



(ADB’s GMS program)亚洲开发银行的大湄公河次区域合作规划

[1]The Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) is a brainchild of

the Asian Development Bank(ADB) comprising of five countries

and one province Kingdom of Cambodia, Union of Myanmar

kingdom of Thailand, socialist Republic of Vietnam, Lao

People’s Democratic Republic and Yunnan Province of the

People’s Republic of China.

[1] 大湄公河次区域是亚洲开发银行(亚行)的创意,它最初由五个国家和一个省份组成-他们分别是柬埔寨王国,缅甸联邦,泰王国,越南社会主义共和国,老挝人民民主共和国和中华人民共和国的云南省。

[2] The Greater Mekong Sub-region GMS is an area with

immense economic potential and rich natural resources. As many

as 70 million people are living within the Mekong River Basin area

and 260 million throughout the sub region. The GMS is also

experiencing some of the fastest economic growth rates in the

world Sustainable and equitable development, though, is

hindered by poverty environmental degradation and lack of

human resources, as well as differential social development and

governance structures. Since its inception in 1992 by the 6

member governments, the GMs had undergo process of

integration unprecedented in the region. Through multilateral

cooperation and funding by international organizations( IOs),

non-governmental organizations( NGOs), and private

investments the Sub-region has experienced a boom in

economic growth Until now, however, sub-regional integration

has primarily been externally-driven through the funds of

international organizations, particularly the ADB, and foreign

governments In order to achieve true integration and

cooperation among the 6 member nations, it is necessary to

create a new GMS spirit 15 years after its initial inception. An

intensification of bi-and multilateral cooperation and an

identification of GMS citizens with their region will pave the way

for sustainable development and prolonged peace in the

historically troubled region

[2] 大湄公河次区域是一个拥有巨大经济潜力和丰富自然资源的区域。七千多万的人民生活在湄公河盆地,整个次区域地区有将近两亿六千万人口。同样,大湄公河次区域经历了世界上最快的经济增长速度。然而,贫穷、环境的恶化和人力资源的缺乏以及不同的社会发展和治理结构阻碍了可持续和公平发展。自六个成员国于1992年开始合作以来,大湄公河次区域经历了空前的整合进程。通过国际组织、非政府组织和私人投资的多边合作和资金支持,大湄公河次区域经历了经济的迅速繁荣。然而,至今大湄公河次区域的整合主要是通过国际组织,尤其是亚洲开发银行和外国政府的资金从外部驱动的。为了在六个成员国之间达到真正意义上的整合和合作,在最初建立的15年后创立新的大湄公河次区域精神是很有必要的。增强双边和多边合作、大湄公河次区域公民对该区域的认同感将为这个历史上麻烦不断的区域提供长期的和平以及为该地区的可持续发展铺平道路。

[3]GMS's natural resources are rich and they are the human's

endowments. The land yields timber, minerals, coal, and

petroleum, while water from the many rivers supports agriculture

and fisheries and provides energy in the form of hydropower. The

coal reserves of the sub-region are abundant. There are

considerable oil and reserves. Most of these are in Myanmar,

Thailand and Vietnam. These abundant energy resources are still

relatively underused. The great majority of people in the sub-region lead subsistence or near-subsistence agricultural lifestyles

[3] 大湄公河次区域自然资源极为丰富,他们都是上天的馈赠。陆地上出产木材、矿产品、煤和石油,众多河流的水资源支撑着农业和渔业并为水利发电提供能源。该区域煤的储量也极为丰富,还有大量的石油和天然气储量。这些资源大多分布在缅甸,泰国和越南。这些丰富的能源相对来说还未被开发利用。该区域的大多数人民仍然过着自给自足或近乎自给自足的农耕生活方式。

[4]About 300 million people live within the GMS region. Their

common link the mighty Mekong River winds its way for 4, 200

kilometers through their midst. The great majority of these

people live in rural areas where they lead subsistence semi-subsistence agricultural lifestyles. More than 75 percent of the

population of Lao PDR, for example, is rural. Even in Thailand the

most urbanized of the Mekong countries, there remain large

agricultural communities, particularly in the north and

northeastern parts of the country.

[4] 大约有三亿人居住在大湄公河次区域,其间蜿蜒穿行4200公里的巨大的湄公河是他们共同的联系纽带。其中大多数人居住在农村,仍然过着自给自足或半自给自足的生活方式。例如,超过75%的老挝人口是农村人口。即便是在湄公河流域所有国家中都市化程度最高的泰国仍然保留有大型农业社区,尤其是在它的北部和东北部。

[5]With the onset of peace in the 1990s, GMS countries

experience rapid changes and improvements in their living

standards and conditions. GMS countries are undergoing a

transition to modernization and industrialization the Mekong

countries are gradually shifting from subsistence farming to


diversified economies, and to more open, market-based

systems. In parallel with this, there is growing commercial

relations among the six Mekong countries, notably in terms of

cross-border trade, investment, and labor mobility. Natural

resources, particularly hydropower, are beginning to be

developed and utilized on a sub -regional basis (not national

basis ) The Mekong region has the potential to be one of the

world's fastest growing areas. Yet, despite significant economic

growth, poverty is widespread. The gross domestic product

(GDP)per capita is about $1 a day in most of the region

[5] 随着二十世纪九十年代和平时代的来临,大湄公河次区域国家的生活水平和生活条件迅速地改变和提高。他们正经历着向现代化和工业化转型的过程。湄公河流域国家逐渐从自给自足的农耕方式转向了更多元化的经济方式,转向更开放的市场经济体系。以此同时,六个湄公河流域国家的商贸关系也在不断发展,在跨境贸易、投资和劳动力移动方面的发展尤其引人注目。自然资源,特别是水电资源,开始在次区域(而非在国家)基础上开发和利用。湄公河区域具有潜力成为世界发展速度最快的地区之一。然而,尽管经济增长显著,平穷仍然很普遍。在该区域的大多数地区,人均国民生产总值一天只有一个美元。

[6]The challenges include reducing disparities between

urban and rural communities; narrowing growing gap between

rich and poor; giving more attention to the special needs of

ethnic minorities; addressing gender inequities; improving access

to basic health and education; protecting the environment on

which traditional livelihoods depend

[6] 所面临的挑战包括:减少城乡社区的差别;缩小贫富之间日渐增长的差距;关注少数民族的特殊需要;重视性别不平等的问题;加强普及基本医疗条件和基础教育;保护人们一直以来赖以生存的环境。

[7] Since 1992, the countries of GMS have embarked on a

program of economic cooperation (the GMs Program) that aims

to promote development through closer economic linkages. The

GMS Program, with support from ADB and other donors, helps

the implementation of high priority sub-regional project

transport, energy, telecommunications, environment, human

resource development, tourism, trade, private sector investment,


[7] 自1992年以来,大湄公河次区域国家启动经济合作规划,旨在通过密切的经济联系促进发展。在亚行和其他捐赠者的资助下,大湄公河次区域规划帮助实施该次区域高优先级项目:交通、能源、通讯、环境、人力资源开发、旅游、贸易、私营部门投资、农业。

[8] Substantial progress has been achieved in terms of

implementing GMS projects over the past 12 years. As of end of

June 2006, the 26 GMS projects cost an estimated US $6.5 billion

of which ADB has extended loans amounting to US $1.8 billion,

generated US $2. 6 billion in co-financing for these investment

projects, mobilized a total of US $148 million of grant resources,

of which US $69 million have been provided by ADB, to finance

124 technical assistance focusing on human resource

development, tourism, environment, trade and investment.

[8] 在过去12年实施大湄公河次区域项目的进程中已取得实质性的进展。到2006年6月底为止,26个次区域项目共花费大约65亿美元,其中亚行放款达18亿美元、为这些投资项目联合融资26亿美元;调动了总额达一亿四千八百万美元的下拨资源,其中亚行提供陆千玖百万美元资助124项以人力资源、旅游、环境、贸易和投资为重心的技术援助。

[9]In line with the overall thrust to infuse greater results-focus in GMS forums, the 13th





December Conference( Vientiane, Lao

2004 )introduced an innovation that has set a new standard for

ministerial meetings. The conference was the first Gs ministerial

level conference to produce a Plan of Action (POA)to guide the

GMS Program's activities in the

medium term

[9] 为了与在大湄公河次区域论坛上进一步强调的“注重结果”这一整体目标保持一致,第十三次该区域的部长级会议于2004年12月14-16日在老挝首都万象举行。此次会议引入了创新,即为部长级会议制定了一个新标准。此次会议产生了一个行动计划以指导该区域的中期规划活动,是首次大湄公河次区域部长级会议。

[10] Conference generated a clear commitment by the GMS

countries to projects and activities that are focused, prioritized,

coordinated, and with clear timelines. POA serves as a concise

road map for cooperative action in the medium term in the nine

priority sectors of GMS cooperation. The POA was reviewed and

endorsed by the second GMS Leaders Summit (Kunming, PRC,

July 2005) Indeed several of the actions and initiatives contained

in the POA comprised deliverables for the Second Summit and

have been adopted and endorsed by the Summit. The progress

made under this results-oriented POA is reviewed regularly by

other GMS forums at the operations level, including the GMS

sector working groups and the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM),

using a monitoring format that includes the status of each project

or initiative and the corresponding further required actions, if any

[10] 此次会议使得大湄公河次区域国家以一贯的、及时的态度对实施该行动计划产生了一个清晰的约定。该行动计划确定了重要的项目和需要重视、优先、协调的活动,制定了清晰的时间表。该行动计划是大湄公河次区域合作的九个优先领域中期合作行动的精确蓝图,在2005年七月中华人民共和国昆明市举行的第二次大湄公河次区域峰会上审视和签署了该行动计划。的确,该行动计划中的一些行动和新举措形成了第二次峰会的可交付成果,并在此次会上被采纳和签署。此次以结果定位的行动计划所取得的进展是由其他大湄公河次区域论坛的运作机构(包括该区域各工作小组及高级官员会议)定期审查,使用包括每个项目或者新举措状况在内的监测模式以及,如果需要的话,采用进一步相应的必要行动。

[11] GMS leaders reached the consensus to accelerate the

implementation of the Cross Border Transport Agreement,

improve the key transport linkages in the three GMs economic

corridors, transform transport corridors into full-fledged

Economic Corridors and conduct study and implement GMS

Transport Sector Strategy in transport sector.

