






英 [d'fand] 美 [d'fand]




1、The meaning of " plant variety " may be defined by a

combination of the definition of Seed Law and UPOV Convention

1991 Act.

2、The Cairo Declaration of 1943 and the Potsdam

Proclamation of 1945 defined the terms for the Japanese

surrender at the end of World War II.

3、Following the guidance defined by Ministers at their Cape

Town meeting, experts from BASIC countries met and exchanged

views on issues of equity.

4、The venues of law enforcement and case investigation by

public security organs will be transformed according to defined

standards step by step.

5、With its precisely defined deformation zones and even

stiffer passenger cell, the third generation of the BMW 5 Series

set new standards in occupant safety.

6、Many studies denying a link defined regular cell phone

use as " once a week, " he said.

7、The European Central Bank clearly defined an annual

inflationary target in the euro area below 2 percent in the

medium term.

8、Each individual dancer has a specifically defined character

to explore, and the performance shows every one's egoistic trip

and their own personal idiosyncrasies.

9、This is not advanced charting analysis because these

support and resistance levels are well defined.

10、Chile's President Michelle Bachelet recently defined that

there are three challenges that must come first in any equation

in all nations'quest for development.


1、Feasible region of unit-sphere was defined by standard if

angle between normals and stamping direction was less than 90°.


2、SubLoop – Boolean, 1=This missile will repeat a specific

sequence as long as enough range is left, 0=This missile will play

it's animation normally (as defined in the LoopAnim column).

SubLoop –布尔型,1=投射物将尽可能久的重复指定的序列。0=投射物将只正常的运行自己的动画

3、One parsec is defined as the distance at which a star

would show a parallax displacement of 1 second of arc, a distance

which proves to be approximately 3.258 light years.


4、And its expression in cytoplasm and nuclei was defined

as ectopic expression.


5、In this part, this paper defined the modern service

industry and the investment environment concept and briefly

descriped the basic theory and research methods of the

investment environment of modern service.


6、Exocentric construction: Opposite to the first type, is

defined negatively as a construction whose distribution is not

functionally equivalent to any of its constituents.


7、In this way the entire material requirement is defined on

the basis of the final product demand.


本文标签: 大家结构方向投资冲压