


Unit 2 College Pressures

Key to Exercise II

1. scribbled 2. authentic 3. unswervingly

5. venerated 6. induce 7. intangible

9. visualize 10. sampled 11. exhilarated

13. exhorted 14. tenacity 15. pay-off

17. vacillated 18. furtively 19. symptomatic

21. contagious 22. reverse 23. juggled

25. circuitous 26. potent 27. positively

29. steer 30. drab

Key to Exercise III

1. jets 2. job 3. ever

5. catered 6. accused 7. volume

9. quality 10. matter 11. right

13. low 14. more 15. no

17. viable 18. traffic 19. jostling

21. result 22. some 23. hovering

25. business 26. invested 27. apart

29. time 30. In-flight 31. attention

33. accent 34. Regular 35. room

37. it 38. snatch 39. proved

41. improve 42. are 43. inevitable

45. there 46. to 47. process

49. attract 50. themselves 51. change

53. flight 54. practice 55. businessmen

57. thwart 58. passengers 59. But

Key to Exercise IV

A lot of the mental anguish of decision making

comes because we often worry in  factual vacuum. An

endless number of stewing can be avoided if we do

what all good executives  with a problem that can't

be settled: return it back for more data. A famous

university dean once said, "If I have a problem  has

to be faced at 3 o'clock next Tuesday, I refuse to

make a decision about it when Tuesday arrives. In the

meantime I concentrate on getting all the facts

that bear  the problem. And by Tuesday, if I've got

4. savored

8. dimension

12. accrue

16. synthesize

20. perceive

24. nurture

28. intertwined

4. Indeed

8. Too

12. need

16. specializing

20. created

24. background

28. list

32. lure

36. offered

40. aircraft

44. bearable

48. passengers

52. traveller

56. one

60. air

1 

2 a

3 amount

4 do

5 send

6 that

7 

8 until

9 

10 on

all the facts, the problem usually solves by itself. 11 by

But just gathering the facts won't solve hard 12 the

problems. "The problem in coming up to a firm and 13 up

clear-sighted decision," said and old veteran infantry 14 old

commander and now commandant of the National War 15 

College, "is not only  take possession of facts, but 16 to

 marshal them in good order. In the army, we train 17 to

our leaders to draw up  we call an Estimate of the 18 what

Situation. At first, they must know their objective. 19 At

Except you know what you want, you can't possibly 20 unless

decide how to get it. Second, we teach them to consider 21 

alternate means of attaining that objective. 22 alternative

Very rarely that a goal, military or any other, can 23 that

be realized in only one way. Next we line up  pros 24 the

and cons of each alternative, as far as we can see . 25 them

Then we choose the cause that appears most likely to 26 course

achieve the results we want. Furthermore that does 27 Furthermore

not guarantee success. But at least it allows us to 28 

decide as intelligent as the situation permits. It 29 intelligently

prevents us from going of on a half-baked hunch that 30 off

may turn out to be disastrous.

Key to Exercise V

1. I was really up the creek when I went into the department store and found that I had

no money with me.

2. Goods were piling up at the docks because the workers had gone on strike against

terrible working conditions.

3. As a member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party,

Huang was privy to many top state secrets.

4. People want their wages to catch up with the price hike.

5. Dialectical materialism and historical materialism can help us see things in


6. He asked the barber to thin out his thick hair.

7. In accordance with the requirements of a market economy, the State Council cut

back on the number of departments directly involved in economic management.

8. In his first speech at the Legislative Council the Chief Executive made much of

the role of high technology in economic development.

9. I cannot conceive of a blind man working as a radio sports commentator.

10. He should have retired long ago. Why does he still hang on to power?

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