


Essence of Education教育的本质

Robery W. Tracinki

1. The essence of education is the teaching of facts and reasoning

skills to our children, so that they learn to think.


2. Yet almost a century, our schools have been under assault by

an approach to education that elevates feelings over facts. Under the

influence of Progressive Education -- It is now more important than

getting him in touch with the facts of history, mathematics or



elevate v. to make more important or to improve

e.g. They want to elevate the status of teachers.

3. "Creative spelling"-- in which students are encouraged to

spell words in whatever way they feel is correct - is more important

than the rules of language. Urging children to "feel good" about

themselves is more important than ensuring that they acquire the

knowledge necessary for living successfully.“创造性的拼写”——鼓


4. This emotion-centered, anti-reason assault on education has

found a new ally: those who believe the literal words of the Bible. The

Kansas Board of Education has just excised the theory of evolution

from the state's official science standards. Several other states have

enacted similar anti-evolution policies, thereby elevating the feeling

of religious fundamentalists over the accumulated evidence of the

entire science of biology.这种以情绪为中心、反对理性的对教育的攻击已经找到了新的同盟军:那些相信圣经上文学词汇的人。堪萨斯州教育理事会刚刚推翻了该州官方科学标准中的进化论。几个其他的州已经颁布了相似的反对进化政策,从而将宗教原教旨的感受凌驾于整个生物科学所累积的证据之上。


Ally n. a person or organization that cooperates with or helps

another in a particular activity.

Excise v. to remove as if by cutting

e.g. The official censors have excised the controversial sections of

the report.

5. These policies do not actually ban the teaching of evolution,

nor do they mandate the teaching of “Creationism” ----biblical claim

that the Earth and all life on it were created in six days. They simply

drop evolution from the required curriculum. The goal of the

religious activities is to keep students ignorant of the theory of

evolution, or to encourage the teaching of evolution and Creationism

side-by-side, as two "competing" theories.这些政策实际上并不禁止教授进化论,他们也不命令教授特创论——圣经上说地球及其上的所有生命是在六天中被创造出来的。他们只是在必修课程中排除了进化论。宗教活动的目的是令学生对进化论的原理保持无知,或者是鼓励同时教授进化论和特创论,把他们作为两个相互竞争的理论。


Mandate v. To make mandatory, as by law; decree or require:


e.g. mandated desegregation of public schools.


.g. Our delegates have been mandated to vote against the proposal

at the conference.

n. A command or an authorization given by a political

electorate to its representative.


e.g. The President had a clear mandate to end the war.


e.g. After protracted consideration the national government had

decided to ask a mandate from the people.

国家政府经过长期考虑后, 决定征求民意。

6. Consider what this latter would mean in the classroom. On

the one side, teachers would present the theory of evolution,

supported by countless observations, all integrated into a

comprehensive explanation of virtually every fact in its field.考虑一下后一种做法在课堂上意味这什么吧。一方面,教师将呈现进化论的原理,一个被无数观察者所支持,整合了对领域内每一个方面解释的综合理论。

7. On the other side, teachers would present -- what? All that the

Creationist view offers is the assertion by would-be authorities that

an ancient religious text reveals that 10,000 years ago God created

the world in six days. 另一方面,教师将教授——什么?特创论信奉者的观点只是自诩为权威的人的断言,即一部古老的宗教书揭示了一万年以前上帝在六天中创造了世界。


would-be: wanting or trying to be 想要成为,自称自诩。

e.g. Hollywood was full of would-be starlets.