[11] 运输领域。大湄公河次区域的领导者就以下几个方面达成共识:加速实施“跨境运输协定”;提升该区域三个经济走廊的主要运输联系;将运输走廊转变为全方位的经济走廊;研究和实施该区域运输领域的战略。

[12] GMS leaders reached the consensus to accelerate the

preparation, negotiation and adoption of the regional power

trade operating agreement. They also hoped to prepare for the

energy sector strategy, formulate/adopt for RPTCC (Regional

Power Trade Coordination Committee) work plan to promote

regional power trade, build the necessary physical power

interconnections and enhance the operation in rural

electrification in energy sector

[12] 能源领域。加速对区域能源贸易运作协议的准备、商谈和采用;为能源领域的战略做准备;为区域能源贸易协调委员会构思/采纳工作计划以促进区域能源贸易;构建必要的水电站(物理动力)交互式连接点以及加强农村电气化的合作。

[13] GMS leaders reached the consensus to implement

country-specific telecommunications sector reform agenda,

increase access to ICT information communication technology

services in provincial, rural and remote locations as part of the e-government initiative and establish the GMS Information

Superhighway in telecommunications sector

[13] 电信领域。执行针对具体国家的电信领域改革议程;作为电子政务新举措的一部分,加速对省,农村和边远地区信息及通信技术


[14] GMS leaders reached the consensus to promote

agricultural biotechnology cooperate in developing renewable

energy in rural areas, develop on-line information network to

facilitate information sharing and promote agricultural trade

among GMS Countries and address animal health constraints to

livestock trade in the GMS in agriculture sector.

[14] 农业领域。推进农业生物技术;在农村地区合作开发可再生能源;发展在线信息网络以便利信息共享并促进该区域各国间的农业贸易;在该区域强调家畜贸易的动物健康限制。

[15] GMS leaders reached the consensus to achieve

sustainable use and conservation of natural systems, strengthen

environmental governance and institution building, implement

the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI) and

implement the strategic environment framework in environment


[15] 环保领域。实现自然系统的可持续利用和保护;加强环境治理和机构建设;实施“生物多样性保护走廊”的新举措以及战略性环境框架。

[16] GMS leaders reached the consensus to prepare and

implement the GMS tourism sector strategy and action plan. they

hoped to have single visa and to promote GMS as a single tourist

destination. They also hope to implement the ongoing Mekong

tourism development project in tourism sector [16] 旅游领域。准备和实施该区域旅游领域的战略和行动计划。希望在该区域实行一个签证旅游制,促进该区域成为一个旅游目的地。同时,实施不间断的湄公河旅游开发项目

[17] GMS leaders reached the consensus to control and

mitigate the spread of communicable diseases in the GMS,

expand collaborative efforts in education and training, address

key cross-cutting issues in HRD Cooperation in the GMs

trafficking, gender, poverty and ethnic minorities in human

resource development sector

[17] 人力资源开发领域。控制和减缓传染性疾病在该区域传播;加强教育和培训合作;解决该区域人力资源发展合作的主要横向问题:如人口拐卖、性别歧视,平穷和少数名族。

[18] GMS leaders reached the consensus to strengthen sub-regional trade facilitation mechanism, formulate a strategic

framework for action in trade facilitation and investment in the

GMS(SFA-TFI), study trade flow and logistics align and

standardize for trade documents and procedures and enhance

trade information for use by public and private sector in trade

facilitation sector


[19] GMS leaders reached the consensus to build

institutional capacity for investment promotion and facilitation in

the GMS and improve the information architecture for

investment facilitation in the GMS, support to the GMS Business

Forum in investment sector

[19] 投资领域。建设该区域的投资宣传和投资便捷机构能力;促进该区域投资便利的信息建设;支持该区域的商业论坛。

[20] As a financier, ADB extends loan and technical assistant

to GMS countries for the implementation of priority sub-regional

projects. As secretariat and coordinator of the GMS Program,

ADB facilitates continue sub-regional dialogue both the political

and operational levels, and among the key stakeholders of the

GMS Program. ADB also provides technical and advisory support

for many activities under the GMS Program. Very importantly,

ADB plays the role of a catalyst and an “honest broker" by

bringing together the different participants in the program, and

helps them to reach consensus on key issues

[20] 作为金融家,亚行为大湄公河次区域国家的次区域优先项目的实施提供贷款和技术援助。作为大湄公河次区域规划的秘书处和协调者,亚行促进政治和运作层面上的、以及该区域规划大股东之间的持续对话。亚行也提供该规划下许多活动的技术和咨询支持。很重要的一点,亚行还扮演着催化剂和“诚实经纪人”的作用,将规划的不同参与者聚在一起,帮助他们在关键问题上达成共识。

The Similarities and Differences between GMS and ASEAN(大湄公河次区域与东盟的相似与不同之处)[1] The Association of

Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August

1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of( Bangkok

Declaration) by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN, namely

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,Singapore and Thailand. Brunei

then joined on 8 January 1984, Viet nam on 28 July 1995, Lao

PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April

1999, making up what is today the ten member States of ASEAN

[1] 东南亚国家联盟,简称东盟,于1967年在泰国曼谷成立,初创的五个国家分别是印度尼西亚,马来西亚,菲律宾,新加坡和泰国,同时还签署了联合国宪章下的《曼谷宣言》。之后,文莱于1984年1月8日、越南于1995年7月28日、老挝和缅甸于1997年7月23日,柬埔寨于1999年4月30日分别加入到该组织中,组成了今天的东盟十国。

[2] ASEAN spans over an area of 4. 46 million km with a

population of approximately 580 million people, 8. 7% of the

world population. In 2009, its combined nominal GDP had grown

to more than USD $1. 5 trillion. If ASEAN was a single country, it

would rank as the 9th largest economy in the world in terms of

nominal GDP.

[2] 东盟的面积为四百四十六万平方公里,人口将近五亿八千万,占世界人口的8.7%。2009年它的GDP总量已超过1.5万亿美元。如果把东盟看作是一个单一的国家,根据它的当年的GDP 总量,它的世界排名为第九。

[3] ASEAN and GMS had the same original hope. It was to

promote growth development and cooperation in economic,

social, cultural, scientific and administrative frells, as well as

stability and peace in the region

[3] 东盟和GMS有着同样的初衷,即在经济,社会,文化,科学和行政管理等领域促进增长、发展和合作,维护区域的和平和稳定。

[4] The Asian economic crisis began with a currency crisis

with the devaluation of Thai baht in July 1997 and spread to

Indonesia and Malaysia and to a lesser extent to other ASEAN

countries. The integration of the economies of Southeast Asia

and the action-cons productive IMF structural problems

transformed the monetary crisis into serious financial crisis that

reaches across Asia

[4] 1997年由泰铢贬值而引发的货币危机蔓延到印度尼西和马来西亚。其他东盟国家也受到较小程度的影响,最终导致亚洲经济危机。东南亚经济一体化、一系列抗击国际货币基金组织的行动和结构问题使货币危机转化成严重的金融危机,波及整个亚洲。

[5] The crisis convinces the country to improve the financial

and monetary cooperation to avoid another crisis. ASEAN and

GMS share the same purposes They both pursue cooperative

development as a fundamental objective. They both seek to

foster a good climate and set the necessary conditions for

investment and other economic activities

[5] 该危机使这些国家加强金融和货币合作以避免另外的危机。东盟和大湄公河次区域的目标是一致的。双方都把追求合作发展作为基本目标。共同寻求培育一个好的氛围,为投资和其他经济活动提供必


[6]As the 10 ASEAN countries move closer towards the goal

of an integrated community by 2015, it is important that people

especially young people identify no just with their individual

countries but also with ASEAN as a whole.(1)People should

appreciate the need to work together as one to tackle the

challenges of the future. Many challenges ahead of Southeast

Asia will require the countries to work together in concert

[6] 到2015年,东盟十国将进一步朝着一体化的目标迈进,因此人们,尤其是年轻人,不仅仅要认同自己的国家,而且要认同整个东盟。人们应该感激这种需要,即联合起来共同应对未来的挑战。东南亚面临的许多挑战要求我们共同去解决。

[7]The first difference is political. The ASEAN framework

provides something more than GMS, and that is the policy

context that can make business activities more efficient, more

productive and more profitable

[7] 首先是政治差异。东盟的框架提供的政策内容比GMS大,使得商业活动效率更高、更具成效和更有利益。

[8]The second difference is complementary. ASEAN does not

compete with GMS, nor is it contrary to GMS in goals and

strategies. In fact, ASEAN and GMs are highly complementary

and work towards the same goals, only with slightly different

[8] 其次是互补性差异。东盟与GMS之间不是竞争关系,其目标和战略没有冲突。事实上,东盟和GMS都具有高度互补性,都朝着同一个目标迈进,只是在一些计划和安排上有些许的不同

[9 ]The third difference consists in strategies and objectives.

