





















该软件名叫“绿坝—花季护航”, 其主要功能是屏蔽过滤互联网上色情、淫秽、暴力等不良信息。






































On the afternoon of June 9, 2009, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang held a regular press

conference and answered questions.

Qin Gang: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the press conference. I have several

announcements to start with.

At the invitation of President Medvedev of the Russian Federation, President Hu Jintao will attend

the 9th Meeting of the Council of Heads of States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

and the BRIC Summit to be held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, and pay a state visit to Russia from June

14 to 18.

At the invitation of President Gasparovic of the Slovak Republic and President Mesic of the

Republic of Croatia, President Hu Jintao will pay state visits to the two countries from June 18 to


We have the honor to invite Vice Foreign Minister Li Hui and Vice Minister He Yafei to give a

background briefing here in the press hall at 3:30 pm this afternoon. Your presence will be welcome.

At the invitation of Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Mr. Kasit Priomya, Foreign Minister of the

Kingdom of Thailand, will pay an official visit to China from June 10 to 11.

Now, I'd like to take your questions.

Q: Gabonese President Bongo passed away yesterday. Do you have any comment? Secondly, it

is reported that Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoë met with Dalai and granted him "honorary

citizenship" on June 7. How do you respond to that? Do you think that France has violated its

commitment in the China-France Press Communiqué? Will China lodge representation with the

French side? Will this affect the China-France relations?

A: We have got the sad news that the Gabonese President Bongo passed away. As an excellent

leader of Gabon and a prestigious politician of Africa, President Bongo had made significant

contribution to African peace and stability and promoting China-Gabon relations. His passing away is

not only a great loss for Gabon but also cost China a respectable good friend. We extend our deep

condolences to President Bongo as well as heartfelt solicitude to his family, the Gabonese

Government and its people. China, highly valuing its friendly relationship and cooperation with Gabon,

will join hands with Gabon to cement and further traditional friendship as well as pragmatic

cooperation so as to continuously advance bilateral relations.


China's position over Tibet-related issues is clear, consistent and firm. Those issues involve China's

core interests, constitute major political concern of China and bear on China's sovereignty and

territorial integrity as well as the national feelings of 1.3 billion Chinese people. We express strong

dissatisfaction and resolute opposition against Paris obstinately granting Dalai the so-called

"honorary citizenship" regardless of China's opposition. Such move by the Parisian municipal

government is another gross provocation against the Chinese people after the city council passed

the resolution last year to give Dalai the so-called title. Such act has already aroused strong

indignation among the Chinese people and will inevitably cause severe damage to the cooperation

between Paris and relevant Chinese cities as well as China-France relations.

Not long ago, the China-France relationship encountered with severe difficulties because of

Tibet-related issues. Through the joint efforts of visionary people in both countries, the

relationship is coming back on the track of sound development. We hope France would join China to

value the hard-won results in bilateral ties, earnestly implement the consensus reached and remove

all the obstacles so as to press ahead with the China-France relations in a sound and stable manner.

We urge Paris to stop moves interfering in China's internal affairs, take effective measures to

correct its wrongdoing and refrain from going too far on the wrong track.

Q: According to a poll held by affiliated to the Global Times, more than 87% of

respondents are firmly opposed to such move by the municipal government of Paris. Some even

suggest Beijing canceling its sister-city relationship with Paris. How do you comment?

A: The act by the city of Paris was a farce plotted by a handful of politicians, which cannot

represent all Parisian citizens. However, the move severely stains the image of Paris among the

Chinese people. It's not China but the city of Paris who should shoulder all the responsibilities for

that. We urge Paris to face up to the public opinion of the Chinese people, heed their voices and

take concrete actions to correct the wrongdoing. It should stop all moves interfering in China's

internal affairs and affronting the Chinese people, thus creating necessary conditions and

atmosphere for the exchanges and cooperation between Paris and Chinese cities.

