


inox 翻译



1. 厨房用具 Kitchen utensils:

- Stainless steel pots and pans are durable and easy to clean.(不锈钢锅具耐用且易清洁。)

- This knife has a stainless steel blade.(这把刀具有不锈钢刀片。)

2. 建筑材料 Building materials:

- The handrails in the building are made of inox.(建筑物的扶手是用不锈钢制成的。)

- The exterior of the skyscraper is clad in stainless steel


3. 医疗器械 Medical instruments:

- Surgical instruments are often made of stainless steel for

their sterile properties.(手术器械通常用不锈钢制作,以确保无菌性。) - The dental tools are made of inox to prevent rusting.(牙科工具采用不锈钢制作,以防止生锈。)

4. 高端家具 High-end furniture:

- The designer chair features a sleek stainless steel frame.(这款设计师椅子采用光滑的不锈钢框架。)

- The coffee table has a tempered glass top supported by

stainless steel legs.(咖啡桌采用不锈钢腿支撑的钢化玻璃台面。)

5. 配饰和珠宝 Accessories and jewelry:

- The watch has an inox strap.(这款手表配有不锈钢表带。)

- The necklace is made of stainless steel with a pendant.(项链是用不锈钢制成的,并带有吊坠。)


本文标签: 不锈钢采用制作具有