ASEAN has on raising the standard of living and closing the gap

between the original members and newer( and poorer )members.

The framework laid out the objectives and principles for

cooperation, and also identified priority sectors infrastructure,

trade and investment activities, agriculture, forestry and minerals

industry, tourism, human resource development, and science and

technology. The GMS sectors are transport, telecom, energy,

environment, tourism, HRD, trade facilitation, investment,


[9] 再次是战略和目标差异。东盟在提高生活水平以及缩短最初的成员国与较新加入(相对较平穷)的成员国之间的贫富差距方面有着清晰的目标。东盟的框架设定了合作的目标和原则,也划分出了优先发展的领域:基础设施、贸易和投资活动、农业、渔业和矿产、工业、旅游、人力资源开发、科学和技术。GMS合作的领域是运输,电信,能源,环保,旅游,人力资源,贸易便利,投资和农业。

[10]As set out in the ASEAN Declaration, the aims and

purposes of ASEAN are:(2)To accelerate the economic growth,

social progress and cultural development in the region through

joint endeavours in the spirit of equality and partnership in order

to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful

community of Southeast Asian Nations.

[10] 正如在《东盟宣言》中规定的东盟的目标和目的是:本着平等和合作的精神,共同努力加速该区域经济的增长、社会的进步和文化的发展,为东南亚国家拥有一个繁荣、和平的大家庭而夯实基础。

[11] To promote regional peace and stability through abiding

respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among

countries of the region and adherence to the principles of the

United Nations Charter; To promote active collaboration and

mutual assistance on matters of common interest in the

economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative

fields. To provide

assistance to each other in the form of training and research

facilities in the educational, professional, technical and

administrative spheres; To collaborate more effectively for the

greater utilization of their agriculture and industries, the

expansion of their trade, including the study of the problems of

international commodity trade the improvement of their

transportation and communications facilities and the raising of

the living standards of their peoples; To promote Southeast Asian

studies and to maintain close and beneficial cooperation with

existing international and regional organizations with similar

aims and purposes, and explore all avenues for even closer

cooperation among themselves [11] 该区域的国家遵循联合国宪章章程,持久地遵守司法的公正和法律规定以促进区域的和平和稳定;为促进经济、社会、技术、科学和行政领域内的共同利益而积极合作和相互援助;在教育、职业、技术和行政领域以提供培训和研究设备的方式相互援助;为更大地利用他们的农业和工业、扩大贸易(包括对国际商品贸易问题的研究)、改善交通运输和通信设施、以及提高人们的生活水平等方面进行更有效地合作;加强东南亚研究、对拥有相同目标和目的的现有的国际和地区组织保持密切和有利的合作,并在他们中寻求所有进一步密切合作的途径。

[12] Five strategic thrusts are developed by GMS for 2012:

strengthening infrastructure linkages; facilitating cross-border

trade, investment &tourism participation competitiveness;

developing human resources skills competencies; protecting

environment promoting sustainable use of shared natural


[12] 到2012年,GMS将要发展五个战略目标:加强基础设施联接;促进跨境贸易、投资和旅游;增加私营部门的参与和竞争;发展人力资源和技能;保护环境、促进对共享自然资源的可持续性利用。

[13] (3) The objectives are to achieve four aims by 2012:

accelerated and sustained economic growth reduced poverty

income disparities; improved quality of life i sustainable

management of environment &natural resources. The GMS

vision a Mekong sub-region that is more integrated prosperous

and harmonious

[13] 到2012年要达到四个目标:加速可持续性经济的增长;减少贫困和收入的悬殊;提升生活的质量;加强对环境和自然资源的可持续性管理。GMS发展远景是一个更加一体化、繁荣和和谐的湄公河次区域。

[14] Now, ASEAN makes available a broader regional

framework in which GMS can carry out its work. Many GMs

infrastructure projects are part of ASEAN wide programs. Many

ASEAN and GMS activities overlap ASEAN deliberately directs

some of its own activities, particularly those in human resources

development, to its four newest members, all of which happens

to be in GMS ASEAN has, in fact, used GMS as a framework for

its determined push to integrate its four new members more

closely and more quickly with the rest of ASEAN.

[14] 如今,东盟制定了一个更大的区域框架以便GMS也可以在此框架内开展工作。许多GMS 的基础设施项目也是东盟大项目中的一部分。许多东盟和GMS活动都有交叉。东盟有意引导它的四个最新成员国(碰巧也是GMS的成员国)参与东盟的一些活动,尤其是那些人力资源开发的活动。事实上东盟一直利用GMS作为一个框架来坚定地推进它的四个新成员国更进一步、更快地融合到东盟的其他成员国里。

[15 ]At the same time, many ASEAN programs, especially

those in infrastructure human resources and the environment,

could be implemented with greater focus and at a more rapid

pace when carried out in the smaller area and context of GMS.

These ASEAN programs could thus move forward more quickly

with GMS as the sub-regional

[15] 以此同时,东盟的很多规划(尤其是基础设施、人力资源和环境领域的规划),在GMS 这样较小的范围和环境之中可能会以更集中的力度和更快的速度完成。以GMS为次区域先头部队,这些东盟的


[16] The GMS states, as ASEAN members, are parties to

binding ASEAN agreements, such as the common effective

preferential tariff leading to the ASEAN free Trade Area, the

agreement on the ASEAN investment Area and the ASEAN

Framework Agreement on services. ASEAN also has a dispute-settlement mechanism applicable to all ASEAN economic

agreements. This means that the GMS states are fully integrated

in ASEANs rules-based trading and investment system. For

example, each ASEAN country is required to adopt legislations

binding that country to specific tariff reductions in order to fulfill

its obligations in the tariff-reduction schedule agreed upon in the

AFTA-CEPT system. Their participation in ASEAN agreements

thus helps establish a predictable and transparent legal

environment for business and investment in the GMS countries

this should be most welcome to businessmen and investors,

whose worst nightmares are sudden reversals in the

[16] 作为东盟的成员国,GMS国家都是受“东盟协定”约束的一方。例如通用有效的、导致东盟自由贸易区产生的优惠关税,东盟投资区域协定、和东盟服务框架协定。东盟也有争端解决机制适用于所有的东盟经济协定。这一切意味着GMS国家已完全整合到东盟有规则的贸易和投资体系中。如东盟的每个国家都被要求通过立法的方式将该国绑定到具体的关税减让标准以完成其在关税减让报税单中的义务,该报税单与“东盟自由贸易区-共同关税减让”系统一致。加入东盟协定帮助GMS国家的商业和投资建立一个可预测的、透明的法律环境,最受商人和投资者欢迎。他们最害怕的是政府突然改变政策会影响到他们。

[17] (5) The ASEAN and GMS have the same purpose but they

use different strategies and action plan to develop this region.

ASEAN and GMs have interdependence relationship but ASEAN

has financial support and political support ore important than


[17] 东盟和GMS都有同样的目的,只是他们使用不同的策略和行动计划来发展该区域。东盟和GMS有互相依赖的关系,但是东盟跟GMS相比拥有更重要的资金和政治支持。

[18] Interactions between both bring economic advantage

and opportunities But sub-regional integration is partial. Only

Lao PDR seems to be highly dependent on neighboring GMS

countries. Other countries seem to be more dependent on

ASEAN and/ or non-regional trade partners. there is no

macro-level evidence that sub-regional cooperation and

integration process has had a significant development

impact(relative to other such processes, such as ASEAN)

[18] 双方的相互作用带来了经济优势和机会。但是次区域的整合是不完全的,似乎只有老挝人民民主共和国更多地依赖于临近的GMS国家。其他国家似乎更多地依赖于东盟和/或者非区域贸易伙伴。没有宏观层面上的迹象表明次区域的合作及一体化进程(相对于其它此类进程,如东盟)有巨大的发展影响。

[19] Significant development gaps remain in some countries.

Harmonizing macro-economic management and macro-economic interdependence could reduce these disparities in

development. [19] 在一些国家仍然存在巨大的发展差距。协调宏观经济管理和宏观经济的互相依赖将会减少这些发展上的差距。

Why Marriages Fail(婚姻何以失败)

[1] These days so many marriages end in divorce that our

most sacred vows no longer ring with truth. “Happily ever after"

and "Till death do us apart " are expressions that seem on the

way to becoming obsolete Why has it become so hard for

couples to stay together? What goes wrong? What has happened

to us that close to one-half of all marriages are destined for the

divorce courts? How could we have created a society in which 42

percent of our children will grow up in single-parent homes? If

statistics could only measure loneliness, regret, pain, loss of self-confidence and fear of future, the numbers would be beyond


[1] 如今,以离婚告终的婚姻如此之多,我们最神圣的誓约听上去都不再真实了。“从此永远幸福地生活着”和“直到死神将我们分开”这类话语似乎快过时了。夫妻长相守何以变得如此困难?哪儿出了问题?竟然有差不多半数的婚姻注定要以离婚法庭为终点,我们到底怎么了?有42%的儿童将在单亲家庭中长大,我们怎么把社会弄成这样了呢?如果统计数字能测量出孤独、懊悔、痛苦、失去自信和对未来恐惧的程度,这些数字会大得惊人。

[2] Even though each broken marriage is unique, we can still

find the common perils, the common causes for marital despair.

