法 1.2.1 hIL.18真核表达载体的构建及筛选鉴定 将构建好的hIL一18基因克隆载体pGEM-T-hlL- 18,用EcoR I和Sal I限制酶消化后,利用DNA回 收试剂盒回收线性化部分(回收方法按照产品说明 书操作)。回收后,应用10 g/L琼脂糖凝胶电泳观 察。同样,利用EcoR I和 Z I酶切pECFP-C1, 并回收大片段,将回收到的线性化部分在T DNA 连接酶的作用下,16℃过夜连接,连接产物转化大 肠埃希菌JM109感受态细胞,涂布于含氨苄青霉素 (Amp)的LB平板上,挑选平板上形成的单个菌落, 经LB液体培养基培养12 h后,碱裂解法快速提取 质粒,应用PCR鉴定,同时限制性内切酶消化后琼 脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定酶切片段。鉴定正确的重组子即 为hIL一18基因pECFP-C1真核表达载体pECFP- C1一hiL-18。 M 2 000 bp 928 88 500 bp 250 bp l00 bp M.DNA标准DL 2 000l 1.pECFP—C1一hIL-18 PCR产物 M.DNA Marker DL 2 000 l 1.PCR products of pECFP-C1一hIL一18 图1 pECFP-C1一hlL-18 PCR鉴定结果 Fig.1 PCR detection of pECFP-C1一hIL-18 2.3 hlL-18基因序列分析 将PCR和酶切鉴定正确的重组质粒送上海生 工生物工程技术服务有限公司进行序列测定,hlL一 18基因测序结果与原设计序列经DNA Star软件分 行鉴定。 1.2.3重组质粒的酶切鉴定 重组阳性克隆质粒 pECFP-CI-hlL-18用EcoR I和Sal I酶切。酶切 反应体系为10.0 L,其中阳性克隆质粒5 L,10× H buffer 2 L,Sal I 1 L,EcoR I 1 L,ddH2O 1 L。 37℃恒温水浴2 h,10 g/L琼脂糖凝胶电泳,紫 外灯下观察电泳结果并拍照。 1.2.4序列测定将PCR和酶切鉴定正确的重组 质粒送上海生工生物工程技术服务有限公司进行序 列测定。 2 结果 2.1 重组质粒的PCR鉴定 质粒pECFP-C1-hlL-18的PCR鉴定结果如图1。 2.2重组质粒的酶切鉴定 质粒pECFP—C1一hlL-18经EcoR I和Sal I进 行双酶切后,出现4 721 bp的线性化片段和481 bp 的目的片段(图2)。 2 l ■ M.DNA标准DL 2 000 l 1.pECFP—C1一hlL-18双酶切产物 M.DNA Marker DL 2 000 l 1.Products of pECFP-C1一hlL-18 digested by&oRI andSaZ I 图2 pECFP-C1一hIL_I8双酶切(段DR I/Sal I J 鉴定结果 Fig.2 &oR I and Sal I digest of hIL-18一pECFP-C1 析,其同源性为99 。 hlL一18基因测序结果与原设计序列同源性比较 分析结果见图3。 维普资讯

纪丽丽等:hIL一18基因真核表达载体的构建及序列分析 47 1 TACTTTGGCAAGCTTGAATCTAAATTATCAGTCATAAGAAATTTGAATGA 50 5 1 CCAAGTTCTCTTCATTGACCAAGGAAATCGGCCTCTATTTGAAGATATGA 100 5 1 CCAAGTTCTCTTCATTGACCAAGGAAATCGGCCTCTATTAGAAGATATGA 100 101 CTGATTCTGACTGTAGAGATAATGCACCCCGGACCATATTTATTATAAGA 150 l0l CTGATTCTGACTGTAGAGATAATGCACCCCGGACCATATTTATTATAAGA 150 1 5 l ATGTATAAAGATAGCCAGCCTAGAGGTATGGCTGTAACTATCTCTGTGAA 200 15 l ATGTATAAAGATAGCCAGCCTAGAGGTATGGCTGTAACTATCTCTGTGAA 200 2O l GTGTGAGAAAATTTCAACTCTCTCCTGTGAGAACAAAATTATTTCCTTTA 250 2O 1 GTGTGAGAAAATTTCAACTCTCTCCTGTGAGAACAAAATTATTTCCTTTA 250 25 1 AGGAAATGAATCCTCCTGATAACATCAAGGATACAAAAAGTGACATCATA 300 25 1 AGGAAATGAATCCTCCTGATAACATCAAGGATACAAAAAGTGACATCATA 300 3O 1 TTCTTTCAGAGAAGTGTCCCAGGACATGATAATAAGATGCAATTTGAATC 350 30 l TTCTTTCAGAGAAGTGTCCCAGGACATGATAATAAGATGCAATTTGAATC 350 35 1 TTCATCATACGAAGGATACTTTCTAGCTTGTGAAAAAGAGAGAGACCTTT 400 35 l TTCATCATACGAAGGATACTTTCTAGCTTGTGAAAAAGAGAGAGACCTTT 400 4O 1 TTAAACTCATTTTGAAAAAAGAGGATGAATTGGGGGATAGATCTATAATG 450 40 1 TTAAACTCATTTTGAAAAAAGAGGATGAATTGGGGGATAGATCTATAATG 450 45 1 TTCACTGTTCAAAACGAAGACTAGCTAT AA 481 45 1 TTCACTGTTCAAAAGCGAAGACTAGCTATAA 481 图3 目的基因序列测定结果与GenBank中hIL-18基因的同源性比较 Fig.3 Homolysis comparation of the detection gene with that in genebank of human IL-18 3讨论 [3]Morgan R A,Anderson N.Human gene therapy[J].Annu 由于IL-18具有明显的抗肿瘤作用,许多学者进 Rev Biochem,1993,62:191-204. 行了IL一18基因治疗的研究[5≈]。本实验室在前期工 [4] Yang T T,Cheng L,Kain S R.Optimized codon usage and ehromophore mutations provide enhanced sensitivity with the 作中克隆到hIL一18成熟蛋白的编码区基因,并在原核 green fluorescent protein[J].Nucleic Acids Res,1996,24 表达系统中获得了高效表达。将所获序列经计算机 (22):4592—4593. 软件分析,所得基因序列内部无EcoRI和Sal I酶切位 [5]Takeda K,Tsutsui H,Ynshimoto T,et a1.Defective NK eell 点,pECFP-C1一hIL一18经上述两种酶切后,不会影响基 activity and Thl response in IL-18-deficient mice[J].Immuni— 因序列编码区的内部结构。虽有几对碱基错配,但其 ty,1998,(8):383—390. [6]Wang Q,Yu H,Zhang L,et a1.Vaccination with II.-18 gene- 氨基酸序列没有发生改变,不影响下一步IL一18在真 modified superantigen-coatedtumor cells elicits potent antitumor 核细胞中的表达,表明已完成了pECFP-CI-hlL-18的 immune respons[J].J Cancer Res Clln Oncol,2001,127(】2): 构建,为下一步的研究奠定了基础。 718—726. 参考文献: [7]Hegardt P,Widegren B,Li L,et a1.Nitric oxide synthase in— [1]Ushio S,Namba M,Okura T,et a1.Cloning of the cDNA for hibitor and IL-18 enhance the anti-tumor immune response of human IFN—gamma.inducting factor expression in Escherichia rats carrying an intrahepatic colon carcinoma[J].Cancer Immu— coil and studies on the biologic activities of the protein[J].J nol Immunother,2001,5O(9):49卜5O1. Immunol,1996,156:4274—4279. [8]纪丽丽,王玉艳,王纯净,等.白细胞介素18及其生物学作用 [2]纪丽丽,李士泽,杨玉英,等.人白细胞介素18基因的克隆及序 [J].黑龙江畜牧兽医,2005,(12):76-78. 列测定厂J].黑龙江八一农垦大学学报,2005,17(5):61—64. 维普资讯

