





"I want to prove to the entire world that Asians can run

very fast."

The gun sounded. Liu Xiang's start was so perfect that the

Cuban athlete Dayron Robles thought his rival1) had jumped

early. It's too late when Robles realized his error―the start was

fast, not false.

12.91 seconds later, the chinese audience burst into

cheering and many cried when they saw on CCTV live that brave

Liu Xiang dashed2) to the line far ahead of his rivals at the

Athens Olympic Games, on August 27, 2004.

As Liu Xiang ran to victory in the 110-meter hurdles3), his

legs flying with flawless4) precision5) to clock6) a stunning

12.91 seconds, which equaled the world record set by Britain's

Collin Jackson in 1993, the panic in sports announcers' voices

was almost obvious. Few in the West knew that China had a

good hurdler, much less a record-making one. Stunned by the

victory, a Greek TV announcer stammered7): "In first place,

it's a Chinese man." Puzzled by the X in Liu's given name,

he sidestepped8) the problem: "He is Mr. Liu. Congratulations

to Mr. Liu from China."

If there is one everlasting image of the 2004 Athens

Olympics, it is of China's champion 110 meter hurdler, Liu Xiang,

as he jumped up on the winner's dais9) arms aloft10), a smile

beaming across his face. He had not just won gold, he had

rewritten the history books―the first Asian man to win a power

track event, the first Chinese man to win track and field11) gold.

The whole world had better get used to Mr. Liu and his

given name―Xiang, which means "flying in the wind."








"I don't do many things, but if I do one, I don't give half. I

don't like not to be perfect."

A little girl with the ponytail12) and the white leotard13)

spread her hands with chalk, crossed the arena14) and changed

her sport forever.

It was time for action, and as the hush came over the

Montreal Forum, all the nervousness and little-girl shyness

went out of the child-heroine. At times she was motionless15),

using amazing strength to freeze herself above bars in

portraits16) of beautiful gymnastic form. Then she would pick

up17) the tempo18) and become a ballerina19) in midair flight.

At the most difficult points where others hesitated, she became

even bolder and more breath-taking.

The silence was broken only by the sounds of

clicking―hundreds of cameras capturing the moment.

What they caught was perfection.

Nadia Comaneci, the 14-year-old Romanian, arched in

midair for an instant on her dismount20) from the uneven

parallel bars21), and then the feet supporting her 4-foot-11,

86-pound body landed softly on the mat.

The silence was shattered22) by an explosion of cheering

and applause that, after a few seconds, turned to


Flashing on the electronic scoreboard was 1.00.

It took a moment for the 18,000 spectators at the Forum

to realize that Comaneci had, actually, outperformed24)

modern technology, as the announcer declared, "Ladies and

gentleman, for the first time in Olympic history, Nadia

Comaneci has received the score of a perfect ten."

Yes, what Comaneci had achieved at the Montreal Summer

Games on July 18, 1976, was a perfect ten. The scoreboard

showed 1.00 because it was limited to three figures, the

maximum being 9.99. Computer technicians had to redesign

the scoreboard system, which―like the rest of the world―had

been unprepared to handle 10-point perfection.













African American jumper Jesse Owens sat on the field,


It was the summer of 1936. The Olympics came to Berlin

and Hitler viewed it as a golden chance to prove that German

was superior to26) the rest of the world.

In the long jump on August 4, Jesse Owens fouled27) on

his first two jumps. One was just a practice run, but German

officials counted28) it as a jump. Rattled29), Owens fouled on

his second jump, too. One more foul and he would not be

qualified30) for the long jump final.

At this point, a tall German went to Owens and introduced

himself as Lutz Long. This 19-year old, 1.84m tall, blue-eyed,

blond German long jumper, who was considered to be Owens's

main rival in the event, said to Owens, "What's eating you? You

should be able to qualify with eyes closed!"

Then Long suggested that Owens make a mark several

inches before the takeoff board31) and jump from there to play

it safe. Owens took the advice, and qualified.

Long and Owens competed in the long jump final that

afternoon. When Owens won the gold medal, Lutz Long rushed

up to congratulate Owens in front of everybody. They posed

together for photos and walked arm in arm to the dressing


"It took a lot of courage for him to befriend32) me in

front of Hitler," Owens said. "You can melt down all the medals

and cups I have and they wouldn't be a plating33) on the

24-karat34) friendship I felt for Lutz Long at that moment."

Owens never again saw Long, who was later killed in World

War II, but he continued to remain close to the Long family until

his death in 1980.

非洲裔美国跳远运动员杰西? 欧文斯坐在地上,垂头丧气。







“他在希特勒面前向我表示友好并提供帮助,这需要相当大的勇气,” 欧文斯说,“那一刻,我与卢茨?朗之间的友情就如24开纯金般珍贵。即使熔掉我所有的金牌和奖杯,它们也不足以为这样的友情镀上一层金。”



They hugged, although they rarely did so on the ice. This

time, they hugged not for the silver medal, but for the

bitter-sweet experience they shared in the Turin 2006 Olympic


It was in the figure skating35) final. Chinese Figure Skater

Zhang Hao threw Zhang Dan into the air for a jump, a jump so

difficult it had never been landed in competition. Unfortunately,

Zhang Dan missed the landing. When she hit the ice in a painful

split36) and then smashed37) into the boards, the crowd


Their background music stopped and the smile of the

skater was replaced by a grimace39) of pain. Her partner, Zhang

Hao, rushed to her side and carried her off the ice. With Zhang

Dan bent over, they struggled to the sideboards.

"I thought this was the end," Zhang Dan said. Most of the

spectators likely thought so too, but what followed was one of

the most extraordinary40) moments so far in the 20th Winter

Olympic Games.

Zhang Dan took a few moments trying to compose41)

herself. After wiping away tears, she decided to continue

skating. Then she started slowly circling the ice again to show

that she was ready to carry on. The crowd roared and she even

managed a slight smile.

"We didn't say any words of giving up," Zhang Dan said.

"It's because we were at the Olympics." Then the Zhangs

nailed42) everything.

They amazed the crowd again by picking up the program

where they left off43). Despite the pain Zhang Dan was in, they

finished every other jump and throw in the program. Their

reward at the end was deafening44) cheering―louder than for

the gold-medal pair―and a standing ovation45) from the entire









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