


Unit 22词汇笔记


1. ecology n. 生态(记) ecological adj.

eg. ecological balance.

2. consultant n.顾问(记) consult(熟)

3. a number of 大量的(注意与the number of区别)

4. reserve n.&v.(熟)

n. 保护区 natural reserve.


Don’t reserve your strength to work out.

Rooms should be reserved.

reservation n. 保留,预定

I’ll help you without reservation。

make a reservation. 预定房间

5. principle n.原则,原理(记忆)

lying is against my principle.

The principles of economics.

6. boycott n./v. (熟)联合抵制

We are asking people to boycott goods from companies that use child labour.


We put the production under a boycott.


7. corrupt (熟) corruption n.

adj. 贪污受贿的,腐败的,道德败坏的

corrupt officials accepting bribes


vt. 使腐败; 使堕落; 使腐烂 ,破坏。

vi. 堕落; 腐化; 腐烂

It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.


They can ensure that traditional cuisines are not totally corrupted by commercial practices.


Lesson 1.

1 beyond prep.(熟练) beyond one’s control


3. refer to (.(熟练)

4. in turn 依次,轮流,进而,反过来/take turns 依次,轮流/by turns

Overfishing will do harm to lives of the sea, which in turn ,will affect the ecological balance.

5. ray n. 光线 a ray of hope 一丝希望。

6. bounce v.(熟练)

n&v (记忆)

过去式: pinned 过去分词: pinned



v. 用针别住。Pin the papers together

pin the accident on me 将。。。归咎于。。。

pin the blame on me.

lture n. 农业 agricultural adj.

l adj. 联邦的

the Federal Bureau of Investigation


10. sacrifice v.(熟) 牺牲;

sacrifice sth. for sth./to do sth.

I’ll sacrifice my life for freedom/ to pursue freedom.

11. take action.采取行动 take steps/measures 采取措施

12. recycle vt 回收利用; 使再循环 vi. 重复利用

All glass bottles which can't be refilled can


It is printed on recycled paper. 它是用再生纸打印的。

recycling n. .a recycling scheme. 回收利用的计划

13. ahead of time/schedule 提前

lesson 2.

1. apart from prep. 除。。。之外。

Apart from the cost, the hat doesn’t suit me. = besides.

Apart from them, I have no one to talk to. = except.

2. the mainland. 大陆。(注意要加the.)

3. answer for 对(不好的事情)负责任, 为(不好的事情)付出代价

He must be made to

answer for

his terrible crimes.


You’ll answer for your rush and carelessness sooner or later.

4. seize vt. (熟)没收; 武力夺取,攻占;抓住,利用

seize all copies of today’s newspaper.

Seize power/the airport

Seize a thief/one’s hand/a chance.

注意: sb. be seized with sth 某人被(情绪,情感)影响

I’m seized with fear suddenly. 我感到一阵恐惧。

5. call for an end to sth.

6. or else= or conj. 否则,要不然。

The book must be here, or else/or you have lost it.

7. behalf n. 代表(熟)。注意跟behave区分。Behave vi.行为,举止 behavior n.

on behalf of prep. 代表

on sb ‘s behalf 代表某人

I’m here to give you a speech on behalf of my boss/on my boss’ behalf.

8. for good = never adv. 永远

9. carry off 掠去,夺走。

Lesson 3.


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