









压力利弊英语作文 篇1

Stress can be a motivator. For example, if yourre stressed out

because you have a big assignment due, this may motivate you

to work on it and complete it. The stress can help you to put in

your very best effort. If youre afraid of losing your job, stress may

encourage you to raise your own standards and make

improvements you most likely would not have made without the

threat of is a disadvantage because it can

potentially raise your heart rate and weaken your immune system.

Also, it can be a factor in poor decision making because

under stress we may not think logically or consider the

consequences of the choices we we all experience

stress frequently in our daily lives, not everyone handles it in

positive ways. The key for us all is to learn what strategies and

behaviors help us to cope with stress in a postive g

a friend or family member wholl listen as you vent about the

stresses in your life is a much better way to handle tension than

isolating yourself and for a walk, listening to

music or doing something you enjoy are much better ways to

clear your mind than drinking, eating, smoking me the key

is realizing that some of the ways we choose to deal with stress

can make our situation worse than just weathering out the hectic

ing that we always have choices when dealing with

stress is the first key to making stress work for us and not against


压力利弊英语作文 篇2

As the saying goes: There is pressure to have power. If you

live, learn, there is no pressure in your work, where is the driving

force? As a student, we have a stronger. one. Face pressure with

a positive attitude. The pressure can be resistant, or it can

become dynamic, just see how you go face. Society is constant,

and people have retreats in it. Therefore, when they encounter

stress, sensible approach is to adopt a relatively active mentality,

just like human use of sunlight, although not 100 % Utilization,

but not allowing it to waste. The pressure is not as good as the

sun, and as a student, it is necessary to learn the driving force to

transform the pressure to what we need. two. Confidence.

Enhance confidence and improve pressure. It should strengthen

the training of willpower and courage, and cultivate yourself not

afraid of strong hands, dare to fight. A certain pressure is

harmless, it is like a flavor in life, put more, will affect the taste;

put less, taste it. When the pressure is flooding, the embankment

of the confidence is stationed, so that you will not be built. three.

Decompression should first solve the heart knot.

There is a little fallar, saying that there is a small bug likes to

pick up something, on the way it climbed, as long as it can touch

something, it will pick up, put it on the back. Finally, the small

bug was killed by the heavy object on the body. Therefore, we

must learn to pay, lightly installed. Four. I am grateful to the

pressure. Every footprint in life is overwhelmed. Without pressure,

our life may be another look. When we enjoy the fun of life, we

should have a grateful stress that we have made us headache.

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