


Unit 6 Water

II. 语法&词汇



1. Did you buy _______________ food?

2. There aren’t _______________ hotels in the town.

3. We haven’t got _______________ petrol in our car.

4. Were there _______________ people on the train?

5. Did _______________ students fail the exam?

6. Paul hasn’t got _______________ money in his wallet.

7. I wasn’t very hungry. I didn’t eat _______________.

8. I haven’t seen George for _______________ years.

二、用how much或how many填空:

1. ____________________ people are coming to the party?

2. ____________________ sugar do you want in your coffee?

3. ____________________ bread did you buy?

4. ____________________ players are there in a football team?

三、用few, a few, little或a little填空:

1. There was _______________ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

2. – When did Sarah go out?-- _______________ minutes ago.

3. I can’t decide now. I need _______________ time to think about it.

4. There was _______________ traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected.

5. The bus service isn’t very good at night – there are _______________ buses

after 9 o’clock.

6. I’d like to practise my English more but I have _______________ chances.


1. My father is a man of _____ words.

A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

2. Many people have tried, but _____ have succeeded.

A. the few B. a few C. few D. some

3. You may go and ask him. He knows _____ about Japanese.

A. a few B. few C. little D. a little

4. No news _____ good news.

A. is B. be C. are D. were

5. Watching TV _____ is bad for your eyes.


A. too much B. too many C. very much D. much too

6. They don’t get _____ money to buy tickets.

A. enough B. a few C. no D. few

7. There are _____ pencils for the children.

A. a little B. too much C. enough D. a few of



1. You should _____ your hands before you have lunch.

A. clean over B. clean up C. wash over D. washed up

2. -- What is _____ TV now?

-- A weather report.

A. in B. at C. on D. for

3. Remember _____ the door. I didn’t take the key with me.

A. to close B. not to close C. to not close D. not close

4. Your idea about having a picnic tonight _____.

A. sounds great B. sound great C. sounds interest D. sounds interested

5. – Jack, do you only know how to turn on the radio?

-- No, mum, I will _____ right now.

A. turn off it B. turn it on C. turn on it D. turn it off

6. They _____ go out of the room _____ it stopped raining.

A. didn’t, until B. /, until C. didn’t, when D. /, when

7. _____ the end of my class, I like telling a story.

A. / B. At C. In D. By

8. Don’t eat _____ a cat. You need to eat more to grow taller this year.

A. likes B. liked C. as D. like

9. Which picture are you _____? Do you want me to tell you more about it?

A. looking B. seeing C. looking at D. seeing at

10. I heard some _____ coming from that room.

A. voice B. sound C. noisy D. noise

11. There _____ only bread and rice. We must go and buy some meat.

A. are B. is C. be D. have

12. _____ student in my class likes wearing school uniform, even at weekends.

A. Many B. Much C. Many a D. A little

13. If the poor children have _____ drink, they will not die.

A. enough water B. water enough

C. water enough for D. enough water to

14. The dining room is too small. It can _____ hold 10 persons each time.


A. at last B. at most C. at least D. at this moment

15. Mum told me to finish reading this English story _____ a month.

A. for B. in C. at D. on

16. Yesterday, there is _____ heavy rain in the countryside.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

17. Parents should not leave their children _____ alone at home.

A. staying B. to stay C. stay D. stayed

18. He’s so hungry that he can put a _____ chicken into his mouth at one time.

A. whole B. all C. whole of D. all of

19. It _____ me four days to go through this forest.

A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid

20. The machine can _____ clean up the dirty water. It is _____ than that one.

A. easy, useful B. easily, usefully

C. much easily, more useful D. easily, more useful

21. – Would you like _____ tea?

-- Yes, please.

