


无internet访问权限的设置(No access to Internet settings)

Win7 Internet access network is connected with an exclamation

point solution

About Vista or Win7

In Vista or Win7, you need administrator privileges to open

. If you need to open the 1. registry method

(recommended): copy and paste the following code into the txt

file, save it and rename it to the reg file. Double-click to

click Yes

Windows Registry Editor Version 5


@= "administrator to obtain ownership"

"NoWorkingDirectory" =""


@= " /c takeown /f"%1 "icacls"%1 "/grant


"IsolatedCommand" = " /c takeown /f"%1 "icacls"%1

"/grant administrators:F"


@= "administrator to obtain ownership"

"NoWorkingDirectory" =""


@= " /c takeown /f"%1 "icacls"%1 "/grant


"IsolatedCommand" = " /c takeown /f"%1 "icacls"%1

"/grant administrators:F"


@= "administrator to obtain ownership"

"NoWorkingDirectory" =""


@= " /c takeown /f"%1 "/r /d y and icacls"%1 "/grant

administrators:F /t"

"IsolatedCommand" = " /c takeown /f /r /d"%1 "Y and


(please make sure to copy the space, otherwise the change will


Two, right click the "computer" in the "management", which has

a local users and groups, and then in the Administrator right

click, take off. This is the disabled has all the authority of

the administrator, and then shut down in place to switch to the

administrator user, other users can be deleted

After the newly installed Win7, generated a lot of problems,

and now encountered problems: that is, each boot, can connect

to routing, but unable to browse the Internet, network

connection on the yellow exclamation mark. After clicking, it

indicates no access to Internet, and no point fixes.

Then disable the network card, and then open, you can connect

to the internet. What a strange phenomenon?

The search found a solution:

Start with the start menu of the Windows 7 system, click all

programs / attachments / run commands, and enter to

open the group policy.

Turn on the computer configuration, management templates,

system and Internet communication management in turn, and then

click Internet communication settings". In the details pane,

double-click "close the Windows network connection status

indicator activity test", and then click "enabled"".

Then restart the computer to see if it has been solved.

If there is no solution, then it may be your Win7 version of

the problem, you may have installed Win7 version 7600 version

is a customized version of the recommended to download a MSDN

version of the SP1 contains the Win7 upgrade installation can

be solved.

I'm on the Internet online shopping DELL Inspiron 15 notebook,

but not the Internet. Wireless connection to the Internet,

normal, prompt Connection Limited, view properties, IPV4 and

IPV6, where IPV4 is "no INTERNET access", IPV6 is "no network


To solve the problem, the following attempts have been made:

2, uninstall ACCESS CONNECTION, using WINDOWS 7 comes with

wireless management system - invalid

3, according to some online post saying, disable the IPV6


4, the wireless network to uninstall and reinstall the invalid.

5, the upgrade of wireless network card driver to the latest

version, invalid

6, to enable the administrator account, and use the

administrator account login, invalid

7, the wireless router DHCP has been re configured to change

the relevant configuration information - invalid

Analysis: by linking, it should be that the machine and the

router have established a link, but there is no access to


Search on the Internet, this problem is not a case,

Many brothers have discovered this, and it is strange after the

installation of WIN7. Expect expert advice ah, my method of


At first I was confused about the problem, and once I packed

it again.

Finally, the method was explored again and again:

Click IPV4 to set the property

DNS don't care, then apply

Finally, open your network connection and fix it again. OK

The general repair success will indicate that the problem is

that the DHCP or IP address is not set

This is my own summary of the principle of my computer

application, I do not know

Hope to be of help to you

I just solved, and this is also the problem, the following

method is found online, and I hope to help you:

Windows7 unrecognized network throughout the Internet, no one

can solve, I was inadvertently

The following methods, but I accidentally get, and in my Windows

Server 2008 R2 RTM and win7 32 RTM students (all original)

system to solve the problem. If you operate after the results

are not the same, please make sure your system is the same with

us, whether there is a mistake, some white is always impatient

not carefully read the instructions, the operation is not

serious, the same method or not to achieve the effect of blame

others have problems, such a strange earth no constipation I

often encounter attractive people, accustomed to!

Microsoft patch Nothing is too strange. universe of

1,000,000,000 universes, cannot be guaranteed in all men are

playing on the computer.

