




II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage

coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each

blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word

that best fits each blank.

Causes of and Solutions to

Frugal Fatigue


Have you ever attempted to save money to such a degree that you are not

enjoying your life anymore? If so, you could be suffering from frugal fatigue.

Simply (21) _________ (put), frugal fatigue refers to being sick and tired of

attempting to save every penny that you earn. When you are determined to

prioritize your savings, it can be initially (22) ________ (tempt) to cut out every

single luxury item from your budget. However, the problem with this strategy is

that in the long run, you may experience burnout from allowing yourself no

luxuries whatsoever.

Frugal fatigue can be compared to extreme dieting. Someone attempting to

diet in order to lose weight (23) ________ decide to give up all treats such as

chocolate, cakes, and alcohol, (24) ________ of which presents health risks if

consumed in moderation. (25) _________ months of eating nothing but vegetables

and snacking on fruits alone, it would be no surprise if one became fed up with

dieting. What tends to happen in the cases of frugal fatigue is that the individual

in question suddenly reaches a breaking point (26) ________ he goes on a spending

spree(狂欢)to get relief. This causes them to lose all the savings that they (27)

________ (store) up thus far, and then they suffer from financial anxiety again.

So, how does one prevent frugal fatigue? One method is to avoid adopting an

all-or -nothing attitude. (28) _________ (plan) a careful budget that not only

enables you to save money but also allows you the occasional luxury purchase.

This way, you will not feel (29) ________ ________ you are robbing yourself of all

treats. Another effective strategy is to establish realistic goals for saving. Try to

break up your financial goals into manageable milestones. Be sure to keep very

clear reasons in mind for (30)________ you are saving, whether it’s for a

vacation or a retirement fund.

21. put 22. tempting 23. may*/might 24. none 25. After 26. where 27. have stored

28. Plan 29. as if/as though 30. why


Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A (10 分)

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

the given word, for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Since astronomers confirmed the presence of planets beyond our solar system, called

exoplanets, humans (21) (wonder) how many could harbor life.

Now, we're one step closer to (22) (find) an answer. According to the Kepler space

telescope, about half the stars similar in temperature (23) our Sun could have a rocky

planet capable of supporting liquid water on its surface.

Our galaxy holds at least an (24) (estimate) 300 million of these potentially habitable

worlds, based on even the most conservative interpretation of the results in a new study to be

published in The Astronomical Journal.

This research helps us understand the potential for these planets (25) (support)

life. This is an essential part of astrobiology, the study of life's origins and future in our universe.

The study is authored by NASA scientists (26) worked on the Kepler mission

alongside collaborators from around the world. NASA retired the space telescope in 2018 after it

ran out of fuel. Nine years of the telescope's observations revealed that there are billions of planets

in our galaxy - more planets than stars.

(27) this result is far from a final value, it’s extremely exciting that we

calculated that these worlds are this common with such high confidence.

That's a wide range of different stars, each with (28) _own particular properties

impacting whether the rocky planets in its orbit are capable of supporting liquid water. These

complexities are partly why it is so difficult to calculate how many potentially habitable planets

are out there, especially when even our (29) .(powerful) telescopes can just barely

detect these small planets. That's (30) the research team took a new


21. have wondered(或have been wondering) 22. finding 23. to 24. estimated 25. to

support 26. who 27. Though 28. its 29. most powerful 30. why


II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Music Festival in Montreal

Every Sunday afternoon in the Plateau section (高原地区) of Montreal, thousands of people

of all ages, nationalities, and economic backgrounds gather at the Jacques Cartier Monument in

Mont Royal Park to play instruments, sing and dance. This weekly joyful event is called the

“Tam-tam” — a name (21) _________ (refer) to an African drum — and has become an institution

among Montreal’s bohemians (放荡不羁的文化人).