Each marriage has crisis points and each marriage tests

endurance, the capacity for both intimacy and change. Outside

pressures such as job loss, illness, infertility, trouble with a child,

care of aging parents and all the other plagues of life hit marriage

the way hurricanes blast our shores. Some marriages survive

these storms and others don't. marriages fail however, not simply

because of the outside weather but because the inner climate

becomes too hot or too cold too turbulent or too stupefying


[3] When we look at how we choose our partners and what

expectation exist at the tender beginnings of romance, some of

the reasons for disaster become quite clear. We all select with

unconscious accuracy a mate who will recreate with us the

emotional patterns of our first homes. A. Whitaker ,a

marital therapist and emeritus professor of psychiatry at the

University of Wisconsin explains, "From early childhood on, each

of us carried models for marriage, femininity masculinity,

motherhood, fatherhood and all the other family roles. "Each of

us falls in love with a mate who has qualities of our parents, who

will help us rediscover both the psychological happiness and

miseries of our past lives. We may think we have found a man

unlike Dad, but then he turns to drink or drugs, or loses his job

over and over again or sits silently in front of the T. V. just the way

Dad did. A man may choose a woman who doesn't like kids just

like his mother or who gambles away the family savings just like

his mother. Or he may choose a slender wife who seems unlike

his obese mother but then turns out to have other addictions

that destroy their mutual happiness

[3] 如果我们来看一下自己如何挑选配偶,看一下在爱情最初的温柔阶段有着怎样的期待,婚姻触礁的一些原因便显而易见了。无意中我们都精确地选中了能和我们一起重建我们第一个家庭的情感模式的伴侣。婚姻心理治疗专家、威斯康星大学精神病学荣誉退休教授卡尔·A·威塔科尔解释说:“从幼年起,我们每一个人心里就对婚姻、女性气质、男性气质、为人母、为人父,以及其他各种家庭角色有了自己的模式。”我们每一个人都爱上具有自己父母气质的伴侣,能帮助我们在心理上重温以往生活中的欢乐与苦难的伴侣。我们或许会以为自己找的男人与爸爸不同,可是到头来,就像爸爸那样,他酗酒,或者吸毒,或者一次又一次失业,或者就



[4] A man and a woman bring to their marriage bed a

blended concoction of conscious and unconscious memories of

their parents' lives together. The human way is to compulsively

repeat and recreate the patterns of the past. Sigmund Freud so

well described the unhappy design that many of us get trapped

in the unmet needs of childhood, the angry feelings left over

from frustrations of long ago, the limits of trust and the

reoccurrence of old fears. Once an individual senses this

entrapment, there may follow a yearning to escape, and the

result could be a broken, splintered marriage

[4] 男女双方都把意识到的和未意识到的对父母共同生活的混杂记忆带上婚床。人类总会不由自主地去重复并再现过去的生活模式。西格蒙德·弗洛伊德入木三分地描述了我们许多人所陷入的自设的不幸罗网:童年时期未能满足的欲望,多年前的挫折留下的愤怒情绪,信任的极限以及旧日恐惧的重现。一个人一旦意识到自己陷入这样的困境,就可能渴望逃脱,其结果可能是婚姻破裂、分崩离析。

[5] Of course people can overcome the habits and attitudes

that developed in childhood. We all have hidden strengths and

amazing capacities for growth and creative change. Change,

however, requires work -observing your part in a rotten pattern,

bringing difficulties out into the open -and work runs counter to

the basic myth of marriage: "When I wed this person all my

problems will be

have achieved success and i will become the center of life of

this other this person will be my center, and we will mean

everything to each other forever. This myth, which every marriage

relies on, is soon exposed. The coming of children, the pulls and

tugs of their demands on affection and time, place a considerable

strain on that basic myth of meaning everything to each other, of

merging together and solving all of life's problems

[5] 当然,人们能够改变童年时期养成的习惯和形成的看法。我们都有潜在的优势,都有令人惊叹的能力使自己成长以及创造性地改变自己。然而,变化需要有所行动---如观察自己在失败模式中的作用,公开遇到的难处---而行动却有悖于关于婚姻的神话:“若我与此人结了婚,我所有的烦恼就会烟消云散。到了那时我算是获得成功了,我将成为此人生活的中心,此人也将成为我生活的中心,我们将永远视对方为自己生活的全部。”这一维系所有婚姻的神话不久就被打破。孩子降生了,需要有人爱、需要有人花时间照料,这些拖累在相当程度上打击了那个说什么视对方为自己生活之全部,或者说什么夫妇融为一体解决生活中所有问题的神话。[6] Concern and tension about

money take each partner away from the other Obligations to

demanding parents or still-depended-upon parents create

further strain Couples today must also deal with all the cultural

changes brought on in recent years by the women’s movement

and sexual revolution. The altering of roles and the shifting of

responsibilities have been extremely trying for marriages.

[6] 对金钱的关心以及由金钱造成的紧张关系使夫妻产生隔阂。对苛求的父母或仍需赡养的父母应尽的责任进一步加剧了紧张关系。如今,夫妻双方还必须应对近几年来妇女解放运动和性革命所带来的各种文化变革。角色的改变、责任的变更对婚姻都是极其严峻的考验。

[7] These and other realities of life erode the visions of

marital bliss the way sandstorms eat at rock and the ocean

nibbles away at the dunes. Those euphoric grand feelings that

accompany romantic love are really self-delusions, self-hypnotic

dreams that enable us to forge a relationship Real life, failure at

work disappointment, exhaustion, bad smells, bad colds and hard

times all puncture the dream and leave us stranded with our mate,

with our childhood patterns pushing us this way and that, with

our unfulfilled expectations.

[7] 就像沙尘暴侵蚀岩石、海浪蚕食沙丘,这一切以及生活中其他现实问题逐渐毁灭对幸福婚姻的幻想。那些伴随着浪漫爱情而来的欣喜若狂的美妙感觉实际上都是自我欺骗、自我催眠的梦幻,而这种自欺、这种梦幻使我们得以缔结良缘。现实生活、工作中的失败、失望、劳累、体臭、重感冒以及艰难时世都会打破幻想,使我们与配偶间的关系陷入困境,使我们面对以这种或那种方式左右我们的儿时模式时毫无办法,使我们面对无法实现的种种期望时一筹莫展[8] The

struggle to survive in marriage requires adaptability, flexibility,

genuine love and kindness and an imagination strong enough to

feel what the other is feeling. Many marriages fall apart because

either partner cannot imagine what the other wants or cannot

communicate what he or she needs or feels. Anger builds until it

erupts into a volcanic burst that buries the marriage in ash.

[8] 维系婚姻的努力要求有适应能力、灵活性、真挚的爱和亲切和善,还要有足够强的想象力,去感受对方的感情。许多婚姻破裂是因为男女双方都不能想像对方需要什么,也无法交流彼此的需要和感情。于是怒气越积越多,最后如火山一样爆发出来,其灰烬终将婚姻埋葬。

[9] It is not hard to see, therefore, how essential

communication is for a good marriage. A man and a woman must

be able to tell each other how they feel and why they feel the

way they do; otherwise they will impose on each other roles and

actions that lead to further unhappiness. In some cases, the

communication patterns of childhood-of not talking, of talking

too much, of not listening, of distrust and anger, of withdrawal -spill into the marriage and prevent a healthy exchange of

thoughts and feelings. The answer is to set up new patterns of

communication and intimacy.

[9] 因此,不难看出,婚姻要美满,交流是多么重要。不管是丈夫还是妻子,必须能告诉对方他/她的感受,以及他/她为什么会有这种感受。不然的话,他们就会把导致进一步不幸的角色和行为强加给对方。有时候,儿时的交流模式——不讲话、讲得太多、不听对方讲话、不信任、生气、退避等——会注入婚姻关系,阻止健康的思想和感情交流。解决的办法是建立新的交流和亲近模式。

[10] At the same time, however, we must see each other as

individuals. "To achieve a balance between separateness and

closeness is one of the major psychological tasks of all human

beings at every stage of life. "says Dr. Stuart Bartle, a psychiatrist

at the New York University Medical Center

[10] 然而与此同时,我们必须把对方看作是独立的个人。“在亲与疏之间取得平衡是所有人在人生的每一个阶段都要遇到的主要心理任务之一,”纽约大学医学中心的精神病学家斯图尔特·巴特尔博士如是说。

[11] If we sense from our mate a need for too much intimacy,

we tend to push him or her away, fearing that we may lose our

identities in the merging of marriage. One partner may suffocate

the other partner in a childlike dependency.

[11] 如果我们意识到配偶要求过多的亲密,我们往往会将他/她推开,担心自己会在融为一体的婚姻中失去自己的个性。夫妻一方孩子般地依赖对方会使对方感到透不过气来。

[12]A good marriage means growing as a couple but also

growing as individuals. This isn't easy. Richard gives up his

interest in carpentry because his wife, Helen, is jealous of the time

he spends away from her Karen quits her choir group because

her husband dislikes the friends she makes there. Each pair clings

to each other and is angry with each other as life closes in on

them. this kind of marital balance is easily thrown as one or the

other pulls away and divorce follows.


