



ut keys for Adobe Photoshop

+N or double-click Photoshop icon on。to open

"New" dialog box and create a new file.

+O or double-click Photoshop icon on。to open

"Open" dialog box and open an image file.

+ALT+O to open "Open As" dialog box and specify

the file format to open the file.

+W or CTRL+F4 to close the current image file.

+S to save the image file.

+SHIFT+S to save the image file with "Save As" n.

+SHIFT+P to display "Page Setup" dialog box for

page setup.

+P to print the current image file.

+K to open "Preferences" dialog box to set up

Photoshop environment.

+F4 or CTRL+Q to quit Photoshop 7.0 n.

+Z to undo the last editing n。and CTRL+SHIFT+Z

to redo the last editing n.

+Backspace to open "Fill" dialog box.

+X to cut the image.

+C to copy the image.

+V or F4 to paste the image.

+SHIFT+C to merge the copied layers.

+DELETE or CTRL+Backspace to fill the image or

selected area with the background color.

+SHIFT+L to execute "Auto Levels" ___.

+SHIFT+B to execute "Auto Contrast" ___.

+SHIFT+ALT+L to execute "Auto Color" command.

+T to perform free transform.

+L to open "Levels" ___.

+M to open "Curves" ___.

+B to open "Color Balance" dialog box to adjust the

image color balance.

+SHIFT+U to execute "Desaturate" command to ce

image ___.

+I to invert the image colors.

本文标签: 快捷键完整版