The Plateau is one of Canada’s most racially varied districts where French and English are

both spoken, unlike the rest of French-speaking Montreal. Many artists, musicians, and writers

inhabit this area due to the cheap rent of apartments and studios. In the sixties, it became known

(22) _________ the bohemian area of Montreal, and the stores began selling clothing, music and

books (23) _________ satisfied the tastes.

Mont Royal Park is (24) _________ many of these artists and musicians would meet in the

sixties to have lunch or just spend an afternoon together. Musicians brought instruments, and

eventually impromptu (即兴的) performance of jazz got started, (25) _________ (attract) poets

who recited their works to the music being performed.

Word got out about these gatherings, and it appealed to even more people until it was decided

that these gatherings would happen every Sunday afternoon. Not only (26) _________ people

have a great time at these gatherings, but it was also an excellent opportunity for musicians (27)

_________ (schedule) further meetings in order to cooperate on musical projects.

Tam-tam (28) _________ (become) a sort of Montreal institution already, which is drawing

thousands of people every week and representing freedom and creativity, owing to (29)

_________ impromptu nature. The event begins around noon and ends at sunset. Everyone is

invited to attend a Tam-tam with an instrument, (30) _________ the hosts think the crowd

participation can make Tam-tam a special occasion.

II.Grammar and Vocabulary

21. referring 22. as 23. that / which 24. where 25. attracting 26. did / could

27. to schedule 28. has become 29. its / the 30. for / because / as / since


II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A


Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

the given word. For the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Children moving from primary to secondary school are ill-equipped to deal with the booming

of social media, as it is playing an increasingly important role in their lives, and is exposing them

to significant emotional risks, according to a recent report by the Office of the Children’s

Commissioner for England.

The report shows that many children in year 7 – the first year of secondary school,

____21____ almost everyone in the class will have a phone and be active on social media – feel

under pressure to be constantly connected.

They kind of ____22____ (worry) about their online image, particularly when they start to

follow celebrities on Instagram and other platforms. They are also upset about “sharenting” –

when parents post pictures of them on social media without ____23____ (permit) – and show the

concern ____24____ their parents won’t listen if they ask them to take pictures down.

The report, based on group interviews with 8- to 12-year-olds , shows that ____25____ most

social media sites have an official age limit of 13, an ____26____(estimate)75% of 10- to

12-year-olds will have a social media account.

Some children are almost addicted to “likes”, the report says. Aaron, an 11-year-old in year 7,

told researchers, “If I got 150 likes, I’d be like, that’s pretty cool, it means they like you.” Some

children described feeling ____27____ (confident) than those they follow on social media. Aimee,

also 11, said, “____28____ (compare) yourself with them, you might feel devalued because you’re

not very pretty.”

Children’s Commissioner for England Anne Longfield is calling on parents and teachers to do

more to prepare children for the emotional impact of social media as they get older. “What a child

has learnt at primary school does not guarantee he can protect ____29_____ from the risks that

social media will present.”

“It means a bigger role for schools in making sure children ____30____ (prepare) for the

emotional demands of social media. And it means social media companies are supposed to assume

more responsibilities.” Longfield said.

22. worry 23. being permitted

gh/ though/ while 26. estimated 27. less confident

ing 29. himself prepared


II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the

blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other

blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically


Melbourne: So lovely. So... livable.

Every year, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) releases a list of 140 cities and ranks them

in terms of their “livability”. Melbourne (21) ___________ (top) the list for the fifth year running.

The rankings rate “relative comfort” for more than 30 factors across five categories: stability,

health care, education, infrastructure (基础设施), and culture and environment. The final scores

(22) ___________ (calculate) as a percentage ranging from 1 (“intolerable”) to a perfect score of

100 (“ideal”).

Take a look at the top 10 cities, and you will find that half of (23) ___________ are in

Australia and New Zealand, three in Canada, and two in Europe. They’re all medium-size cities in

prosperous countries, (24) ___________ relatively low population densities. It's an equation (平衡,制衡局面) that leads to low crime rates and a functional infrastructure.

