





A Christmas Goose Kept Them Warm

This late in December, my younger brother, Buddy Earl, and I were on an important mission:

Go to Uncle Tommie’s place and get a goose. The hike over Little Mountain and back to get there

would be worth it. Uncle Tommie raised the best geese around, and he’d offered to give us one for

Christmas dinner.

Dark clouds were gathering in the sky above and a cold wind came in from the north. The

snow would be falling soon enough. Uncle Tommie met us at the door with a worried expression.

“I’m not rushing you boys off, ” he said, “but the way the wind is picking up, you better get the

goose and head for home. ”

I didn’t argue. Having scoopedup a goose in the yard and held him tightly under

(迅速抱住)my arm, I said a quick thank you and goodbye. Buddy and I had what we came for: the best

Christmas dinner ever. A light snow started as we began climbing up Little Mountain. We didn’t

talk for a while. The snow came down harder and the wind seemed to blow straight through my

coat. I strokedthe goose’s head and said , “I wish we had feathers to keep us warm like you,

(轻抚)or heavier coats.”

The goose hid his head closer to his feathered body. By the time we reached the top of the

mountain, both Buddy Earl and I were in horror. We could barely see through the snow spinning

(旋转)around us. Thunder crashed and flashes of lightning made the trees appear as giant

monsters reaching out with fingers.

“Doug, I'm freezing,” Buddy Earl said. “I think we should go back.” But we were closer to

home than to Uncle Tommie’s house. We had to push on. I was so cold, my legs getting so stiff, I

honestly wondered if we would make it.

I grasped Uncle Tommie’ s goose closer to my chest. That bird was the only thing warm

about me.




With an idea occurring to me, I stepped to my brother and asked him to open his coat.


Settled in front of the warm stove, we explained how the goose had kept us from freezing.


One possible version:

With an idea occurring to me, I stepped to my brother and asked him to open his coat. “Are you

crazy?” he was confused. When he saw I was serious he slowly unzipped his coat and opened it. I

placed the warm goose inside his coat and zipped it back up. “Keep the goose’s head out so he can

breathe.” Buddy Earl sighed happily. My plan was working. We passed the goose back and forth

between us all the way down. He didn’t complain about it either. At the foot of the mountain, we

left the wind and whirring snow behind. When Mum met us with her open arms. I showed Mum

the goose inside my coat.

Settled in front of the warm stove, we explained how the goose had kept us from freezing. “We

can’t have time for dinner,” Buddy Earl and I said in chorus. This goose might have saved our

lives. We had to save his! Mama agreed and promised not to eat him either. I don’t remember what

we ate. I just know it wasn’t goose. Charley, as we named him, lived out his life piddling around

the yard and pond, bossing around the chickens we kept for eggs. Daddy even bought a couple

more geese to keep Charley company. A life as the most important bird this side of Little

Mountain was fitting for our hero and the answer to my prayer.
















These days, Marathon des Sables runners carry a GPS tracking device and helicopters

monitor their path to make sure no one gets lost, but when Mauro, a police officer, participated for

the first time in 1994, there were no such safeguards in place. When you’re running through the

largest desert on Earth, one wrong turn can cost you your life. Mauro Prosperi did just that during

the Marathon des Sables, a six-day ultramarathon that many regard as the toughest foot race in the


The race was almost 156 miles long, taking runners across sand dunes (沙丘) with few

natural sources of water. Temperatures in the Sahara could reach as high as 122 degrees

Fahrenheit, and each runner carried over 20 pounds of food, water, and emergency supplies on

their backs. Most of these runners wouldn’t end up finishing the race, which was about the same

length as six regular marathons.

That was how, on the fourth and longest days of the race, the runner Mauro encountered a

severe sandstorm that turned him around and sent him wildly off course.

He spent eight hours waiting out the storm, huddled in a sand dune. The next morning, he

expected to see rescuers heading his way. Instead, all he saw was desert in all directions. “After

running for about for hours, I climbed up a dune and still couldn’t see anything,” he said. “That’s

when I knew I had a big problem.”

A search party was organized to find Mauro, but rescuers had no idea he had been so far off

course. Twice a helicopter circled over his head, and twice they didn’t see him wildly waving at

them from below. He sent up his only flare (照明弹) and even set his backpack on fire hoping to

catch their attention, but it was no use.

