



1. 头颅骨质未见异常The shape and the size of the skull are inner and

outer tables,and the diploe of the cranial vault are unremarkable,on the lateral

view ,the sizes,the shape and the density of the sella turcica are nothing

sion:plain films of the head are normal.2.头颅正常AP and lateral

views of the skull are submitted. The cavarium has normal configuration and

appearance. There is no evidence of fracture. The soft tissues are normal.

Impression: Normal skull.3.鼻旁窦炎症There is generalized haziness of the frontal,

ethmoid and bilateral maxillary sinuses. Findings are consistent with sinusitis.

Impression: Frontal,〔额窦〕ethmoid〔筛〕and maxillary 〔上颌〕sinusitis.4. 右膝关

节正常The bones and joints of the right knee are normal. There is no evidence of

fracture or subluxation. The soft tissues are normal. There is no joint

sion: Normal right knee.5.右膝退变The bones and joints of the right

knee are normal. Mild degenerative changes of the knee joint is present. There is no

evidence of fracture or subluxation. The soft tissues are normal. There is no joint

sion: Mild DJD of knee joint.6.左小腿蜂窝炎,〔软组织肿胀,无骨髓炎〕

There is mild degree of soft tissue swelling 10.9cm at the proximal anterior leg.

There is no evidence of adjacent bone abnormality. There is no evidence of

periosteal reaction. The fibular bone has normal configuration and appearance.

Impression: There is a focal 10.9cm length soft tissue swelling at the proximal

anterior leg adjacent to the tibia. The tibial bone has normal configuration with no

evidence of osteomyelitis. Findings are consistent with localized cellulitis.7.右侧胫骨

石膏固定中,位置可,和老片比较相似The right leg is in a plaster cast. There is oblique

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fracture of the right mid tibial shaft. There is mild callous formation across the

fracture line. The bone fragnments are in proper alignment. Comparison with

previous eximination of 4/19/2006 reveals no significant interval

sion: S/P fracture of the right mid tibial shaft. Callous formation is

present across the fracture line. There is no interval change from previous study

of 4/19/2006.8.右足正斜位正常The bones and joints of the right forefoot are normal.

There is no evidence of fracture or subluxation. The soft tissues are

sion: Normal right forefoot.9.正常左踝正侧位AP and lateral views of

the left ankle were obtained. The bones and joints of the ankle are normal. There is

no sion: Normal left ankle.10.右侧足背距骨和舟状骨之间退变The

bones and joints of the right fore foot are normal. Mild degenerative changes of the

talo-navicular joint is present. There is no evidence of fracture or subluxation. The

soft tissues are normal. Impression: Normal right fore foot. Mild DJD of

talo-naviculat joint.11.双侧足背斜位,拇外翻There is mild degree of hallux valgus

deformities of the both feet right and left. The bones and joints of the rest of the

feet are unremarkable. Soft tissues are within normal sion: 1. Mild right

hallux valgus bones and joints of bilateral elbows are normal. The

soft tissues are normal. There is no evidence of fracture or subluxation. Impression:

Normal elbows.13.右侧拇指正常The bones and joints of the right thumb are normal.

There is no evidence of fracture or subluxation. The soft tissues are normal.

Impression: Normal right thumb. 14.右肩关节正位正常The bones and joints of

the right shoulder are normal. There is no evidence of fracture or subluxation. The

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soft tissues are normal. Impression: Normal right shoulder.15.右腕正侧位正常The

bones and joints of the right wrist are normal. There is no evidence of fracture or

subluxation. The soft tissues are sion: Normal right wrist.16.双侧腕关

节〔右侧正常,左侧横行骨折,未移位〕There is a transverse non displaced fracture of the

left distal radial metaphysis region. The left wrist is normal in configuration and

appearance. The right distal forearm and right wrist are normal in appearance. Soft

tissues are within normal limits. Impression: Transverse non displaced fracture of

the left distal radial metaphysis. Right distal forearm and wrist are

bones and joints of the left hand are normal. There is no evidence of fracture or

subluxation. The soft tissues are normal. Impression: Normal left hand.18.正常锁

骨片〔左〕The left clavicle has normal configuration and appearance. The soft tissues

of the neck above the clavicle is normla in appearance. Scapular and left shoulder

joint are within normal evidence of soft tissue mass is demonstrated.

Impression: Normal left clavicle.19.左锁骨与肩胛骨AP views of the left shoulder and

scapula reveal normal bones and joints. There is no evidence of fracture or bone

abnormality. The soft tissues are normal. Impression: Normal left shoulder and

scapula.20.腹部立卧位正常片Supine and upright views of the abdomen are

submitted. The bowel gas pattern is normal. There is no evidence of intestinal

obstruction. There is no evidence of abnormal calcifications overlying the kidneys

or the pelvis. The osseous structures are normal. Impression: Normal abdomen.21.