Does that mean non-Melbournians should all pack up and move to the world’s (25)

___________ (livable) metropolis? Not necessarily.

(26) ___________ the top 10 cities in the EIU’s rankings may be pleasant to live in, they’re

not high on most people’s lists of top cities to visit. After all, they are not cities (27) ___________

(describe) as dynamic (充满活力的). Before Melbourne assumed the No. 1 ranking, it was

Vancouver (28) ___________ came out on top for almost a decade its incredible stability.

“I find Melbourne a really boring town, so more livable means really dull,” said a policeman

in Australia. “I live in Sydney because it’s interesting, not because it’s comfortable.”

Raised is the question whether you want to live in a livable city or a dynamic one. Big cities

like Tokyo, London and New York suffer in the rankings because of higher crime rates and

overburdened infrastructure, (29) ___________ drags down the rating of how “comfortable” they

are. Yet they’re hard (30) ___________ (beat) — when it comes to recreational offerings,

including nightlife, culture and entertainment .

21. has topped 22. are calculated 23. them 24. with 25. most livable

26. Though/ Although/ While 27. described 28. that 29. which 30. to beat


II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent

and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the

proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

When educators think of literacy -- the ability to read and write -- they often place more

importance on students’ abilities to read and fully understand a piece of writing.

But experts say critical and creative writing skills are equally important. And, they say,

they (21) _______ (overlook) too often in the classroom.

Compared to reading, writing is (22) _______ (active). It helps students be independent

thinkers, take ownership of their stories and ideas and communicate them clearly to others,

says Elyse Eidman-Aadahl. She heads the National Writing Project, (23) _______ offers help for

teachers who want to push students to write more.

Elyse said, “I have to say (24) _______ we want an education system just (25) _______

(focus) on making people consumers and not on helping them be producers, this emphasis

on reading only -- which does happen in so many places -- is very short-sighted.”

She said students’ writing work now usually centers on examining a text, (26) _______

_______ presenting a new idea. Writing, she said, should be “the central thing you’re

learning. Not writing on a test, not writing to demonstrate you’re learning (27) _______

someone has ”

Teaching reading together with writing improves both skills, says Rebecca

Wallace-Segall, who heads a New York City writing center, Writopia Lab.

She said writing affects a person’s ability to read and more than 90 percent of young

people in the Writopia program do not trust their writing abilities (28) _______ they start. But

she said they learn to enjoy the writing process and become more effective readers, too.

Elyse said employers today seek workers “all the time” who can write well. Digital

tools increasingly mean that people are “(29) _______(interact) with the internet through

writing,” she said.

Young people are already writing all the time -- through text messages, emails and on

social media.

Elyse believes every young person today is a writer if they are connected to the internet.

So, she added, “we have to help them do it in the best, most responsible, critical, prosocial


Rebecca argues that writing also helps students work through difficulties they face in

life “subconsciously”.

“They’re not writing a story about a difficult father or directly about a bully in class,

(30) _______ creating a fictional

scenario (电影剧本) that might feel distant enough for them

to go deep into it.”

II. Grammar and vocabulary

21. are overlooked 22. more active 23. which 24. unless 25. focused

26. instead of/rather than 27. what 28. when 29. interacting 30. but


II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A (10分)

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages

coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each

blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that

best fits each blank.

Tasting a Biker’s Life

For most of my life I knew nothing about motorcycles. I believed that motorcycle

riders were tough and leather-wearing loners. They seemed (21) __________ (look)

for trouble all the time, using the roar of a motorcycle engine to frighten others off.

Then, on a warm May evening outside my house,

my cousin came and showed me his new motorcycle.

Never had a real motorcycle (22) __________ (present)

in front of me by a close family member. “It’s beautiful,

isn’t it?” he asked. But I didn’t really understand what I

was looking at.

It wasn’t until August (23) __________ I was able to actually ride on the

motorcycle with him. I prepared (24) __________ oversized leather jacket for myself.