[13] Sometimes people pretend that a new partner will solve

the old problems .Most often extramarital sex destroys a

marriage because it allows an artificial split between the good

and the bad-the good is projected on the new partner and the

bad is dumped on the heat of the old Dishonesty, hiding and

cheating create walls between men and women Infidelity is just

a symptom of trouble. It is a symbolic complaint, a weapon of

revenge, as well as an unraveler of closeness. Infidelity is often

that proverbial last straw that sinks the camel to the ground.

[13] 有时自以为找个新伴侣就能解决老问题。婚外性关系常常破坏婚姻,因为它使好与坏人为地分裂开来——好的记在新人名下,坏的倒在旧人头上。不诚实、隐瞒、欺骗等行为在夫妻之间筑起屏障。不忠乃婚姻出现问题的症状,象征着抗议,是复仇的武器,也是拆散亲密关系的工具。不忠就是谚语中常说的把骆驼压垮的那最后一根稻草。

[14] All right--marriage has always been difficult. Why many

divorces at this time? Yes, our modern social fabric is thin, and

yes the permissiveness of society has created unrealistic

expectations and thrown the family into chaos. But divorce is so

common because people today are unwilling exercise the self-discipline that marriage requires. They expect easy joy, like the

entertainment on TV, the thrill of a good party.

[14] 确实——婚姻从来就很难处理。那为什么偏偏当今会发生如此之多的离婚呢?没错,我们现代的社会结构相当薄弱;没错,社会


[15] Marriage takes some kind of sacrifice, not dreadful self-sacrifice of the soul, but some level of compromise. Some of

one’s fantasies, some of one's legitimate desires have to be

given up for the value of the marriage itself. “While all marital

partners feel shackled at times, it is they who really choose to

make the marital ties into confining chains or supporting bonds,

"says Dr. Whitaker. Marriage requires sexual, financial and

emotional discipline. A man and a woman cannot follow every

impulse, cannot allow themselves to stop growing and changing

[15] 婚姻需要某种牺牲,不是那种可怕的灵魂上的自我牺牲,而是某种程度上的妥协。为了婚姻本身的价值,一个人不得不放弃某些幻想、某些合理的欲望。“每对夫妻都会时不时地感到婚姻的束缚,但恰恰正是他们自己决定把男婚女嫁变成束缚人的羁绊或相互扶持的纽带,”威塔科尔博士说。婚姻需要夫妻双方在性、经济、情感等方面自律。夫妻都不能一味凭冲动行事,不能听任自己停滞不前或不思改变。

[16] Divorce is not an evil act. Sometimes it provides

salvation for pe have grown hopelessly apart or were frozen in

patterns of pain or mutual unhappiness. Divorce can be, despite

its initial devastation, like the first cut of the surgeon's knife, a

step toward new health and a good life. On the other hand, if the

partners can stay past the breaking up of the romantic myths into

development of real love and intimacy, they have achieved a work

as amazing as the greatest cathedrals of the world. Marriages

that do not fail but improve, that persist despite perfections, are

not only rare these days but offer a wondrous shelter in which

the face of our mutual humanity can safely show itself

[16] 离婚并非邪恶的行动。有时离婚能解救那些已经没有希望重归于好的夫妻,解救那些深深陷入痛苦和不幸之中的夫妻。如同外科医生动的第一刀,离婚最初固然带有破坏性,但那可能就是走向健康、走向美好生活的必要一步。从另一方面来说,如果夫妻双方能共同度过那些爱情神话破灭的危机,进而培养真正的爱情与发展亲密关系,他们就完成了一项与世界上最宏伟的大教堂一样神奇的伟业。没有破裂而是改善了的婚姻,不尽完美却长久维持着的婚姻,如今不仅弥足珍贵,而且构筑成一个绝妙的庇护所,在其间我们可以安全地展示共同人性的面容。

Essence of Infidelity(背叛的本质)

[1] (1) On one very popular web site there were 260 posts

from both sexes commenting about forgiving and forgetting

infidelities. I read every one of them. With one exception, the

perception conveyed was that one party was an innocent victim

of the other's philandering. It seemed to me that everyone was

looking at adultery as a cause of marital discord. From my

perspective, there are only rare exceptions to the fact that

adultery, cheating, or affairs are symptoms of long-standing

marital problems. the cause occurred possibly even before the

marriage vows were uttered.

[1] 我曾经在一个很有名的网站上看到260条两性评论关于“原谅还是忘记背叛”的帖子。我逐条读过后发现:除一条例外,其他所有的帖子都传达了一个观点,认为其中一方是另一方红杏出墙或沾花惹草的受害者。似乎每个人都认为性越轨是引起婚姻冲突的罪魁祸首。我个人认为,几乎无一例外地所有的越轨,不忠,或者婚外恋都是长期婚姻问题的体现。或许在婚姻誓言说出之前,根源就已经埋下。

[2] Let's go back to the beginning of a relationship. What

really happens before two people to get married? They have

been dating and each other out. You all know that women do the

choosing Men respond to a woman's signals and a relationship

moves forward at a pace governed by the woman's appetite So

how does a couple who is totally in love and committed to each

other end up in the predicament dictated by an affair?

[2] 让我们回到恋爱关系开始的时候。在两人决定结婚之前,是怎样的一个情形?他们一直在约会,经常一块出去。大家都知道:通常女方做决定,男方回应女方发出的信号,恋情以女方的喜欢的步伐向前迈进。那么,为什么彼此深爱、相互托付终身的双方会以一段婚外恋造成的危境而告终?

[3] 1 think the predicament results from the general

consensus of opinions and expectations generated by a marriage.

(2) In all of the posts that I read it seemed that" being married "

automatically presupposed that fidelity is the most precious

aspect of the marriage. It appears that everything that could go

wrong would be tolerated, everything except infidelity. I do not

support tolerating infidelity. What I'm wondering is what are the

reasons that people actually get married? Do they get married

because they are in love? Want to have sex? Want exclusivity?

Want emotional, financial, sexual security? Want to have children

It seems like the thing to do? Or do they get married because

they have found someone with whom they are career compatible,

financially balanced, sexually attracted, intellectually ly congenial,

religiously aligned, madly in love, with they want to procreate and

raise children according to mutually agreeable standards? Do all

people get married for the same reasons? i don t think so.

[3] 我认为,危境是对婚姻的期望和普遍一致的看法而导致的。我所看到的所有这些帖子似乎都认为“结婚”必然以“忠诚”为先决条件。“忠诚”是婚姻最宝贵的因素。似乎任何犯错都可以容忍,唯独背叛不可原谅。我本人并不支持容忍不忠。我只是想知道人们结婚的真正理由。他们是因为相爱而结婚吗?还是出于性需求?或是想独自



[4] I believe that some people get married for love, some for

lust, some for status, some for money, some for security, some

for convenience, some to have children, some looking for

parental guidance, some for business reasons etc. (3) And if that

is true, why is it that everyone who gets married expects adhe

the same standards as far as fidelity is concerned? The

expectation seems to be that everyone gets married for

passionate, romantic love and fidelity is the highest value of


[4] 我相信有人为爱情、有人为性欲、有人为地位、有人为金钱、有人为安全感、有人为便利结婚。也有人为想要孩子、为做家长而结婚,有人为事业的缘故而结婚,原因很多。如果真是那样的话,为什么每个结婚的人都期待坚守同样的标准---忠诚---呢?这种期待似乎是人人为浪漫而轰轰烈烈的爱情而结婚,忠诚是婚姻的最高价值。

[5] I don't presume to have all the answers, but possibly some

suggestions as to the seeds of infidelity. Let s start with a couple

who declare that they are in love and want to commit to each

other. They are starry-eyed and the state of " in love” creates a

certain blindness and denial especially when this person seems

to be almost perfectly aligned with the important values you

have designated to essential in the person you are going to marry.

So this person lies to you about

something or breaks a promise to you, or does something

that totally violates your ethics, but you love him/her and he/she

is so perfect otherwise. It's just a small thing and you can

certainly tolerate a little thing like that. After all, you are getting

married and that means you can work it out. Love conquers all.

Here is the problem. Love doesn't solve anything. People come

to agreement or negotiate boundaries and decide to be together

because they want to be together. They

choose marriage. I think the rules of marriage and the

boundaries that each couple wants to live by must be negotiated.

Obviously each and every scenario cannot be discussed ahead of

time, but the individual standards of each partner in each

marriage must be decided prior to the vows. When a

woman/man settles (that includes compromises, tolerates, sells

out)on a value that is significant to her/him the bond is

compromised. It makes it okay to do it again, whatever "it” is.