腹部立位正常:The bowel gas pattern is normal. There is no evidence of abnormal

calcifications. The osseous structures are normal. Impression: Normal abdomen.22.

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腹部立位大便AP erect view of the abdomen reveal feces filled colon. There is no

evidence of abdominal mass or calcifications. The osseous structures are

sion: Feces impacted colon.23.颈椎增生性改变The alignment of

cervical vertebra is normal. Curve of the cervical vertebra exist〔disappear〕.

Narrowing of the intervertebal space between C? and c? is found. Slight

osteophytes are revealed at the posterior/anterior of C?-c?. There is no fracture

or dislocation.24.胸椎增生性改变The alignment of thoracic vertebra is normal. Curve

of the cervical vertebra exist〔disappear〕. Narrowing of the intervertebal space

between t? and t? is found. Slight osteophytes are revealed at the

posterior/anterior of t?-t?. There is no fracture or sion:

Hyperplasy changes of the thoracic vertebra.25.颈椎正常The alignment of cervical

vertebra is normal. Curve of the cervical vertebra exist. The intervertebal space

between the cervical vertebra is normal. No osteophytes are revealed at the

cervical vertebra sion: Normal of the cervical vertebra.26.胸椎正常The

alignment of thoracic vertebrae is normal. Curve of the thoracic vertebrae exist. The

intervertebal space between the thoracic vertebra is normal. No osteophytes are

revealed at the thoracic vertebra sion: Normal of the thoracic

vertebra.27.腰椎正常The alignment of lumbar vertebrae is normal. Curve of the

lumbar vertebrae exist. The intervertebal space between the lumbar vertebra is

normal. No osteophytes are revealed at the lumbar vertebra sion:

Normal of the lumbar vertebra.28.颈椎退行性变The alignment of cervical vertebra is

normal. Curve of the cervical vertebra disappear. Narrowing of the intervertebal

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space between C? and c?斜位片有椎间孔狭窄时:+These cause minimal narrowing

of the intervertebral foramina. Severe osteophytes are revealed at the

posterior/anterior of C?-c?There is no fracture or sion:

Degenerative of the cervical vertebra.29.腰椎退行性变The alignment of lumbar

vertebra is normal. Curve of the lumbar vertebra disappear. Narrowing of the

intervertebal space between l? and l?斜位片有椎间孔狭窄时:+These cause

minimal narrowing of the intervertebral foramina. Severe osteophytes are revealed

at the posterior/anterior of l?-l?There is no fracture or sion:

Degenerative of the lumbar vertebra.30.胸片正侧位正常PA and lateral views of the

chest were obtained. Both lung fields are well expanded. There is no evidence of

lung mass or infiltrate. Bilateral apices are normal. Bilateral pleural spaces are

normal. The cardiac contour is normal. The mediastinum and bilateral hila are

normal. Impression: Normal Chest 31. 胸片正位正常PA view of the chest was

obtained. Both lung fields are well is no evidence of lung mass or

infiltrate. Bilateral apices are normal. Bilateral pleural spaces are normal. The cardiac

contour is normal. The mediastinum and bilateral hila are normal. Impression:

Normal Chest32.胸片有钙化点无其它肺部疾病.PA view of the chest was obtained.

Both lung fields are well expanded. There is no evidence of lung mass or infiltrate. A

small calcified at the top of the right lung. Bilateral apices are normal. Bilateral

pleural spaces are normal. The cardiac contour is normal. The mediastinum and

bilateral hila are normal. Impression: Small calcified at the top of the right lung.

No acute lung disease. 33.胸部小结节.PA view of the chest was obtained. Both lung

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fields are well expanded. There is a small lung nodule 3mm size at the right mid

lung. Bilateral apices are normal. Bilateral pleural spaces are normal. The cardiac

contour is normal. The mediastinum and bilateral hila are normal. Impression: 3

mm nodule at right mid lung. Suggest comparison with old CXR to ensure stability,

otherwise suggest CT chest.34.两肺纹理增多,未见明显感染之征象.AP view of the

chest was obtained. Both lung fields are well is no evidence of lung

mass or infiltrate. Mild increase of lung markings are present. Bilateral apices are

normal. Bilateral pleural spaces are normal. The cardiac contour is normal. The

mediastinum and bilateral hila are normal. Impression: Mild increase of lung

markings. No focal infiltrate is seen.35.胸片侧位,肋骨骨折Bilateral lungs are normal.