(25) __________ (fill) with nervous energy, I held on tightly to my cousin. Soon the

bike carried us onto the top of the hill, (26) __________ we stopped to watch the sun

set over the city below. I realized that was the most relaxing moment for me in


Since then, my prejudices about motorcycle bikers (27) __________ (start) to

shift. On the back of a motorcycle, (28) __________ (place) all your trust in someone

to get you safely home is a way to remind you of the love they have for you. Later,

whenever my cousin was gone on a Saturday ride, I would try on his leathers and look

in the mirror, wondering if I was (29) __________ a biker myself.

Maybe the most important lesson, though, is that you really can’t judge a man by

his appearance, (30) __________ __________ __________ much leather he wears.

Motorcycle bikers are not scary, or mean, or unapproachable. They’re adults who

remember the freedom of riding their first bicycle, and are continuously seeking to

recreate the experience.

21. to be looking 22. been presented 23. that 24. an 25. Filled 26. where/and

27. have started 28. placing 29. like 30. no matter how


II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Geography Makes a Silent Return

In many ways geography is the forgotten science. Even the word “geography” tends to make

people think of students (21) _____ (label) maps in social studies class. But that hasn’t always

been true. Before the internet, the world was a mysterious place. In many cases, people didn’t

really know (22) _____ existed a few miles from home. Studying geography offered people a way

to learn about the world.

Geography, (23) _____ (define) as the study of Earth, has always had a focus on maps. But

mapping hasn’t always been easy. In the days before satellites, mapmaking required years of

dangerous and difficult work. But mapping also meant a chance at adventure and fame.

Geography became the subject of explorers. People were eager to hear about the new things

and places (24) _____ geographers had studied. National Geographic is a great example of this

interest. For more than a hundred years, the magazine’s stories and pictures (25) _____ (tell)

people about our exciting world.

Technology has changed the way people think about geography. Travel is now easy. The

internet makes information simple (26) _____ (find). We trust our phones to take us (27) _____

we want to go. Even National Geographic has expanded beyond traditional geography, but that

doesn’t mean geography has become (28) _____ (important).

While some apps are obvious examples of modern geography in action, geography remains

important in more subtle (不易察觉的) ways, too. Geography, which helps house hunters, solves

public health issues, and determines good locations for new businesses, (29) _____ (use) to plan

communities as well.

Like traditional geographers, modern geographers study many different topics. That makes

them well-suited for many different jobs and industries. Today, geographers often have titles like

“urban planner” or “data analyst”. And the world is noticing (30) _____ number of graduates with

degrees in geography is also growing.

Maybe it’s time for you to discover the forgotten science again.

21. labelling / labeling 22. what

have been telling

26. to find

30. the

27. where / wherever 28. less important 29. is used

23. defined 24. that / which 25. have told /



Grammar and Vocabulary Section A


After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent

and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the

proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

SOS message on the sand saves missing sailors

Micronesia is an area of the western Pacific Ocean with more than 600 islands, (21)________

covers a huge area of ocean north of the large island of New Guinea.

Recently, three Micronesian sailors set out to sail 42 km from one Micronesian island to

another. Unfortunately, they got (22)________ (lose), and then they ran out of fuel. After a long

time drifting without power in the ocean, they landed on the tiny island of Pikelot, more than 100

km from their destination.

Pikelot is just 450 meters long and 280 meters wide. The highest point on Pikelot is only four

meters above the sea. No people live there, and there is no water. The little island (23)________

(cover) in trees and has sandy beaches.

Three days after the three sailors set out on their voyage, they did not arrive at their

destination, so ships and aircraft in the area began looking for the (24)________ (miss) men. But it

was almost impossible to decide where (25)________ (look) because there are so many small

islands and the ocean is so large. One of the ships was the Australian navy ship HMAS Canberra,

which (26)________ (sail) from Australia to Hawaii and had a helicopter on board.

