





Profit Patterns

The most important objective of companies is to create, develop and maintain one

or more competitive advantages in order to generate dividends for the shareholders.

For a long time, it was simply a question of dominating the market, either by costs or

by a policy of differentiation. As Michael Porter advised, it was essential to avoid

being “stuck in the middle”. This way of thinking set up competitive rivalry in a

closed world, and tended towards stability. This model is less and less relevant today

for whole sectors of the economy. We see a multitude of strategic movements which

defy the logic of the old system. “Profit Patterns” lists numerous strategies which

have joined the small number that we knew before. These patterns often combine to

give rise to strategic models which are better adapted to the new and changing needs

of the consumer.

Increasing the value of a company depends on its capacity to predict Value

migration from one economic sector to another or from one company to another has

unimaginable proportions, in particular because of the new phenomena that mass

investment and venture capital represent. The public is looking for companies that

will succeed in the future and bet on the winner.

Major of managers have a talent for recognizing development market trends There

are some changing and development trends in all business sectors. They can be

erected into models, thereby making it possible to acquire a technique for predicting

them. This consists of recognizing them in the actual economic context. This book

proposes thirty strategic prediction models divided into seven families. Predicting is

not enough: one still has to act in time! Managers analyze development trends in the

environment in order to identify opportunities. They then have to determine a

strategic plan for their company, and set up a system aligning the internal and external

organizational structure as a function of their objectives.

For most of the 20th century, mastering strategic evolution models was not a

determining factor, and formulas for success were fixed and relatively simple. In

industry, the basic model stated that profit was a function of relative market share.

Today, this rule is confronted with more and more contradictions: among car

manufacturers for example, where small companies like Toyota are more profitable

than General Motors and Ford. The highest rises in value have become the exclusive

right of the companies with the most efficient business designs. These upstart

companies have placed themselves in the profit zone of their sectors thanks, in part, to

their size, but also to their new way of doing business – exploiting new rules which

are sources of value creation. Among the new rules which define a good strategic plan


1. Strong orientation towards the customer

2. Internal decisions which are coherent with the overall activity, concerning the

products and services as well as the involvement in the different activities of the value


3. An efficient mechanism for value–capture.

4. A powerful source of differentiation and of strategic control, inspiring investor

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