



Body from orphan mesh by face in abaqus.

1,Import the inp file,just like the following pic.

2,create face from orphan the part model,select the Face from Element Faces)and create surf,set the selection method just like the following window.

When finished,you will get all face just like the following pic.


3,Create Body from face,click the “Create solid:from shell” button,set the selection method

just like the following you can click and drag a box to select all surfaces.

You will get a solid model just like the following pic.

Now,we can delete the orphan you will get a solid model just like the following pic.


you can mesh the new solid model and set B.C.

ed,if I do NOT let U understand,plz let me know,U can send a mail to surenjia@126,

本文标签: 网格孤立利用创建