During this time, the three sailors decided to write (27)________ message on the beach on

their tiny island. They wrote a huge SOS in the sand. SOS is an international signal that people use

(28)________ they need help. Luckily, people on an American aircraft saw the SOS message in

the sand and contacted the Canberra. A helicopter (29) ________ the ship landed on the beach and

gave the men food and water. Soon after, a Micronesian boat arrived and rescued the three sailors.

They are very lucky to be alive, and it was the SOS message in the sand (30)________ saved


21. which 22. lost 23. is covered 24. missing 25. to look

26. was sailing 27. a 28. when 30. That


II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Consider the Mechanical Pencil

If you used to collect small objects. I'm sure (if you were anything like my younger self) that

you used to collect mechanical pencils.

In one of the math preparatory classes I (21) ________ (go) to in elementary and middle

school, we used to receive mechanical pencils as prizes for doing well on the in-class exams or

answering questions in class. This was (22) ________ I built up my collection of Cadoozles,

which are short mechanical pencils decorated with brightly colored spaceships and ice cream bars.

But I've long since used up all my Cadoozles and a majority of the mechanical pencils that I (23)

________ (hide) in an empty moon-cake tin so many years before, which makes me reflect fondly

back on those old days, when receiving a mechanical pencil was as easy as drinking a glass of


Mechanical pencils are not only more convenient than your traditional Ticonderoga in the

sense that they never need (24) ________ (sharpen); they also produce thinner, cleaner lines,

which is extremely important for drawers and drafters. Furthermore, they are environmentally

friendly, since you don't have to buy (25) ________ wooden pencil whenever you run out of lead(铅芯). You can simply refill your mechanical pencil. There is only one slight negative I must

remark on, (26) ________ is that as someone who calls mechanical pencils "lead pencil" in casual

conversation, the term "lead pencil" is confusing. Mechanical pencil lead is actually not made

from the chemical element lead. It is made from a mixture of graphite and clay, which (27)

________ not give you lead poisoning. This is contrary to what my third-grade teacher said when

she saw my classmate John clicking his mechanical pencil against his index finger out of boredom:

"John, stop that! You're going to get lead poisoning!" I think all the third-graders (and teachers) in

the world would feel much (28) ________ (safe) if they knew what really made up the pencils

they use every day.

It used to be so easy to grab a mechanical pencil whenever I needed one, but (29) ___1_____

____2____ the moon-cake tin has become increasingly lighter, I have learned to appreciate my

writing instruments more. Perhaps I should have collected a few more Cadoozles when I was

younger; perhaps I should have appreciated the feeling of holding up the moon-cake tin when it

was three-quarters full, hoping that there would always be a new pencil for me (30) ________ (use)


21. went 22. how/ when 23. had hidden 24 sharpening /to be sharpened

25. another/a 26. which 27. can 28. safer 29. now that/ in that 30. to use


II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

There are many ways of defining success. It is accurate to say that each of us has our own

concept of success to the extent that each of us is responsible for setting our own goals and

determining (21) ______ we have met these goals satisfactorily. Because each of us possesses

unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments, it is necessarily true that we

must define success broadly.

For some people, simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering

(22) ______ (consider) a success. Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his

sheep, enjoying his simple life with his family in the beauty of nature, and (23) ______ is

respected because he does a good job of achieving the goals expected of and accepted by him and

his society. On the other hand, it seems that (24) ______ ______ some people appear to be rich in

material possessions, many of them seem to be miserable and consider (25) ______ unsuccessful

when judged by their own goals of success. Because not all ventures can be successful, one should

not set unrealistic goals for achieving success, but (26) ______ one has self-confidence it would

be unfortunate to set one’s goals at too low a level of achievement.

A wise counselor once said to a young man who (27) ______ (experience) frustration with

his own professional success: “You do not have to set your goal to reach the moon in order to have

success in traveling. Sometimes one (28) ______ be very successful merely by taking a walk in

the park, or riding the subway downtown,” The counselor added, “You have not really failed and

spoiled your chances for success until you have been unsuccessful at something you really like,

and (29) ______ which you have given your best effort.”