48 动物医学进展2007年第28卷第9期(总第168期) The Construction of Eukaryotic Expression Vecto 0f hiL一1 8 Gene and Its Sequence Analysis JI Li~li ,YANG Yu—ying ,LI Shi—ze (1.Shandong Vocational College 0_,animal Science and Veterinary Medicine,Weifang,Shandong,261061,China{ 2.College of Animal Science and Technology,Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University, Daqing,Heilongjiang,163319,China) Abstract:Recombinant plasmid pGEM—T—hlL一18 was constructed,then the plasmid pGEM—T—hlL-18 and pECFP—Cl was enzymed by E0oR I and Sal I,then was transformed into the E.coli strain DH5ato con— struct recombinant plasmid pECFP—Cl—hlL一18.The recombinant plasmid was amplified by pcr,enzymed by EcoR I and Sal I and the sequence was analyzed by computer software.It was confirmed that in the se— quence of pECFP—C1_hIL_l8 contains all the coding sequence for mature protein of hlL一18.We obtained hIL_l8 gene and constructed pECFP—Cl—hlL-18.The results laid a solid foundation and prepared experi— mental material for the future of eukaryotic expression and bioactivity of IL-18. Key words:Interleukin一18;eukaryotic expression vector;sequence analysis 豢*÷崇崇 崇崇崇矗带崇崇谁崇崇崇崇崇崇崇崇*÷矗崇崇崇矗崇崇崇崇崇谁豢崇舯崇崇崇崇*÷ 崇诳 崇崇崇崇崇豢崇 黼粜崇崇崇黼∞.一 (上接第40页) Study on Dynamic Changes of Serum Indexes in Breeder Broiler Infected with REV and ALV-J WANG Yong-zhi ,LIU Cheng-jun ,MENG Fan—jun ,WU Wei (1.Jinan Health School of Shandong,Jinan,Shandong,250022,China l 2.Liaocheng Pasturage Bureau oJ"Shandong,Liaocheng,Shandong,252000,China{ 3.YishuiPasturageBureau ofShandong,Yishui,Shandong.276400,China{ 4.Weifang Entry—Exit Inspection Quarantine and Bureau of P.R.C,Weifang。Shandong,261041,China) Abstract:The Relationship between serum Indexes dynamic changes and body weight suppression in breed— er broiler infected with REV and ALV-J was first studied in the experiment.One-day-old HBD breeder broilers were inoculated with REV and ALV—J as well as both REV and ALV—J respectively.Body weights and peripheral blood were studied periodically,and serum gross protein(TP),high density lipoprotein cho— lesterol(HDL—c),low density lipoprotein(LDL—c),triglyceride(TG)and cholesterol(CHO)wer detec— ted by biochemical automatic analyzer.The result showed that dynamic Changes of TP,TG,LDL-c corre— lated with body weight suppression in the first seven weeks.With the increase of body weight。concentra- tion of TP,TG,LDL~c increase.After that period,there was no dependability between them.While con— centration of HDL-c and CHO didfft correlate with body weight suppression.Because growth suppression caused by virus can be seen from the dynamic changes of serum indexes in early stage,relationship between serum indexes dynamic changes and body weight suppression in breeder broiler within 7 weeks can be de- tected as a basis for early diagnosis. Key words:Reticulendotheliosis virus;Avian leukosis virus subgroup J;serum index;body weight suppres— sion 

本文标签: hIL18基因真核表达载体的构建及序列分析