


读后续写 个人成长类 (拼错单词获奖、勇于承认错误)

Karie double-checked the words on her spelling test. If she got 100 percent today, she’d win her class’

First-Quarter Spelling Challenge and a brand new dictionary. Plus, Ms. McCormack had promised to do a

handstand if anyone got a perfect score.

Three more words to go. N-i-c-e-l-y. Q-u-i-c-k-l-y. H-o-n-e-s-t-y. Wait! She’d spelled honesty, not

honestly. She hurriedly erased the t-y and wrote l-y before handing in her paper.

Ms. McCormack graded the test papers at the break. Meanwhile, Karie sat restlessly in her seat with

her fingers crossed. Then Ms. McCormack walked to the front of the room and cleared her throat. As if she

were an Olympic gymnast, Ms. McCormack’s feet flipped into the air.

“Congratulations, Karie! You did it!” she announced while upside down.

The whole class burst into applause! Ms. McCormack righted herself and presented Karie with her

prize. Karie grinned as she read the label on the box:

To Karie Carter, for her perfect first-quarter score in spelling.

“Everything OK?” Mum asked as Karie burst through the front door after school. Karie didn’t answer.

As if by magic, she took out her spelling test paper and prize and showed them to her mother. Mum hugged

her, asking her to put the test paper on the fridge so that Dad could see it when he got home.

Karie took another look at the test paper before putting it on the fridge. Her hands stopped in the mid

air. She just couldn’t believe her own eyes. Honesty?

Yes! H-O-N-E-S-T-Y!

Mum sensed something unusual and asked why. Karie stuffed the test paper into her backpack and

explained that she was just too excited. Mum brought her some tea. Yes, a “t” was exactly what she needed.

After drinking a little, Karie plodded down the hall, lost in thought. How could she tell the class she

hadn’t earned the prize after all? That Ms. McCormack did the handstand for nothing?

注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右。 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Later Dad came in with excitement.

The next morning, Karie went to school earlier than usual.

一 读懂原文

1. 叙事视角 ______第三人称______________

2. 时空变化 at school → after school → at home

3. 情节发展 ( 请将下列事件按正确顺序排列 ____________ )

A. Karie suddenly found herself misspelling honestly into honesly.

B. Karie burst through the front door, took out her spelling test paper and prize and showed them to her


C. Karie got a perfect score on her spelling test and was presented with a prize.

D. Karie doubled-checked the words before handing in her paper and then sat restlessly in her seat with her

fingers crossed.

E. Karie didn’t put the test paper on the fridge as her mother said but stuffed it into her backpack and lost

in thought.

4. 情感变化(从下列文本语言推断并填空)

A. Meanwhile, Karie sat restlessly in her seat waiting for the announcement of the result.

nervous& excited

B. Karie grinned(咧嘴笑) as she read the label on the box given by Ms. McCormack. __________

C. When seeing the misspelling, Karie just couldn’t believe her own eyes. surprised & frustrated

D. Karie stuffed (匆忙塞入)the test paper into her backpack and explained that she was just too excited.


E. After drinking a little, Karie plodded down the hall, lost in thought. ______________

5. 主题呈现


二 语言积累

Scene 1 How to show Dad’s excitement

1. The smile on his face lit up the whole room. The moment he saw Karie, he said with joy,“My sweet,

how proud to hear you have got 100 percent.” (神态+语言)

2. “Oh, my sweet, your mom told me that you had won your class’ First-Quarter Spelling Challenge.” He

approached and hugged her, giving her congratulations. It was then that he was aware something

happened. ”What’s wrong?” he asked gently. (语言+ 动作)

Scene 2: How to show Karie’s restlessness and struggle

1. Karie was too embarrassed to look into Dad’s eyes. She bit her lip, glancing back and forth between her

dad and the paper. Meanwhile a sense of guilt rose up inside her. Although she wanted her dad’s approval,

she was concerned about his reaction when he saw her spelling mistake.

2. As Dad studied the paper, Karie felt a lump form in her throat(哽咽). She was overwhelmed with guilt

and shame . Then she took a deep breath and mustered the courage to speak up.“Dad, I made a spelling

mistake on one of the words. I don’t think I deserve the award,” she said.

3. Karie let out a long sigh, with tears welling up in her eyes, and stammered,“There is a mistake in my

paper, but I don’t want to lose my prize… .” She lowered her head sadly.

Scene 3: How to describe the interaction between Karie and the teacher

1. Nervous but determined, she approached her teacher and explained that she shouldn’t have won the

award because on her test paper she made a spelling mistake, which went unnoticed. Her teacher listened

thoughtfully, and then looked at the paper.“I appreciate your honesty, Karie. It takes a lot of courage to

admit a mistake, and I’m proud of you for doing the right thing,” she said. Karie felt a wave of relief wash

over her.

2. Karie approached her teacher, her heart pounding with nervousness. She took a deep breath and explained

that she made a spelling mistake on her test paper, and she didn’t feel right about receiving an award. Her

teacher listened attentively, then took the paper from her hand and studied it. “ I really appreciate your

honesty and integrity Karie,” She said , giving her a warm smile. Karie’s face lit up with relief and gratitude.

After saying goodbye, she danced out of the office.

三 范文:

Later Dad came in with excitement. “Where’s your spelling test paper, Karie?” Dad asked eagerly.

Karie looked away from her father. Anyhow, she reluctantly went to her room and pulled out the test paper.

Dad fixed his eyes on the paper, a pleasant smile lifting the corner of his mouth. “I’m proud of you, sweetie.

We need to celebrate it tonight.” Karie pretended to be smiling all the time. Meanwhile a sense of guilt rose

inside her. Feeling that she didn’t deserve the prize, she had a sleepless night for the first time in her life.

The next morning, Karie went to school earlier than usual. Ms. McCormack was unlocking the

classroom. “You’re an early bird.” Ms. McCormack said. Karie’s hands trembled. She handed her teacher

the spelling paper and the dictionary. “I can’t keep this. I misspelled ‘honestly’ and you didn’t catch it.”

For a moment, Ms. McCormack stood quietly reading the label on the dictionary. Then picking up her pen,

she crossed out the word “Perfect” and wrote “honest” before returning the dictionary to Karie. “Keep this.

But for honesty.”


Later Dad came in with excitement. "Karie, Mum told me that you won the spelling prize ! I'm so

proud of you!" To his surprise, Karie didn’t seem to be glad as expected. She even didn’t dare to look him

in the eye. Sensing something unusual, Dad stroked her hair tenderly ,“What’s wrong, baby?” On hearing

that, Karie lowered her head, sobbing,“Dad, I carelessly missed a “t” in “honestly”. I don’t deserve the

prize.” After a short silence, Dad patted her on the shoulder and comforted her,“Karie, it's not about

winning or losing. It's about doing your best and being honest. I'm proud of you no matter what." Karie felt

a sense of relief and gratitude, knowing that her dad would always be there to support her.

The next morning, Karie went to school earlier than usual. When she arrived, she saw Ms.

McCormack preparing for the day's lessons. Karie took a deep breath and approached her teacher. She

apologized for her mistake and offered to return the prize. Ms. McCormack smiled and said, “Karie, You

can still get the prize, not for the ‘honesly’you spelt but for your honesty. That's more valuable than any

prize.” In a flash joy welled up inside Karie. She thanked Ms. McCormack and went to her seat, feeling

proud and grateful. She realized that one can spell “honestly” wrong in the test, but can’t in life.

本文标签: 承认错误获奖语言拼错