Whatever you define success, remember, we are born to live the lives we truly want and

deserve, but not just the lives (30) ______ (settle) for us.

21. whether / if


26. if


II. Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent

and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the

proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

For perhaps the first time in the history of modern education, millions of primary and

secondary students may begin the new school year from home. Pupils in England should

return to schools in September, but Covid-19 cases 21 (rise), so this may not be

possible. Scientists also warn that there will be many more cases when pupils return to

schools. Some parents may choose not to send their children back 22 their family's safety.

Teachers are worried about children who 23 (fall) behind in their school work.

Parents and carers are feeling anxious about the need to balance work and home schooling.

But an experiment by an 18th-century French schoolmaster, Jackboot, may help them to

worry less about home schooling.

Jackboot had to teach in Belgium. His pupils spoke only Flemish, and he spoke only

French. He gave his students a novel 24 (write) in his mother tongue and a French dictionary.

He encouraged them to teach themselves. It worked.

Learning does not only happen when someone older puts information into the learner's

mind. Think about how often children and even adults learn from trial and error, from

learning to ride a bike to 25 (use) a new technology. Learning happens when you

ask children difficult questions at the dinner table, encourage them to build a tree-house

or find things for themselves on Wikipedia.

In the 18th century, when only the sons of rich men got a school education. Jackboot

27. was experiencing 28. can /could 29. to 30. settled

22. is considered 23. who 24. even though/if 25.

wanted to show 26 poor children could learn. Parents could teach them by encouraging and

asking questions. It's the same today. 27 students have the right resources 28

(explore) ideas for themselves, many people can "teach" - including carers and parents during

a pandemic(流行病).However, some poorer students will do worse 29 they do not

have access to the Internet.

Jackboot showed that learning does not only happen in a classroom and that human

beings are learning beings: they know hardly anything at birth 30 seek out and develop

incredible capacities. That should make us less worried about children during this difficult

time and more hopeful about ourselves.

21. are arising/have been rising

26. how 27. if

22. for 23. have fallen 24. written

30. but

25. using

28. to explore 29. because/as/since/for


Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form

of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Eating jellyfish could save endangered fish

According to the IUCN Red List 32,000 species are threatened with extinction — everything

from birds and mammals. Despite national and international efforts being gathered to protect

threatened species, we actively fish for many of them. For those of us who enjoy the odd fish and

chips, this isn’t great news, (21) ______ the researchers have come up with an unusual way we

can help while still enjoying seafood — and it involves eating jellyfish.

Between 2006 and 2014, 92 vulnerable or endangered species of seafood were being caught,

recorded, and sold. When they are sold, it is rare that fish and invertebrate (无脊椎的) species (22)

______ (require) to be labelled according to species, so consumers have no way of knowing (23)

______ they’re eating.

The research team stresses the fact (24) ______ this is only a brief view of the real problem.

“A lot of the seafood catch and import records are listed in groups like ‘marine fish’. Here we

didn’t look at those vague records, we only looked at records (25) ______ the actual species was

listed — so we’ve made a huge underestimate of the actual catch of endangered species.”

There are some ways to untie the mess we’re creating in the world’s oceans, including (26)

______ (expand) our idea of seafood to include jellyfish. That might sound a little off the theme,

but it’s not the first time scientists have suggested (27) ______ as a food source. It makes a lot of

sense because Jellyfish is considered a minor species of wild animals and scientists might think its

number is increasing worldwide.

Of course, there are other ways to help keep endangered species (28) ______ the menu. “We

need to improve the labelling of seafood (29) ______ ______ the consumers can have all of

the information to make an informed choice,” UQ conservation scientist Carissa Klein told


And the informed choice, at least in some places, is (30) ______ (easy) than you might

imagine. In Australia, where the researchers are based, there’s the Sustainable Seafood Guide to

provide the best choices for seafood. There’s also Seafood Watch in the US, which is run by the

Monterey Bay Aquarium.