Sharing software and method is not any of the obligations,

"customer service" (sharing is not because it is not available

to you), so is not caused by the software, user method, improper

operation and other reasons for the loss.

Sharing is not your job, please don't blame around, shouting.

Using what others share in good faith (with malicious sharing,

of course, except that situation) should be thankful, even when

you find out that it is not for you!

If you find out what I have left out below, please tell me to

fill it up.


In XP, the local connection is limited by setting the IP and

DNS in the TCP/IP attribute of the local connection property

to save the searching time of the local connection and

accelerate the start-up speed.

After using the Windows Server 2008 R2 (win7 server version),

you found that the settings are always the same as in XP, but

there is always a local connection to an unrecognized network.

Observation found that after the boot to the desktop, the

network connection in a few seconds to find the process, and

then the local connection, there is an unrecognized network,

although the time is not long, but the feeling is bad.

If the computer is interconnected and the LAN is built, there

is a DHCP server (the router seems to be a kind of) that can

connect to the LAN and it is estimated that it will not prompt

the unrecognized network. But I don't want to build a lan!

Searching the Internet, the IPV6, link layer topology, I/O

driver, link layer topology discovery, response program and so

on are removed from the TCP/IP attribute in the local connection

attribute by the internet.

Today, I saw the disk drive on the network connection, and in

turn, is very unhappy.





Then open the network and Sharing Center - change adapter

settings - local connection - right click - properties -

(thought to local connection is equivalent to the card Ban Ban,

certainly not on the net, I'll check the Internet Protocol

version 4 TCP/IPv4 removed it?) Check the results from the

Internet Protocol version 4 TCP/IPv4 broadband after heavy

connected, while local connection becomes enabled. The network

of unrecognized networks will not be prompted. Perfect



Because my win2008r2 is, the operation may be somewhat

different from win7, but almost do not need to uninstall, do

not recommend uninstall, perhaps later use, as long as the

removal of the tick on the line.

Here it was said to check the connection, I win2008r2 to check

it is not affected by each other, then I put the Microsoft client

network (for access to resources on the Microsoft website) the

check is also removed, originally thought that this can cause

automatic updates,

No effect was found! Take a screenshot of my choice!

It seems to be different from xp! No wonder nobody on the net

to solve this problem, XP is mainly affected by the ideological

influence, that the Internet Protocol version 4 TCP/IPv4 should

be checked (LAN should hook) to set the IP address does not

appear local connection problem, actually win7 is not so,

simply check the agreement, cannot find the local computer

network, it will that does not recognize the network.

The other:

DNS client can be found in the window service. Enter

at the start run and find the DNS client service.

Restart the service

First look at how to restart, first find the network

neighborhood, right-click network neighborhood attribute,

then there will be a local connection, right-click local

connection, select disable, five seconds after the right click

again to select enable local connection,

Change the card rate can right-click My computer management,

and then double-click the device manager, and then find the

network adapter, you can now use the card and then find the right

click on the property, find the senior, then link speed/duplex

mode value to 10 megabytes of full duplex on the line, the rate

of problem, also can cause win. 7 to access problems,

Right click to select the attributes of network adapter

settings to change on the left, right click the local connection

attribute selection protocol to add to the installation, select

the Reliable Multicast Protocol (reliable multicast protocol)

protocol to determine the OK!

ADSL through the Internet, simply say, first configure the

local connection, the local connection through, and then create

a broadband connection settings, step by step. (local

connection that is not the card driver problem) put out the

local connection properties, there are two protocols, a IPV6,

a IPV4 IPV6 in front of the hook to get rid of, then the

definition of IP address in IPV4, do not use automatic. IP

address: subnet mask:;;;

DNS: the default gateway: at the start - run - CMD - ipconfig

input data into /all, find the local connection, through the

specified. Set up a broadband connection, and then look at the

properties, which also have the same agreement, V6 and V4, the

V6 do not have to kill, V4 do not move, OK, you go and try it,

OK?! If no method to configure the local connection properties,

it is unable to identify the network I have solved the problem

of win7 cannot identify the network problem is not due to the

installation of compatible driver caused by Windows Event Log

and Remote Access service cannot be started, Connection Manager

must event log service to start, open the

windowssystem32logfiles solution: if you see the WMI folder,

point right click on the WMI folder, point to get administrator

privileges, you can restart after repair. If not, then you are

not saved, reinstall it

本文标签: 访问设置权限