


高考英语外刊阅读模拟强化训练 完形填空专题二十一

On a late January evening in 2008, Rachel Lapierre bought a $4 scratch ticket while picking up

groceries. For years, Lapierre had done humanitarian work overseas for organizations and she longed

to be able to one day 1 her nursing job and focus on the volunteer work she found most 2 .

She vowed to herself that if she ever won the lottery, that’s what she would do.

Lapierre went home and 3 her ticket, revealing three sunny faces. Not sure what they meant,

she took it to a corner store, where the ticket-checking machine went berserk but didn’t 4 the

prize. The next day, the Loto-Quebec office 5 her that she had won a lump sum of $675,000 or

$1,000 a week for life. She chose the 6 . “I know myself,” she says. “The lump sum would have

melted like snow in the sun.”

Staying true to her 7 , Lapierre quit her nursing job and 8 her life to helping others

through her passion project, Le Book Humanitaire, which has since become a registered 9 . Le

Book, as Lapierre, now 62, affectionately calls it, began as a simple list of good deeds she jotted down

in a black-and-white wire-coiled notebook. She had been using it to keep 10 of what she had

done to help those living in the small 11 around her.

To her, the deeds were just small acts of kindness—buying clothes for a family of newly arrived

immigrants, delivering a meal to an isolated 12 or or giving medical attention to someone living

on the streets—that anyone else might have done. But word started spreading, her phone began ringing

and a Facebook page she created for the project became an efficient way to 13 requests from those

in need and those who wanted to help.

Sixteen years later, Le Book Humanitaire now has a team of 80 volunteers. The book itself? It has

since been replaced by dozens more, representing millions of deeds. In 2022 alone, the organization

14 nearly 450,000 acts of service.

“When you do a good deed, it has a butterfly 15 ,” says Lapierre. “One good deed can affect

10 people. So if we all do a good deed? That can save the world.”

【Reader’s Digest Canada (July & August, 2023)】

1.A. quit B. manage C. replace D. apply

2. A. challenging B. demanding C. rewarding D. fulfilling

3. A. cleaned B. scratched C. announced D. noticed

4. A. distribute B. comment C. drop D. reveal

5. A. informed B. warned C. required D. covered

6. A. value B. former C. last D. latter

7. A. word B. plan C. position D. pose

8. A. owed B. led C. dedicated D. saved

9. A. plant B. charity C. company D. agency

10. A. informed B. busy C. road D. track

11. A. areas B. regions C. apartments D. communities

12. A. senior B. mother C. staff D. homeless

13. A. appeal B. reject C. field D. recite

14. A. carried out B. carried off C. carried on D. carried up

15. A. situation B. effect C. phenomenon D. condition

The Deadly Swamp(Excerpt)

BY Derek Burnett

Losing his arm to an alligator was just the start of Eric Merda’s three-day ordeal(磨难).

Now Merda spent another couple of hours wandering among the orange trees, which were laid

out in an endless grid. No 1 of civilization, so he re-entered the woods and soon found himself

mucking around in swamp water.

He 2 for hours as the sun sank. Tall, thick grasses and thorns clogged his way; mud and

water 3 his boots. He tried to 4 by the sun but kept losing it. Each time he picked out a 5

or chose a beeline course, he became hopelessly lost again after just a few minutes.

Darkness was falling when at last he re-emerged onto the shore of the lake.

The water was

surprisingly cold, especially as it deepened. Merda started out paddling strongly for the opposite 6 ,

drinking lake water to quench his awful thirst. He swam on, but some strange 7 prevented his

progress. He was a good swimmer, yet he somehow kept 8 from his goal. It was maddening, but

he refused to surrender to 9 . The sun disappeared and the stars came out, and still he struggled.

And that’s when he saw the alligator.

Before he could swim a stroke, before he could save himself, before he could 10 a scream,

the creature 11 like a snake. It sank its teeth into Merda’s forearm, breaking it at the elbow, and

12 him underwater.

Merda went into 13 mode. He flung his other arm around the gator’s middle, clutching at

its heaving belly as he kicked his feet to keep from going to the bottom. Man and beast resurfaced and

Merda gulped 14 —but just as quickly the gator yanked him under again. The third time, the

alligator did what alligators do: It barrel-rolled its entire body in a vicious coup de grâce(致命一击),

and Merda felt the flesh of his arm 15 as the limb was severed. The creature disappeared into

the darkness, carrying Merda’s forearm with it.

No pain yet, only terror.

Then he realized, I’m the only one who can get myself out of this. He

positioned himself up against the trunk of the tree and waited for dawn.

【Reader’s Digest Canada (July & August, 2023)】

1.A. sign B. recognizing C. identity D. guarantee

2. A. sighted B. fought C. sought D. labored

3. A. treated B. filled C. wrapped D. packed

4. A. navigate B. site C. position D. follow

5. A. direction B. shape C. landscape D. landmark

6. A. river B. bank C. dam D. equipment

7. A. local B. resident C. police D. current

8. A. diverging B. preventing C. escaping D. borrowing

9. A. enemy B. rival C. emotion D. dilemma

10. A. let out B. try out C. carry out D. pull out

11. A. swam B. flew C. struck D. bit

12. A. dragged B. pushed C. contacted D. destroyed

13. A. low B. fight C. defensive D. noble

14. A. mud B. air C. breathe D. tears

15. A. tearing away B. washing away C. setting away D. driving away

As a woman in the space sector, I take great pride in smoothing the path for leadership and

innovation – although I find the lack of gender diversity within the industry still quite concerning.

Despite an 1 in the number of women entering the space industry over the past 20 years,

particularly at a senior level, it remains a male-dominated 2 . To this day, only 11 percent of all

people that have been to space are women. The roots of the space sector 3 within the government

and the military, which means the culture remains very 4 : male-dominated and highly technical.

Limit to 5 breeds limit to success, and the breadth of skills within the sector is curbed if the

talents and 6 that women can offer aren't incorporated.

In my own experience, it can be intimidating at times to be confronted with 7 around being

taken seriously. I have learned to find strength in 8 and I firmly believe we can drive 9 to

overcome these challenges through 10 , inclusivity and support.

There are vibrant female entrepreneurs making 11 across the industry, and their expertise and

diversity of thought should be 12 . It's encouraging to see 13 taking an active role in

recruiting female entrepreneurs onto their programmes.

Representation of women in the space industry is vital in 14 to young women and children

that space exploration is not just reserved for men, but for all those who are passionate about it. The

space industry needs to 15 girls from an early age, encouraging more children and young people

to study aerospace engineering.

【BBC Sky at Night (July, 2023)】

1.A. improvement B. slump C. decrease D. spike

2. A. company B. industry C. field D. program

3. A. engage B. lie C. put D. participate

4. A. traditional B. normal C. typical D. general

5. A. entrance B. door C. key D. access

6. A. warnings B. capabilities C. advice D. demonstrations

7. A. matters B. challenges C. issues D. problems

8. A. range B. project C. diversity D. device

9. A. progress B. process C. report D. movement

10. A. production B. results C. collaboration D. control

11. A. replacement B. strides C. improvement D. requirement

12. A. known B. celebrated C. succeeded D. admitted

13. A. intelligence B. initiatives C. patterns D. globe

14. A. demonstrating B. selecting C. sending D. claiming

15. A. educate B. attract C. argue D. inform





本文标签: 模拟阅读强化训练外刊专题