21. but 22. are required 23. what 24. that 25. where

26. expanding 27. it 28. off 29. so that 30. easier


Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

The Popular Mobile Library

Around the world, the mobile library projects are bringing books and even advice to

communities with serious and urgent needs.

Every week, two modified blue buses (21) __________ (stock) with children’s books

carefully run down the streets of Kabul. These travelling libraries stop off at schools in different

parts of the city, (22) __________ (deliver) a wealth of reading materials directly to the

youngsters who have limited access to books. “A lot of schools in our city don’t have access to

something as basic as a library,” says Rim, a 27-year-old Oxford University graduate who (23)

__________ (inspire) to start Charm, a non-profit organization, in her home city having grown

up without many books herself. “We were trying to understand (24) __________ we could do to

promote critical thinking in our country.”

For many people a bus or train journey presents a rare opportunity to get stuck into a book,

and in some cities public transport is being regarded as means of getting books to communities

that need (25) __________ most. The vehicle was rebuilt not only to spread the joy of reading,

but also to improve people’s life.

Comic books were left on trains, buses and underground systems in the cities around the

UK (26) __________ (early) this month to mark 80 years of Marvel Comics.

⚫ Carriages on the two subway trains in Beijing were turned into audio book libraries, where

passengers were able to download books. To give the train a library feel, the walls are

decorated with books, (27) __________ covers look like bookshelves.

⚫ People in the Netherlands get to travel on trains for free during the country’s annual book

week celebrations. Passengers can present a novel (28) __________ a rail ticket.

⚫ In the Greek city of Thessaloniki, the transport ministry installed mini libraries at bus stops

(29) __________ (allow) passengers to read as they wait for the bus, or borrow and read on

their journey to be returned at a later date.

⚫ Passengers on New York’s subway (30) __________ download free short stories,

poems, essays and so on to their devices.

⚫ d 22. delivering

26. earlier

rather than

23. was inspired

27. whose

29. to allow

24. what 25. them

28. instead of /

30. can


Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

The Rise of Robot-Chefs

CREATOR is a new hamburger joint in San Francisco. It now claims to deliver a burger

worth $18 for $6 -- in other words, (21) ______ (provide) the quality associated with expensive

restaurants at a fast-food price. What matters behind this claim is that its chef is a robot.

Creator’s burger robot is a trolley-sized unit that has a footprint of two square metres.

Customers send it their orders via a tablet. They are able to cook everything from (22) ______

well-done the burger will be to the type of cheese and toppings they want.

The process sounds rather simple now. But, in fact, the machine took eight years to perfect

after it (23) ______ (create). As far back as 2012, a mere two years into the project, it was

described as “95% reliable”, but that is not enough for a busy kitchen. Chopping tomatoes was a

particularly tough challenge, but even details like the very tool (24) ______ packs the burger into a

bag without squeezing it were tricky for the machine to master. Only now, with a machine to make

reliably 120 burgers an hour, (25) ______ Alex Vardakostas, the engineer behind the project, and

his co-founders, a mixture of technologists and caterers, feel confident enough to open their first


Creator is not alone. Other robot chefs have already been working, (26) ______ (prepare)

entire meals, or soon will be, in kitchens in other parts of the world. (27) ______ ______ ______

that, this new wave of automation could signal a dramatic shift in the way the fast food industry

employs people. That does not necessarily mean (28) ______ (employ) fewer staff. Rather, more

of them will be in roles where they can directly help customers. “Creator’s goal is not to be the

most automated and (29) ______ (human-centered) restaurant, but actually not,” said Vardakostas.

It is too early to say whether this first wave of robot chefs will develop well in such a

demanding environment as the kitchen. (30) ______ it does, it’s certain to mark a change in our

relationship with cookery. Cooking could be something people choose to do simply for the sheer

pleasure of it.

21. to provide 22. how 23. had been created 24. that 25. do

26. preparing 27. In spite of 28. employing 29. the least human-centered 30. If

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