The heart has normal size and contour. The mediastinum is normal. There is a

fracture of right 7thaxillary rib. Impression: 1. Lungs are normal.2. Fracture of

the right 7th axillary rib.36.胸部正侧位〔右隔抬高,原因待查〕PA and lateral views of the

chest were obtained. Both lung fields are well expanded. There is no evidence of

lung mass or infiltrate. Bilateral apices are normal. Bilateral pleural spaces are

normal. The cardiac contour is normal..There is elevation of right septumImpression:

There is elevation of right septum, suggest furthercheck up;37.心影稍增大〔胸片正位〕

PA view of the chest was obtained. Both lung fields are well is no

evidence of lung mass or infiltrate. Bilateral apices are normal. Bilateral pleural

spaces are normal. There is mild cardiomegaly. The mediastinum and bilateral hila

are normal. Impression: Mild cardiomegaly. Lungs are clear.38.左上肺陈旧性肺结

核PA and lateral views of the chest were obtained. Both lung fields are well

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expanded. There is fibro-calcific changes at left upper lobe. Bilateral apices are

normal. Bilateral pleural spaces are normal. The cardiac contour is normal. The

mediastinum and bilateral hila are sion: LUL post TB inflmmatory

residuals.39.两肺门增大,建议ct检查PA view of the chest was obtained. Both lung

fields are well expanded. There is mild increase of interstitial lung markings with

bilateral prominent hila. Bilateral apices are normal. Bilateral pleural spaces are

normal. The cardiac contour is normal. The mediastinum and bilateral hila are

sion: There is mild increase of interstitial lung markings with bilateral

prominent hila. Suggest CT chest.40.两肺纹理增多,左侧胸腔积液,心影中度扩大.PA and

lateral views of the chest were obtained. Both lung fields are well expanded. There

is mild increase of interstitial lung markings and Kerley-B lines at right lower lung.

There is increased haze at the LLL suggest pleural effusion. Bilateral apices are

normal. There is moderate cardiomegaly with large right atrium. The mediastinum

and bilateral hila are sion: Increased lung markings at lung

pleural effusion. Moderate cardiomegaly.41.肺感PA and lateral views of the chest

were obtained. Both lung fields are well expanded. There is diffuse interstitial

infiltrates at left lung/right lung/LUL?LLL/RUL/ral apices are normal.

Bilateral pleural spaces are normal. The cardiac contour is normal. The mediastinum

and bilateral hila are sion: Pneumonia of left lung/right

lung/LUL/LLL/RUL/RLL.42.心包积液PA and lateral views of the chest were obtained.

Both lung fields are well expanded. There is no evidence of lung mass or infiltrate.

Bilateral apices are normal. Bilateral pleural spaces are normal. The cardiac size is

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enlarged with " water bottle" appearance suggesting pericardial effusion. The

mediastinum and bilateral hila are normal. Impression: Enlarged heart with

"water bottle" appearance suggestive of pericardial effusion. No lung infiltrate is

seen.43.右上肺肉芽肿PA and lateral views of the chest were obtained. Both lung

fields are well expanded. There is no evidence of lung mass or infiltrate. Bilateral

apices are normal. Bilateral pleural spaces are normal. The cardiac contour is normal.

The mediastinum and bilateral hila are normal. A 3 mm granuloma is seen at RUL.

CXR. Impression: 3 mm granuloma at RUL. Suggest 6 month follow up44.正常骨盆

与两侧髋部The iliac bones are normal in configuration and appearance. Bilateral hip

joints are normal in appearance. There is no evidence of hip joint dysplasia. Bilateral

proximal femurs are normal in appearance. Soft tissues are normal. Impression:

Normal pelvis and bilateral hips.45.两侧髋部正常Frog lateral views of the hips are

submitted. Both acetabulum are normal in appearance. The femoral heads are

normal. There is no subluxation. Impression: Normal hips.46.右侧肋骨正常The right

ribs have normal configuration and appearance. There is no fracture. No pleural

effusion of the ipsilateral. Impression: Normal right ribs.47.第一趾骨骨折Right

1st toe:AP and obliques of the right 1st toe are submitted. There is a small avulsion

〔撕脱〕fracture at the medial base of the distal〔远侧的〕/ proximal<近侧的>

phalange The IP joint〔趾间关节〕 is normal. The soft tissues are normal.

Impression: Small avulsion fracture at the medial base of the distal phalange.48.左

侧第五蹠骨基底部撕脱性骨折There is a avulsion fracture at the base of the left 5th

matatarsal bone with adjacent soft tissue swelling. The rest of the left foot is normal.

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Impression: Avulsion fracture at base of the left 5th metatarsal bone.

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本文标签: 胸片骨折增大积液心影