



1.(问答题,15分)A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his held up a

sign which said: "I am blind,please help." There were not (1)___ coins in the hat.

A man was walking took a few coins (2)___ his pocket and dropped them into the

then took the sign,turned it around,and wrote some put the sign back so that

(3)___ who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat (4)___ with coins.A lot more people were giving money to the blind

afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things boy recognized

his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one (5)___ changed my sign this morning?What did

you write?" The man said, "I only wrote the (6)___ .I said what you said, (7)___ in a

different way.I wrote: ‘Today is a beautiful day,but I cannot see it.'"

(8)___ signs told people that the boy was the first sign simply said the boy was

second sign told people that they were (9)___ lucky that they were not

we be (10)___ that the second sign was more effective?

Moral of the Story:

Be thankful for what you (11)___ and life gives you

100 reasons to cry, (12)___ life that you have 1000 reasons to smile.

Face your past without your present with e for the future

without the faith and drop the fear.

The most beautiful thing is (13)___ a person even (14)___ is,knowing that

you are (15)___ reason behind it!

































C. /


2.(填空题,10分)On February 12th,Dalian (not his real name) was taking a train to

Changsha,Hunan,for a business on the train,he went into a carriage to have lunch

didn't know that the carriage was (1)___ for people going to Wuhan.

Several hours (2)___ ,when the train arrived in Wuhan,Dalian was asked to get off,as he

was in the special gh he was surprised,he didn't want to cause trouble and got

off the carriage with just a(3)___ bag in a hurry.

Because of the epidemic (疫情),Wuhan had been locked Dalian couldn't find a(4)___ to stay g at a loss,he saw a notice online looking for (5)___ to work in

decided to give it a try.

He soon became a volunteer in Wuhan No.1 was responsible for taking out

rubbish,sweeping the floor,disinfecting (消毒) the hospital, (6)___ used protective suits

and bringing meals to patients.

The young man,who is from northeast China,had to work 12 hours every day, (7)___ his

protective suit three times a working,he couldn't (8)___ anything or go to the

also had to be close to infected patients,which is risky.

Dalian was afraid of getting infected at first,but after he saw more patients get (9)___ ,his

fear gradually went away.

Dalian's (10)___ has become famous described him as having "a heart of






al y rant


eers s


off g at g with

(6)g for

g g g






3.(填空题,8分)When the dog named Judy saw the first sheep in her life,she did what came

four-year-old dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields and,being a

city animal,lost both her sheep and her sense of she ran along the edge of the cliff

(悬崖) and fell 100 feet,jumping off a rock into the sea.

Her owner Mike Holden was worried and called the coastguard of Cornwall,who appeared in

volunteers went down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave up all hope of finding

her alive after a 90-minute search.

Three days later,a hurricane hit the coast near returned home from his

holiday upset,believing his pet was comforted himself with the thought she had died in

the most beautiful part of the country.

For the next two weeks,the Holdens were ,one day,the phone rang and

Steve Tregear,the coastguard of Cornwall,asked Holden if he would like his dog back.

A birdwatcher,using a telescope,found the pet sitting on a he sounded the alarm,a

student from Leeds climbed down the cliff to pick up Judy.

The dog had been knocked unconscious (失去知觉的) but had survived by drinking water

from a fresh stream at the base of the may have fed on the body of a sheep which had

also fallen over the edge. "The dog was very thin and hungry," Steve Tregear said, "It was a very

______ survived because of the fresh water around," he added.

It was,as admitted, "a miracle (奇迹)".

(1)Why did Judy fell off the cliff? ___

sheep kicked her off the cliff.

played with the sheep along the cliff.

saw a sheep for the first time in her life.

ran to the wrong direction to the edge of the cliff.

(2)According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE? ___

sheep Judy met also fell over the edge.

drinking the sea water saved Judy's life.

had stayed on the rock for only seven days.

took the volunteers one and a half hours to look for Judy.

(3)What did Judy's owner mean by "a miracle"? ___

survived in the end.

was a stream around.

C.A sheep was just lying beside Judy.

birdwatcher,using a telescope,found his pet.

(4)Which word is most suitable to be put in the blank of the sentence "It was a very ___ do."?


4.(填空题,8分)Water shortages influence so many company Watergen produced

a new machine to help solve this machine,called GENNY,is small enough to be

used in a home or office but can produce up to 30 liters of water a importantly, it can

produce clean water out of air.