When Mauro’s water ran out, he began drinking his own urine. He found a marabout shrine,

an ancient building that once served as a tomb. He took shelter from the sun’s rays there, drinking

the blood of bats.

With his energy running out, he thought, “I am bound to die here”.


After being treated in the hospital for weakness, he made a full recovery!



With his energy running out, he thought “I am bound to die here”. Feeling exhausted and desperate,

Mauro left a goodbye note to his wife on the wall of the tomb and prepared to meet his untimely

end. But at the thought of his family in the remote city, he woke up with new resolve and decided

to face the challenge himself. So Mauro set off once more and hunted for insects and snakes to eat.

By coincidence, Mauro walked into the camp of a nomadic tribe. They took him in and gave him

goat’s milk and mint tea, eventually delivering him to safety.

After being treated in the hospital for weakness, he made a full recovery! His survival story is a

journey of desperation and almost superhuman endurance! Most people would never set foot in

the desert again after such an experience, but not Mauro. Incredibly, he has now run the Marathon

des Sables more than six times! Mauro’s story reminds us that perseverance can help us push

through just about anything life throws at us! In spite of the bad situation, he found a way to carry









①.寻找:hunt for /seek/look for

①.派送:deliver /send

①.决定做某事:decide to do sth./determine to do sth.


①.绝望的:desperate /hopeless

①.糟糕的:bad/ terrible/ awful



As a young boy, I was carefree. Every vacation I looked forward to two things—seeing my

grandpa and hearing his wonderful stories. My grandpa was a very good storyteller. He had

worked various odd jobs when he was young and wove his adventures and misadventures into

fantastic tales. These wonderful tales colored my childhood.

As I grew up, I had to admit that Grandpa’s stories went on a little long, even a little boring

and gradually lost their magic. However, not wanting to upset him, my brother and I would

sometimes take turns sitting in the living room, listening to grandpa tell his stories.

When my grandpa was approaching 91, he suffered from serious memory-loss. It was kind of

what doctors called dementia (痴呆), probably the earliest stage of Alzheimer’s disease. Following

the doctor’s directions, we moved him into a Sunrise Assisted Living Community, where he could

get a better care. After that, grandpa hardly came to our house.

One weekend before my grandpa’s birthday, I came to visit him. Seeing grandpa sitting in his

armchair, dull-looking, I was consumed with mixed feelings. I wheeled grandpa to the sunshine in

the courtyard, talking to him. He couldn’t express himself clearly and spoke in short bursts, but I

listened to him patiently and carefully just as I used to be a little boy.

It was then that I noticed a shadow box with some old and yellowish photos in it. I picked

one up, in which my brother, several boys in our neighborhood, and I were playing basketball with

grandpa cheering us on twenty years before. My mind flashed back to those beautiful memories.

Back then, Grandpa was in good physical condition and we were all wearing basketball jerseys,

playing and laughing with abandon. I presented the photo to my grandpa, pointing at each member

and reminding him of their names. Incredibly, grandpa could speak out the name of every player. I

even caught a soft light in grandpa’s eyes and a smile on his lips.







A bright idea for grandpa’s birthday came to my mind.


Seeing “the same players” playing there, grandpa seemed to have thought of something.



A bright idea for grandpa’s birthday came to my mind. “Why not give grandpa a surprise?” I said

to myself. I immediately got down to carrying out my plan. Luckily, I contacted all the players in

the photo. To my great delight, they were greatly touched by the plan and all agreed to join in. To

make the scene real, I even managed to find all the basketball jerseys, equipment and arrange for a

similar-looking basketball court. The big day finally came. After wheeling my grandpa to the court,

we began the special game. While playing, I kept an eye on grandpa, waiting for something deep


Seeing “the same players” playing there, grandpa seemed to have thought of something.

Glancing at grandpa again, I found him cheering us on just like 20 years before. Sitting in the

warm sunlight, he cheered and clapped, with a bigger smile. For a while, my mind seemed to flash

back to those beautiful days. Indeed, my plan somewhat worked. I was overjoyed that I could do

something to delight Grandpa, an important person in my 1ife. I was not sure whether this

birthday would stick in his mind, but one thing was certain: it’d definitely stick in mine.