8. Some of these religious activists claim that they reject the

teaching of evolution because it is "unproven," since it lacks

"sufficient evidence."一些宗教激进分子宣称他们反对教授进化论,因为它“未经证明”,由于它缺乏“充分的证据”

9. Yet their arguments systematically reject the need for proof

and evidence. Scientists can point to a billion-year-long fossil record

of continuous changes across a11 species as they develop from

more-primitive to present-day forms. They can point to the natural

variations among members of a species, variations that change from

one climate to another as species adapt to their environment. But the

Creationist categorically dismisses the evidence - because it

contradicts biblical dogma.然而,他们的论点恰好系统地反对检验和证据的需要。科学家们能够指出一百万年以来的化石记录,它记载了所有物种从原始形态发展到今天的形态的持续变化。他们能够指出在中物种成员之间的自然变异,这些为适应环境、随气候的变化而发生的变异。但是特创论的信奉者明确的拒绝这样的证据,因为它与圣经教义相悖。


Categorically adv. 绝对地, 明确地,

e.g. One interesting fact is that even people who state categorically

they do not believe in mind over matter have themselves been

cured by using a placebo.



dogma n. An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas

or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.


e.g. “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the

stormy present”(Abraham Lincoln)


e.g. This is a action born of dogma rather than good sense.

10. The central issue is not whether there is enough scientific

evidence to validate a particular conclusion - but whether science as

such, rather than faith, is the basis for arriving at conclusions. There

can be no scientific debate between these two positions. There can be

no rational argument between a view that rests on observation and

reason, and one that rests on blind faith - i.e., on its adherents' desire

to believe something, irrespective of logic. 中心问题不在于是否有足够的科学证据来证实某个特定的结论-而在于科学本身而非信仰,是否是得到结论的基础。在这两种立场之间不可能有科学的辩论。一中观点依靠观察和推理,另一种观点依靠盲目的信仰-即依靠追随者相信某件事的渴望而不考虑逻辑,在这两种观点之间不可能有理性的争论。

Validate vt. 证实; 证明正确 使生效, 使有法律效力; 批准, 确认

e.g. validate a passport 使护照生效(在护照上签字)

Time validated our suspicion. 时间证实了我们的怀疑。

as such:表示上文所指明的事或人..;本身

e.g. He is a child, and must be treated as such.


adherent n. 追随者, 拥护者, 信徒; 胶粘体

e.g. the adherents of materialism 唯物主义拥护者

adherent to the Communist Party 共产党拥护者

11. If the Creationist approach were taken seriously, what would

remain of education? If evidence and reasoning are to be "balanced"

by faith or feeling - what, then, would not belong in the curriculum?

Even the theory that the Earth is flat has proponents who feel it is

true. More to the point, what is to stop teachers from presenting any

other nonrational view of the origin of man? Why not give equal time

to, say, the Nazi claim the white race descended from the superior


to the point:Concerning or with relevance to the matter at hand:


e.g. remarks that were to the point; 和本题相关的话;

rambled and would not speak to the point.


Aryan n. 亚利安语

亚利安人 (在纳粹德国指犹太人以外的白种人, 尤指北欧的)

12. The most ominous implication of the Creationist position is

its belief that, in judging the truth of an idea, one can simply ignore

rational evidence - if it clashes with one's desire to believe otherwise.

This is a disastrous methodology to inculcate in our children - and it

is even more dangerous to back it up with the ruling of a government

body. 特创论立场最坏的暗示是它相信在判断一个想法的真实性时,一个人完全可以忽视理性的证据-只要它与一个人相信其他事情的愿望相冲突。把这样的方法论灌输给我们孩子是灾难性的-而用政府组织的统治来支持这种观点则更加危险。

Inculcate v 1) To impress (something) upon the mind of another

by frequent instruction or repetition; instill:


e.g. inculcating sound principles. 反复灌输正确的原则

2) To teach (others) by frequent instruction or

repetition; indoctrinate: 谆谆教诲:通过不断的说明或重复来教育(别人);教训:

e.g. inculcate the young with a sense of duty.