Q: According to Wall Street Journal, since July 1, the Chinese Government will require all PCs

produced and sold in China to pre-install software which might block some websites. Could you


A: Could you answer my questions first? Do you have any idea what this software is?


(Reporter: I am just repeating the reports. I think I am the one asking questions, not answering


The software, named "Green Dam Youth Escort", aims to block and filter pornographic and violent

content on the Internet.

Another question for you, do you have any children?

(Reporter: (Silence))

If you have any children or you are expecting some, you can understand the concern of the parents

over the harmful Internet content.

The Internet in China is open and the Chinese Government endeavors to promote sound development

of the Internet. However, the Government also regulates the Internet according to law so as to

safeguard the interests of the public and prevent the spread of harmful content.

Q: The US climate change envoy is in Beijing for a visit. Whom did he meet with and what has

been discussed? The ROK chief negotiator to the Six-Party Talks is also visiting. Could you share

some information on his itinerary? Besides, the two US female journalists were sentenced to 12

years of labor in the DPRK, does China condemn the DPRK for that? Given the DPRK's recent

moves, will China consider exerting pressure on the DPRK?

A: The US climate change envoy Todd Stern is visiting China from June 8 to 9. Yesterday, Vice

Premier Li Keqiang met with him and relevant information has been released for your reference.

Besides, Vice-Director Xie Zhenhua of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

had talks with the delegation. They exchanged information on the latest developments in tackling

climate change respectively. They also discussed ways to enhance policy exchanges and pragmatic

cooperation in climate change, energy and environment within the Strategic And Economic Dialogue

framework as well as the preparation for the summit of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and


The two sides believed that strengthened dialogue and pragmatic cooperation between China and

the US in climate change will benefit bilateral relations as well as international cooperation and

actions in this regard. They agreed to enhance China-US partnership on clean energy and climate

change based on the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities". The two sides also


agreed to work for results out of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference and carry out

pragmatic cooperation in fields set by the China-US 10-year environment and energy cooperation

framework. They also concurred in establishing a joint technological R&D center to promote

technological cooperation and setting up a joint expert team on technological cooperation and

transfer at an early date.

Mr. Wi Sung Lac, chief of the ROK delegation to the Six-Party Talks came to visit China today.

During his visit, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will meet with him and Vice Minister Wu Dawei will

hold talks with him. They will exchange views on the Korean nuclear issue and other issues of

common interest.

On your question about the two US journalists, we hope the US and the DPRK properly handle

relevant issue.

On your last question, China firmly opposes the DPRK's nuclear test, a position which we have made

clear repeatedly. Under the current circumstances, all parties should depart from the overall

situation of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, non-proliferation and peace and stability on

the Peninsula, adhere to negotiations and dialogue to peacefully solve the issues and refrain from

acts further escalating the situation. We urge and call upon the DPRK to honor its commitments of

denuclearization, urge all parties to maintain calmness and restraint and to take moves benefiting

the overall interest and the Six-Party Talks. China will stay in close contact with other parties and

make unremitting efforts for its due contribution.

Q: Since the two US journalists entered into the DPRK from China, did the DPRK share some

information with China? Will China take measures to help secure their release?

A: I reiterate that we hope the US and the DPRK properly settle this issue.

Q: The US is considering reinstating the DPRK in the list of state sponsors of terrorism, do you

think that will help? Some believe the DPRK crossed its border with China to arrest the two

journalists. Did you make any investigation into that?

A: On your first question, we hope the parties concerned resolve relevant issues through dialogue

and consultation.


On the second question, your remarks don't square with the fact concerning how this incident took

place. The DPRK once released a statement on that, and I suggest you read through that. I have

nothing more to add to my previous answer to this question.

Q: China and the DPRK signed the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in

1961. Is this Treaty still viable after the DPRK's nuclear test?

A: I'd like to stress that it serves the common interest of all parties to properly handle the issue

through negotiations and dialogue, adhere to denuclearization on the Peninsula, safeguard peace and

stability of the Peninsula and Northeast Asia and prevent the situation from escalating or getting

out of control. Relevant countries should make unwavering efforts to that effect, and China will

continue to play a constructive role in that area.