[5] 我并不想当然能得到一切答案,但是,就不忠的起因来说,或许可以提供一些建议。让我们从一对宣布相恋,想彼此托付终身的情侣说起。他们眼里满是憧憬,特别是当其中的一方似乎近乎完美地拥有另一方认定将与之结婚的人身上必不可少的重要价值标准的话,“相爱”的状况便产生一种盲目,看不到现实。于是他对你说谎、对你食言、或者做了违反你道德标准的事情,但你爱他/她,除了这些,他/她在其它方面如此完美。这只是小事一桩,你当然可以容忍这样的小事。毕竟,你们正迈向婚姻的殿堂,那意味着你们能够解决所有问题。爱情可以战胜一切,但问题是爱情不能解决一切问题。双方达成协议或协商界限,接着决定在一起,因为他们想在一起。他们选择婚姻。我认为每对夫妇赖以生活的婚姻规则和界限必须协商。显然,事先不可能讨论每一个以及所有的事态发展状况,但每个婚姻中双方的个人标准必须在结婚誓言说出之前就决定。当男/女子决定(包括妥协、容忍、赞成)对他/她很重要的价值标准时,他们之间的关系就妥协了。无论这种关系是什么,它总是一再地被妥协。

[6] According to the Man/Woman Strategy that I subscribe

to, women have the power in relationship and their job is to

provide appetite, which challenges the man who loves her to

produce results. The man who wants to please his woman will

produce those results as long as she believes in him and respects

him as the producer. The other component in this neat little

package is the sex. Men will do anything for sex. Women love sex

as much as men do; it's just not socially acceptable for them to

say so .Men get their pleasure from a woman’s pleasure

and“most women lie to men about their satisfaction" which

leads to the giant gap in the presumption that marriage

presumes passionate, romantic love and fidelity are the highest

values, Women on the whole are not able to maintain the level

of energy and self-esteem necessary to always validate for a man

what sexually satisfies her. Thus the communication ding sex gets

distorted. Men, unless someone instructs them, can not be

expected to know what areas of a woman's body are responsive

to erotic touch. It's different for every woman (man too). So

here’s what happens. Women get pregnant. Pregnancy creates

enormous changes in a woman's body and physiology, which at

times do not make sex appealing. Women become mothers.

Parenting, especially mothering is a 24-hour job, which includes

massive sleep deprivation, and instincts, which consume even the

most prepared. Generally, both men and women have jobs, which

consume time and energy. Women also feel responsible for the

upkeep of the home. Not that men do not, but somehow for a

woman five million years of homemaking has become instinctual.

So what does this entire story mean? (4) It means life gets in the

way of relationship and unless some time and energy is devoted

to the relationship as an entity, that state of" in love" that

everyone marries into will disintegrate.



[7] There are exceptions, but generally speaking most people

do not intend to cheat on their spouse after the wedding nor do

they intentionally pursue an affair So here is how an affair begins.

One or the other partner is not getting his/her needs met for

whatever reasons. That person encounters someone at work, or

at a party, or in the neighborhood, who notices him/her and sees

something that attracts. There is nothing like a flirtation to

restore a sense of self-esteem. Initially the married person resists

but enjoys the attention. That person then goes home to his/her

spouse and hints that he/she needs more attention. The spouse

at home who assumes that because they are married everything

is great and there is always time for taking care of the spouse

later, ignores the hint. That, my friends, is the beginning of the

affair. When one partner seeks emotional or physical or

intellectual support from someone of the opposite sex outside of

the marriage, the seeds have been sown.

[7] 通常,大多数夫妻在结婚后并不打算欺骗对方,也不想追逐婚外恋,但也有例外。婚外恋这样开始的:夫妻双方中的一方出于某种原因未能满足他/她的要求。他/她在工作中、或一次聚会上、或者邻里偶遇某个人,某个注意到他/她并被他/她吸引的人。当时并没有发生调情以找回自信之类的事情。最初已婚者抗拒但享受这种注意。之后,此人回家暗示他/她的配偶他/她需要更多的注意。家中的配偶自以为他们已经结婚,一切都很好,将来总是有时间去关心自己的配偶,就忽略了这种暗示。我的朋友,这就是婚外恋的开始。当配偶的一方寻求婚姻之外某个异性的感情、身体或智力上的支持时,婚外恋的种子已经埋下了。

[8] (5) The marriage is taken for granted. The almighty

wedding ring is supposed to be able to bind people to their vows

automatically. This is the false presumption that leads us to the

incorrigible statistic that 80%of marriages affected by infidelity.

Marriage doesn’t wo rk by itself. It takes two people who pay

attention to each other's needs It takes two people who believe

in each other and validate each other. It takes two people who

want to love each other and who continually approve of each

other which allows the vulnerability necessary to be honest about

their personal needs.

[8] 婚姻是想当然的。万能的婚戒据说能将婚姻双方自动地紧紧拴牢在他们的誓言上。这种错误的假想导致了无可救药的统计数字:80%的婚姻受到不忠的影响。婚姻不会自己维系。它需要两个人关注相互间的需要。它需要两个人相互信任和认可。它需要两个人相互爱恋、相互不断地支持,允许必要的脆弱来坦言各自的需要。

Sometimes It's Hard to Be a woman or a man. or human(有时候做女人或男人,或者做人都很难)

[1] The decision by Allison Pearson a top columnist, to move

from the Daily Mai after a bout of acute depression, comes hard

on the heels of a spate of high-profile confessions of breakdown

from high-achieving women

[2] Stephanie Merritt, Marian Keyes and Sally Hampton, all

well-known writers, have gone public with their crippling

disability. Other high-profile figures-among them the actor

Emma Thompson and Coronation Street star Beverley Callard'-have recently confessed to suffering patches of acute mental [1]


[2] 斯蒂芬妮·梅里特,玛丽安·基斯和萨莉·汉普顿这些知名作家都公开向社会承认了她们工作能力严重丧失的问题。其他一些知名人士——比如演员艾玛·汤普森和《加冕街》剧中明星贝弗利·卡拉尔——最近也承认她们不时地遭受急性精神抑郁症的折磨。

[3] An article in The Guardian last week asked-what's gone

wrong for women? Why, after all the advances they have made,

do they suffer depression at three times the rate of men, and why

are depression rates rising among women? Answers varied from

the suggestion that men don't do enough housework to the idea

that women are leaving childbirth too late

[4] But, given their higher levels of depression, are women

really in a worse situation than men? Probably -though not

necessarily for the reasons they think they are. Women and men

are unhappy in different ways for different reasons. And for

women, the reasons are much less straightforward, which is one

reason why their unhappiness is so much more distressing and

difficult to treat

[3] 上周《卫报》中的一篇文章问道—女性们都怎么了?在她们取得所有这些成就的同时,为什么她们患抑郁症的概率是男性的三倍之多?为什么女性中患抑郁症的概率不断攀升?答案多种多样,有的认为是因为男性不常做家务活,有的认为是由于现在女性很晚才生养孩子。

[4] 然而,考虑到女性患抑郁症的高发率,比起男性,女性真的处境更糟糕的吗?也许—--尽管不一定是因为她们自己认为的那些理由。女性和男性由于不同的原因,不快乐的方式不同。对于女性来说,这些原因不那么直接。这也就是女性抑郁症更加严重也更难治疗的原因之一。[5] Being a lifelong sufferer with depression myself -and

men, incidentally commit suicide at three times the rate of

women -l know that the main sources of depression, along with

the obvious ones of stress and genetic inheritance, are

uncertainty and confusion

[6] People can cope with a great deal of unhappiness if they

are clear about here the unhappiness stems from and what can

and can’t be done about it Unhappiness bleeds into depression

when inner contradictions--paradoxes, if you like - are constantly

working within the mind, threatening the chaos of uncertainty.

[5] 作为一个一生遭受抑郁症折磨的患者——同时也是个男人——顺便说一下,男性自杀的概率是女性的三倍。我知道抑郁的根源除了那些明显的压力因素和遗传因素外,还有不确定性和迷惘两个原因。

[6] 如果人们清楚地知道她们忧愁的根源,知道能做什么和不能做什么,他们就能摆脱掉很大部分的不快乐。当内心的冲突——或者说矛盾——不停的在脑海里翻腾,因不确定而陷入精神混乱的危险产生了,不快乐就演变为抑郁症。

[7] Paradox and uncertainty are the lot of modern women.

having been the myth that they can " have it all "--what the

Guardian writer, Kira Cochrane called "the crazed pursuit of the

perfect life”--they find that they are faced with pair after pair of

irreconcilable opposites, some of them unconscious or denied [7]


[8] Modern women quite reasonably want to have successful,

satisfying careers and be good mothers and good friends and

valuable members of the local community. they also want to

remain and perhaps fashionable. Who wouldn’t?

[9] But to put these things into practice is extremely difficult.

If you want to work very hard at your career, you are not going

to be able to spend so much time with your children. The

alternative -to prioritise your children -may make you feel that

you are slipping back into the oppressions of the 1950s and

disadvantaged in the job market. That unsquareable circle alone

would be enough to cause any woman who aspired to a career a

lot of anxiety and heartache

[8] 当代女性理所当然地想拥有成功、满意的事业,成为好母亲、好朋友以及当地社区的重要成员。同时她们还想保持性感,或许还要时髦。谁不想这样呢?

