





1.Qomolangma is ______ than any other mountain. I hope

to climb it one day.

A. high

B. higher

C. highest

D. the highest



级表达最高级:比较级+than+any other +单数名词。表示比其它任何的都......。故答案为


【点评】考查固定用法。用比较级表达最高级:比较级+than+any other +单数名词。

2.Wang Wei speaks English as ________ as Yang Lan. They

both study English hard.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

【答案】 B





3.Everyone wants to win in the contest. But I think ________

is to learn something and have fun.

A. the most important

B. important

C. more important

【答案】 A




4.People who always do sports are in spirits than those who


A. high

B. higher

C. tall

D. taller

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:总是做运动的人比不做运动的人精神状态更高。 A.高的,原级; B.

更高的,比较级; C.高的,原级; D.更高的,比较级。spirits精神,形容精神高用high,than是比较级标志词,所以用high的比较级higher,故选B。


5.When we read a piece of news online, we'd better make

sure it's ______ before sending it to others. If not, we may spread

something bad.

A. true

B. special

C. strange

【答案】 A


性。否则,我们可能散布不好的消息。 A.真实的; B.特殊的; C.奇怪的。根据If not, we

may spread something bad,所以我们确定网络新闻的真实性,故答案是A。


6.—Diana. I forget new words quickly. How can I remember


—Don't worry. It's to forget new words! I suggest you read

the words and try to use them.

A. rude

B. exciting

C. perfect

D. natural

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:——戴安娜。我很快就忘了新词。我怎么能记住它们?——别担心。忘记新词是很自然的!我建议你读读单词,并尽量使用它们。 A 粗鲁;B 令人兴奋的;C 完美的;D 自然的。根据题干中的语句 to forget new words可知,这是很自然的事情,故选D。


7.I live next to a supermarket. It's ______for me to do some


A. crowded

B. valuable

C. convenient

D. awful

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:我住在超市旁边,所以购物对我来说很方便。A拥挤的,B贵重的,C方便的,D糟糕的;根据 I live next to

a supermarket. 可知我住在超市旁边,所以购物



8.—Do you know that China is one of countries in the world?

—Yes, I do. It's much than the US.

A. the oldest; older

B. old; older

C. older; older

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析句意:——你知道中国是世界上最古老的国家之一吗?——是的,我知道。它比美国古老许多。old古老的,原级;older更古老的,比较级;the oldest最古老的,最高级。one

of+the+ 形容词的最高级 + 可数名词复数形式表示最……之一,故第一个空用最高级形式;第二个空所在句子有比较级标志词than,故用比较级older,故答案选A。【点评】考查形容词比较级和最高级,注意平时识记固定搭配one of+the+ 形容词的最高级+ 可数名词复数形式和比较级结构。

9.Because of the flood, there are _________ tourists in that

ancient town this year than last year.

A. more

B. most

C. fewer

D. fewest 【答案】 C


more更多;most最多;fewer较少;fewest最少,根据Because of

the flood,可知游客数量少了,根据this year than last year,可知句子用比较级结构,故选C。


10.—You have made such a great progress on your English.

—Thanks. I believe ______you work, _____you will be.

A. the less; the better

B. the harder; the better

C. the better; the worse

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——你英语已经取得了如此大的进步。——谢谢你,我相信你越努力工作,你将变得越好。less更少;better更好;harder更努力;worse更差。the +比较级, the+比较级越……就越……,固定搭配,越努力工作,变得越好,故答案选B。


11.—“Food Safety” problem is becoming ______ these


—I think so.The government must do something to deal

with it.

A. smaller and smaller

B. worse and worse

C. better and better

D. nicer and nicer



府必须采取措施来应对这一问题了。根据 The government must

do something to deal with it

可知,希望政府采取措施应对这一问题,可推测上文意为“食品安全”问题越来越糟糕,是比较级 and 比较级的用法,表示越来越…所以此处应用worse and worse.故选B。


12.—Is Julie as tall as you?

—No, she isn't. She's than me.

A. tall

B. short

C. taller

D. tallest

【答案】 C




13.If your best friend tells you his secrets, it's _______ for you

to keep them for him. By doing this, you can win others' trust.

A. special

B. necessary

C. possible

【答案】 B


必要的。通过这样做,你可以赢得别人的信任。It's + 形容词+for

sb.+ to do sth.意指“对于某人来说做某事很adj.”。 A. special特殊的;B. necessary必要的;必需的; C. possible可能的;根据语境,故选B。


14.Be more ____next time, and you won't make the same

mistake again.

