




Vehicle Information Displaying System and Services

学习目标: 1、掌握汽车信息显示屏中用英语标注的术语


The vehicle information displaying system is one of the important

systems of the automobile. The driver can know whether the cars,

especially the various operating parameters of the engine are normal or not

in order to take timely measures to prevent the occurrence of physical and

mechanical accidents.

①The vehicle information displaying system 汽车信息显示系统

②operating parameters

['ɒpəreɪtɪŋ] [pə'ræmɪtə] 工作参数

③take timely measures to prevent the occurrence of …

measure ['meʒə]n. 措施、测量

④ occurrence [ə'kʌr(ə)ns] 发生

④ physical ['fɪzɪk(ə)l] adj.物理的,身体的

mechanical [mɪ'kænɪk(ə)l] adj. 机械的,力学的


The instrumentations in different vehicle instrument panels are not the

same. The instruments commonly used include speedometer, engine

tachometer, oil pressure gauge, water temperature gauge, fuel gauge,

ammeter, etc. Changes of the monitored object’s status are directly shown

in most instruments through the sensors.

① instrumentation [,ɪnstrʊmen'teɪʃ(ə)n]


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② instrument panels

仪表板 panel ['pæn(ə)l]面板、仪表板

③ speedometer

[spiː'dɒmɪtə] 车速表、 速度表

engine tachometer[tæ'kɒmɪtə] 发动机转速表

oil pressure gauge 油压表 gauge [geɪdʒ] 计量计

water temperature gauge ['temp(ə)rətʃə] 水温表

⑦ fuel gauge 燃油表

ammeter ['æmɪtə] 安培表

不同汽车仪表板的仪表不尽相同,常用的仪表有车速表、发动机转速表、机油压力表、水温表、燃油表、电流表等。 大部分仪表通过传感装置获得被监测对象的状态变化而直接表述出来。

1. Speedometers(车速表)

The speedometer shows your speed in kilometers per hour (km/h)

and/or miles per hour (mph) depending on type.


2. Tachometer (发动机)转速表

The tachometer shows the engine speed in revolutions per minute (rpm).

To protect the engine from damage,never drive with the tachometer

needle in the red zone.

revolution [revə'luːʃ(ə)n] 转速、旋转、循环、革命

② to protect…from… 防止…受损

③ never drive with the tachometer needle in the red zone.地区、区域

转速表显示发动机每分钟的转速。驾驶时,不要使转速表的指针指向红色区, 以免发动机受到损伤。

3. Fuel Gauge 燃油表

The fuel gauge displays approximately how much fuel you have in the fuel

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Note:For proper fuel gauge operation, the ignition switch must be in the

OFF position before you add fuel to the fuel tank.

The fuel gauge indicator may vary slightly while the vehicle is in motion.

This is the result of fuel movement within the tank. An accurate reading

may be obtained with the vehicle on the smooth, level ground.

① approximately [ə'prɒksɪmətlɪ] adv. 大约、近似

② fuel tank 燃油箱tank 槽,水槽、坦克

③ ignition switch 点火开关

④ vary slightly 轻微变化 vary

['veərɪ] vt.改变、变化

⑤ accurate ['ækjʊrət] 精确的,精准的

⑥ obtain

[əb'teɪn] 获得



行车时 燃油表有少许摆动是由于油箱内燃油波动的缘故。当汽车在平坦路面上行驶时, 油量读数较精确。

4. Water Temperature Gauge 水温表

This shows the temperature of the engine’s coolant. During normal

operation, the pointer should rise from the bottom blue mark to about the

middle of the gauge. In severe driving conditions, such as very hot weather

or a long period of uphill driving the pointer may rise to the upper white

mark. If it reaches the red (Hot) mark, the engine is overheated and may be


If your engine overheats :

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① Pull off the road as soon as it is safely possible.

② Turn off the engine.

③ Let the engine cool.

④ Check the coolant level following the instructions on(有关于)

checking and adding coolant to your engine, and see the Engine Coolant in

the Index.

Inspect the Water Temperature Receiver Gauge Warning Light

① following the instructions 按照说明

这个表显示发动机冷却剂的温度。正常驾驶时,表的长针应从表中蓝色标记 下端指到大约中间的位置上。在恶劣的驾驶条件,例如非常炎热或长时间爬坡过 程中,表的指针会指向上面的白色范围内。如果指针指向红色(热)范围内,则发 动机已过热,可能会损坏发动机。


① 尽快安全地停在路边。

② 关闭发动机

③ 让发动机冷却。



5、Engine Oil Pressure Warning Light

This light indicates the engine oil pressure, not the oil level. However, if

your engine oil level is low,it could affect the oil pressure. The light

should come on every time your ignition key is turned to ON or START

and go out when the engine starts. If the light stays on or turns on while

the engine is running, you have lost oil pressure and continued operation

will cause severe engine damage.