[9] 然而要把这一切付诸实践实在是太难了,如果你努力成就事业,你就不能和你的孩子们有很多时间相处。反之,把孩子放在首位吧,你可能觉得自己又回到了二十世纪五十年代那个女性备受压迫、职场上弱势的时代。这个不可调和的矛盾就足以使任何一个渴望事业的女性产生很多焦虑和心痛。

[10] Along with wanting to be carers as well as have a career,

many women while not being slaves to fashion, want to be and

fashionable They want to love et feel attractive to others. They

want to be more than" mere" housewives, and yet remain in

charge of the household and children

[10] 很多女性既想成为家庭的照料者又想拥有自己的事业。虽然没完全成为时尚的奴隶,但还是希望自己漂亮而时髦。无论胖瘦她们都热爱自己身体原来的样子,但同时希望自己有魅力。她们不想自己“只是”个家庭妇女,但又继续承担照顾家庭和孩子的责任。

[11] Add to that the faintly virtues they have come to expect

from the modern an-strong yet sensitive, successful but not

materialistic, yet masculine -the existential problems alone are

formidable. And with gender roles more fluid everything is a

negotiation, or, if you prefer, an argument

[11] 再加上她们期望现代男性拥有一些不现实的美德——强壮而又敏感,成功却不物质至上,会关心人而又很阳刚——仅仅是存在的问题就已经令人难以应付了。随着性别角色的转变,每件事情都要“谈判”,或者说“争执”。

[12] If, as often, the man earns more than the woman, does

that mean his career should have a higher priority? Who chooses

the curtains? Quite apart from the confusions of what it is realistic

to hope for, there are straightforward practice problems. Pearson

writes of being a "sandwich mother", i.e. leaving it late to have

children and then finding yourself having to look after ageing

parents as well. Late motherhood can also bring with it

distressing fertility problems. Then there are historic forms of

female disadvantage -the pay gap, exclusion from positions of

power. There is plenty to feel bad about [12] 通常如果一个男人赚得比女人多,是否就意味着他的事业可以处于更优先的位置?谁来选择窗帘呢?除了“什么是所期待的现实”这样的困扰外,还有直截了当的实际问题。皮尔森提出了“三明治母亲”一说,即,过晚地生养孩子,同时发现自己还得照顾年老的父母。晚育还会带来生育问题的苦恼。于是就有了女性弱势的历史形式——薪金的差距以及被排除在权力位置之外。有很多让人郁闷的事。

[13] Men do have it better in some ways, partly because their

desires and needs are more straightforward. Most men I know

can go to work every day without feeling guilty about not seeing

their children except in the evening and at the weekend. And

most men don' t follow fashion that closely or worry about their

body image. Most significantly of all, though, I suspect that men

don' t worry too much about being "good". This is a problem

highlighted by the psychologist Dorothy Rowe, who observes in

the Guardian article, that “most girls are still brought up to be

very good, and a good person is somebody who always feels that

they can do better”. She adds "We’re brought up on the

principle that if a job's that if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing

well. And actually, what women need to learn is that if a job’s

worth doing, it’s worth doing badly-as long as you get it done.”

[13] 在某些方面男性的情况的确要好一些,这是由于他们的欲望和需求更加直接。我认识的大多数男性即使只在晚上或者周末才能见到自己孩子,也不觉得愧疚,可以安心地去上班。大多数男性都不太关注时尚,也不太担心自己的身体形象。然而最总要的一点是,我怀疑男性就不会过分担心自己“好不好”。心理学家多萝西·罗在《卫报》发表文章时专门提到这个问题,她评论道:“大多数女孩从小被培养成优秀的人,而一个优秀的人常常觉得自己可以做得更好。”她还补充道:“我们接受的养育原则就是如果一个工作值得去做,就值得做好。但事实上,女性应该学习的是如果一个工作值得去做,就值得做差——只要做了就行。”

[14] So what makes men unhappy? Several things spring to

mind. Men are more subject to loneliness than women, because

they enjoy social networks that are less rich and tend to be less

supportive of one another. Also, their sense of identity is very tied

up with success or failure as workers. They are also trapped in

their traditional role as family providers, which means there is a

great deal of depression among unemployed men.

[14] 那又是什么事情让男性不开心呢?能想到的有几点。比起女性来,男性经受更多的孤独,因为他们的社会关系网不太丰富且相互间的支持较少。同时,他们的身份感与工作上的成功和失败密切相关。他们也会陷入“家庭供养者”这一传统角色的困境中。这就意味着在失业男性中的抑郁症患者很多。

[15] Many men see their success as a husband -archaically,

perhaps—as connected with their success in being able to create

a world in which their partners can feel content. But their partners

may not be happy, for the reasons outlined above. And, partly

because one of women's buried, ancient or denied imperatives is

that men should be able to make them happy, a lot of women

aren't especially appreciative of their husbands.

[15] 也许有些过时,很多男性把作为一个成功的丈夫与他们能够成功地为自己的配偶创造一个满意的世界联系在一起。但因为上述的原因,他们的配偶也许并不快乐。部分原因是女性内心深处、古老或不愿承认的需要:男性就应该能够让她们快乐,很多女性并不十分感激、欣赏自己的丈夫。

[16] Many women make it a priority to be good friends, good

mothers members of the community or good at their job, but

many don't really think appreciative of their husbands -or, if you

like, a" good wife"-very highly on the list. After all, that is what

those housewives of the 1950s aspired to, and modern women

are determined not to go back to that dreary prison

[16] 很多女性把做好朋友,好母亲,社区的好成员,或者工作上的能手放在第一位,但很少有女性真正认为感激、欣赏丈夫(或者你愿意的话,做个“好妻子”)应该列在首位。毕竟,这不过是二十世纪五十年代的家庭主妇的向往,而现代女性决心再也不回到那个可怕的“监狱”里去。

[17] Conversely, many men still do worry about being good

husbands because there is no history of oppression to prohibit

them from having that feeling. And the experience of many, if the

unhappiness of their wives is anything to go by is that they are


[18] Women will always have it worse: intellectually equal to

men, yet more instinctually inclined towards caring for children

(and 40 years of social change doesn't seem to have that

powerful need very much), all the generous childcare

arrangements in the world are unlikely to solve that paradox.

Women still suffer disadvantage on the career ladder. And while

structural barriers to job success could be further that is not a

solution in itself.

[17] 相反,现在的很多男性仍然担心自己不能做个好丈夫,因为他们没有任何受压迫的历史来禁止他们拥有这种感觉。根据很多人的经验,如果他们的妻子感到不快乐,那就是他们的失败。

[18] 女性的情况总是糟糕一些:她们在智力上和男性是平等的,但是她们更本能地倾向于照顾孩子(40年的社会变革似乎没有太大地改变这种强烈的需求),世界上所有慷慨的儿童照管机制也无法解决这个矛盾。女性在职业晋升上还是处于弱势。尽管影响工作业绩的结构性障碍可能被进一步排除,但那本身并不是一个解决办法。

[19] So, what is the solution? First, as Dorothy Rowe suggests,

women need to lower their expectations of themselves. Men

have had a lot of practice in this over the past 30 years: women

have helped many of us see that we are nothing special. But the

truth is that most women are nothing special either. We are all

just people, flawed and often unwise, averagely attractive and

averagely clever, trying to get along with one another, stumbling

towards goals that are often obscure unarticulated or


[19] 那么,解决办法是什么呢?首先,正如多萝西·罗建议的那样:


[20] My other rather radical suggestion for an increase in

happiness among both sexes is that, rather than putting work,

friends and children first, both men and women should put one

another first. This is one good traditional idea that has been

allowed to wane under the weight of other imperatives.

Everything else can follow from that

[20] 对于如何增强男女两性的幸福感我还有一个根本性的建议:不要把工作、朋友和孩子放在第一位,男女双方都应该把彼此放在第一位。这是一种很好的传统观念,但一直以来迫于其它职责的压力而不受重视。其它的事情都应该排在它之后。

[21] Striving for individual success is admirable, but if our

expectations are unrealistic, or paradoxical, then they are

doomed, and unhappiness will surely follow. We shouldn't expect

to be happy all the time in any case: unhappiness is a normal part

of the human condition, and to expect otherwise is a source of

unhappiness itself

[21] 为个人的成功而奋斗是令人钦佩的,但是如果我们的期望是不现实的或者是矛盾的,就注定要失败,不快乐必然紧接而至。我们也不应该希望时时刻刻、在任何情形下都开心:不快乐是人类生存的一个正常部分,期望没有忧愁就是不快乐的根源。

[22] Perhaps, instead of striving for the best of all worlds, we

should simply strive to be humble and grateful, men and women

alike, for what we have got most particularly in our coupling and

intimacy with one another. It sounds simplistic -but maybe the

solution to happiness is simplicity. After all, look where

complexity has got us

[22] 也许,男女两性都一样,不应该为在各领域出人头地而奋斗,应该只努力做到谦逊而感恩:感激我们已经拥有的东西,尤其感激我们相互拥有、亲密无间。这听起来很简单——或许快乐的方法就是简单。不管怎么说,看看复杂都把我们折磨成什么样了。

Why Perfect Is Not Always Best(为什么完美主义不总是最好)

[1]"We can't all be perfect", the saying goes and that may not

be such a bad thing, psychologists suggest.

[2] Not only put their own health at risk through stress and

anxiety-they make other people's lives a misery too, it is claimed

[1] 常言道:“我们不可能总是完美”。心理学家建议:这也许并不是件坏事

[2] 据说由于压力和焦虑,完美主义者不仅仅危害他们自己的健康,他们也会使别人的生活陷入痛苦。

[3] Take the example of chef Gordon Ramsay who fired

explosive outbursts at celebrities--learning the culinary ropes on

a live TV show -when they failed to live up to his expectations.

He left many "students" in tears or unable to continue and

probably sent his own blood pressure sky high

[3] 比如大厨戈登(Gordon Ramsay)在电视现场秀中,对前来学习烹饪诀窍的社会名流大发雷霆,因为他们无法达到自己的期望。他让很多“学生”泪流满面或者无法继续,同时也可能导致他自己血压飙升。

[4] Some scientists think perfectionism should be

categorized as a medical condition, alongside other behavioral

problems, such as obsessive compulsive disorder

[5](1)A Canadian psychology professor has identified three

types of perfectionists-self-oriented perfectionists expect

perfection of themselves), other-oriented perfectionists (demand

perfection from other people), and socially prescribed

perfectionists (think others expect perfection from them).