A. some B. a C. any D. many

22. There _____much _____ on the table.

A. isn’t, bread B. isn’t, breads C. aren’t, bread D. aren’t, breads

23. There are _____ old men over there.

A. a little B. much C. a lot D. a lot of

24. I’m sorry I can’t attend the meeting because I have too _____ to do.

A. any work B. much works C. much work D. many works

25. Don’t eat _____ food at night. It is bad for your health.

A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too


1. Our country is m______________ up of 56 nations (民族).

2. After raining, you can get many little d______________ of water from roofs.

3. People can get s______________ from sea water.

4. There are many c______________ in the blue sky.

5. The rain p______________ into the village and makes the flood (洪灾).

6. Drink some s_________ drinks after sports, and you’ll recover (恢复) quickly.

7. Many kinds of fishes live in the o______________.

8. Excuse me, I want to buy two l______________ of oil.

9. The water is waiting in the p_________ underground until you turn on the tap.

10. After a long journey, the most thing you need is t______________ a bath.

11. Not all water is drinkable because some of them is p______________.


12. Don’t use the b______________ tap. It will waste water.

13. Your stupid decision makes us tired and d______________ us crazy.

14. You should learn English from the s______________ of ABC.


1. The weather is fine. My family will have an outing. (用if连接成一句)

______________the weather ______________fine, my family ______________

______________ an outing.

2. I don’t care if you think it is true or false, the driver drove a truck into a river

after drinking. (转换为同义句)

________________________, the driver drove a truck into a river after drinking.

3. Mike can eat ten bowls of noodles one time. (就划线部分提问).

____________________________ noodles can Mike eat one time?

4. I have very few friends to play with. (用enough改写).

I don’t have ______________ ______________ to play with.

5. You are a student, so you must study hard. (转换为同义句)

___________________________, you must study hard.


1、人们在水处理厂净化水, 然后再输送到各家各户。

People ______________ the water ______________ in the treatment works and

then send it to every family.


This swimming pool is _____________ _____________ to hold 200 people to

_____________ _____________ at one time.


The cloud ______________ ______________ ______________

______________ many little ______________ of water.


The ______________ of this house is not ______________ ______________

man. He is a famous scientist.


Please remember to ______________ ______________ all the lights when you

leave the room.


The valuable cup ______________ ______________ into pieces.


If you heat ice, it ______________ ______________ water.



It’s ______________ for me ______________ ______________ medicine on

time every day.


Remember ______________ ______________ ______________ or

______________ water.


The cleaner ___________ the streets ___________ ___________ ___________.


1. We should try out best to remember ______________ (send) birthday cards to

our best friends.

2. John remembered ______________ (wash) his dirty clothes and shoes. What a

careful boy he is!

3. ______________ (take) a bath uses even more water than showers.

4. What he acted in the show ______________ (freeze) me a lot two days ago.

5. Henry’s MP4 is ______________ (break), so it needs to be mended.

6. Please don’t ______________ (pollution) water, John.

7. Two thirds of our students ______________ (be) from China.

8. Gold is more ______________ (value) than silver.

9. Mary ______________ (shake) her head sadly with tears in her eyes just now.

10. Your voice sounds ______________ (angry).

11. – Would you like to drink coffee or milk?

-- Neither. I’d like to have a bottle of ______________ (distill) water.

12. The cook usually ______________ (mix) the powder with some cheese.

13. ______________ (final), let’s give our welcome to the guests.

14. The boy ______________ (drop) his text books on the ground just now.

15. A few ______________ (drop) of water ______________ (be) on the

windows of the car.

16. The medical group was ______________ (make) up of some famous doctors

all over the world.

V. 书面表达






VI. 趣味英语

men were under one umbrella, but none of them got wet. How do they

do it?

does afternoon always come before morning?

rises in the morning and waves all day?

is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all


Unit 6 Keys:

语法练习:一、1. much 2. many 3. much 4. many 5. many 6. much

7. much 8. many

二、1. How many 2. How much 3. How much 4. How many

三、1. little 2. A few 3. a little 4. little 5. few 6. few

四、1-5 CCDAA 6-7 AC

词汇运用:一、1-5BCBAD 6-10 ABDCD 11. A 13-15 DBB

16-20 AAACD 21-25 AADCB

二、1. made 2. drops 3. salt 4. clouds 5. poured 6. soft 7. ocean

8. liters 9. pipe 10. taking 11. polluted 12. broken 13. drives 14. start

三、1. If, is, will have 2. Believe it or not 3. How many bowls of

4. enough friends 5. As a student

四、1. clean, up 2. big enough, swim in 3. is made up of, drops

4. owner, an ordinary 5. turn off 6. broke up 7. turns into

8. important, to take 9. not to waste, pollute 10. flush, once a week

五、1. to send 2. washing 3. Taking 4. froze 5. broken 6. pollute 7. are

8. valuable 9. shook 10. angry 11. distilled 12. mixes 13. Finally

14. dropped 15. drops, are 16. made

趣味英语:1. It was not raining. 2. In a dictionary.

3. None. Because it has been taken out already. 4. A flag. 5. Eye.


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