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① indicate

['ɪndɪkeɪt] vt. 表明,指示

② go out 熄灭;turn on 开启

If you lose oil pressure :

Pull off the road as soon as it is safely possible.

Shut off the engine immediately. If you do not stop the engine as soon as

possible, severe engine damage could occur.

If the level is low, add only as much oil as necessary before you start the

engine again. Do not overfill. Do not operate the engine again, if the light

is on, regardless of the oil level.

油压警告灯显示发动机油压,而不是机油液位,然而若发动机机油液位低,就会影响油压。每次点火钥匙扭至“ ON”或“ START”位置时,油压警告灯亮,发动机启动时应该熄灭。如果警告灯持续亮或发动机运转时仍亮着,则表明汽车油压过 低,如果继续工作将会给发动机带来严重的损害。



2、立即关闭发动机。如果未尽快停止发动机,则发动机可能会发生严重 损伤。

3、检查发动机机油液面。如果液面过低,在再次启动发动机之前,请按需求添加机油。不要溢出。 油压警告灯亮时,无论液面怎样,都不要再次启动发动机。


Exercises Part II ,Part III on page 21

Section 5 The common terminology about EFI System




Electronic Fuel Injection System Operation

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The electronic fuel injection system collects information

through various sensors, and the computer controls the

operation of fuel injectors based on the information. The

electronic fuel injection works on some very basic principles.

It can be divided into three basic sub-systems. These are the

fuel delivery system,air induction system,and the

electronic control system as are shown in Figure 3 -1, Figure

3 -2 and Figure 3-3.

There are different types of gasoline fuel injection systems

used in automobiles. The two basic arrangements in EFI systems

are the port fuel injection and the throttle body injection

( TBI).

The throttle body fuel injection is also called single point

fuel injection system. Fuel is injected into the area around

the throttle valve, where air velocity is at a maximum, thus

ensuring fuel droplets are thoroughly atomized and will be

distributed throughout the air mass.

The port fuel injection ( also called multiple-point fuel

injection) system uses a solenoid fuel injector with a coil

and a spring to open and close the needle valve in each cylinder.

Gasoline is injected into the intake manifold above the intake


70 一 100 mm.

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A/F Air Fuel Ratio空燃比

ABV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀

AC Automatic Control自动控制

ACL Air Cleaner空气滤清器

ACTS Air Charge Temperature Sensor进气温度传感器

AFS Air Flow Sensor 空气流量传感器

AP Accelerator Pedal 加速踏板

APP Accelerator Pedal Position 加速踏板位置

APS Absolute Pressure Sensor绝对压力传感器

ATS Air Temperature Sensor空气温度传感器

B + Battery Positive Voltage蓄电池正极电压

BAT Battery 蓄电池

CCM Central Control Module 中央控制模块

CFI Central Fuel Injection 中央燃油喷射

CFI Continuous Fuel Injection连续燃油喷射

CID Cylinder Identification气缸识别

CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器

CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor凸轮轴位置传感器

CPS Camshaft Position Sensor凸轮轴位置传感器

CPS 曲轴位置传感器 Crankshaft Position Sensor

IACV Idle Air Control Valve 怠速空气控制阀

IATS Intake Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器

IMPS Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor 进气歧管压力传感器

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ISC Idle Speed Control怠速速度控制

LED Light Emitting Diode


MAFS Mass Air Flow Sensor质量型空气流量传感器

MAPS Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor歧管绝对压力传感器

MAT Manifold Air Temperature歧管空气温度

MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp 故障指示灯

MPI Multi-Point Fuel Injection多点燃油喷射

OBDII On-Board Diagnostic H第二代车载诊断系统

PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation曲轴箱强制通风

PFI Port Fuel Injection进气口燃油喷射

PMR Pump Motor Relay油栗马达继电器

4S Sale, Spare, Service, Survey 汽车销售、配件供应、维修服 务、技术信息反馈(4S店)

TB Throttle Body节气门体

TC Turbocharger 涡轮增压器

TDCL Test Diagnostic Communication Link 自诊接头

TPS Throttle Position Sensor 节气门位置传感器

VIN Vehicle Identification Number车辆识别号码

VSS Vehicle Speed、Sensor车速传感器

VSV Vacuum Solenoid Valve 真空电磁阀

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本文标签: 发动机显示系统燃油汽车信息