Q: Given the collapse of the Chinalco-Rio Tinto agreement, will the Chinese Government continue

to support Chinese companies to merger with foreign ones? Will this affect China-Australia


A: The Chinese Government has always supported Chinese companies to conduct overseas

investment and cooperation in line with market rules and international practice. This February,

Chinalco and Rio Tinto reached an agreement which boosted steady operation of relevant enterprise

and injected new vigor in economic cooperation between China and relevant country. Thus this

serves as mutually-beneficial cooperation. Now, the unilateral move by Rio Tinto not only greatly

disappointed its Chinese partner, but also drew huge repercussion among the Chinese industry and

people. However, we still believe that Chinese enterprises will continue to carry out international

cooperation under the principles of equality, mutual-benefit, friendship and honesty.

Q: How does the Chinese Government comment on the merger between Rio Tinto and BHP?

A: We do not have any comment on the business cooperation between the two. We hope the prices

at the international market of mining resources keep stable and that market should remain fully


Q: First question, there were nine Chinese citizens on the crashed Air France plane. Could you

tell us something about the aftermath? What measures have been adopted by relevant Chinese

embassies and consulate? Secondly, it is reported that several Chinese citizens were kidnapped


to casinos along the Myanmar border, and then held in custody and blackmailed. Has the Foreign

Ministry held any probe into that?

A: After verifying the identities of the nine Chinese citizens, the Foreign Ministry of China and

relevant embassies and consulate immediately contacted their families and companies and provided

support and assistance for their trip to France or Brazil. China's Ambassador to France, Mr. Kong

Quan, urged France to manage the aftermath and compensation-related matters in a fair and

reasonable way to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the Chinese citizens. Ambassador

Kong Quan, together with other diplomats, visited the families and representatives from the

companies. Officials from the Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro also visited and took care of the

bereaved families who went there. Now, most of the families and representatives have arrived in

France or Brazil.

The Foreign Ministry and China's embassies and consulate will continue to follow closely the search

and rescue operation and the developments and provide necessary and effective assistance to the

families to facilitate their handling of the aftermath.

According to reports, a dozen of people from Shanxi were kidnapped to casinos along the Myanmar

border, then held in custody and blackmailed for ransom. The Foreign Ministry has instructed the

embassy and consulate in Myanmar to verify the information, urge Myanmar to investigate the case

immediately and take measures to guarantee the freedom and safety of Chinese citizens there.

The Chinese Government places great importance to Chinese citizens gambling beyond border, and

hopes relevant parties take joint measures to strengthen administration over the border areas,

clamp down on the casinos and punish the outlaws. We also hope people from both countries abide by

law to safeguard order and stability in border areas.

Q: Mayor Nagin of New Orleans and several others have been quarantined because one of the

passengers on their plane was confirmed to be infected with H1N1 Influenza. How long will the

quarantine take? How is his health situation at present?

A: US Mayor Nagin of New Orleans arrived at Shanghai for a visit. Unfortunately, one of the

passengers on his plane was a confirmed case of H1N1 Influenza. The Nagin couple and their

assistant were in close contact with that patient. According to relevant regulations of China and the

request of the prevention and control of the disease, relevant Chinese authorities have put the

Nagin couple and their company in medical observation to ensure the health of our US guests and


others. Now, the Nagin couple and the assistant are in stable mood and no abnormalities have been

found in their condition. We are in close contact with the local authorities in Shanghai for the

timely update of the developments. Here, I'd like to extend our warmly regards to Mayor Nagin and

his traveling party, and wish them sound and healthy.

Q: If the DPRK nuclear test lead to war on the Korean Peninsula, will China automatically join

in the war according to the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance signed in


A: You seem to have asked this question earlier, and I remember I have already answered that.

If there are no more questions, thanks for coming! See you!


本文标签: 中国合作有关问题是否