13. The crucial role of education is to provide young people

with the information and methods they need in order to learn how to

think independently. Education has liberated mankind from the

shackles of myth, superstition and unchallenged tradition. But the

prevailing trend - from both the "progressive left" and the "religious

right" -- is to reverse this development, by enshrining feeling over

facts and faith over reason. 教育的极其重要角色是为年轻人提供


14. If campaigns such as the one against teaching evolution are

allowed to succeed, the ultimate result will be the extinction of

genuine education. 如果类似一个反对教授进化论的运动被允许取得成功,最终的结果将是真正的教育的灭绝。

1. From the passage, we know that the genuine education is ___learning to think_____.

A. teaching of facts. B. teaching of reasoning skills.

C. learning to think. D. both A and B.

2. What does the Progressive Education emphasize ______?

A. facts B. feelings

C. the facts of history, mathematics or geography. D. facts and feelings

3. From the passage, what does the anti-evolution policies really mean_______?

A. they support the teaching of evolution

B. they support the teaching of “Creationism”---the biblical claim that the Earth and all life on it

were created in six days

C. they support not only the teaching of evolution, but also the teaching of “Creationism”---the

biblical claim that the Earth and all life on it were created in six days

D. they excise evolution from the required curriculum.

4. What is the purpose of religious activities_____?

A. to keep students ignorant of the theory of evolution.

B. to encourage the teaching of evolution and Creationism side-by-side, as two “competing”


C. to keep students knowing what is “Creationism”

D. to excise evolution from the required curriculum.

5. Why do the religious activists reject the teaching of evolution ____?

A. because evolution lacks “sufficient evidence.”

B. because religious activists dismiss the evidence.

C. because evolution contradicts biblical dogma

D. because the central issue is whether science as such, rather than faith, is the basis for arriving at


6. Which proof is not mentioned by Scientists who want to prove evolution is true_____?

A. billion-year-long fossil record of continuous changes across all species as they develop from

more-primitive to present-day forms

B. the natural variations among members of a species, variations that change from one climate to

another as species adapt to their environment

C. both A and B D. evolution lacks “sufficient evidence.”

7. There is no scientific debate between these two positions what does the author mean______?

A. science rests on observation and reason.

B. faith rests on blind faith.

C. the basis for arriving at conclusions is different between these two positions.

D. science is enough scientific evidence to validate a particular conclusion.

8. For arriving at conclusions, science rests on_________________________________.

9. The ominous implication of the creationist position is____________________________.

10. If a campaign which is against teaching evolution is allowed to succeed, it will cause



解析:定位原文第一段The essence of education is the teaching of facts and reasoning skills to

our children, so that they learn to think。


解析:定位原文第二段our schools have been under assault by an approach to education that

elevates feelings over facts.

Under the influence of Progressive Education – It is now more important than getting him in touch

with the facts of history, mathematics or geography.


解析:定位原文:第五段These policies do not actually ban the teaching of evolution, nor do they

mandate the teaching of “Creationism”-the biblical claim that the Earth and all life on it were

created in six days .They simply drop evolution from the required curriculum .


解析:定位原文:第五段The goal of the religious activities is to keep students ignorant of

the theory of evolution, or to encourage the teaching of evolution and Creationism side-by-side, as

two “competing” theories.


解析:第八段Some of these religious activists claim that they reject the teaching of evolution

because it is “unproven,” since it lacks “sufficient evidence.”第九段But the Creationist

categorically dismisses the evidence—because it contradicts biblical dogma.


解析:第九段Scientists can point to a billion-year-long fossil record of continuous changes across

all species as they develop from more-primitive to present-day forms. They can point to the

natural variations among members of a species, variations that change from one climate to another

as species adapt to their environment.


解析:第十段the central issue is not whether there is enough scientific evidence to validate a

particular conclusion-but whether science as such, rather than faith, is the basis for arriving at

conclusions, There can be no scientific debate between these two positions. There can be no

rational argument between a view that rests on observation and reason, and one that rests on blind

第八题:observation and reason

解析:第十段the central issue is not whether there is enough scientific evidence to validate a

particular conclusion-but whether science as such, rather than faith, is the basis for arriving at

conclusions, There can be no scientific debate between these two positions. There can be no

rational argument between a view that rests on observation and reason, and one that rests on blind

第九题:its belief that ,in judging the truth of an idea

或者judging the truth of an idea

解析:第十二段The most ominous implication of the creationist position is its belief that ,in

judging the truth of an idea

第十题:the extinction of genuine education

解析:If campaigns such as the one against teaching evolution are allowed to succeed , the

ultimate result will be the extinction of genuine education .

本文标签: 教育进化论教授观点