GENNY takes air in and passes it through a filter (过滤器) to remove dust and filter

is powerful enough to work even in areas with high air air then passes through a

room where heating and cooling turns steam in the air into water is then passed

through several more filters,and minerals are added to make it healthier and y,the water is kept in a tank where it is continually recycled to keep it fresh.

The heating and cooling process,called GENius,is far more energy-efficient than other

technologies that produce water from produces four to five times more water per

kilowatt-hour (千瓦时).Watergen has other products that use this same technology in a

larger size,the largest of which can produce up to 5,000 liters of water per day.

As a company,Watergen aims to provide drinking water to the billions of people who don't

have safe drinking water at year Watergen's large-size products were given to the

local government in Brazil,Vietnam and India.

Watergon tries to help the environment by reducing waste caused by plastic

can put the water from GENNY into reusable bottles so that plastic ones don't get used and

thrown also calls for saving are even two types of GENNY:one that uses

the electrical power supply and another that runs on energy from solar latter one is

particularly useful for villages or other areas not connected to an electrical network.

Watergen's technology is sure to help many people around the world as well as help take care

of our planet.

(1)What does the underlined word "it" refer to in paragraph 1? ___

latest technology.

company Watergen.

new machine GENNY.

heating and cooling process GENius.

(2)What is the correct order of GENNY producing water out of air? ___

minerals are added into the water.

takes air in and passes it through a filter.

water is stored in a tank to keep it fresh.

water passed through several more filters.

heating and cooling turns steam into water.





(3)How can GENNY help the environment? ___

produces clean and safe water and air.

uses solar power to turn air into water.

stops people from using bottles to drink.

solves the problem of water shortage in the world.

(4)What is the best title for the passage? ___

from Air

Air out of Water

of Turning Air into Water

Technology Saves the World

5.(填空题,6分)Along the history of human society,it seems that there isn't a civilization(文明) without toys,but when and how they developed is probably came

about just to give children something to do.

In ancient times,just like today,most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with

societies where social roles are strictly divided,boys copy the behavior of their

fathers and girls copy the behavior of their is true because boys and girls are

preparing to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world even in the game.

Surprisingly,from the history of toys,small changes have taken place over the

changes have been mostly about workmanship,mechanics and is amazing that toys

are similar in the development of all parts of the 's more,toys used to be similar to

what they are people in Egypt,the Americas,China,Japan and the Arctic,generally

the same kinds of toys s depended on local customs and ways of life because

toys show the real world around the every civilization had dolls,little

weapons,toy soldiers,tiny animals and vehicles.

Since toys can often be regarded as an art form,they have not been influenced by technological

development from wheels to carriage to automobiles is a straight we

compare a rattle(拨浪鼓)used by a baby today to the one used in 3000 BC,we will find it

does not appear to be more rattle is a product of the artistic taste of the time and

is limited by materials.

(1)Why are the toys for boys and girls different? ___

fathers and mothers are different.

of the boys are more active than girls.

mothers are more powerful than their fathers.

future adult society requires men and women differently.

(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the author's opinion? ___

every civilization has toys in human history.

r kinds of toys appears in almost all civilization.

have changed a lot during the long history.

from different countries have totally different kinds of toys.

(3)In the next part of the article,the writer may ___ .

about some popular toys in China

us what kinds of toys the boys like

more about the history of the toys' development

another example to show toys are works of art


Are you having a hard time staying focused on work?Some simple skills can make a big


① Take care of

your physical


The most basic

one for focusing

is to take good

care of

means getting


that,make sure

you're getting

good nutrition

which supports

your brain's


all,get plenty of

you're tired,it's

much harder to

focus on


② Plan for your "absent-minded behaviours."

You may try to do something to

reduce the stress coming from

a things,like

mindless snacking,checking

email,checking phone texts,or

suddenly getting very

sleepy,may also make you

,if you want

to get focused,plan for these


If you are likely to get

sleepy,try moving to a standing

desk for a e a

healthy snack to keep by your

you can't help reading

email or checking your mobile

phone,turn off the notices

which are flashing and

reminding you all the time.

③ Plan regular breaks.