①着手做……:get down to/set about doing

①成功做……:manage to do/succeed in doing/be able to do


①开心:with a big smile on his face/wearing a big smile on his face/smiling happily

①感动:be touched/be moved


Jane, a lovely girl, had a very sweet family. Although the second oldest, Jane had the least

self - control, and had hard times trying to control her bad temper, which was continually getting

her into trouble. Poor Jane tried desperately to be better, but her inner enemy was always ready to

flame up and defeat her, and her mother was always the first to come to her rescue.

Jane had just finished the draft of her first book, which was regarded as a pride of the whole

family, expecting it was good enough to print. To celebrate this big event, Jane and the other two

sisters planned to go to the theatre to see The Seven Castles. They didn't want to take Amy, the

youngest, with them. Seeing that they were leaving, Amy begged them not to leave her alone and

even offered to buy her own ticket herself, but in vain. “You can't sit with us, for our seats are

reserved, and you mustn't sit alone, and that will spoil our pleasure,” scolded Jane, crosser than

ever. Sitting on the floor, Amy began to cry.

The girls hurried down, leaving their sister crying. Amy forgot her grown - up ways, and

acted like a spoilt child. She called over the banisters (扶手), in a threatening tone, “You'll be

sorry for this, Jane March; see if you aren't.” “You dare!?” said Jane, slamming the door.

They had a happy time, for The Seven Castles was as brilliant and wonderful as heart could

wish. But, in spite of the gorgeous princes and princesses, Jane's pleasure had a drop of bitterness

in it. The fairy queen's yellow hair reminded her of Amy with wondering what her sister would do

to make her “Sorry for it.”

When they got home, Jane found Amy reading in the sitting room. Jane assumed an injured

air as they came in but everything was in its place. Jane decided that Amy had forgiven and

forgotten her wrongs.

Jane was mistaken, for the next day she found her book missing.


At the moment, their mother came to rescue, with the book in her hand.



Paragraph 1:

Jane was mistaken, for the next day she found her book missing. Jane went directly towards

Amy, saying “You’ve got my book.” Amy said nothing, but her color rose. Jane cried, taking Amy

by her shoulders and looking fiercely enough to frighten anyone away. Amy shouted, “I have

burnt it up.” Jane turned very pale, while her eyes kindled. Her hot temper mastered her. She

shook Amy till her teeth chattered in her head, crying in a passion of grief and anger.

Paragraph 2:

At the moment, their mother came to rescue, with the book in her hand. “Stop, both of you!”

mother tried to calm them down. Then, she turned to Amy, “You know, it was a dreadful disaster if

you should have burnt the book.” Amy felt that no one would love her till she had asked pardon.

She admitted that she was just hiding it away to annoy Jane. On seeing the book, Jane was really

sorry for what she had done. Jane knew that she should remember this day and resolve with all her

soul that she would never know another like it. The family storm cleared up.







1.喜欢:love/like/be fond of

2.平息,结束:clear up/end up



1.抱歉的,遗憾的:sorry /regretful

2.讨厌的:dreadful / terrible


It was freezing cold outside. The biting wind was blowing hard. Rosalee pressed her nose

against the window. Then she made a wish. “Ready, set—snow,” she whispered. She looked at the

sky, but there was no snow. Rosalee closed her eyes again. “Ready, set—SNOW!” she said louder.

She stole a quick glance with one eye open. “Not one flake(小薄片)”.

“Be patient, dear. It will snow soon,” said Rosalee’s grandmother Nana. She was setting a

plate of warm pizzelle (芝麻脆饼) on the table. Rosalee loved her grandmother’s cookies. Their

fancy shapes looked like snowflakes.

“But Grandpa told me it was supposed to snow today,” Rosalee said. It would be the first

snow this winter. She had been filled with expectations.

Rosalee’s brother, Marcus, was sitting at the kitchen table. “Today can mean any time

between now and midnight,” he pointed out.

Rosalee seemed a little confused. All the signs of snow were there: It looked like it could

snow—The sky matched the grey rooftop next door; It felt like snowy weather—When she walked

across the yard to check the mailbox that morning, she’d had to wear her hat and gloves and bury

her face in a scarf, which made her look like a moving ball at a distance; It even smelled like it

could snow—Nana always made pizzelle in a snowy weather.