A. careless

B. careful

C. nervous

【答案】 B





15.Although we are twins, I'm than my brother.

A. outgoing

B. more outgoing

C. most outgoing

D. the most outgoing

【答案】 B





16.The more you smile to others, the you will feel.

A. happier

B. happy

C. more happily

D. more happier

【答案】 A



17.—What do you think of the TV program I'm a singer?

—Great! I've never watched a ______ one.

A. worse

B. better

C. bad

D. good

【答案】 B



18.—Maling's Chinese isn't so ____ as Wangming's.

—I know them very much, But now Maling studies ____ than

Wangming does.

A. good; harder

B. good; hard

C. better; harder

D. better; better

【答案】 A





19.—I hear you have just finished making the flash mob(快闪)My Motherland and Me ? —That's true. It is really a way

to show our love for our country.

A. traditional

B. humorous

C. wonderful

D. boring

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——我听说你刚刚制作完成快闪“我的祖国和我”。——这是真的。它确实是我们对自己的国家展示爱的一种很好的方法。 A.传统的; B.幽默的;C.精彩的,极好的;D.无聊的,令人讨厌的。通过快闪向自己的祖国表达爱,确实是一种很好的方法,



20.— I am ___tired, but I still have _________ clothes to wash.

—Cheer up, mom. Let me help you.

A. too much; too many

B. much too; many too

C. too much; much too

D. much too; too many

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:——我太累了,但我还有很多衣服要洗。——振作起来,妈妈。我来帮你。 too much太多的,修饰不可数名词;too many 太多的,修饰不可数名词,too 是加强much和many一起;much too,非常,太,修饰形容词/副词/动词,much是加强too的语气。根据第一个空后有形容词tired,要用much too;第二个空格后有clothes,可数名词,要用too many。故选D。

【点评】考查much too/too much/toomany固定短语用法区别。注意根据修饰词的词性。


21.Victor used to be a shy boy, but now he is ________ than

before with our help.

A. quiet

B. quieter

C. outgoing

D. more outgoing

【答案】 D


之前外向了。A安静的,B更安静的,C外向的,D更外向的,根据but,可知此处是shy 的反义词,外向的,根据than,可知是比较级,故选D。


22.——Taking a walk after supper is really a ____ way.

——____. It keeps us healthy, too.

A. relaxing, So it is

B. relaxing, So is it

C. relaxed, So it is

D. relaxed, So is it

【答案】 A








23.China is ________ country in the world.

A. the third largest

B. the largest third

C. the third large

D. a third largest

【答案】 A


+序数词+ 形容词最高级,the third largest:第三大;结合句意和选项,故答案为A。



24.——Do you know the result of the ________ race?

——Yes. The winner is a boy ________ Lin Feng from Class 4.

A. 100-metres, called

B. 100-metre; calling

C. 100-metre; called

D. 100-metres, calling






Our math

25.“If you want to improve your study, you must be away

from the computer.”

teacher says. “It means _________ you play computer games,

_________ your study will be.”

A. the more; the better

B. the more; the more

C. the less; the better

D. the less, the more

【答案】 C






26.She wasn't ____ and made many mistakes in his


A. enough carefully.

B. enough careful

C. carefully enough

D. careful enough

【答案】 D



27.—When shall we meet again next week?

—_______ day is possible. I'm free the whole week.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Every

D. Any



周都有空。 A.两者中任意一个; B.两者都不; C.每一;D.任何,指三者或者三者以上。根据

题意I'm free the whole week,可知哪天都可以,一周七天,属于三者以上,所以用any,故选D。


28.—What do you think of the Navy Parade(海军阅兵式)in Qingdao?

— __________ wonderful! I've never watched a __________ one


A. What; good

B. How; good

C. What; better

D. How; better 【答案】 D



29.—How do you like the movies the Climbers(攀登者)

and My Motherland and Me(我和我的祖国)?

—I think the Climbers is as ______as M y Motherland and Me.

A. wonderful

B. well

C. more wonderful

D. the most wonderful

【答案】 A



30.My math teacher lives an active life. She looks as _______

as she was ten years ago.

A. young

B. younger

C. the youngest

D. youngest 【答案】A




本文标签: 形容词比较级考查点评形式