One popular way is the Pomodoro Technique,which calls for 25 minutes of

focused work followed by a 5-minute break,with at least a 15-minute break

every two ly,a new experiment shows that it is best for you to take

a 17-minute break after working for 52 minutes.

④ Accept yourself for losing focus.

It is true that you won't always meet your own expectations of g angry or upset

about it will only make things d,praise yourself for whatever work you manage to

get being happier may help you succeed.

(1)According to the passage,which of the following is a good way to avoid the "absent-minded behaviour"? ___

different snacks.

a standing desk.

g regular exercises.

g off the phone.

(2)Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the Pomodoro Technique? ___

can stay fully focused if you follow the rule of it.

must take a 25-minute break after working for 60 minutes.

's unnecessary for you to take a break if you can still stay focused.

a 17-minute break after working for 52 minutes is the best choice.

(3)Your friend Tina is upset for losing focus in the class this reading the

passage,what will you probably say to her? ___

is better than saying.

ence is the mother of wisdom.

C.A bad workman quarrels with his tools.

can't be pure and man can't be perfect.

(4)What is the purpose of this passage? ___

tell people how to stay focused.

show how important staying focused is.

discuss the possibility of staying focused.

support a new experiment about staying focused.


Teenage Body Image(形象)

Your body image is how and what you think and feel about your includes the picture

of your body that you have in your mind,which might or might not match your body's real shape

and size.

A positive or healthy body image is feeling happy and satisfied with your body,as well as being

comfortable with and accepting the way you look. (1)___ People who feel like this often want

to change their body size or shape.

Your body image is influenced by many things. (2)___

Puberty(青春期) is also a big puberty,your body is going through lots of

at the same time,fitting in and looking the same as other people becomes more


(3)___ When you feel good about your body,you will be more confident about yourself.

It is possible for you to feel down if you focus on the negative messages around you and make

negative comparisons between your bodies and what you see as perfect bodies.

You can try talking with your friends about your feeling of the physical changes of puberty.

(4)___ It's also good for you to know that some images on the Internet are not real,which are

often beautified so that people look more "beautiful" than they really are.

You should be proud of yourself for things that aren't about might include

your sense of humour,effort at school,helpfulness,or other special can also spend time

on interests and activities that make you feel good. (5)___

If you already have a negative body image,consider asking for advice from might

give you the tools you need to fight against social pressure and feel good about your body.

A.A healthy body image is important.

s who accept and support you can be a healthy influence.

C.A negative or unhealthy body image is feeling unhappy with the way you look.

include family environment,ability or disability,the attitudes of peers,social

media,cultural background and more.

ping healthy eating habits and doing sports can help build up a positive body image.

8.(问答题,5分)Chemistry is everywhere in our daily mes it's easy to other

times,it can be very (1)h ___ to see the everyday chemistry at work,but nearly everything

you touch has some chemicals(化学物质)in it.

Chemistry helps to make products for ing as simple as toothpaste has at least

three chemicals that keep your teeth things in your daily life are created by

chemistry,such as hair products and soap. (2)W ___ chemistry,we would never have known

that we need soap to get the oil out of clothes.

Chemistry plays an important role in food g food causes it to go through a

chemical (3)c ___ .That is the reason why cooked food often tastes different from uncooked

much or too little of any chemical material makes a (4)d ___ to the result of baking(烘焙).For example,the cake can be too soft or too hard.

Chemistry isn't something that just lives in a laboratory;it's something that you meet

hundreds of times in life. (5)L ___ about how chemistry works will give you a greater

understanding of the life.


Nowadays,traditional "Hanfu" is getting ___ ___ ___ ___ with young people.


According to the new rule,students ___ ___ ___ ___ bring personal mobile phones into the



The report explains ___ ___ ___ ___ for us to plant more trees.


___ ___ ,Amazing China is one of the best TV programs that I ___ ever ___ .


The Belt and Road brings China and the world together. ___ ___ ___ strategy it ___ !


"People I Want to Thank"的英语征文活动。请按照以下表格提示,写一篇英语征文投稿。

Who to thank




take care of…

support. …

cook meals,

show…love to…



study hard,

try…best to…

Why to thank

What to do for them





(2)字数:100词左右 (短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数)。


People I Want to Thank

How time flies!The three-year school life is going to I want to say thank you to those

who have helped me.

本文标签: 中国老师家长学校年轻人