The cookies cooled on the table, filling the kitchen with their sweet smell, making her mouth

water. Nana smiled at Rosalee and handed her a cookie. Rosalee took a bite. Suddenly, an idea

struck her. “I know how to make it now,” she said excitedly, jumping off her seat.

“Impossible,” Marcus mumbled(嘟哝), his mouth full.

“You’ll see!” Rosalee disappeared into her room.

An hour later, Rosalee called to her brother, who was in his room reading. “Come into the

kitchen with your eyes closed, Marcus.”

“All right.” Marcus appeared in the doorway. His eyelids were closed.




“OK. Ready, set—SNOW!” Rosalee said.


“Look!” Rosalee pointed out the window and cried in great excitement.



“OK. Ready, set—SNOW!” Rosalee said. Marcus opened his eyes and looked around the kitchen.

Tapped to the window were snowflakes of all shapes and sizes. More snowflakes hung from above,

high and low, dancing on pieces of threads. Obviously amazed by what was before his eyes,

Marcus was full of praise for her work. “That’s terrific, Rosalee.” Eyes shining with pure delight

and pride, Rosalee took Marcus’ hand, inviting him to have a closer look. “But it is not real!”

Marcus followed her and whispered.

“Look!” Rosalee pointed out the window and cried in great excitement. Snow floated softly

through the tree branches outside, adding a touch of light to the yard in the gloomy day. The

snowflakes were so big that Rosalee could see their delicate designs as they landed on the window

ledge. “Wow, Rosalee!You really make it snow!” Marcus said excitedly. Soon the land was all

white, like a beautiful blanket, and the tress were covered with white quilts. Rosalee and Marcus

could hardly wait to go to the yard and play in the snow.







①跟随:follow/ come along with


①.小声说:whisper/decline/ speak in a low voice


①.兴奋:excitement / thrill



The Power of Silence

Joe was an old man aged 75. He lived happily in a beautiful family. His children grew up and

moved to different cities in pursue of good career and future. He lived in a small village carrying

the memories of his deceased wife.

Joe had four grandchildren. They used to visit him during their holidays. It was now their

vacation time and Joe was eagerly waiting for their arrival. He prepared his home for the kids,

cleaning the house, mowing the garden, and buying their favourite foods and dresses.

In the busy arrangements, he lost his watch. The watch was gifted by his dead wife when

their first child was born. Joe treasured the watch. After his wife’s death, it became his sole

companion with its ‘tick, tick’ sound throughout the silent night.

He was happy with the kids at home. He forgot the watch missing. It was only the next day

when he was about to take bath, he remembered the watch was lost. He saw it last when he was

arranging things in the barn.

He was very upset. His grandchildren asked him why he was so dull and what troubled him.

Joe said, “Dear children! I lost the most precious watch I have ever had and ever got in my life. It

was a gift from your grandma. I lost it while cleaning the house! I feel like I’m missing my heart.”

The children tried to comfort him. One granddaughter asked, “Grandpa, do you remember when

you saw the watch last time before it was missing?”

Joe said, “I guess when I was cleaning the barn!”

The children rushed to the barn to search for the watch. The barn was full of waste materials.

They searched for more than two hours with the help of Joe, but could not find it. Joe was

completely lost, and he asked the children to stop searching.





All went out disappointedly, except Ted, who sat there in silence.


They were surprised and asked how he was able to find it.




Paragraph 1:

All went out disappointedly, except Ted, who sat there in silence. He went back to the barn to

search again. Joe asked why he was going there a second time. And the other children were also

curious about Ted’s going. But the little boy just asked the others not to follow him and to remain

silent. All the children kept silent as they were told. Ted was there for about fifteen minutes and

then he rushed to his grandfather, holding the watch in his hand. To everyone’s surprise, Ted had

found the watch. He gave it to Joe, which made Joe extremely delighted.

Paragraph 2:

They were surprised and asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied: “I sat there

without making any noise, and the barn was so silent. After a few minutes, I heard the ‘tick, tick’

sound and found the watch.” Joe hugged and thanked the little boy. This is the power of silence. If

we stay calm when facing difficulty, we are more able to find the solution!







①回去:go back to/return to





①冷静:stay calm/keep one’s hair on

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