[4] 一些科学家认为完美主义应该列为一种病态,与其他行为问题类似,比如强迫症。

[5] 一位加拿大心理学教授已经鉴定出三类完美主义者:自我取向的完美主义者(要求自己达到完美),他人取向的完美主义者(要求别人达到完美)和社会规定性的完美主义者(认为别人要求他们达到完美)。

[6] Professor Gordon Flett has devised a scale that uses a

questionnaire to measure degrees and types of perfectionism. (2)

He said perfectionists not only harboured unrealistically high

standards, but also judged themselves or others as not living up

to their elevated expectations. Professor Flett, from Toronto's

York University, said: "Perfectionism is the need to be, or to

appear to be, perfect Perfectionists are persistent, detailed and

organized high achievers

[6] Gordon Flett教授已经用一个问卷调查表设计出一种计量表,用来测量完美主义的程度和类型。他说完美主义者不仅怀有不现实的高标准,而且把他们自己和别人都断定为无法达到这些被拔高了的期望。多伦多约克大学的Flett教授说:“完美主义就是成为或者表现为完美的需要。完美主义者是固执、认真而且很有组织性的成功人士。

[7]"Perfectionists vary in their behaviours : some strive to

conceal their imperfections; others attempt to project an image

of perfection”

[8] But all perfectionists have in common extremely high

standards for themselves or for others

[9] Take England rugby ace Jonny Wilkinson, who trains every

day of the year and admitted during the rugby world cup that he

needed to relax more Suicide potential

[7] “完美主义者在行为上有所不同:有的尽力掩饰自己的不完美,有的试图打造一个完美的形象。

[8] “但是所有的完美主义者都有一个共同点:对自己或他人有着极其高的标准。”

[9] 以英格兰橄榄球明星Jonny Wilkinson为例,即便他承认自己在橄榄球世界杯期间需要好好休息,他却在一年中每一天都要进行训练。

[10](3) Professor Flett claims that certain forms of

perfectionism can be linked to a host of emotional, physical and

relationship problems, including depression, eating disorders,

marital and even suicide

[11] He said: "Pe rfectionism is not officially recognized as a

psychiatry disorder”.

[12]”However extreme forms of perfectionism should be

considered an illness similar to narcissism, obsessive

compulsiveness, dependent--personality disorder and other

personality disorders because of its links to distress and


[13] He says perfectionism is evident in children as young as

four years old

[10] Flett教授认为某些形式的完美主义可能与众多的情绪、身体和情感问题有关,包括抑郁症,饮食紊乱,婚姻不和谐甚至自杀。

[11] 他说:“完美主义还没有被官方认定为一种精神方面的疾病”。

[12] “然而,完美主义的极端形式,应该被认为是类似自恋、强迫症、依赖性人格障碍和其他人格障碍的一种疾病,因为它与压抑和机能障碍相关联。”

[13] 他说:完美主义在四岁大的孩子身上就有明显表现。

[14] In an experiment in 1994, 30 four and five-year-olds

were asked questions tapping perfectionism levels, including

"How would you like to be perfect?”.

[15] They were also given a computer task that was rigged

not to work.

[16]Highly perfectionist children showed greater signs of

extreme distress, such as elevated anger and anxiety, explains

Professor Flett.

[14] 在1994年的一个实验中,30个4至5岁的孩子被问及一些测试完美主义等级的问题,其中包括“你想要如何使自己完美?”

[15] 他们还被安排去完成一个被设定为不能完成的计算机任务。

[16] 高度完美主义的孩子表现出了更多极端苦恼的征兆,比如极大的愤怒和焦虑,Flett教授解释到。

[17 ] He says that perfectionists reveal themselves in three

distinct ways: first a" self-promotion" style, that involves attempts

to impress others by bragging or displaying one's perfection( this

type is easy to spot because they often irritate other people );

second, by shunning situations in which they might display their

perfection( common even in young children); and third, a

tendency to keep problems to oneself including an inability to

admit failure to others)

Perfectionist Boss

[17] 他说完美主义者有三个方面的明显表现:第一,“自我升级”类。这类人试图通过自夸或者表现自身的完美来给别人留下好的印象(这类人比较容易辨别,因为他们常常惹怒别人);第二,避免表现出他们不完美方面的情况(在孩子中也常见);第三,把问题留给自己的倾向(包括无法向别人承认自己的失败)。


[18] British psychologist Dr. Penelope Johnson said

perfectionism was based on an unrealistic view of life (4) She said:

" I think it's part of a general stress problem and that the

perfectionist is a highly stressed person and I would prefer to

tackle the stress overall, rather than perfectionism by itself. [18]

英国心理学家Penelope Johnson博士认为完美主义源于不现实的生


[19] Dr. Johnson says it is difficult to work for a perfectionist

boss because they have unrealistic and unreasonable

expectations of employees

[20] She says the way to deal with a perfectionist boss is to

question whether their demands are really reasonable and

negotiate with them without becoming us or flustered

[21] Psychologist Professor Stephen Palmer of London's City

University says

[22] He said "I get them to see the pros and cons of their

behaviour. They have to recognise their thinking and where

they’re going wrong

[23] “We help them manageable

[24] He is also opposed to classifying perfectionism as an

illness in its own right

[25] He said "As soon as you make it a disorder or personality

aspect, people think 'I can’t change my personality’ “

[26](5)"I would much rather focus on their way of thinking,

not their personality. Changing their thinking will change their


[19] Johnson博士认为:为完美主义老板工作很难,因为他们对雇员有不现实且不可理喻的期望。

[20] 她建议对付完美主义老板的方法是要质疑他们的要求是否真的合理,同时不慌不忙的和老板们进行交涉。

[21] 伦敦城市大学的心理学教授Stephen Palmer认为完美主义者是可以治疗的。

[22] 他说:“我让他们看到他们行为的好处和坏处。他们必须去认识自己的想法并且意识到错在哪里了。”

[23] “我们帮助他们去修正他们的态度,从而使这些的态度更加容易驾驭。”

[24] 同时他不赞成因完美主义自身表现出的问题而将其归类为一种疾病。

[25] 他说:“一旦你把它当成一种病或者性格方面的问题,人们就会认为“我不能改变我的性格。”

[26] “我更愿意关注他们的思维方式,而不是他们的性格。改变他们的思维就能改变他们的行为。”

The Age of Show Business(娱乐业时代)

[1]A dedicated graduate student I know returned to his small

apartment the night before a major examination only to discover

that his solitary lamp was broken beyond repair. After a whiff of

panic, he was able to restore both his equanimity and his chances

for a satisfactory grade by turning on the television set, turning

off the sound, and with his back to the set, using its light to read

important passages on which he was to be tested this is one use

of television -as a source of illuminating the

[1] 我认识的一位研究生,他很用功。一次重要考试的前夜,他回到了自己的小公寓准备再复习一下时,结果却发现,他惟一的一盏电灯坏了,修也修不好。片刻惊慌之后,他恢复了平静,也为取得满意的成绩


[2]I bring forward this quixotic use of television to ridicule

the hope harbored by some

that television can be used to support the literate tradition.

Such a hope represents

exactly what Marshall McLuhan used to call “rearview

mirror”thinking:the assumption that a new medium is merely an

extension or amplification of an older one; that an automobile,

for example, is only a fast horse, or an electric light, a powerful

candle. To make such a mistake in the matter at hand is to

misconstrue entirely how television redefines the meaning of

public sion does not extend or amplify literate

culture. It

attacks it.



[3]What is television? What kinds of conversations does it

permit? What are the intellectual tendencies it encourages? What

sort of culture does it produce?


[4]These are the questions confusion, ...and to approach

them with a minimum of confusion, I must begin by making a

distinction between a technology and a medium. We might say

that a technology is to a medium as the brain is to the mind. Like

the brain, a technology is a physical apparatus. Like the mind

medium is a use to which a physical apparatus is put. A

technology becomes a medium as it employs a particular

symbolic code, as it finds its place

in a particular social setting, as it insinuates itself into

economic and political contexts.

A technology, in other words, is merely a machine. A medium

is the social and intellectual environment a machine creates.



[5]Of course, like the brain itself, every technology has an

inherent has within its physical form a predisposition

toward being used in certain ways and not others. Only those

who know nothing of the history of technology believe that a

technology is entirely neutral. Each technology has an agenda of

its own. The technology of television has a bias. It is conceivable

to use television as a lamp, a surface for texts a bookcase. even

as radio. But

it has not been so used and will not be so used, at least in

America. Thus, in answering the question, what television? We

must understand as a first point that we are not talking about

television as a technology but television as a medium.



[6] There are many places in the world where television,

though the same technology as it is in America, is an entirely

different medium from that we know .I refer to places where the

majority of people do have only one; where only one station is

available; where television does not operate around the clock;

where most programs have as their purpose the direct

furtherance of government ideology and policy; where

commercials are unknown, and "talking heads" are the principal

image; where television is mostly used as if it were radio. For

these reasons and more television will not have the same

meaning or power as it does in America, which is to say, it is

possible for a technology to be so used that its

potentialities are prevented from developing and its social

consequences kept to a minimum. [6]全球有许多地方,虽拥有与美国相同的电视技术,但作为媒介的电视却是完全不同。这些地方的人们



[7]But in America, this has not been the case. Television has

found in liberal democracy and

a relatively free market economy a nurturing climate in which

its full potentialities as a

technology of images could be exploited. One result of this

has been that American

television programs are in demand all over the

an television programs are in demand not because

America is loved but because American television is loved.


本文标签: 区域婚姻女性问题